@reasoning logic,
What do we rely on then?
I think the idea is that when the sensual calculation of the broad masses has societal and cultural efficiencies in mind, and what else could justify it being done, there is a God to reinforce the conclusion.
Individual calculations would be inefficient.
The carrots and sticks come in afterwards.
If the sticks are less severe in our age it is merely because we can afford them to be and references to those of 2--3 thousand year old versions are by-the-by. The tribes described in the Bible could not have afforded an incarceration industry such as we have.
It was efficient to use a felon sentenced to death in such a way as to have the maximum deterrent effect on a bangs for bucks basis. And a quick, humane death in the terrible times of those days was considered a blessing by many.
The application of our standards to Biblical times, rl, is utterly ridiculous.