Nothing in that post has anything to do with marriage benefits... at all.
You make some ridiculous platitudes about equality but your entire premise is flawed. First of all, when two people marry they become one. The entire principle of marriage in the bible is equality.
Second, your assertions that these other acts aren't "equal" is fine as far as your opinion is concerned. However, my opinion is that homosexuality is not equal either. In nearly every scenario you have at least one partner who is taking advantage of any number of factors such as poor upbringing, poor genetics, weak mentality and/or a weak emotional state.
Now you may disagree with that, but the pedophiles would disagree with your assertion of the equality of their acts. They would argue that the age of consent is much too high and should be lowered. They would argue children are much more capable of making sexual decisions than you are giving them credit for. They would argue that the age of consent for thousands of years was much lower than where it is now. The incestuous couples would tell you that they're not talking about a father having sex with his 8 year old son but his adult son. They would tell you that a pair of 23 year old siblings are consenting adults and their marriage is just as equal as you are claiming your homosexual marriage is. They polygamists would all tell you that they were all consenting partners and adults as well and every wife in every marriage would tell you that they are all equal to one another.
So why is it that you get to force your opinion on those groups that YOU disagree with... but you get your panties in a wad when someone else attempts to force their opinion on you because they disagree with your lifestyle?