Yes, Rockhead, I have a rational point.
A poster, like most of the left wing, who likes to bloviate without giving any real evidence, indicated that President Bush had the lowest Presidential Job Approval ever. Like Cyclops and Occom Bill, who love to post absurdities which are approved by their left wing comintern, the statement is false. But leftwingers on these threads don't bother with truth.
Here is the truth;
Dr. Fred I. Greenstein( go ahead, just try to show he is a right wing Professor from Princeton--just try). wrote a book called:The Presidential Difference.
On P. 235 he gave the LOWEST presidential ratings ever achieved by US presidents since Roosevelt.
Here they are:
Bush I- 29%
President Bush Approval Ratings are currently at 33 or 34 %
And, R ockhead, you may know this already, even though the left wing tries to deny it, the lowest rating among those Presidents is the rating received by Truman when he was President. I hope that you know that now, in retrospect, Truman is considered one of the best Presidents of the Twentieth Century!