Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 01:43 pm
Gee, Spendius, do you think that the Pulitzer Prize committee made a mistake with Friedman? Have you read the book? I have several times. May I respectfully suggest that if you haven't read it that you try to do so?
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 01:45 pm
Who is Dick Fuld or Ann Harvey? Are we supposed to guess or is Ocome Bill just giving us a typical unsourced and undocumented piece of crap to read?
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 01:53 pm
Who is Dick Fuld or Ann Harvey? Are we supposed to guess or is Ocome Bill just giving us a typical unsourced and undocumented piece of crap to read?

You have a good point in that many A2k'ers can not back up their assertions and make little to no effort to form coherent arguments, however, anyone who does not know who Fuld and Harvey are is not paying attention. Please sir, do not make a mockery of your valid point with posts such as the above quote.

Thank You
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 03:20 pm
Gee, Spendius, do you think that the Pulitzer Prize committee made a mistake with Friedman? Have you read the book? I have several times. May I respectfully suggest that if you haven't read it that you try to do so

I've seen the guy interviewed on a good few occasions and in a lot of sound-bites. He was very persuasive. He enthralled Mrs Thatcher so we have an idea what his ideas are like when translated into action. 20 years to a credit crunch and "all hands on deck" as one of our leaders said. And her son was honoured by The Queen (holding her nose I should think) and became a multi-millionaire in a flash.

I read better literature than that. You can pick up Friedmanism at a swap-meet.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 07:00 pm
I didn't know he enthralled Mrs.Thatcher. Do you have a link? And as for the better literature you read, I think you are bluffing. I am betting you haven't read a book in years. If you had, you would certainly peruse items like the New York Times Book Section, which praised Friedman highly, But, of course, you have more knowledge of "literature" than the New York Times Book Section.

Let us see just how astute your literary taste is. What is your latest book which, of course, puts Friedman to shame?

Don't be shy or are you just bloviating? You probably don't know that Friedman serves as the New York Times' foreign affairs columnist. They put just anybody in that spot. Sure!!
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 07:04 pm
Well, who the hell is Dick Fuld and Ann Harvey? Does anyone know? Is she Obama's mistress? Answers please!
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 07:40 pm
SYNRON wrote:

Well, who the hell is Dick Fuld and Ann Harvey? Does anyone know? Is she Obama's mistress? Answers please!
This is what happens when moronic trolls comment on things they haven't read. What an idiot.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 08:23 pm
Oh, please all knowing and all seeing Ocome Bill, Tell us who Dick Fuld and Ann Harvey are and I'll tell you who Raila Odinga, Keith Kagugawa and FrankMarshall Davis are.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 08:24 pm
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 08:31 pm
Yes, good advice, Dlowan, The Ignore button, But,you see, he really can't avoid the temptation of seeing how I eviscerate his arguments. I have urged that Cyclo, Nimh andOcome Bill all use the ignore button so they can't see how I take their idiotic arguments apart. I do hope that you too use the ignore button.

By the way, you really shouldn't smoke. It is bad for your health!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 09:02 pm
dlowan wrote:
Mostly. Wink Sometimes I feel like kicking the would-be-bully cowards. That's why I still see the rapist's posts too.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 09:14 pm
note taken to add delusions of grandeur to your inventory of personality flaws.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 03:52 am
I am betting you haven't read a book in years.

You would lose that bet. Comprehensively.

But we are at cross purposes. I assumed you meant Milton Friedman and now I realise you meant Thomas Friedman. Apologies.

I don't see the NYT BS . I read Books in the Sunday Times of London. So it is impossible for me to say that I know more literature than they do. Or less. Which literature anyway. Newspaper books sections are in cahoots with the book industry. Often intimately. So I don't take them too seriously. And the same goes for foreign affairs. And financial matters. Etc.

I am permanently reading Spengler. I have two books on the go at the moment. The Man Shakespeare by Frank Harris and a life of Sarah Bernhardt. I also treat Mr Harris's My Life and Loves as a constant dipper. Veblen I know inside out.

I have a library old boy.

I would imagine that the NYT puts in "that spot" someone they think knows where the clitoris of their target audience is located.

I smoke and drink too.

Robert Gentel
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 10:37 am
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:
I'm not a fan of golden parachutes, but one of the big reasons they exist is so that the guys at the top don't make decisions that are bad for the company out of personal concerns.

Now you are saying that they should have to decide whether or not to accept the personal losses in order to accept the changes that everyone needs them to?

That's just stupid and that's why trying so hard to crucify them is a dangerous distraction.

Exactly what we don't need right now...

Now Wall Street may shun $700bn bail-out

Fears are mounting that many Wall Street banks and financial firms will refuse to participate in the US government's $700bn bail-out package, leaving global markets and world economies in a perilous state for months to come.

'There is a growing feeling that banks ... might instead decide to tough it out,' said Thomas Caldwell, chairman and CEO of Caldwell Financial, a $1bn-plus fund manager.

One of the least attractive elements is a section designed to curb executive pay at banks that participate in the bail-out package. These include limiting stock-related pay and banning 'golden parachutes' for executives.

'I think this hodge-podge of regulations and rules will be enough to put many [chief executives] off participating,' Caldwell said.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 11:43 am
@Robert Gentel,
'I think this hodge-podge of regulations and rules will be enough to put many [chief executives] off participating,' Caldwell said.

Do you think that a bad thing Bob? My Auntie Phyllis could run a bank better than that lot. Growth might have been slower but she wouldn't have turned us all inside out. One might go into bat for crack cocaine on the benefits of the short buzz.

Robert Gentel
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 11:50 am
If you subscribe to the notion that the bailout is necessary to avoid more generalized economic hardship I'd say it's a bad thing.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 11:54 am
@Robert Gentel,
I don't know if it is necessary. Our elected leaders talk and are acting as if it is very necessary and I can't really see anybody else to trust unless democracy is a dead loss.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 01:56 pm
Well, You are a gentleman and at least have the courage and integrity to apologize. When I make mistakes, I think it is well to apoligize. I am happy to hear that there are people who still read. I own 2,300 books,most of which I have picked up at book sales at a twentieth of their original price.

Spengler? You must be very highly educated. I have owned a two volume set of "Der Untergang Des Abendlandes" but I confess that I do not have the desire to look up all of the esoteric terms he uses to make his arguments. It would appear that to understand Spengler,one would need a very very strong backround in Philosophy, Ancient History, Archeology and Philology. I am much more comfortable with Toynbee although he too is difficult for me.

I have gleaned one idea from Spengler. He was, of course, writing in 1919 but he was foresighted enough to suggest that China would become one of the world's leading countries.

I know nothing about Frank Harris's book but have heard of it. I am in complete argeement with one of our premier literary critis in the USA,namely, DrDr, Harold Bloom, that Shakespeare is the center of the Canon. I see three or four Shakespeare plays each year.

Cheers- Spendius. Here in the US book sellers say that 10% of the population purchase 90% of the books. With the tube, I-pods, etc. that will soon drop lower.

I am convinced that the majority of the US population is no where near the level of the majority of most Euopean Countries with regard to literacy. That is why they are so taken with Movie Stars and Celebreties. When I was in Florence, Italy, several years ago, I was astonished that many people could quote lines from Dante. Try that in the US on Shakespeare. You may get a mangled repetition of a few lines from the one of the soliloquies--"To be--etc. but never much more.

Cheers- Spendius. If you learn more from Spengler, let me know. So far, he is beyond my reach!

Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 03:10 pm
Don't think I fully understand Spengler. Far from it. He writes beautifully if the translation is anything to go by. That counts a lot for me. People who have mastered expression, or got close might be better, must have high intelligence. It is astounding to imagine a blank piece of paper and then see something like Mr Tambourine Man appear on it.

Your appreciation of Shakespeare will explode if you read Frank Harris. And of all other literary works.

On the liner notes of John Wesley Harding Dylan makes play with a Frank. He's the key. I like to think it's Mr Harris. It is likely that a young Dylan had read My Life and Loves from the company he kept before he became famous. I read it at 19. There was a long waiting list and the book was in bits when my turn came. The "who has the prettiest pussy" scene was most thumbed. And that crack about "her" sex lips parting when she heard the sound of my voice gives you an idea of how good at bragging the guy was. What a guy. "Your awkwarness excites me my dear," he claimed to have remarked when a new conquest tripped over her corset and apologised to him as he lay under the sheets. Henry Miller said that he wore no underwear.

It's pub time. I can talk about FH all year and then some.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 03:28 pm
My appreciation of Shakespeare will never explode, Spendius. And I really don't care who wrote the lines. I agree with Dr. Bloom that:

"Shakespeare's command of language.although overwhelming,is not unique and is capable of imitation..The particular magnificence of Shakespeare is in his power of representation of human character and their personality and their mutabilities"

If you wish, you may substitute any name you want, for Shakespeare. I may not agree that he was not the writer of the plays but I do agree with Bloom's characterization above. I have read some of Shakespeare's plays several times-I have read Hamlet over ten times and everytime I read that play,I am overwhelmed.

I will get Frank Harris on your recommendation,Spendius.

You do mention Henry Miller. I read him in my youth, looking for all the salacious parts,of course and re-read him recently. I find him tiresome and repetetive.

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