Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 09:14 pm
Idiot spelled backwards is tiodi,

Do you have a point , or are you still filibustering common sense?

Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 09:23 pm
SYNRON wrote:

It is not done tanking, you are correct, but it will never reach 22% as Truman's did. Do you know how to read? You intimate that I am a Bushguy. What is a Bushguy? Do you know? You don't know very much. Why don't you respond to the totality of my post or are you unable to do so?


Survey Dates Approve Disapprove
CBS 9/27-30/08 22 --- 70
ABC/Washington Post 9/27-29/08 26 70
Time LV 9/26-29/08 23 73
USA Today/Gallup 9/26-27/08 27 69
CBS/New York Times 9/21-24/08 26 66
FOX/Opinion Dynamics RV 9/22-23/08 26 66
L.A. Times/Bloomberg 9/19-22/08 27 67
NBC/Wall Street Journal RV 9/19-22/08 30 65
CNN/Opinion Research 9/19-21/08 31 68
CBS/New York Times 9/12-16/08 27 68
Gallup 9/8-11/08 31 65

10 polls in the last month, all below the 33% you claimed it was at. And it reached 22 which you claimed it NEVER would reach.
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 09:28 pm
If you check; that's not even the first time it hit 22. The troll is an idiot.
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 09:50 pm
Even if it did hit 22, Imbecile. That is the same rating that Harry Truman had in 1952. And you know how he is rated now, Or do you? Facts that don't fit your left wing world are not included are they? Or do you wish to hold that President Truman is not considered a great president in retrospect. You, of course, since you are ocome Bill, know how History views all Presidents. You, I am sure, think Ronald Reagan is viewed as deficient by Presidential Historians. You, I am sure, think that JIMMY Carter, the peanut man, was not the worst president since FDR, IN ECONOMIC TERMS. Are you so retarded in your reading that you do not know what the Misery Index is? It is the combined index of Inflation and Unemployment. Of course, no left winger like you will admit that in those terms, Carter was an incredibly poor President.

Why don't you do some reading before your ignorance explodes all over these threads.

I am sure that you do not know that the compilers of most of those ratings on Polling report have sold out to Obama. Get Real. The Media is in Obama's lap and they will report anything that will rebound to Obama's advantage. but no matter what Obama does-even if he becomes president-for me he will be nothing but a punk from the South Side of Chicago who sold his soul to corruption as presented by Ayers and Rezko. I am sure that you know nothing about that( and you don't want to know)
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 09:58 pm
CBS??? What a laugh. There are more minorities in that organization than on the South Side of Chicago/ You certainly don't mean the sleaze buckets who,in order to gain viewers, engineered the Janet Jackson breast showing? We all know how much integrity there is in that outfit.
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 10:12 pm
But, no matter what the evidence is and no matter what future historians will write, the left wing insists that the major media are fair and equitable. Just like CBS's Dan Rather who made a PITIFUL attempt to malign George W. Bush and was let go because the CBS big wigs did not want to take the heat. Do you really believe CBS is not biased? In 2006, the truthful CBS morons ran ads which accused President Bush of rolling back the protections against Arsenic in the drinking water. Except that there was no rollback.

You cite CBS? CBS is in the pocket of the left wing. When Gore, the man from "love story" ran for office, he famously declared that he had invented the Internet. Yet CBS mentioned it only ONCE and only when they were trying to explain that Gore's race was being "dominated by trivia".

And, you think the findings of the CBS morons is accurate?

Get Real!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 10:14 pm
Ypu did not include Rasmussen Reports--Why not?
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 10:14 pm
You did not include Rasmussen Reports--Why not?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 10:14 pm
You did not include Rasmussen Reports--Why not?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 11:05 pm$file/ombd-possums-p1070982.jpg
Synron and barackman
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 12:54 am
SYNRON wrote:

... it will never reach 22% as Truman's did. Do you know how to read?

Robert demonstrates his idiocy.
SYNRON wrote:

Even if it did hit 22, Imbecile.

Idiot continues idiocy.
SYNRON wrote:
Why don't you do some reading before your ignorance explodes all over these threads.

It seems Idiot should heed his own advice.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 06:24 am
SYNRON wrote:

Ypu did not include Rasmussen Reports--Why not?

My source

Rassmussen is not the only poll out there. Nor did Rasmussen exist as a polling agency when Truman hit 22%. It would be rather silly to restrict your polling to Rasmussen when comparing Bush's numbers to Truman's.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 06:27 am
SYNRON wrote:

CBS??? What a laugh. There are more minorities in that organization than on the South Side of Chicago/ You certainly don't mean the sleaze buckets who,in order to gain viewers, engineered the Janet Jackson breast showing? We all know how much integrity there is in that outfit.

I think your statement says it all about how bereft your argument is of any intelligence.

CBS commissioned the poll, they did not conduct it. Why does it matter how many minorities there are at CBS unless you are appealing to racist sentiments in your argument?

On second thought your argument is bereft of integrity as well as intelligence.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 10:36 am
You are the idiot. When someone commissions a poll, the poll takers are well aware of what is wanted by CBS or NBC or any of the media which worship the minorities because of classic Liberal guilt. You , paradox are the person who is lacking in integrity since you are backing a man who has consorted with criminals all through his political life. Please don't be so stupid as to tell me that you have not heard or Rezko, Ayers, Rev. Wright, Mayor Daley, Farrakhan( What, you didn't know that Obama, the one who will unite the people, went on the million man march?). He is a race carder who will toss millions to his cronies to distribute to the lazy welfare crowd.

Like most people who cannot respond to an argument, you have NOTHING to say about my evidence concerning CBS?

I will jam it to you again----

l. The lying slugs at CBS, who are really no better than partisan left wing pimps, lied when the showed an ad stating that President Bush tried to "roll back protections against Arsenic in the drinking water".

There was no such rollback/

Do you really give credence to an organization which is so partisan as to accept and diseminate lies?

Do you really think that a media force which hired and allowed Dan(scumbag) Rather to tell lies from "forged" sources about President Bush, has any credence at all? Do you really think they would give the truth since they allowed bogus character assination based on lies to be aired?

Do you really think that a news source like CBS, which announced EIGHTEEN times that the polls were closed in Florida during the last hour the polls were still open(2000) is not a total Democratic whore?

You can put your trust in CBS, but I don't, partly for the reasons mentioned above, which you, with all of your meaningless bluster cannot rebut since those are truths.

But, I will wait for the election of Obama., There, in living color, CBS will preside at the coronation of Barackkk and Michelle, giving each other, no doubt. a fist. That really shows where the scum come from!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 01:01 pm

Posted: 4:34 am
October 4, 2008

While fat cats at the bankrupted Lehman Brothers made multimillion-dollar salaries driving the company into the ground, lower-level employees have been told their severance packages have just been yanked.

Ann Harvey, 45, of Staten Island, said she received a letter in the mail Wednesday informing her that the company had cut her off as of yesterday.

"This is terrible," she said. "I could lose my home. I can't pay my mortgage while I'm on unemployment."

Harvey, who worked as a telecommunications analyst for Lehman Brothers for 16 years, was let go in March.

In a one-page letter dated Sept. 30, Lehman told workers that it "unfortunately [was] no longer able to provide the salary continuation or other benefits" because it had declared bankruptcy.

"As a result, you will not receive a payment on October 3, 2008 or thereafter," the letter states.

While Harvey and scores of other former employees worry about how they will pay their bills, former Lehman Brothers CEO Dick Fuld received a total compensation package of $71.9 million last year.

"I've worked hard my whole life," said Harvey. "This is a real kick in the behind. It's not fair."

Harvey, who made an annual salary of $65,000, said she signed paperwork entitling her to the severance package, which promised her a paycheck every two weeks and health insurance for 13 months ending in April 2009.

The letter also states that workers can pay - about $70 a month in Harvey's case - in order to keep their medical and dental coverage.

"I have been unable to find a job," she said. "I can't live on the $405 a week that unemployment will give me. I can't even afford the medical benefits."

72 million for the boss who ran the place into the ground.

Nothing for the hard workers in the company, who did not drive the company into the ground.

How can anyone assert that there is no problem with this situation? It is plainly obvious that executives have twisted the situation to their complete advantage and that there are little to no protections for anyone beneath them...

Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 01:12 pm
Nature red in tooth and claw Cyclo. I understood you are in favour. What's with the hand-wringing for the losers? It's a basic evolutionary principle that the weakest go to the wall.

Won't the kids get all confused if you teach them evolution theory in biology class and then start hand-wringing over the losers in Civics?

Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 01:14 pm
Time for a revolution of the Proletariet. Shall we call in the resident Crypto-Communist, Nimh?

I don't think that Cyclops ever heard of the word-Creative Destruction. It means that not all jobs last forever because of technological change. I don't know whether Friedman is allowed in the Berkelian paradise( is he on the proscribed list) but if he is, Cyclops should put down the latest issue of the "Nation" and turn his attention to the "World is Flat" where Friedman patiently explains why there are going to be job losses and new technologies which take up those who are ready and educated.

I think Cyclops believes in stasis!
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 01:17 pm

You'll have a milk on any udder by the look of it.

Nice work if you can get it. Don't think I disapprove. Don't run for office though. We don't wish to put you through what Mrs Palin is doing when you're a strict, scientific, evolutionist, Christian bleeding heart.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 01:23 pm
Friedman patiently explains why there are going to be job losses and new technologies which take up those who are ready and educated.

Pol Pot might have said that.
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 01:34 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
It is plainly obvious that executives have twisted the situation to their complete advantage and that there are little to no protections for anyone beneath them...
Huh? Neither you nor your article have made that plainly obvious. Did Ann Harvey not get paid last year too? Or is Dick Fuld getting paid severance or other benefits on October 3, 2008 or thereafter? Your article juxtaposes last year in his case with this year in hers. How does that make any sense and just what is it supposed to prove?

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