I think you have some trouble with the English language.
How does "attacking" Bill improve matters?
What matters are you talking about? I am calling Occom Bill out for his cowardice. Now, You and Occom Bill may feel that any position which does not dovetail with yours precisely is an "attack". At the top right hand side of my screen, it states--"Discussions"--DEFINITION-Consideration or examination by argument--debate.
Debate--a contest in which the affirmative and negative sides of a question are advocated by opposing speakers.
It is not a mutual "butt-kissing" fiesta in which a bunch of old ladies gather to gossip--or at least should not be.
You say--"How does it improve matters or shed any more light on things"? What things are you talking about. Make a post which improves matters or sheds light on things.
The sometimes silly Cicerone Imposter, who goes off half cocked most of the time, made a reference to the lowest Presidential Job Approval Rating.
I posted EVIDENCE to show that he was wrong.
That is what I call shedding light on things. What do you call it?
Bill is restraining himself?
Poor Bill. All he has to do is to push the ignore button and he won't have to restrain himself, but he may want to peek once in a while to see if I am showing his ignorance.
Unwarranted Friction? Have you been cloistered? Do you think that a debate is "unwarranted friction"? It is if the only thing you are interested in seeing on these theads is mutual "butt kissing".
Get with it, Ragman. Post something that will attempt to improve matters or shed light on things. If my posts annoy you, push the ignore button. I am not afraid to read any poster and am certain that I can converse or, if necessary debate with them.