@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:Other than suggesting that American workers need to work for less money while CEOs need to work for more money, what plan do you have to strengthen our economy and prevent further erosion of the middle class?
Nobody's suggesting that CEOs should make more money and the middle class less. This is the insipid classism we have been criticizing, we don't need to be on the side of any one class and the "us vs. them" idiocy is what I find so stupid and ugly. It reduces discussion about how to make things better for all to class conflict.
None of us here are on the side of CEOs vs. the working class. And I've given my suggestions for helping the middle class more already: I want to see the US invest
heavily in education, technology, and R&D.
With service economies the greatest national resource is the human resource. To improve the American middle classes stake in the global pie they need to become more competitive, and competition isn't just about price but the relationship of value to the price.
I'd like to see universal higher education for Americans. Much poorer countries can do it, and there's no reason the US shouldn't be investing as heavily in its most important resource: the people.