I'm going to offer you a tip, H20, that I think will clear up a lot of your confusion and alter the manner in which you use A2K from here on out.
When you hit "reply," the text box in which you then type is not some sort of "magical truth converter." Like, you can't just type in a bunch of bullshit, post it, and then expect it to come true. That's not how it works.
Check it out: the Beatles are getting back together. I just typed that and posted it. And you'll see that the Beatles will not, in fact, get back together.
Same goes for posts where you simply say something like, "McCain is going to be the next President," or "Palin is qualified to manage a K Mart." Posting that over and over will not help their ticket. This isn't like Purgatory, where you can get someone into heaven by saying enough prayers for him.
I'm not trying to insult you here, but I think even Palaeolithic man came to understand that painting a buffalo on the inside of a cave would not actually cause one to appear.