Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 02:26 pm
Lefties would have been all up in arms over it if a female Democrat candidate had used the lipstick and bulldog joke followed by a media storm referring to the joke and then, shortly after, while discussing her campaign, her Republican opponent used the lipstick on a pig metaphor. Please show some intellectual honesty and admit what I am saying is true.

Bull ****.

Intellectual honesty says that the phrase "lipstick on a pig" exists and I first heard it over 30 years ago. If "lefties" were doing what you are doing, I would say the same thing.

If you want intellectual honesty in this discussion, you best find it in yourself first. You attack Obama, you pretend that "uppity n*gger" never existed as a phrase, you pretend that Obama's statement which was clearly about McCain's policy was directed at Palin personally. It is YOU that is being intellectually dishonest and then you put lipstick on your argument by claiming others would do the same in your position. I cry "LIPSTICK." Your pig is still a pig.

Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 03:22 pm
parados wrote:

you pretend that "uppity n*gger" never existed as a phrase

You and other liberals are the ONLY ones currently using that phrase.

What's up with that?
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 04:09 pm
nimh wrote:

DontTreadOnMe wrote:

political correctness; it ain't just for liberals anymore.

Yup. Nail, head.

But dont take it from lefties like us - here's Ramesh Ponnuru from the National Review:

[T]here may have been good ways to take shots at Obama over the "lipstick on a pig" comment. But the Republicans are coming across as whiny grievance-mongers. Don't they realize that this harping on ambiguous slights is what people hate about political correctness? [..] Now Republicans are trashing her brand. They're undermining the basis of her appeal as a different, tougher kind of female politician. Today has been worse than wasted.

Then again, I guess Ponnuru, too, counts as a lefty "when he parrots the standard lefty line in an unreasonable manner."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 04:31 pm
We will never know whether he purposely used that phrase to get in a jab at Palin. But the thing is, it worked like a charm if he did. The right went crazy and made themselves look like a bunch of phony sanctimonious dicks, and Obama just blew it all off as silly, which, to most people, came off as a reasonable response.

I personally don't think he meant it as a shot at her, but it gives me great pleasure to think that he may have done it on purpose, and is right now laughing at how he successfully baited the Republicans into overreacting and looking like a bunch of whiny bitches.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 05:12 pm
Kicky is exactly right.

Per TPM -

TPM reader and film director James Mangold scripts what he wishes Obama had said today:

So. I'm talking about John McCain's economic policies, and I say: "This is more of the same, you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig." And suddenly they say, "Oh, you must be talking about the governor of Alaska." And now they're making this big fuss and, you know -- here's where most Democrats in the past would carefully and earnestly explain how I meant nothing of the kind.
Heck, I was about to do that. Yesterday, I didn't mean anything but a comment on their policies, one that was obvious to anyone who was there. But today is different. Today I am here to tell you that I am flip flopping. I've changed my mind.

Pig in lipstick. I meant it any way they want to take it.

For weeks we've all watched their low-ball ads and listened to their lies and twisted innuendo, attacks on my family and our values, community service and patriotism, all of it wrapped in our flag-- and last night I thought to myself, Barack, CHANGE isn't letting someone kick you over and over again. CHANGE doesn't mean that the only response to blatant lies, extremism and intolerance is thoughtfulness.

Maybe the reason they think they'll get away with this is they think I'm such a big lofty "celebrity" that I can't get down on the ground and fight like a man. Well, they are wrong. Lies are lies. Not untruths. Not misstatements. Not "questionable" facts. Lies. And lies dishonor our nation.

A great country, the world's greatest country, should not waste its time with trivialities -- but a wise leader cannot pretend the world is as he wishes it was. If this is the kind of fight they want, then I will give it back to them.

So let me be clear what I meant yesterday.

McCain and Palin, their policies and their demeaning campaign are A PIG IN LIPSTICK.


They are a threat to our future. Because they are the past, masquerading as the future.

You want to go backward -- vote for them.

McCain and Palin ARE lipstick on a pig. They are the same old, rich-loving, war-mongering, anti-progress Republicans. They are merely dressed a little different. Who gives a damn if the Republicans get all huffy? Not me. They deserve it. Their policies are trash and what they intend to do to this country is worse then what Bush did. They deserve derision and scorn at every angle. And, like Kicky, I'm glad that they made themselves look like fools ove this issue.

Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 05:25 pm

Gentlemen, please rest your sphincters.

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A Lone Voice
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 06:22 pm

A slack jawed audience comes to life, hooting and laughing, all because of the convoluted reasons you state?

Or, they hear 'lipstick on a pig', and it cracks them up?

Keep it simple, stupids...

I'm enjoying the heck out of this, because for a political mind set that thrives on victimization and identity politics, libs/progressives have been thrashing this subject around now for two days.

Their angst is underwhelming.

The people who created the climate of having to toe the politically correct line in this country have been caught dirty - and they know it - which is why we have had all the long, convoluted 'reasons' for Obama's comment.

You give your audience waaay too much credit. Watch the tape. Deny they were reveling in Obama's wit about lipstick.

Gosh, though, wouldn't it be nice in this country if people weren't so sensitive, if everyone wasn't so quick to claim victim status? If one could have a free exchange of ideas without having to worry that they might inadvertently offend someone with a remark, even if they meant no harm? Especially when they do it for a political advantage?

Gee, I wonder how we got that way, libs/progressives...?

But keep the reasoning coming. It's been pretty enjoyable, seeing what you guys will come up with next...
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 06:47 pm
@A Lone Voice,
A Lone Voice wrote:

Gosh, though, wouldn't it be nice in this country if people weren't so sensitive, if everyone wasn't so quick to claim victim status? If one could have a free exchange of ideas without having to worry that they might inadvertently offend someone with a remark, even if they meant no harm? Especially when they do it for a political advantage?

Gee, I wonder how we got that way, libs/progressives...?

Funny you should say that...

Dan Janison in Newsday:

Barack Obama the other day equated John McCain's claim to represent change with putting lipstick on a pig - or wrapping old fish in a piece of paper and relabeling it.

Obama's statement was utterly conventional.

But in an audacious bid for victim status, the McCain campaign put lipstick on Obama's statement and dressed it up to resemble some outrageous slap at Sarah Palin.

The purported connection: Palin had said lipstick was the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull.

Sorry, but this makes the McCain camp sound whiny, politically correct, even knee-jerk-liberal. You know, feeling out the pea of sexism under many mattresses. You know, like the party that practices gender politics.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 12:11 am


You can put lipstick on a hawk

but you can't make her ________________.

Instant one-liner
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 05:49 am

Lefties picked losers and are now lashing out against everyone.

Give them some space and time to work out their issues.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 07:28 am
Sometimes you have to put lipstick on the pig H2O Man.

But you would know all about that. I bet you sell Mary Kay just so you can buy all the lipstick yourself.
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 07:35 am

It does not matter how much lipstick you put on Obama, you still have an uppity pig.

Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 07:36 am
@A Lone Voice,

A slack jawed audience comes to life, hooting and laughing, all because of the convoluted reasons you state?
Convoluted? Not at all. It is a standard technique used by many a great speaker and a lot of not so great ones. Revisiting words or phrases used before is not convoluted.

Libs have been thrashing it? Who produced an ad on the lipstick issue that had to be pulled because of copyright violations? It wasn't libs. No one except the people at the speech would have noticed it if the GOP hadn't made it an issue. The problem is that most people recognize it is NOT an issue. It is just another attempt to put lipstick on the pig.

Gosh, though, wouldn't it be nice in this country if people weren't so sensitive, if everyone wasn't so quick to claim victim status?
Who was claiming victimhood about Obama's comment? Get out your lipstick Lone Voice. You are going to need a lot of it to pretend that it wasn't the McCain/Palin camp that were pretending to be victims.

By the way.. I am using another device in repeating the lipstick phrase over and over. Do you know what the purpose of that device is?
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 07:38 am
You need more lipstick there H2O...

Maybe if you put enough on yourself and go hang out at a local bar, you might get the reaction you are looking for.
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 07:47 am
I think parados is looking for a man in lipstick... keep looking prados, keep looking.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 08:05 am
A Lone Voice writes
You give your audience waaay too much credit. Watch the tape. Deny they were reveling in Obama's wit about lipstick.

Gosh, though, wouldn't it be nice in this country if people weren't so sensitive, if everyone wasn't so quick to claim victim status? If one could have a free exchange of ideas without having to worry that they might inadvertently offend someone with a remark, even if they meant no harm? Especially when they do it for a political advantage?

Gee, I wonder how we got that way, libs/progressives...?

But keep the reasoning coming. It's been pretty enjoyable, seeing what you guys will come up with next...

Yep, the intellectual dishonesty from the Left rolls on. They WILL NOT admit that a 'lipstick on a pig' quip after Palin's speech and the subsequent replay of her joke and endless new jokes about lipstick for most of two weeks changes the context of a 'lipstick on a pig' metaphor when discussing the McCain campaign. I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt re his intent; but there was no missing how his audience squealed with delight when they read his intent as to take a jab a Palin. He couldn't have missed that either, but he did miss his opportunity to correct the misconception.

It would not be much different if somebody on the Right should be discussing the Obama message and used the metaphor of "looking into the black heart of. . .. " (whatever - liberalism, socialism, take your pick). It could be entirely innocent, but do you think it would not be seen to have racial overtones within that context? Would they buy that everybody uses that metaphor and the context doesn't matter? They didn't let 'uppity' slide did they even thought that is a term used by lots and lots of us with no racial inferences whatsoever.

Obama committed another gaffe. At this rate, he'll catch up with Biden in no time. The Republican apologized for any misconception that could offend with 'uppity'. Obama has not apologized.
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 08:19 am
Actually, he did set the record straight. And actually, it wasn't a gaffe. It was nothing but a tempest in a teapot, created by the whiny bitches on the right. That's how it looked to most everyone but you and other like-minded partisan hacks. You lost this round. You should just stop yapping about it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 08:20 am
Foxfyre wrote:
there was no missing how his audience squealed

ooh ooh ooh
FF just equated Democrats with pigs.
get out the torches
bad Foxfyre
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 08:44 am
Foxfyre wrote:

The Republican apologized for any misconception that could offend with 'uppity'. Obama has not apologized.

When he called them "uppity", he meant it as an insult. The only question is whether it was a racial insult. Obama blew it off. That situation is not even close to this pigstick diversion.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 10:10 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Obama has not apologized.

Nor should he. What would he say, "I'm sorry that you people got your undies in a twist over nothing"?
0 Replies

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