Here is one more person who agrees with you, but there are issues that need to be addressed before saying, sure, go ahead and have fun. Here is another excerpt from the article:
Quote:So what happens when one of these patients with dementia starts sleeping around? According to federal law, nursing-home residents are guaranteed some small degree of privacy, as well as the right to "psychosocial well-being""which can be taken to include free sexual expression. The administrator must balance these rights with the possibility that the patient isn't able to consent to sex at all, and that his every encounter amounts to an elder version of gray rape.
Certainly spouses or partners should be given the right to be intimate with the patient. And elderly romances are quite frequent and, in my opinion, healthy.
On the downside, I have read that STD's are on the rise in elder care facilities. Many of these people we born before the sexual revolution and have no idea about the importance of safe sex. Sex education for the elderly is badly needed.
It isn't a yes or no situation, but for now, the elderly in most nusing homes are being denied one of the few things left in their lives that can give them pleasure and make them feel alive in the best possible way.