hawkeye10 wrote:
that is not the claim, the claim is that nursing homes that are subject to legal action do not allow the residents to be sexual because they are afraid that they will be made party to rape charges.
But that is just not true.
Sex is not stopped unless one of the participants has BEEN diagnosed with alzheimers, stage II or greater. Not that there really iS a greater.. stage III is death. But I digress.
If you are to work in a nursing home, you have to acknowledge, by signature, basic rules, regulations, and if you want to use the word.. 'rights'
One of those rights is sex.
You, as a nurse , worker, guest in THEIR home, are not allowed to interfere, insult, prevent or otherwise just be in the way of any sexual relationship , personal space, or 'private time'.
No. not all nurses are shining examples of this. You get to the level of nurse 'aide' and all hell breaks loose when it comes to basic 'rights' being blown out of the water.
You can not control the individual worker as well as you would hope.
but the idea that nursing homes strictly do not allow sex is just ... well.. thats bullshit. Go work in a few before you make that kind of claim. Seriously.
Now, Im sure there are specialized care units that may have to 'seperate' people. Especially if the majority of their residents have Alzheimers, are schizophrenia suffers.. or the like. Yes. I can see how you as a worker / home manager / director of nursing, would have to pay extra attention. In those types of places and certain types of mental diseases, sex can amount to physical danger. that is where people have to step in, and unless you have a lot of experience with those kinds of people, you dont understand. It will just sound like someone trying to dictate something they shouldnt and that could not be further from the truth.
Physical restraints when through this kind of debate and over thinking several years ago. they are now seen as illegal thanks to the odd ball nurses and other workers who would abuse them, or otherwise not use them correctly. Sometimes, that is the only way you can save someone from themselves.
If the question of sex is now up for debate ( on more then just a forum) I am sad for the residents who will have to live at the hands of super conservative, sexually repressed people.
Right now, sex is not stopped,there are no rules against it ( unless a danger is posed) and you as a worker are not allowed to interfere .