Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2008 12:51 pm


0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2008 12:55 pm
parados, responding to Okie wrote:
I see you making threats of civil war. I see cjhsa making similar threats.

It won't be much of a war. Most of the nation against these guys and the 12 other people left in this country who still think like them.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2008 12:56 pm

Not a personal threat from me, just a warning about how folks react to corruption. And I find it bizarre that you laugh at corruption. You brush it off.

Corruption? Screw you, Okie. Your party is incredibly corrupt. Many members of your party have gone to jail for corruption in the last 8 years. Your executive branch has been under investigation for corruption in one form or another for most of Bush's time in office. You don't give a f*ck about corruption. I never heard you complain once about actual, real corruption in your own party. So don't give me that ****. It's all a lie. You're pissed b/c a Democrat is winning the presidency.

The anger you see is based in Racism and Xenophobia from the Right-wing here in America. It's almost a panic on your side; in Congress it looks likely that the Dems will have commanding majorities. It represents a failure of your world-view, Okie. Get used to it.

Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2008 01:55 pm
Well the (international) media report already that votes for Obama are counted as if for McCain by the voting maschines, I'll try to get one of those Wink

0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2008 07:49 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:


Not a personal threat from me, just a warning about how folks react to corruption. And I find it bizarre that you laugh at corruption. You brush it off.

Corruption? Screw you, Okie. Your party is incredibly corrupt. Many members of your party have gone to jail for corruption in the last 8 years. Your executive branch has been under investigation for corruption in one form or another for most of Bush's time in office. You don't give a f*ck about corruption. I never heard you complain once about actual, real corruption in your own party. So don't give me that ****. It's all a lie. You're pissed b/c a Democrat is winning the presidency.

The anger you see is based in Racism and Xenophobia from the Right-wing here in America. It's almost a panic on your side; in Congress it looks likely that the Dems will have commanding majorities. It represents a failure of your world-view, Okie. Get used to it.


Right is never a failure. Corruption is always wrong. We will still be here, if Obama wins. Sorry to inform you of that.

Count on one thing, cyclops, inner cities wait until all the other precincts have reported in some states, heavy Democratic areas, then they will know how many votes they will need. I hope all of that makes you proud. If any Republicans are found cheating, they should be thrown in jail. Can you or will you say the same for Democratic thugism and corruption? I doubt it.

As the night wears on, I am prepared for an Obama win, but remember this, cyclops, now it will be a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress, and we will be watching your every move, and every result. And just as quickly, you can be swept out of office next election, if the results are lousy, and I predict they will be at some point.

Still, I don't see a definite win yet, although Fox has PA colored blue, otherwise no surprises so far, although I am not watching it that close.

Whats all the cursing for, you think you are winning?

P.S. edit here, now they have PA undecided, must have been a jump the gun on their website.
Debra Law
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 12:14 am
okie wrote:
As the night wears on, I am prepared for an Obama win, but remember this, cyclops, now it will be a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress, and we will be watching your every move, and every result. And just as quickly, you can be swept out of office next election, if the results are lousy, and I predict they will be at some point.

Your beloved Republican Party and your beloved Republican President, GW Bush, drove this country over the cliff and smashed and broke it into billions of pieces. Now you expect the Democrats to glue the country back together and mop up all your messes in four short years? Really? Roll up your sleeves buddy. You need to do more than just watch and gripe. ALL OF US have a LOT of work to do--not just the Democrats.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 01:00 am
Wow, leave it to a liberal to set their guy up an excuse for immediate failure. At least the conservatives are hoping they were wrong about him and wish him well.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 01:03 am
And this interminable election has at last come to an end. We can't know what the coming years will bring, but I do think it is important that each and every one of us give the new administration every chance to succeed in doing good things and hope that is what they do. They will have a strong majority of their own party in Congress and should be able to accomplish great things. I hope that is what they choose to do.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 01:12 am
Debra Law
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 01:39 am
Foxfyre wrote:

Wow, leave it to a liberal to set their guy up an excuse for immediate failure. At least the conservatives are hoping they were wrong about him and wish him well.

Good grief. Leave it to YOU, Foxfyre, to misrepresent the facts. I did not allege that Obama would fail--immediately or otherwise. Most of have already acknowledged the OBVIOUS. No matter who won the election, the new president is taking the helm of a nation in crisis. The profound mess that is GW Bush's legacy cannot be instantly fixed by some magic wand. Everyone KNOWS that fact--except maybe YOU. It's going to take many years of hard work by EVERYONE--democrats, republicans, independents, et al., to undo the severe damage that was inflicted during these last 8 years. Do you think the Republicans can just wash their hands of it and walk away? Perhaps they should be responsible government servants, roll up their sleeves like everyone else, and help the Democrats clean up the mess. Or do you reject McCain's plea for unity?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 05:09 am
@Debra Law,
ALL OF US have a LOT of work to do--not just the Democrats.

What work are you going to do Deb over and above what you have been doing? Were your sleeves not rolled up this last 8 years?

Talk's cheap.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 07:12 am
"Block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand."

That's not for you is it Deb? Who is it for?
Debra Law
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 09:44 am
spendius wrote:

"Block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand."

That's not for you is it Deb? Who is it for?

Are you saying that Americans--ALL of us--DON'T have a lot of work ahead to fix our country? Do you think hundreds of millions of us are going to sit on our asses watching and griping about Washington while we wait for our "welfare" checks to arrive? Okie and Ican think there's going to be a great redistribution of wealth because President-Elect "Robin Hood" is going to take money from the rich and give it the middle class. Of course, they're being idiotic.

This country must be rebuilt brick by brick. It isn't going to get done by the watchers and the whiners.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 09:47 am
spendius wrote:

ALL OF US have a LOT of work to do--not just the Democrats.

What work are you going to do Deb over and above what you have been doing? Were your sleeves not rolled up this last 8 years?

Talk's cheap.

That's what I love about you, Spendi. Trying to decipher your posts is sometimes like trying to solve an upsidedown riddle, but you do have a way of cutting through the crap and getting to it.

And that's the thing isn't it? I don't recall more than a handful of Democrats lifting a finger to try to solve problems during the Bush administration, nor have I heard many (any?) kind words about any Republican on this board for the last four years I've been here. Even before 9/11, the hate mongers were out in force. I suggest for a classic illustration of that, everybody should read the first chapter of Bill Sammons' Misunderestimated to see what our current President had to deal with from the Left from the get go. How much different would it have been if we had all pulled together instead of some trying to tear it down all these eight years?

I do not....repeat DO NOT....want us conservatives to do that. I want us to give Obama a fair chance to deliver something good for the country. I do not want us to be a roadblock or hindrance to that happening. We will have to resist what we know is wrong, of course, but we sure don't have to manufacture that in advance.

Among the several threads rejoicing the election of Barack Obama, we are seeing such magnanimous gems as these also:

Hello, Hello Where are the Conservatives?

Farewell to Bush

And One More Thing

Liberals, get a clue. This kind of thing does not inspire cooperation from the right, nor does it do a damn thing to begin any kind of healing and getting us all started forward.

I want to hear what people are looking forward to that will be accomplished in the next four years. Or will we just have four more years of Bush bashing because his supporters really don't expect much from him? Surely not.

Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 09:48 am

For that last frame though it'd be Googling all the specifics of THIS election... I know maybe a quarter of what I want to know, but I'm still just having fun with the win for now.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 11:24 am
Foxfyre wrote:

And that's the thing isn't it? I don't recall more than a handful of Democrats lifting a finger to try to solve problems during the Bush administration, nor have I heard many (any?) kind words about any Republican on this board for the last four years I've been here.

I think you are exaggerating a tad. Not a single kind word about any Republican? Really? And you are running a comprehensive tabulation of all the Democrats who ever lifted a finger to try to solve our problems?

Here's the point. We elected a leader, for better or worse, 8 and 4 years ago. That leader never asked his people to do anything but go to work and shop. We (all of us -- I'm not a Democrat) stood ready with sleeves rolled up, ready to get to work for our country after 9/11. The only thing we were asked to do was to hand over our civil liberties for safety and go shopping. Well, now we are organized and being asked to do more. I hope that Obama will harness this willingness to work and sacrifice and this grassroots organizing that he inspired in my community and in yours to solve some of our long standing problems, both big and small.

I do appreciate your words about Obama's victory and your willingness to give him a chance. Please don't focus on the one or two slights from gloaters -- they are not in the majority. When you latch on to these sentiments and allow these people to speak for all Obama supporters then you allow no room for compromise and cooperation. You can choose who to listen to, just as I did back in 2004 in the face of images of crying babies and condescension and gloating. And I'm doing it now in the face of long anti-liberal screeds by disappointed Republicans (I mean, how can I be gangster Eurotrash AND a rich elite at the same time?). I choose to let you and Ticomaya and others like you speak for Republicans and conservatives, and not the RexReds and others like him. You can put people on ignore for a while if you need to. But you can't let these few people push you into the partisan corner.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 11:28 am

Here's the point. We elected a leader, for better or worse, 8 and 4 years ago. That leader never asked his people to do anything but go to work and shop. We (all of us -- I'm not a Democrat) stood ready with sleeves rolled up, ready to get to work for our country after 9/11. The only thing we were asked to do was to hand over our civil liberties for safety and go shopping. Well, now we are organized and being asked to do more. I hope that Obama will harness this willingness to work and sacrifice and this grassroots organizing that he inspired in my community and in yours to solve some of our long standing problems, both big and small.

100%. Dead on.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 11:55 am
Foxfyre wrote:

I do not....repeat DO NOT....want us conservatives to do that. I want us to give Obama a fair chance to deliver something good for the country. I do not want us to be a roadblock or hindrance to that happening. We will have to resist what we know is wrong, of course, but we sure don't have to manufacture that in advance.

True, Foxfyre. And I am happy for all the people that think the sun is shining brighter today, let them have their day in the sun. Today however, reality will begin to take hold, I hope. Beginning with the possibility of Rahm Emanuel: Here is a snippet on this guy, from Wikipedia:

"Emanuel is said to have "mailed a rotting fish to a former coworker after the two parted ways."[9] On the night after the Clinton election, "Emanuel was so angry at the president's enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting 'Dead! ... Dead! ... Dead!' and plunging the knife into the table after every name."[1] His "take-no-prisoners attitude" earned him the nickname "Rahm-bo".[9]"

This man also worked for Freddie Mac, and is a product of Chicago machine politics, like Obama, and troubling, he also appears to be a ruthless politician, bordering on a bit unbalanced and quite vindictive. Where have we heard this before in the personalities that Obama gravitates to? Let the show begin. I want to be optimistic, but you are right, we must fight all the wrong, whenever and wherever it exists.

As for me, I am still the same guy, I believed America was a wonderful place before Obama was elected, and I still believe in its potential, but to be perfectly honest, as a citizen that has worked all of my life for the American Dream, and I feel I have attained it, and am very grateful to the country, and also as a vet, I feel like a wet rag has been slapped across my face and told, yes, this country is a miserable place, and we are going to change it, and the America you thought it should be and was has its days numbered, and your ideas don't matter anymore.

Admittedly, I am still adjusting to the change, and Obama is president, I accept that, but I am not that optimistic about the future. I feel sad for all the people that must have felt so unhappy up until now. I do hope they are happy now. Perhaps one positive is that maybe finally they can be validated as human beings of worth. Somehow, I doubt it, and more demands upon the rest of us may be coming down the pike. Fortunately, just maybe, maybe there will be enough Repubs in Congress to block the worst stuff, until the next election.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 12:00 pm
spendius wrote:

ALL OF US have a LOT of work to do--not just the Democrats.

What work are you going to do Deb over and above what you have been doing? Were your sleeves not rolled up this last 8 years?

Talk's cheap.

Right on, Spendius, talk is cheap. Now the talking will have to give way to reality.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 12:01 pm
okie wrote:

As for me, I am still the same guy, I believed America was a wonderful place before Obama was elected, and I still believe in its potential, but to be perfectly honest, as a citizen that has worked all of my life for the American Dream, and I feel I have attained it, and am very grateful to the country, and also as a vet, I feel like a wet rag has been slapped across my face and told, yes, this country is a miserable place, and we are going to change it, and the America you thought it should be and was has its days numbered, and your ideas don't matter anymore.

Admittedly, I am still adjusting to the change, and Obama is president, I accept that, but I am not that optimistic about the future. I feel sad for all the people that must have felt so unhappy up until now. I do hope they are happy now. Perhaps one positive is that maybe finally they can be validated as human beings of worth. Somehow, I doubt it, and more demands upon the rest of us may be coming down the pike. Fortunately, just maybe, maybe there will be enough Repubs in Congress to block the worst stuff, until the next election.

I honestly suggest, okie, that you polish up your knowledge about democracy, elections, et. al. .

When reading stuff like the above - I really doubt Americans are able to bring democracy to Afghanistan and Iraq for instance.

I'm more than glad that this was not only different after WWII but that the British were building up the democratic system here as well.

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