Foxfyre wrote:
I do not....repeat DO NOT....want us conservatives to do that. I want us to give Obama a fair chance to deliver something good for the country. I do not want us to be a roadblock or hindrance to that happening. We will have to resist what we know is wrong, of course, but we sure don't have to manufacture that in advance.
True, Foxfyre. And I am happy for all the people that think the sun is shining brighter today, let them have their day in the sun. Today however, reality will begin to take hold, I hope. Beginning with the possibility of Rahm Emanuel: Here is a snippet on this guy, from Wikipedia:
"Emanuel is said to have "mailed a rotting fish to a former coworker after the two parted ways."[9] On the night after the Clinton election, "Emanuel was so angry at the president's enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting 'Dead! ... Dead! ... Dead!' and plunging the knife into the table after every name."[1] His "take-no-prisoners attitude" earned him the nickname "Rahm-bo".[9]"
This man also worked for Freddie Mac, and is a product of Chicago machine politics, like Obama, and troubling, he also appears to be a ruthless politician, bordering on a bit unbalanced and quite vindictive. Where have we heard this before in the personalities that Obama gravitates to? Let the show begin. I want to be optimistic, but you are right, we must fight all the wrong, whenever and wherever it exists.
As for me, I am still the same guy, I believed America was a wonderful place before Obama was elected, and I still believe in its potential, but to be perfectly honest, as a citizen that has worked all of my life for the American Dream, and I feel I have attained it, and am very grateful to the country, and also as a vet, I feel like a wet rag has been slapped across my face and told, yes, this country is a miserable place, and we are going to change it, and the America you thought it should be and was has its days numbered, and your ideas don't matter anymore.
Admittedly, I am still adjusting to the change, and Obama is president, I accept that, but I am not that optimistic about the future. I feel sad for all the people that must have felt so unhappy up until now. I do hope they are happy now. Perhaps one positive is that maybe finally they can be validated as human beings of worth. Somehow, I doubt it, and more demands upon the rest of us may be coming down the pike. Fortunately, just maybe, maybe there will be enough Repubs in Congress to block the worst stuff, until the next election.