Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 11:07 am
Thanks, ebeth. That article puts me into the situation more fully than anything I have read prior.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 11:25 am
Thanks for the excellent link, ehBeth!
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 11:32 am
And teachers must abide by the law as a condition of employment.
Even you would understand that, surely?

Of course I understand it. That isn't my point. After reading Beth's link it strikes me there's a madness going on.

My point is that a trivial incident is being used to justify one side in a general debate about the most important subject there is. Freshwater seems like a complete idiot to me and has done since I first read about it. No sensible person would pull a stroke like that in a world where everybody is looking for a reason to sue. If I was the kid I would sue the lot of them for buggering up my childhood with their games.

But why am I reading about a trivial incident, a ripple in a teacup, perpetrated by an idiot when the world is chock-full of ghastly happenings? Is it another escape mechanism to allow people to think they are important when they are not. Is it an excuse to throw weight about, vent frustration, fill up the dreary hours, get names in the paper and even make money?
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 11:54 am
@High Seas,
Btw, I rather think we're not going to see Ionus back here for a while, he's been on a ladies only thread for the last hour, making offers of a sexual nature and getting no takers.

You shouldn't be tempting innocent and well brought up gentlemen such as myself to read the sort of conversations that I have heard go on in the ladies toilets in fish gutting factories. I am deeply shocked. The PLOT is more advanced than I thought. I bet women's glossy magazines are part of it.

But you have told a bit of a fib HS. I found two lines from Io at 12.35, 5 words at 01.16 and 4 words at 01.30. And they all look like piss taking to me.

If it is true, as many experts claim, that the insitution of private property and inheritance is founded upon female chastity and decorum then a glimpse of that thread would convince those experts that the insitution is on its last legs which is where creeping Marxist revolutionaries want it to be.

The question is--who wants a Marxist revolution? Or --can we stop it? Has it gone critical?
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 12:05 pm
JTT on another thread quotes Noam Chomsky saying-

You might say that the My Lai massacre was a tiny footnote to one of these operations, insignificant in context.

By that standard Freshwater is a speck of dust on a gasometer with a bunch of people getting something or other off by training a microscope on it.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 12:05 pm
spendi, You are confused as usual, and make no sense of simple matters.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 12:32 pm
Ha! By his own admission and company. Good goin Beth. I havent found any information of any separate financing of his suit, but Im sure that, from the website of his lawfirm, they were doing this on a contingency absis and that wopuld control the outcome to a degree. Freshwater states that he used his "entire savings", That seems a bit severe. If he only has a return of 1million and assuming that his lawfirm wasnt just another plaintiffs attorney, the return seemed not so great because any settlement would be far less than the 1 million.
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 12:38 pm
High Seas, have you never been exposed to the requirements of a DAubert hearing or undergone voir dire by "not friendly" attornies. Ive had everything from my high school record (which was abysmal), to my involvement in several past cases and I had my "expert opinions" rescrutinized in light of the present cases . I also was scrutinized for my personal life decisions and more embarrasing stuff like that.
The theory is that NOBODY has a life in which there are aspects theyd sooner not have made public
High Seas
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 02:32 pm
Voir dire, cross, and asssorted procedural aggravations are well known to me also; and I agree that the importance of loose misinformation on the net can't be overstated. The potential sources you mentioned here so far, though, have no credibility whatsoever. Consider links posted on previous page - one is frantically looking for reds under beds and the other is soliciting women online. Whatever they wrote about you has no basis in fact - none.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 03:32 pm
@High Seas,
For heavens' sake - something is wrong with your connection if you can't open a simple .pdf file - unless of course this is yet another manifestation of the dastardly plot to take over the world, abolish religion, impose dictatorship of the proletariat, and blah, blah, blah.

Well- I couldn't open it. It's not a rare event. If there is something wrong with my connection I shouldn't think it is yet another manifestation of the dastardly plot to take over the world, abolish religion, impose dictatorship of the proletariatess, take away our weekends, allow us to have sexual intercourse by requisition with partners chosen by the authorities (with an optional celibacy clause which I would take advantage of), bike lanes fenced off from the roads which only members of the Party are permitted to use, re-education camps like fm suggested for straightening out gumps like me, saturated fat rationed to 1 g per week, special uniforms for men and training establishments for them so they can acquire the fine arts of domestic fastidiousness to the complete satisfaction of the Superintendentess, rid us of boozing, smoking, gambling and making lewd, lascivious jests and any other attitudes and demeanours deemed unasthetic by the Secretariess of Aestheticess Tastess (SAT) or her appointed underlingesses. I doubt it. We aren't at that stage yet.

You have to admire it though. It's got these grizzled tough-guy anti-IDers working for it. And just between you and me HS, in confidence, we, you and me I mean, know how such a feat was acheived don't we just. The modus operandi so to speak of the PLOT's energy source and fundamental manifesto.

Cue snatch of a song I wrote over 20 years ago.

I'm hid out under a sand-dune
In the attic at my friend's
She said, "wer've ya bin to get like this?"
I said, "following all the trends."

The ten verses before that are a rocky ride as are the following ones.

Anyway--it's pub time. I keep up with trends in the pubs and from that I learn how to keep up with other ones. I know this is dynamic. The times really are a changin'.

And here they are these anti-IDers walking straight into it. Eyes wide open except for what's on Ignore, the ultimate in ascientism. But what I don't like is them leading their sons and grandsons into it. I'm too old for it to be anything other than a good laugh from a purely subjective point of view.

A similar PLOT brought us to where we were when TV was invented and distributed. From Homer through to about Kingsley Amis and Simon Raven.

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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 06:18 pm
. Do you really think that atheism is tantamount to murder and immorality?
No I dont. Do you ?

Do you really think being religious in tantamount to being a KKK member ? You are an idiot.
See how you gore your own ox dickhead?
Do you mean see how you make up your own version of what I said, most likely due to your drunkenness, come up with the obvious and declare yourself the winner without a second opinion.

Gomer the Turd must seek help.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 06:27 pm
I never said I was gonna just sit here and take his demented drug addled accusations.
I dont do drugs dickhead. Sober up before you post.
I certainly am not going to have my own craft and me personally be impuned by a severely demented dickhead like he.
AT LAST ! He finally gets it ! He is not a scientist he is a craftsman ! Well done, Gomer the Turd !
Everything he says is lies compunded upon lies and he just keeps it up.
You know you could seek medical help for not being able "to keep it up".
he would be subject to the legal relief that I could seek under our slander laws.
That would be LIBEL laws you moron.
Sorry but this troll is being personally hurtful
Diddims! Poor baby !
Im not going to give him a free ride, sorry, My apologis to many of you guys and to wandel.
You are giving me quite a lot of laughs with what you think is factual and I apologise to no-one for reigning in a out of control ego that thinks he is a expert on religion because he likes rocks.

Gomer the Turd must seek help.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 06:28 pm
Burning crosses on children's arms as part of a "science experiment" would be rather hard to defend, I'd imagine!
Almost as hard to defend as Nazi science experiments.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 06:29 pm
No need to apologize to anyone.
I would have thought he had a great need to apologise - it relieves the sting of failure.
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 06:33 pm
Oh give it a rest will you, Ionus.
Have mercy on the rest of us, at least.
These sorts of comments have become very tiresome, repetitive, say nothing of irrelevant.
You're better than this, surely?
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 06:34 pm
Thank God he didnt do experiments with hydrogen sulphide - he would have been accused of turning them into Japanese.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 06:35 pm
i'm a firm supporter of devolution, the sooner we all revert back to one celled organisms, the better off we'll be
It used to be a lovely planet once......
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 06:38 pm
@High Seas,
he's been on a ladies only thread
That is sexist ! It is people like you that have been holding back men's rights since the dawn of time !
making offers of a sexual nature and getting no takers > http://able2know.org/topic/159746-12#post-4390338
It is still not to late ladies ! Beat the rush !
I'm also wondering about your complaint on potential damage to your professional reputation, since you don't sign your real name here.
Dont bring facts into Gomer the Turd's arguments ! He doesnt know what to do with them.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 06:45 pm
under the requirements of ciurt qwork
I only complain about your spelling when it is totally incomprehensible...what the hell is that? ciurt qwork ? A new sub-atomic particle ?
He didnt know Avogadroa number
Thats easy...the number of the Avocado is 3. 4 though shall not count. 2 though also shall not count, unless it is on your way to 3. 5 is far out, man. 1 is inadequate. 3 though shall count and the number of the count shall be 3. Any questions ?
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2010 06:48 pm
And they all look like piss taking to me.
No No ! I am taking all serious offers !
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