Latest Challenges to the Teaching of Evolution

Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2018 11:32 pm
Do christians have opposable thumbs? It just seems to me that they're not really human.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 07:41 am
Speak of the devil!
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 09:27 am
Religion tells us 4 main things. (All of which have been drawn out of your collective asses. SCience concludes from evidence and then spends yers arguing over the conclusions and the evidence. Id rather go with science where pomposity is shunned rather than believed in.

You guy are easy targets for these slick haired lizard faced prpeachers who make up false scientistic claims.

Knock yerself out, (or else try a little more education cause its obvious that education takes a back seat to your dogma.)
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 09:32 am
The only thing religion teaches us is how the powerful elite controls the masses.

Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 09:49 am
Most religious folks understand and subscribe to the evidence which supports evolution. The only fights left are sequences of appearance of species (Since DNA has a short life we must rely upon fossils and stratigraphy and geochemistry). There are an amazingly small (but well funded and vocal) number of cult that believe in an inerrant Biblical story. These are the folks , like H&G who are further eroding the Fundamentalit woorldviews by re defining even that account.
I get a kick out of how H&G try to heap ridicule on Catholicism , Lutheranim (except for the Missouri Synod) and even Witnesses.

When your worldview is built upon interpretations of a single source(eg the Bible) and YOU are the interpreter, BETTER WATCH OUT, you can be a real danger to critical thinking.
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 11:36 am
No one was speaking of you . . . I certainly wasn't. Only religious nutbags believe in crap like devils.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 12:10 pm
The bible-thumpers are to be congratulated, though. They have successfully sabotaged the discussion. They don't want to talk about the topic, and they don't want anyone else to talk about it, either.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 12:59 pm
Interpretation of the bible is a task in confusion with all the contradictions, errors and omissions. It's easier to describe a pretzel.
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 02:13 pm
@cicerone imposter,
The Louisiana Science Education ACT,(enacted in 2008 under bobbie Jindhal's regime) has been challenged for repeal at least 5 times and the Conservative legislators have managed to fight off repel. The LSEA allows the introduction of outside resources to promote"critical thinking" regarding Evolution and Climate Change. (As Jerry Coyne said, "Its not thatwe alos need some critical thinking in chemistry or physics, they single out evolution)

The resources being introduced in science classes are generally self published crap mde availble through the Louisiana Family Forum nd The Discovery Institute.

The "resources" Ive seen are heavily quoting scripture and use scripture as a resource for kids to review. s Ive heqrd from some of my Tulane Colleagues , evolution is handled as a "theory that is failing nd is loaded with errors". This is presented by science teachers in a state that doesnt even require a focus on specialty in order to teach science.

It appears that Louiasina hs turned into a hillbilly state where education in science has been taken over by the Bible Thumpers.
Many states hve active "cience curriculum standards" and Im happy to say that Pa is one of them . However, Many states south of Virginia (with the exceptions ofNC Fla, Ark, and texas are lining up to help re-introduce Creationism as a valid scientific hypothesis by adopting the La act. Most of the states where its been introduced in these last 3 yers have buried it in committee but ya never know. It only takes an anti-science politician (one over the line of a majority, coupled with an anti-wcience governor) and there will be more Louiianas out there.

Its nothing more than a Back-Door attempt at bringing back the glory days of racist and bible based stories of Creation.
Imagine a state peopled with gungsnales and H&G's on the faculties of AP science classes??

Amazing aint it? here we are in the beginning yers of all kinds of new science in biology and medicine , chem, physics, geo etc. AND HERE we are, mking believe that Creationism is actually scientifically upheld.

Might as well return all them Nobel Prizes boys, we done turned the clock back 500 years
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 02:29 pm
You can't fight those religious' extremists who wants to push their religious beliefs on everybody. God won't allow it.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2018 04:17 pm
The bible-thumpers are to be congratulated, though. They have successfully sabotaged the discussion. They don't want to talk about the topic, and they don't want anyone else to talk about it, either.

Yep Rolling Eyes Seems like old and ongoing challenges to the teaching of evolution.
I think whats really happening is that the deep state does not want any subject talked about that encourages critical thinking skills. Got to keep the people in the not questioning frame of mind.
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2018 06:27 pm
@reasoning logic,
Yep Seems like old and ongoing challenges to the teaching of evolution.
I think whats really happening is that the deep state does not want any subject talked about that encourages critical thinking skills. Got to keep the people in the not questioning frame of mind.
How perfectly you have encapsulated the sentiments of both sides.
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2018 06:33 pm
Farmer can't, even for one second, begin to imagine that anything critical of new-darwinism, could POSSIBLY have a source or basis other than religious fundamentalism.

Then he wants to claim that THEY are bigoted and close-minded and that HE is a "critical thinker."

Go figure, eh?
Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2018 03:53 am
If you wish, you should actually post those individuals who are challenging the whole of modern evolutionary theory that do not have a religious basis to their thinking. As it turns out many of our "leadfeet" want to make it appear that they are mounting a critique based on scientific evidence but so far, no evidence has been forwarded , just a series of statements that present their incredulity. "Hello and Goodbye" like gungasnake, doesnt even hide his Christian Fundamentalism . You guys make believe that youre collecting frogs in a wheelbarrow, everyboody has a different idea of what is fact

The Analysis of evolution is already filled with critical thinking. When crtics deny that, its usually a strong indication of where theyre coming from.

Do you have an opinion of LSEA?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2018 03:57 am
@cicerone imposter,
I see that, at least theyve got their forces in line to thumb down anyone who doesnt believe as they.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2018 06:51 am
Farmer can't, even for one second, begin to imagine that anything critical of new-darwinism, could POSSIBLY have a source or basis other than religious fundamentalism.
He does chew on that bone a lot. Must be reassuring to file the questions away as religious hokum.
Very disappointing, I had hopes he’d drop the anti-theism thing and talk biology, but it ain’t happening.

Hey, you're slipping. What’s with the 5 thumbs-up on that post? Maybe the masked thumbs-downers are changing tactics.

Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2018 08:47 am
Ive invited him, nd you to give yer best shots of vidence. So fr incredulity lads science in your posts.
I had hopes he’d drop the anti-theism thing and talk biology, but it ain’t happening.
Why not try and stqrt such a thread and we can discuss it. , Ill certainly join in. This thread, as Set correctly stated was always ABOUT, education of Evolution post Dover. You and BJ, H&G have made it a standoff for religion v science.

You three make an interesting group, three anti evolution hypothesizers and three different means to get there(all involving religion of course-thqt youve not made any effort to hide).

PS, if you guys are gonna talk ABOUT ME, why not have the cojones to talk TO ME??
Lotsa passive aggressive **** goin on there.
Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2018 09:21 am
farmerman wrote:

PS, if you guys are gonna talk ABOUT ME, why not have the cojones to talk TO ME??

I've made that mistake before, Farmer. It's a complete waste of time. You display just as much, if not more, fervent, dogmatic, zealotry with respect to your chosen creed as any religious fundie I've ever seen.

Your response to every rational question posed is the same, to wit: 'YOU'RE A GAWDDAM HOLY ROLLER!!!!!"
Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2018 10:01 am
as you said on another thread."Those who complain about fascism are the fascists?" Well what about you who claim that every body ELSE is a Holy Roller?

zat make you one??
or do you just like cheese?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2018 10:14 am
Gotta keep in mind the orientation of the poster you are responding to here.

Following the strict party line : https://www.opendemocracy.net/od-russia/natalya-yakovleva/teaching-orthodoxy-in-russian-schools


‘If you believe the polls, 35% of Russians think the Sun orbits the Earth’, sighs Vladimir Krupko. ‘2300 years ago Aristotle sat on a hill with his students and as the sun set he told them that all these white points hanging above our heads are distant suns orbited by planets like our earth. Now, thousands of years later, children don’t know the difference between planets and stars... The beauty of the earth also passes them by. They don’t realise that given sufficient energy, you can create your own universe. The main subjects taught in schools now are Personal Health and Wellness, Physical Education and Russian History, none of which have any connection with understanding our world.’


Russia is a country that in neither this nor former times, (except for its size) would have seemed a natural ally for Texas. A recent report suggests that fundamentalists in Russia, however, like the same group in Texas, are concerned with what their children are being taught in schools. The concern is inspired not by some minor sect that lacks credibility, being out of the main stream, but by the Russian Orthodox Church.

According to a report by Conor Humphries for Reuters, the church is concerned about the fact that in Russian schools there is a “monopoly of Darwinism.” Railing against the teaching of evolution, Hilarion Alfeyev, (who was elected Bishop of Volokolamsk on March 31, 2009 and elevated to the post of Archbishop on April 20, 2009) was quoted by Reuters as saying in a lecture to a group of officials from Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow that: “The time has come for the monopoly of Darwinism and the deceptive idea that science in general contradicts religion [sic]. These ideas should be left in the past.


How thrilling for American creationists to see that the Russians agree with them. The news story continues:

Several Russian papers reported recently that United Russia parliamentarians have proposed changing the secondary school history program to include not only Darwin’s theory of evolution but also faith-based alternatives.

Just like in Louisiana and Tennessee! There must be wild rejoicing in Seattle. Let’s read on:

“I was answering the question whether I agree that Darwin’s theory prevails in school books as the only true one. I said probably it is incorrect, considering Darwin’s theory raises serious questions and is widely criticized,” [State Duma Deputy Vyacheslav Lysakov] said, adding it would be right to set out several theories of human evolution including one based on religion.

Yes — teach the controversy! We continue:

“Moreover we have a lot of believers and having only one theory is incorrect,” he [Lysakov] said, adding “of course, we are not preparing any law on this.”

At least not yet. There doesn’t seem to be any need for it. Get this:

Schoolchildren are already taught that Darwin’s theory is not the only theory of human origins, State Duma Education Committee member and former head of Federal Education Agency Grigory Balykhin said.

Egad — the Russians are pulling way ahead of us in creation science! Wake up, America!


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