Tue 30 Sep, 2008 10:48 am

Troopergate witness flips once under oath; admits denying Wooten's Workman's comp claims under pressure from the Palins.

A long article, but full of juicy stuff. Todd Palin following Wooten around and taking pictures of him? Witnesses flipping once confronted with hard evidence? Documentation showing the Palin's involvement in this, personally?

Palin Implicated By Witness in ‘Troopergate’ Probe

By Jason Leopold
The Public Record
Monday, September 29, 2008

Favoured : 9

Published in : Politics

An Alaska woman who owns a company that processes workers’ compensation claims in the state has told an independent investigator that she was urged by the office of Gov. Sarah Palin to deny a benefits claim for Palin’s ex brother-in-law, a state trooper who was involved in an ugly divorce and child custody dispute with Palin’s sister, despite evidence that the claim appeared to be legitimate, according to state officials who were briefed about the conversation.

Murlene Wilkes, the proprietor of Harbor Adjusting Services in Anchorage, had originally denied that she was pressured by Gov. Palin’s office to deny state trooper Mike Wooten’s claim for workers compensation benefits.

But Wilkes changed her story two weeks ago when she was subpoenaed by Steven Branchflower, the former federal prosecutor who was appointed in July to probe allegations Gov. Palin, Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s running mate, abused her office by abruptly ousting Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, state officials knowledgeable about her conversation with Branchflower said.

Monegan has said he felt pressured by Gov. Palin, her husband, Todd, and several of her aides to fire Wooten. Branchflower’s investigation centers on whether Palin fired Monegan because he refused to fire Wooten.

Palin initially welcomed the investigation, which was approved unanimously in July by the state’s Legislative Council, which has a Republican majority. However, after McCain picked Palin in late August to be his vice presidential running mate, national and state Republicans began suggesting that the investigation was a partisan witch-hunt against Palin.

Despite pressure from the McCain-Palin campaign " and the refusal of Todd Palin and some Palin aides to honor subpoenas seeking their depositions " senior Alaskan legislators said Branchflower still intended to finish his report on the controversy by Oct. 10.

The workers’ compensation issue is likely to be a major focus of Branchflower's report, according to state officials knowledgeable about the course of the investigation.

Wilkes has a $1.2 million contract with the state to handle workers compensation claims. Her contract with the state was up but her firm was recently given a new contract despite the fact that there were others who provided the state with a lower bid than Wilkes’s firm. One of the other applicants who submitted a lower bid has appealed the decision.

Wilkes told Branchflower she believed it was impressed upon her from Palin's office that she would lose the contract if she did not deny the claim, state officials knowledgeable about her testimony said.

Although Wooten did receive worker's compensation benefits for about three months, his claim was suddenly denied and he was forced to hire a lawyer and appeal the issue, which dragged on for more than six months. It's unknown if Wilkes played any role in denying Wooten worker's compensation benefits.

According to John Cyr, the executive director of the Public Safety Employees Association, the union that represents Wooten and other state troopers, Wooten was approved for workers compensation benefits in January 2007. He filed for benefits due to a back injury he suffered when he pulled a dead body from a wrecked automobile and slipped on icy pavement.

The same month Wooten started receiving workers compensation benefits, Todd Palin began following Wooten around “snapping pictures of him,” Cyr said.

“Frank Bailey was getting people to say that [Wooten] was lying on his worker’s comp form,” Cyr said. “The governor’s family was following Mike around everywhere. They forwarded that information to the worker’s comp division.”

Cyr said Wooten had been received his benefits checks totaling $11,000 without any problems until “somewhere between the end of March and the first of April.”

“Out of nowhere [Wooten’s] workers comp claim was contravened, which basically means he got a letter saying he wasn’t entitled to benefits anymore,” Cyr said in an interview. Documents show that a state lawyer intervened in the case. Wooten “hired an attorney and filed a counterclaim against the state. Eventually, in November 2007 there was a settlement. Part of that settlement included an operation on [Wooten’s] back in California. This was a serious injury and he was flat broke and had to file for bankruptcy because his claims were denied. There was absolutely a personal vendetta against this trooper by the governor and the governor’s staff.”

However, according to documents in Wooten’s case, the trooper had a preexisting condition that resulted in his disability claims being denied.

But Branchflower has obtained evidence that extends beyond Wilkes’s statements that shows the denial of Wooten’s benefits was due to Palin’s office involvement in the case, according to the officials knowledgeable about this aspect of the probe.

Branchflower has apparently zeroed in on a routing slip dated Aug. 21"about a month after the ethics probe into Palin was launched"from the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development shows Wooten’s workers comp file was pulled and sent to the attention of Mike Monagle, a state manager with the workers' compensation division.

“Wooten, as requested,” the routing slip says, which was made out to the attention of “Mike Monagle.”

“A request came in to return all of Wooten’s [worker’s comp] files to Juneau [the state capital],” according to a note and routing slip faxed to Cyr from the worker’s compensation division. “The person who asked to route the files was told the files were being copied for the governor.”

It's unclear why Palin's office requested Wooten's workers compensation files or how it factors into Branchflower's investigation.

Branchflower confronted Wilkes with evidence"including statements made to Branchflower by one of Wilkes's former co-workers"that showed her previous statements were contradicted and that Palin’s office did try to intervene and contacted her to ensure Wooten did not receive benefits for a back injury he said he received while on the job.

Wilkes told Branchlower that she received phone calls and personal visits from Palin officials, including Palin’s husband, Todd Palin, and was told to deny Wooten’s application for worker’s compensation claims because he lied about his physical condition, these people said.

Wilkes said Todd Palin had shown her photographs of Wooten on a snowmobile during the time he was allegedly unable to work as evidence that he was not entitled to benefits, these people said. It is unknown whether Branchflower has determined that any laws were broken as a result of Palin’s office alleged interference in her ex brother-in-law’s workers compensation case.

Immediately after being sworn in as Governor of Alaska, Palin and her husband and several senior aides conducted what amounted to a rogue investigation into suspicions that Wooten was faking a job-related injury as a state trooper, according to state documents, law enforcement officials and former aides to Palin.

The investigation was conducted using the resources of Gov. Palin’s office and had the goal of destroying Mike Wooten’s career with the Alaska state troopers, the documents and the interviews reveal.

A little-noticed passage in a transcript of a conversation between Frank Bailey, Palin’s director of boards and commissions, and Alaska State Trooper Lt. Rodney Dial shows that Palin’s office had developed information against Wooten that was turned over to the state’s worker’s compensation board, purportedly to prove that Wooten was not too sick or injured to work.

In the Feb. 28, 2008, conversation with Dial, Bailey disclosed that Gov. Palin and her husband had uncovered information about the trooper that was not publicly available and had collected statements about Wooten going “snowmachining” when he was out on workers comp for a back injury.

“The situation where [Wooten] declared workers comp, but then was caught on an eight-mile snowmachining [sic] trip days " days after, you know, that " that started coming up there,” Bailey said. “So we collected statements that we forwarded on to worker’s comp.”

In January 2007, the same month Wooten began collecting workers comp benefits and less than 30 days into Palin's term as governor, Todd Palin invited new public safety commissioner Monegan to the governor’s office, where Todd Palin urged Monegan to reopen the Wooten case. After checking on it, Monegan said he informed Todd Palin that he couldn’t do anything because the case was closed.

In an interview with the Washington Post, Monegan said that a few days later, the governor also called him about the Wooten matter and he gave her the same answer. Monegan said Gov. Palin brought the issue up again in a February 2007 meeting at the state capitol, prompting a warning that she should back off.

None of that is helpful for the McCain ticket.

Tue 30 Sep, 2008 12:36 pm
Oh, I missed this. Came here to post the same thing.

I really want to see that.


I wonder how much?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Tue 30 Sep, 2008 12:46 pm
As I've said before, anything found on Palin will not change the perceptions of those who already believe she's the next best thing since bread.
Tue 30 Sep, 2008 12:50 pm
@cicerone imposter,
C.I., you keep saying that but polls keep contradicting you. Her approval ratings are going down and down. The McCain/ Palin ticket keeps losing ground to Obama/ Biden. Conservatives like George Will are expressing their displeasure with her.

All of this is subject to change of course -- maybe she'll do great in the debate, for example.

And some people will insist that she's great to the bitter end, yes.

But in terms of what people in general think about her, her stock is going down.
cicerone imposter
Tue 30 Sep, 2008 12:53 pm
But the last one I saw, I believe it was only yesterday, that shows she still enjoys 55% approval rating. That's probably much higher than most in congress and the president.
Tue 30 Sep, 2008 12:58 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Do you have a link to that, CI? Most polls I've seen show the opposite.

cicerone imposter
Tue 30 Sep, 2008 01:03 pm
It may have been on one of those political shows on tv, but I'll try to dig it up.
cicerone imposter
Tue 30 Sep, 2008 02:51 pm
@cicerone imposter,
What I also find interesting about the Palin-Biden debate is that this presidential election is hanging on it. Some top republicans already told Palin to step down, but since McCain won't demand it or Palin is not aware of the damage she's doing, it should be fun to watch the results of what Palin's handlers have been able to accomplish in the few days since they cloistered her in AZ.

Unless she has a photographic memory, she's in for embarrassing McCain without knowing it, because she'll answer every question posed to her.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Tue 30 Sep, 2008 02:52 pm
@cicerone imposter,
The last one I found was dated early in the month, and it showed 52% favorable.
Subsequent polls shows her down 10%.
Tue 30 Sep, 2008 05:31 pm
Couric Interview: Palin Repeats Age Swipe At Biden (VIDEO)

Another day, another chance to see Katie Couric trap Sarah Palin in a rhetorical bind. This time Couric called out Palin for making a joke about Joe Biden's age when her running mate, John McCain, is 72-years old. The best part is Palin's explanation that her joke meant Americans need change over experience, and that's what she represents in comparison to Joe Biden. Hmmm... Isn't that Barack Obama's line?

Katie Couric: You made a funny comment, you've said you have been listening to Joe Biden's speeches since you were in second grade.

Gov. Palin: It's been since like '72, yah.

Katie Couric: You have a 72-year-old running mate, is that kind of a risky thing to say, insinuating that Joe Biden's been around awhile?

Gov. Palin: Oh no, it's nothing negative at all. He's got a lot of experience and just stating the fact there, that we've been hearing his speeches for all these years. So he's got a tremendous amount of experience and, you know, I'm the new energy, the new face, the new ideas and he's got the experience based on many many years in the Senate and voters are gonna have a choice there of what it is that they want in these next four years.
Debra Law
Tue 30 Sep, 2008 07:17 pm
Honestly. Does anyone believe that Palin EVER listened to a Biden speech until she was selected to be McCain's running mate and her babysitters sat her down made her listen to one?
cicerone imposter
Tue 30 Sep, 2008 07:42 pm
@Debra Law,
I wouldn't be surprised if her handlers summarized all of Biden's speeches, and video taped them for Palin to watch just before she goes to sleep every night.
0 Replies
Tue 30 Sep, 2008 08:24 pm
maybe she'll do great in the debate, for example.

I doooooonnnn't thiiiiiinnnk so, Soz. She sounds like a freshman in high school.

Katie Couric: You made a funny comment, you've said you have been listening to Joe Biden's speeches since you were in second grade.

Gov. Palin: It's been since like '72, yah.

Katie Couric: You have a 72-year-old running mate, is that kind of a risky thing to say, insinuating that Joe Biden's been around awhile?

Gov. Palin: Oh no, it's nothing negative at all. He's got a lot of experience and just stating the fact there, that we've been hearing his speeches for all these years. So he's got a tremendous amount of experience and, you know, I'm the new energy, the new face, the new ideas and he's got the experience based on many many years in the Senate and voters are gonna have a choice there of what it is that they want in these next four years.

Katie Couric: You made a funny comment, you've said you have been listening to Joe Biden's speeches since you were in second grade.

Gov. Palin: It's been since like '72, yah.

Katie Couric: You have a 72-year-old running mate, is that kind of a risky thing to say, insinuating that Joe Biden's been around awhile?

Gov. Palin: Oh no, it's nothing negative at all. He's got a lot of experience and just stating the fact there, that we've been hearing his speeches for all these years. So he's got a tremendous amount of experience and, you know, I'm the new energy, the new face, the new ideas and he's got the experience based on many many years in the Senate and voters are gonna have a choice there of what it is that they want in these next four years.

0 Replies
Diest TKO
Wed 1 Oct, 2008 06:57 am
I think Biden can just go in with zero restraint. The Palin media brown out has created an atmosphere where the press is more likely to be interested in running a story about Palin's answers under pressure rather than running a story about Biden being mean/condescending/big mouthed. The press will want to run a story they haven't run yet.

Palin is not in a good position to get any press sympathy if she gets destroyed in the debate.

0 Replies
Wed 1 Oct, 2008 03:22 pm
Sarah Palin's World View
by BarbinMD
Wed Oct 01, 2008 at 11:35:10 AM PDT
Yesterday we saw the latest installment in the never-ending train wreck that is the Sarah Palin, Katie Couric interview, and in it we learned where Palin's world view came from:

COURIC: And when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this " to stay informed and to understand the world?

PALIN: I’ve read most of them again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media "

COURIC: But what ones specifically? I’m curious.

PALIN: Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years.

Uh oh.

In a picture supplied by Sarah Palin's family to the Associated Press, Palin appears with some rather odd reading matter: The magazine of the ultraconservative John Birch Society
0 Replies
Debra Law
Wed 1 Oct, 2008 06:38 pm
SEDONA, Ariz. -- Besides Roe v. Wade, Palin appeared unable to name a US Supreme Court decision she disagreed with in an interview debuting Wednesday with CBS’s Katie Couric.

Couric asked the same questions to Palin and Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden, focusing on their views on Roe v. Wade and what high court decisions they opposed. Palin expressed her opposition to the abortion decision, saying she believed it should be a state issue, but did not name an additional court decision she opposed.

“Well, let's see,” she said. “There's, of course, in the great history of America rulings there have been rulings, that's never going to be absolute consensus by every American. And there are, those issues, again, like Roe v Wade where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So you know, going through the history of America, there would be others.”

She was then interrupted by Couric, who asked if she could think of any.

“Well, I could think of, of any again, that could be best dealt with on a more local level,” she continued. “Maybe I would take issue with. But you know, as mayor, and then as governor and even as a Vice President, if I'm so privileged to serve, wouldn't be in a position of changing those things but in supporting the law of the land as it reads today.”

video here:

Palin, Biden Trade Views On Abortion

Wed 1 Oct, 2008 07:09 pm
@Debra Law,
Palin speaking for real sounds exactly the same as the Palin automatic quote generators that are appearing all over internet humor sites.
Wed 1 Oct, 2008 07:12 pm
wandeljw wrote:

Palin speaking for real sounds exactly the same as the Palin automatic quote generators that are appearing all over internet humor sites.

A friend of mine sent me several of those before telling me that they weren't real quotes, and I was fooled for a bit. It is that close, and that sad.

Wed 1 Oct, 2008 07:40 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

The last one I found was dated early in the month, and it showed 52% favorable.
Subsequent polls shows her down 10%.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Oct, 2008 07:42 pm
Quote of the Day, found on CNN's Ticker:

" October 1st, 2008 9:05 pm ET

Feeling Sorry for 72 year old man who is running this election alone against OBAMA/BIDEN/PALIN"


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