@Debra Law,
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
McCain feeds America a junk food diet with Palin choice
September 19, 2008
John McCain has put himself and the nation on a strict diet of political junk food by choosing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as the Republican vice presidential candidate.
While the national media and Internet are freely dispensing all the political junk food about Sarah Palin as fast as they can, many voters including those who were considering voting for John McCain can't stomach it. Can you?
Here it is in one large spoonful.
Small-town white-female mayor who bullies librarians and museum directors, lobbies Washington to obtain federal funds and claims that she is against "pork barrel politics," is elected governor of the state with one of the smallest populations in the country, so small that she can afford to work from home for most of the year and charge the taxpayers for working from home as a "duty-station," lives closer to the melting Arctic ice caps than any other governor in the country but does not believe in global warming, cracks the whip in dog-sled races and in retaliation towards state officials who she thinks have wronged her family, and turns otherwise right-wing fundamentalist social vices into Republican political virtues.
What does it sound like when people can't stomach McCain's political junk food diet? "Shame on John McCain for choosing Palin as his running mate." This is just one of the more common, and most disgusted of voter reactions to be heard, and which the media does not report on.
Who are these voters? They include Republicans, independents and Democrats.
Why doesn't the media cover these voter reactions? For one, they are too busy photographing gleeful elderly white women cheering for Sarah Palin as if they had successfully photographed a species of wildlife long considered extinct.
The real reason, however, is that these voters no longer fit into a neat box of supporting Obama or McCain. They do not easily fit into the other available categories of "undecided" or "swing voters." In fact, they may not vote at all -- and that makes the real untold story of John McCain's campaign different than reports of how he discovered a "chick magnet" to resuscitate his dying presidential aspirations.
When McCain loses, reporters will swarm all over the real story, and it is how he alienated so many voters who were hoping that McCain was a serious leader and not just applying his self-acclaimed political maverick mentality on the voters.
"Shame on John McCain" also evokes such a strong feeling not just because people can't stomach McCain's choice of Palin, but because John McCain repeatedly reveals a number of disappointing similarities to outgoing President Bush. It is not just the use of campaign tactics to win the presidency at any costs.
It is McCain's and Bush's ultra-thin skinned reaction when anyone in the public or the media criticizes their most obvious seriously bad choices and decisions, and the parallel stubborn trait of failing to see and acknowledge reality as others see it. You have probably seen McCain in action -- insulting his opponents because he is insulted by criticisms of Palin and her combination of personal dramas, false declarations, actions as a public official and overall lack of qualifications for serving as vice president let alone to step in as president.
Yet it is McCain's inability to see clearly the nation's economic woes that should trouble America the most. Sounding a lot like his former Senate colleague and economic advisor, Phil Gramm, who denied the existence of a recession and called America a country of whiners, McCain persistently claimed that the American economy was sound when every real soccer and hockey mom is worried sick about money. Suddenly, he's declared that America is in a crisis.
Maybe it is McCain's diet of political junk food that he and his entire campaign is consuming that has made him so cranky and desperate. Sens. Barack Obama and Joe Biden can contribute leadership, statesmanship, understanding and intelligence. That is the substantive diet the nation needs.
Email Steven L. Katz, counsel to former U.S. Sen. John Glenn, D-Ohio:
[email protected]
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