Oh, geez McG: so, somebody from Palin's office says 'oh, what she was doing was Okay, nothing to see here...'; and that makes it okay? Hardly. That was her
spokeswoman talking. What do you expect her to say? That Palin is guilty of fraud? Please.
I can tell you with all honesty: Palin does not scare me. She will not catapult McCain to victory. She doesn't have what it takes to get it done and neither does McCain. As I said above, if she had the guts to do an interview or give out policy proposals or ANYTHING other then set speeches, we'd be talking about that. But she doesn't, so this is what we are left with.
I'm even willing to admit that the Gov should be exempt from travel regulations. Great. But why does she get paid a per diem to stay at home? I doubt AK law supports that. And you didn't address that.
I'm uninterested in your jibes at me, but I encourage you to keep it up if you think it will make a compelling counter-argument.