@Joe Nation,
Here goes:
Piece of toast - choose the toast or the bagel, don't eat both
coffee - good
Breakfast Steak (8oz) - choose the steak or the three eggs, not both
Three Eggs
Bagel\Butter - use the butter very sparingly or do away with completely
Orange Juice - good
Fruit Salad - good
Lamb stew leftovers - choose the lamb stew or pizza, not both
Piece of leftover pizza - if you have the pizza, consider putting raw vegetables on it before reheating it
double dip chocolate ice cream cone - not so good - maybe substitute with a scoop of low-carb vanilla ice cream with some dried fruit or nut topping; or having a few pieces of dark chocolate
1/2 pound hunk of French Raclette cheese - that's a lot of cheese! Choose that or the wrap, but not both
Wrap made of turkey, swiss and ham - I think this would be the better choice
Mayo - use very sparingly or do away with completely
I realize that you're burning a lot of calories, but it's easy to still eat too much. Also be careful of over-exercising because it can put your body in survival mode where it will store very calorie. I finally lost almost 40 pounds when I learned some of this the hard way. I also run long-distance, and have to be careful not to eat too much in spite of this. When I lower my calories to under 2000 a day, I start losing weight. I weight 150 and am 5' 7". At one time I was almost 180. I have been down to 140, but have gained some extra weight this summer - why? From eating a bit too much, especially at the dinner meal - eating things like fatty meats and cheeses. It is something I have to really stay on top off, because I'm drawn to rich, fatty foods.
Basically eat half as much high cholesterol, saturated fat laden food and replace with higher fiber/lower fat choices. Eat as many raw veggies as you can stomach. Limit the bready carbs to one or two a day. Try to ensure that those breads are of the higher fiber sort.
What worked for me, also, was making my largest meal of the day at lunchtime. When I did this, for the first few nights I felt a bit hungry but my body quickly adjusted.
Keep up the good work! The running is fantastic - just try to remember not to push yourself too hard and to keep your heart rate in a zone where you can comfortably talk while running; otherwise, you are over-exercising, and your body will resist losing weight.
I'm currently training for a marathon.