sozobe wrote: That's thin ice, though -- which is better, to have a quick casual fling and then repair things with the wife and stay with her; or cheat on the wife who waited for you for years when you were a POW, and who'd had a terrible accident that she was still recovering from, and then LEAVE her for the person you cheated on?
Anyway, I don't think either one is that important in and of itself, but I do think that the people who are all upset about Edwards' affair because of the affair itself (as opposed to the "wow, that was dumb" factor) should be equally upset about McCain's affair. Same with those who are upset not because of the affair itself but because of the lying about it.
Some similarities, some differences, but overall they're both pretty shabby stories.
Come on Soz; one happened 3 decades ago. Try this: Does it matter if Obama used drugs 3 decades ago, or if it was 2 years ago? Of course it's different. And McCain spent more time as a POW than he did with his wife first, came home to a woman he didn't recognize, and some call him a scumbag for not living his entire life a martyr, too? That's pretty harsh. Plus he spent 3 decades as a loving husband since? What has Edwards done to re-prove himself? Admitted to being 1% dishonest?

Not really all that similar at all.
As for which is worse in general: I don't think a person chooses who they fall in love with or when (All's fair in love and war and all that), but one definitely chooses whether they just want to betray their partner to get their kicks.
sozobe wrote:Meanwhile, evidently Edwards hired Hunter AFTER the affair had begun -- that means the sexual harassment thing doesn't really apply but is worse in other ways (looks like she may have created the film company and went on the road with him just as a front for continuing the affair).
This sounds like it could actually be criminal fund mismanagement, depending on qualifications/compensation. Not that I care. I'm just glad the scumbag has taken himself out of the game.