Yah right. We'll believe it when we see it. I mean you, when we see you.
..biking in France, can life get any more unfair?
where in france were you? do tell, make me suffer more.
Took a ferry to Le Havre, rode down through Normandy to Le Mans, visited 7 Chateaux on the Loire, tasted wine in Saumur, ate Chateaubriand in Chateaubriand and stopped off at Mont St Michel before returning from Cherbourg.
Funny time with a good friend and his unreliable bike!
Great weather, food, wine, countryside etc.
Sorry to rub it in!
disgusting, just plain disgusting. i must do something similar soon. spring. yeeeeees.
littlek wrote:Hey, Pete's back!
True - hello lil'k...hope to see you next week!
Same goes for all of you Bahstahn kids!
yep, I'll try to be there! I'll likely be late, as I always seem to be at after-work gatherings.
I've still to check with our hosts, but is Monday or Tuesday a better day for you guys?
I'll try to please the majority if there's the option to do so.
biking in France..now thats a nice thought when working..it helps get through the day if nothing else.
Those with a preference voted for Tuesday I believe.
I guess that's a vote for Tuesday yourself, quinn.
I think I can count jespah for Tuesday and SealPoet for Monday from reading again.
Any more votes? I hope there's a higher turnout than your last presidential election, or I'll have to adopt Shrub-like ways and get my brother to log on under different guises and vote himelf...sorry...couldn't resist!
Heh, Monday.. Tuesday.. Who cares?? They're both just days right? As long as there is beer there people will show.
They don't serve beer at Chuck E' Cheese, fishin.
Damn, I'll have to bring my own then.
And sell it to the kids....that's a great idea!
Eh, day as a day, but Tuesday seems better for most. I vote Tuesday. Now, where? I vote for the Burren (live around the corner, hee). Or howz about the B-Side Lounge? Nah, that's hard to get to. Or, or or The Thirsty Scholar pub on Beacon Street in Somerville? Or something near Harvard? Like Grendel's Den? Or the Enormous room in Central Square is cool. And is not an irish pub - we don't need to drag KP into those. What else is there? Help, people, don't just look.
Maryann's in cleavland circle...smells like puke and beer is $1.
Cantab lounge, can't find a bigger dive(unless lil' joe cook is there, place is awesome).
Model Cafe in Allston, ok you CAN find a bigger dive.
Ups and Downs in Dorchester...anyone wanna get stabbed?
Someday I'll give you a serious answer.
either day is good...just figure out what kind of venue
preferences kp?
Slappy certainly has a great list to choose from