Cycloptichorn wrote:ican711nm wrote:Obama has frequently echoed the Soros Gang's chant that since drilling for oil now will not solve the energy supply problem now, we must emphasize alternate solutions ... that will take more time than drilling to solve the energy supply problem..
But, drilling for oil will NEVER solve the energy supply problem. That's the whole point; as long as we are addicted to oil, we are going to be facing shortages and geopolitical problems. If we can get off the sauce, we can achieve a state where this is not a problem.
Cycloptichorn that's malarky!
First of all, NEVER is a very very ... very long time.! :wink:
Second of all, drilling for more oil will at the very least
temporarily help solve the energy problem.
A rational debate would be over how long and how much will be the
temporary help?
While working for alternate solutions to become significant sources of energy, drilling for more oil is necessary to reduce the damage being done to the USA's as well as the world's supply of energy due to failure of the USA to expand its drilling in ANWR and in its other oil rich reserves.
The argument that since X is not solving and will not solve the
whole problem, abandon X and wait for development of Y to solve the
whole problem, is so stupid an argument as to bring intelligent minds momentarily to virtual standstills.