au1929 wrote:Italgato
As usual when all else fails attack Clinton
Yes and yes Clinton broke the law by lying about a "Blow Job." However, how many people did his lie kill. Did his lie end up depleting the US treasury? Did his lie make the US gain the enmity of the rest of the world? No!! Can the same be said about the present occupant of the White House???
That has nothing to do with it for people like Gato, Au.
People like Gato hate Bill Clinton for what he did to them.
You remember, don't you?
Back when Bush Pere was running for re-election --- the nation's conservatives were crowing about their power. As far as they were concerned, the media was right in its hype that averred that NO PERSON WILL EVER BECOME PRESIDENT OVER CONSERVATIVE AMERICA'S VETO. In fact, may conservatives supposed that no person could become president without conservative America's explicit blessings.
But Bill Clinton showed them they were dreaming.
And after a smear campaign against him that raged on for four years -- he jabbed them in the eye again by getting re-elected.
When he was first elected, the conservatives all fell to the floor on their collective backs and started kicking their heels against the wood. When he was re-elected, they continued to kick and started holding their breath.
After four years of blue conservatives -- they finally got to elect the current moron -- and even that they did not do with a plurality of the vote.
Back when Clinton was president, we heard about how he did not get a majority of the electorate. But he did get a plurality.
Now we don't hear any of that kind of talk from conservatives.
Back when Clinton was president, we heard about youthful use of marijuana and draft dodging. Now that the conservatives have a hard drug using, recovered alcoholic who also dodged the draft -- they are quiet about those things.
Gad, they are such a bunch of hypocrites -- it makes one wonder why anyone would even admit to being one.