Italgato wrote:I do not wish to nit pick but cicernone imposter's otherwise brilliant essay was marred by what may have been a serious ( inadvertent ?) spelling error.
I am sure that Cicerone Impostor knows the difference between advice(recommendation offered as a guide to conduct) and advise(to give counsel to).
When such errors are made, one has to wonder about the depth of the reasoning offered by the contributor!!!!!
Sounds to me like you really did want to nit pick.
I consider myself a careful poster and a reasonable speller, but I cannot count the number of times I've typed "advise" when I meant "advice."
I usually catch it when proofing.
But for you to point something like that out and then suggest that it was a "serious" spelling error and further suggest that if one makes that mistake, it should cause people to "wonder about the depth of reasoning" involved -- really is a stretch.
Or a bit of nit picking.