talk72000 wrote:Blacks roughly represent 20% of the US population. The population is politically split up three ways 1/3 Democrat, 1/3 Republican and 1/3 Independent i.e. not affiliated with either party. So of 100 people 33 to 40 would be Democrats, 25 to 30 Republicans and 25 to 30 Independents. Now Blacks mostly vote Democrats with a minimal representation within Republicans or Independents. Blacks/Democrats ratio (15 or 20) Blacks of (33 to 40) Democrats amounts to 40 to 50 % of the Democrats.
You're flat out wrong, and the exit poll data is right there to show it. Here, I listed the numbers
on the previous page - though you're free to
look them up for yourself (click the "Polls" link for every state).
That's the actual data, rather than some back-of-an-envelope calculation. Why not just check them before going off on some speculative calculation of your own?
Not to mention that your actual calculation is rickety in practically every sentence. For one, blacks do not "roughly represent 20% of the US population". According to the last census, they made up just 12%. So straight off the bat you're almost doubling the actual number.
I realise that you folks would love to reduce Obama having gotten more votes, more delegates and more states than Hillary to mostly just a 'black thing'. That darned power of those black Dems who force the party elite to abandon the better candidate! But aside from the offputting racial overtones of that argument, it's just plain factually false. Just one-third of Obama's voters in the primaries were black; two-thirds were white (or, rarely, Hispanic or Asian). That's a fact, it can be easily calculated on the basis of the actual exit poll data.