fishin wrote:nimh wrote:fishin wrote:NONE of them make any mention of repoductive rights or labor/trade issues as being anywhere near the top of anyone's list. They don't appear to be on anyone's radar except your own.
On mine, on mine too!
YOU don't count! Yer a feriner!

It's a matter of framing the argument.
Get McCain in front of a microphone. Ask him some tough questions on reproductive rights. Get EMILY'S list and WVWV and some other large women's groups to start focusing on how bad McCain's record is on this, and how wrong his rhetoric is.
And McCain is really in a bind. Really. How many Republicans have explained their inability to vote Dem by saying:
Quote:I could never support a candidate who is pro-choice, because abortion is an important issue to me!
McCain doesn't have much choice on this issue; alienate his own base, or alienate some of the independents, and rile up the female Hillary supporters - who may not have been riled before this?
This whole election cycle, is going to be full of different issues on this, which are going to put him in a terrible bind. McCain is trying to play both ends against the middle, but in the days of Youtube, he's never going to get away with it.