Cycloptichorn wrote:
Change the uncaring, borderline evil tone that politics has taken under the Bush administration.
Where did you live during the Clinton administration? On a raft at sea?
Dems accusing Reps of 'starving children' when budget cuts ,( no actually just reductions in the rate of growth of the budget), were discussed.
Dems accusing Reps of wanting dirty air and dirty water for not kowtowing to every 'green' group that wants a grant from Uncle Sam.
Dems led by Hilly and Billy producing a 'health care plan' that carried CRIMINAL penalties for those who offered or obtained health care services 'outside the system' (i.e. if I want to pay for a doctor out of my own pocket). These 'enemies of the state' would be dealt with harshly to make examples of them.
Dems claiming Bush Sr produced 'the worst economy in 50 years' in order to get Clinton elected in '92. Obviously these jokers think nobody remembers the Carter administration with 20% interest rates.
Dems accusing Reps of being warmongers for demanding action against terrorists (and those who finance and harbor terrorists such as Saddam Hussein), when America was attacked during the Clinton years, i.e. USS Cole attack, bombing of two US embassies in Africa, bombing of the Khobar Towers.
Dems have indeed led the way to a particularly nasty tone in politics long before GWB arrived in D.C.