engineer wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Cycloptichorn wrote:What exactly are the Republicans going to hit Obama with, that Clinton didn't already do?
nothing... just twice as vicious... twice as hard... twice as long... and the public will buy it for that reason....and no telling what will drop with the other shoe.... they will bring things up that the Hillary campaign.... regardless of what you think or say about her.... would not broach
And that is why you need to join us. Are you going to let them get away with it again or are you going to vote against that hateful, vicious attack machine. If you can't vote for Obama, then vote against a Republican machine that is willing to go to any lengths to extend their reign.
The horrible evil attack machine versus the idealistic enlightened organic system.
This reminds me of a discussion I recently heard on NPR concerning the Supreme Court's ruling on the Indiana Voter ID case.
A caller expressed outrage over a related column by Cal Thomas wherein he, apparently, suggested that the Democratic Party is "soft" on voter ID because it benefits from voter fraud.
The show's guest was equally outraged and proceeded to explain how it was obvious that the Republican party wants to address the voter fraud "canard," only because it wants to disenfranchize Democrat voters.
I understand the natural tendency to demonize one's "enemies," but isn't there a point where the hyperbole seems overdone even to those spouting it?
If the "Republican machine" was really willing to "go to any lengths to extend their reign," political campaign attacks would be the least of its ordinance.