Thanks, Noddy. Fairy tales.
Thought of this thread when having to deal with a very blond woman who , my god, plays it to the hilt.
She always has grated on my nerves ("Can you do you this for me?" bat of eyelashes, giggle, flip hair) .
That's not because she's blond, hell, this woman isn't even exceptionally pretty.
It's the "raised as a princess, manipulate to get by, play up the helpless role" that truly pisses me off.
Deb's words were much better than mine! We know it when we see it, and let me tell you - I work real hard to make sure any woman working with me, for me, or any young girl around me does NOT get rewarded for that behavior.
Or as my aunt nicely summed it up when my young cousin tried continuing behavior like that as a pre-teen after getting rewarded by a slimy guy at a story for being "a blond girl" ....
"That isn't cute. I don't ever want to see you pretending to be stupider than you are again."
Amen to that.