Butrflynet wrote:okie wrote:snood wrote:Okie's recommendation about racial strife is "forget it for awhile, and the problem will subside".
Dang. (slapping forehead with heel of palm) So simple.
My point is extremely valid. Alot of times, the simplest solutions work better. Have you heard of self fulfilling prophecy, snood? I think if people would quit obsessing over it, the problem would subside. Keep picking at a sore, and it won't heal. You know as well as I that if anyone is looking for a fight, they will find one.
Had you posted this over on the Obama thread in the midst of the Republican orgy over Reverend Wright, I would actually think you were quite sincere and very prophetic.
It is not us that is picking at the sore, it is the Wright and apparently Obama philosophy. I say apparently, because he supported this guy for 20 years. We are simply criticizing those people that want to continue to pick on the sore, continue to talk about, dwell on, and make race an issue. I am personally sick of it, and I am going to make that feeling known in regard to politicians that buy into racist philosophies. I will not vote for those kinds of politicians and I will express my opinion accordingly.
By the way, today I heard Michael Steele and Jesse Lee Peterson on the Hannity show today, and they strongly criticized Wright, Obama, and others like Farakhan. I still remember the great speech Steele gave at the RNC, and I said he was so much better than Obama that it was pathetic, but its Obama that the MSM trumps up as some shining young politician. It is irritating to say the least that the press props up the marginal types and ignores the best that we have.
You can bet that if it was Michael Steele running today instead of Obama, he would not have made race the issue as we have today. He would be running on policy and conservative values.