Am I wrong?

Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 12:50 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 01:06 pm
Ragman wrote:
engineer wrote:
... Reagan was also very slow to react to the growing AIDs situation considering it a concern only for homosexuals. I don't think you can say Reagan was completely clean.

Who was saying that he was completely clean? Certainly not I. teh topic and this discussion was about racism. What you're discussing broadens the discussion to Discrimination at large.

OK, but what about the other part of my post about Reagan's Southern strategy of talking about "states' rights?"
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 01:09 pm
Setanta wrote:
According to your source, on February 3, 1981, after Ronnie Ray-gun had been inaugurated, the prime interest rate was 19.5%. Thereafter, it dropped to 17% by April, and then rose to 20.5% by mid-July, 1981. According to your source, the prime rate remained in double digits until June, 1985, more than four years after your boy Ronnie took office. If you want to claim that Ronnie fixed any mess which you intend to blame on Carter, you're going to need to explain .....his entire first term.

The prime rate was at 20% when Reagan was inaugurated on Jan 20, 1981. http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/data/PRIME.txt

He took office in January, not February.

By 2/25/83, (just past the half way point in Reagans first term) it had been cut nearly in half, to 10.5% . http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/data/PRIME.txt

It hovered between 10.5% and 13% for the remainder of his first term, finishing at 10.5% at his second inauguration. http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/data/PRIME.txt

To try to imply that little or no progress was made during Reagans first term is false.

In Carter's four years , it went from 6.25% to over 21% http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/data/PRIME.txt

I'll compare those two four year periods all day long.

Remember also that Democrat Carter had a Democratic majority (a solid one) in BOTH houses of Congress, while Ron labored against a hostile Congress of the opposite party to get his tax cuts passed and implemented, to try and stimulate the economy.

Certainly lots of other factors can be discussed.

But your claim that Carter 'inherited' double digit interest rates is not factual (not even close), and a little research would've shown that. http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/data/PRIME.txt

But you were in too big a hurry to try to personally trash me.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 02:29 pm
You greatly overrate your importance if you think i have any personal animus toward you. I simply find you amusing and disgusting because of your warped partisan views, whether the subject is science, or morality or politics. You continue to ignore that three Presidents--Ford, Carter and Reagan--inherited the fiscal disaster of the Nixon administration. You ignore that inflation and interest rates ran out of control after the price controls of the Nixon administration were lifted, at the same time that the Arab oil embargo subsequent to the Yom Kippur War was imposed. You continue to avoid the issue of the comments by Gerald Ford which i posted here, and for which i linked the source. You ignore the NYT article which i posted which gives, in language simple enough that even you can understand, an explanation of exactly what Nixon did to make himself look good for the 1972 election, and the consequences of it. You continue to ignore that the prime rate is directly conditioned on the interest rates of the Fed, and that from 1979 to 1987, the Fed was chaired by Paul Volcker, a Carter appointee whose appointment was renewed by Ray-gun.

This is from the Wikipedia article on Volcker:

Paul Volcker, a Democrat, was appointed Chairman of the Federal Reserve in August 1979 by President Jimmy Carter and reappointed in 1983 by President Ronald Reagan. Volcker's Fed is widely credited with ending the United States' stagflation crisis of the 1970s by limiting the growth of the money supply, abandoning the previous policy of targeting interest rates. Inflation, which peaked at 13.5% in 1981, was successfully lowered to 3.2% by 1983. The change in policy contributed to the significant recession the U.S. economy experienced in the early 1980s, which included the highest unemployment levels since the Great Depression.

However, Volcker's Fed also elicited the strongest political attacks and most wide-spread protests in the history of the Federal Reserve (unlike any protests experienced since 1922) due to the effects of the high interest rates on the construction and farming sectors, culminating in indebted farmers driving their tractors onto C Street and blockading the Eccles Building.

High interest rates were a deliberate policy of the Federal Reserve to end the run-away inflation which began with the end of Nixon's price controls and the oil embargo. Reagan renewed Volcker's tenure at the Fed because the policy was obviously working. This also contradicts your bullshit about the unemployment rate, which peaked in Reagan's administration, not Carter's. Your problem is that you are as wedded to your narrow, partisan political attitude as you are to your goofy, biblically-inspired world view.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 03:14 pm
Setanta wrote:
Once again, you apparently are completely incapable of seeing the inherent racism in your remarks. My ancestors were Irish. I am proud of my Irish heritage. I am happy to tell anyone about that. This does not alter that i consider that i am entitled to be treated with that same consideration that all the citizens of a republic have a right to claim, without reference to superficial descriptions.

I suspect that you are assuming that all white folks are the same, and that all black folks are different. You are making black people "the other" by definition. Which individuals do you claim "cloak themselves with all kinds of specialness?" Are you suggesting that this is descriptive of all people who are described as being black? Your comments reek of racist resentments.

The problem I would have is if you expect to be treated as if you are Irish. I don't care what you think you are, so long as you don't demand that i recognize it. I would also have a problem with you if you segregated yourself among other people who thought that were Irish, and had your own subculture of habits and beliefs (tribe), and then when the mood struck you told those who don't think their Irish "treat me like I am just like you, as if I am not Irish"

I am not the racist, those who are demanding to be have their race recognized are the racists. You can band together with other like minded people and decide to form a tribe, you however don't have the right to have that tribe automatically recognized by everyone else. I can choose to acknowledge your claim of tribal identity, or i can choose not to.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 03:19 pm
So how do you claim that someone claiming a particular identity, and insisting upon impinges on your, or causes any problems for society? What is the nature of this alleged insisting upon an identity in one case, but not in another? Have you got some specifics? Because i have a suspicion of the origin of your whine in this matter.

By the way, alleging that all black people behave in any particular manner is prima facia evidence of a racist attitude. All black people do not behave in the same way, just as all white people don't behave in the same way.

And when you lie awake at any time in the long watches of the night, regale yourself with the thought that when you go back far enough in human history, we're all descended from Africans.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 03:24 pm
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
It appears that Hawkeye is trying to describe modern tribal societies. We think we have evolved so much. But so many people have not thrown off their tribal instincts that helped them to survive through the many steps of evolution. Call it racism or call it tribal instincts, it's all the same.


Exactly, we are genetically predisposed to form tribes, and currently we often do it on the basis of race. Until a generation ago we still did it on the basis of religion also, but religions have all become much weaker so it is now rarely done. We now form "subcultures" which are usually lifestyle tribes, and admission is completely voluntary.

Look at what we do the first time that we have near complete freedom to organize ourselves (high school).....most people choose to form tribes. These tribes are usually based upon nonsense, and the tribal boundaries are constantly changing, but our instincts are to be tribal.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 03:24 pm
Setanta wrote: "And when you lie awake at any time in the long watches of the night, regale yourself with the thought that when you go back far enough in human history, we're all descended from Africans."

And our African ancestors were descendents of evolved apes. Some of us got out of the trees; some didn't.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 03:28 pm
Setanta wrote:
So how do you claim that someone claiming a particular identity, and insisting upon impinges on your, or causes any problems for society? .

No, I am claiming that those who choose an identity based upon race, and demand to have that identity recognized, are the racists, not those who resist or refuse to recognize the claim.

The golden rule is to treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves, it is not to treat others as they wish to be treated. There is a reason for this, and I am not backing off of the golden rule for those who demand to have their tribal status recognized.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 03:36 pm
Your objection is meaningless, for a variety of reasons. The first is that there is no such thing as "race"--there is one race, the human race. The second is that people in this country who are called black have an identity as African-Americans, and the descendants of slaves. This is no different than, for example, me calling myself an Irish-American, and recognizing the vicious prejudice of Protestant Americans toward my people when they first came here. The third is that the personal identity which someone else adopts doesn't impinge upon you--it requires nothing of you, not even that you acknowledge it. I'm sure that there is something else in operation here, so form of sour grapes, but we won't ever get to it until you're honest about it.

Once again, when you attempt to claim that all people who are called black have exactly the same attitude, your remarks are prejudicial.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 03:40 pm
Setanta wrote:
The third is that the personal identity which someone else adopts doesn't impinge upon you--it requires nothing of you, not even that you acknowledge it.

As I said, I don't care what you think you are, and so long as you don't demand that I acknowledge that you are what you think you are I am fine.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 03:44 pm
Then what's your beef? Why did you bring it up? Do you have a lot of black people coming up to you to demand that you acknowledge their perceived identities? Do you suggest that all black people have the same identity, and secretly want to force you to acknowledge it?

Silly stuff here . . .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 03:45 pm
Setanta wrote:
Then what's your beef? Why did you bring it up? Do you have a lot of black people coming up to you to demand that you acknowledge their perceived identities? . .

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 03:48 pm
Ever heard of paranoid schizophrenia? To your answer that you have a lot of black people coming up to you to demand that you acknowledge their perceived identities, i say bullshit--don't piss down my leg and tell me it's rainin' . . .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 03:49 pm
Setanta wrote:
Ever heard of paranoid schizophrenia? To your answer that you have a lot of black people coming up to you to demand that you acknowledge their perceived identities, i say bullshit--don't piss down my leg and tell me it's rainin' . . .

Your mileage may vary.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 04:19 pm
Setanta wrote:
You greatly overrate your importance if you think i have any personal animus toward you. I simply find you amusing and disgusting because of your warped partisan views, whether the subject is science, or morality or politics. You continue to ignore that three Presidents--Ford, Carter and Reagan--inherited the fiscal disaster of the Nixon administration. You ignore that inflation and interest rates ran out of control after the price controls of the Nixon administration were lifted, at the same time that the Arab oil embargo subsequent to the Yom Kippur War was imposed. You continue to avoid the issue of the comments by Gerald Ford which i posted here, and for which i linked the source. You ignore the NYT article which i posted which gives, in language simple enough that even you can understand, an explanation of exactly what Nixon did to make himself look good for the 1972 election, and the consequences of it. You continue to ignore that the prime rate is directly conditioned on the interest rates of the Fed, and that from 1979 to 1987, the Fed was chaired by Paul Volcker, a Carter appointee whose appointment was renewed by Ray-gun.

This is from the Wikipedia article on Volcker:

Paul Volcker, a Democrat, was appointed Chairman of the Federal Reserve in August 1979 by President Jimmy Carter and reappointed in 1983 by President Ronald Reagan. Volcker's Fed is widely credited with ending the United States' stagflation crisis of the 1970s by limiting the growth of the money supply, abandoning the previous policy of targeting interest rates. Inflation, which peaked at 13.5% in 1981, was successfully lowered to 3.2% by 1983. The change in policy contributed to the significant recession the U.S. economy experienced in the early 1980s, which included the highest unemployment levels since the Great Depression.

However, Volcker's Fed also elicited the strongest political attacks and most wide-spread protests in the history of the Federal Reserve (unlike any protests experienced since 1922) due to the effects of the high interest rates on the construction and farming sectors, culminating in indebted farmers driving their tractors onto C Street and blockading the Eccles Building.

High interest rates were a deliberate policy of the Federal Reserve to end the run-away inflation which began with the end of Nixon's price controls and the oil embargo. Reagan renewed Volcker's tenure at the Fed because the policy was obviously working. This also contradicts your bullshit about the unemployment rate, which peaked in Reagan's administration, not Carter's. Your problem is that you are as wedded to your narrow, partisan political attitude as you are to your goofy, biblically-inspired world view.


All this hot air whining about what I 'didn't say', just to avoid admitting you didn't fact check.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 04:19 pm
Re: Setanta
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Setanta wrote: "And when you lie awake at any time in the long watches of the night, regale yourself with the thought that when you go back far enough in human history, we're all descended from Africans."

And our African ancestors were descendents of evolved apes. Some of us got out of the trees; some didn't.


You mind expanding on that thought for clarification?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Mar, 2008 08:20 am
Re: Setanta
snood wrote:
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Setanta wrote: "And when you lie awake at any time in the long watches of the night, regale yourself with the thought that when you go back far enough in human history, we're all descended from Africans."

And our African ancestors were descendents of evolved apes. Some of us got out of the trees; some didn't.

You mind expanding on that thought for clarification?

We all evolved, in the last step, from apes. I don't include which life form apes evolved from.

"Some of us got out of the trees" and continued to evolve from apes into humans. Some apes remained in the trees and evolved into several species that are damned smart. Some of them can act in films. One even learned sign language and could communicate with humans. Smart critters.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Mar, 2008 08:31 am
ummm... no. We didn't evolve from apes.

Apes and humans evolved at the same time from a common ancestor around 7-8 million years ago. It's a split in the tree.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Mar, 2008 08:33 am
McGentrix wrote:
ummm... no. We didn't evolve from apes.

Apes and humans evolved at the same time from a common ancestor around 7-8 million years ago. It's a split in the tree.

So what happened to you?
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