Thomas wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:Well, tracking by most of the polling agencies have shown the trend that the majority of voters were liberal.
Can you show me the polls on which you base that assertion?
cicerone imposter wrote: So all of a sudden, depending on how the question is asked, that turns around the whole issue of party affiliation vs their politics?
I can only guess. One guess would be that respondents reply one way on a buzzword basis -- "are you liberal or conservative?" -- and some other way when you ask more specific questions: Do you receive Social Security? Are you happy with it? Are you happy with your community's public schools? Would you want to improve them even if you'd had to pay higher taxes? Discrepancies like this are quite frequent.
Another guess that comes to mind is that a lot of Democrats in 2006 and 2008 won seats in Congress by appealing to conservative swing voters. Their campaign messages were much more pro-gun, pro-religion, anti-abortion-ish, etc. I presume that the Democrats attracted quite a lot of self-identified conservatives in 2006 and 2008 -- and that they still do.
But these are all guesses. I don't actually know.
I think your guess is pretty good. Further, Obama himself campaigned far more to the center than he has governed. Many conservatives, including this one, felt completely betrayed by the GOP in recent years--a GOP that abandoned principles of more limited federal government and fiscal responsibility. An Obama who campaigned as somebody who would restore responsibility and integrity to government was attractive to those who weren't paying attention to the devils in the details.
But unfortunately, Obama has betrayed their trust more than the GOP ever did, soso now the GOP, as weakened and flawed as it is, has regained a lot if not most of its former base. And, if the polls can be trusted, many of the more conservative Democrats and Independents are also realizing that Obama is not the man he sold to us.
Obama is in a tough spot. He is preaching and practicing a far more radical left doctrine in some of his views than most Americans can stomach, but he angers his strongest base when he veers even slightly back to the center.
I think those who are still staunchly supporting him now are the pure ideologues or those who are still caught up in messianic adulation.
My fear is that the GOP has not learned its lesson and, like Obama, is currently talking a good game that would not be implemented if they are restored to power.
That's why a third truly conservative party is looking better to me all the time.