Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 06:46 am
Twenty advertisers have now pulled their ads from Glenn Beck's FOX show.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 09:40 am
Which do you prefer: A government that supports Collectivism or a government that supports Individualism?


Main Entry: col•lec•tiv•ism

1 a : a politico-economic system characterized by collective control especially over production and distribution of goods and services in contrast to free enterprise <forces that have led to individualism have in the last fifty years been successfully opposed by the forces of collectivism -- M.R.Cohen> b : extreme control of the economic, political, and social life of its subjects by an authoritarian state (as under communism or fascism) c : a doctrine or system that makes the group or the state actively responsible for the social and economic welfare of its members
2 : a social theory or doctrine that emphasizes the importance of the collective (as the society or state) in contrast to the individual and that tends to analyze society in terms of collective behavior …


Main Entry: in•di•vid•u•al•ism

1 a (1) : the ethical doctrine or principle that the interests of the individual himself are or ought to be paramount in determination of conduct : ethical egoism; also : conduct guided by the principle (2) : the conception that all values, rights, and duties originate in individuals and that the community or social whole has no value or ethical significance not derived from its constituent individuals b (1) : the doctrine which holds that the chief end of society is the promotion of individual welfare and the chief end of moral law is the development of individual character; also : conduct or practice guided by such a doctrine (2) : a theory or policy having primary regard for individual rights and especially maintaining the political and economic independence of the individual or maintaining the independence of individual initiative, action, and interests (as in industrial organization or in government); also : conduct or practice guided by such a theory or policy -- compare COLLECTIVISM, PATERNALISM, SOCIALISM c : any vigorous and independent striving toward an individual goal or any markedly independent assertion of individual opinions especially without regard for others or in defiance of an institution or larger authority …

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 10:07 am
ican, on the economy thread, I have injected the factor of collectivism vs individualism, as practiced, greatly affects invention, innovation, and industrial progress. This resulted from ci and perhaps cyclops claiming that government research is or has been the principle driver of inventions and progress.

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 10:11 am
okie, Quit jerking off and answer my question on the UCLA article about government R&D.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 10:27 am
Thomas wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:
Well, tracking by most of the polling agencies have shown the trend that the majority of voters were liberal.

Can you show me the polls on which you base that assertion?

cicerone imposter wrote:
So all of a sudden, depending on how the question is asked, that turns around the whole issue of party affiliation vs their politics?

I can only guess. One guess would be that respondents reply one way on a buzzword basis -- "are you liberal or conservative?" -- and some other way when you ask more specific questions: Do you receive Social Security? Are you happy with it? Are you happy with your community's public schools? Would you want to improve them even if you'd had to pay higher taxes? Discrepancies like this are quite frequent.

Another guess that comes to mind is that a lot of Democrats in 2006 and 2008 won seats in Congress by appealing to conservative swing voters. Their campaign messages were much more pro-gun, pro-religion, anti-abortion-ish, etc. I presume that the Democrats attracted quite a lot of self-identified conservatives in 2006 and 2008 -- and that they still do.

But these are all guesses. I don't actually know.

I think your guess is pretty good. Further, Obama himself campaigned far more to the center than he has governed. Many conservatives, including this one, felt completely betrayed by the GOP in recent years--a GOP that abandoned principles of more limited federal government and fiscal responsibility. An Obama who campaigned as somebody who would restore responsibility and integrity to government was attractive to those who weren't paying attention to the devils in the details.

But unfortunately, Obama has betrayed their trust more than the GOP ever did, soso now the GOP, as weakened and flawed as it is, has regained a lot if not most of its former base. And, if the polls can be trusted, many of the more conservative Democrats and Independents are also realizing that Obama is not the man he sold to us.

Obama is in a tough spot. He is preaching and practicing a far more radical left doctrine in some of his views than most Americans can stomach, but he angers his strongest base when he veers even slightly back to the center.

I think those who are still staunchly supporting him now are the pure ideologues or those who are still caught up in messianic adulation.

My fear is that the GOP has not learned its lesson and, like Obama, is currently talking a good game that would not be implemented if they are restored to power.

That's why a third truly conservative party is looking better to me all the time.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 10:28 am

Obama is in a tough spot. He is preaching and practicing a far more radical left doctrine in some of his views than most Americans can stomach, but he angers his strongest base when he veers even slightly back to the center.

I wonder what you think Obama is preaching which is 'radical left.'

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 10:29 am
In other news, Robert Novak has passed on.

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 10:34 am
I agree!Q Obama is spending more than most people feel comfortable with, and that's also the reason many are speaking out against the health plan. The Obama administration can't see the obvious reasons why so many Americans are against increasing the government deficits and transferring this debt to future generations. No matter which side of the political spectrum, Americans want self-determination more than government handouts.

I also see the irony of the seniors who are under Medicare who also do not want socialized medical care. I not only find these contradictions amusing and fascinating, but am also dumbfounded!~
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 10:39 am
blatham wrote:

Twenty advertisers have now pulled their ads from Glenn Beck's FOX show.

I accept that I am unworthy for you to talk to, but you really need to get out more Blatham. So for benefit of those who are more open to reality rather than ideology, I will remind you that there is a world beyond Huffington Post. Glenn Beck's ratings continue to be #3 on cable television and continue to rise. Do you honestly think many advertisers who target specific demographics are not impressed with that? The radical leftwing ideologues you seem to admire would kill for ratings like that. And for the advertising dollars that Beck rakes in.

And I suspect that if rightwing ideologues organized a protest to destroy one of your leftwing darlings, you would consider that a rather unAmerican thing to do.

Glenn Beck's advertisers flee - really?
August 17, 7:38 AM

As anyone who listens to or watches the Glenn Beck radio and television show can attest, Glenn Beck says what he thinks. The constitutional watchdog, talk show host, and entertainer is a firm believer in the American people, our Republic and the principles on which our country was founded.

About two weeks ago, in an impassioned statement designed to educate Americans about influences that may have shaped current healthcare reform legislation, the broadcaster connected the dots to make a bigger picture. His argument is if not strong, at least worth serious consideration and thought.

Spurred by two proposed offices of health within the Healthcare reform package (Office of Health and Office of Minority Health) and a multitude of Affirmative action inclusions that mandate most all business taking part in the newly proposed health system, Mr. Beck provides a compelling argument.

Upon review of such things as; the President’s long-time affiliations with leaders such as Reverend Jeremiah Wright, statements in his own book describing 350 years of slavery and segregation in the US, his recent treatment of the British Prime Minister and his wife, and even his ill-thought-through response in the recent “Beer-Gate” debacle, many including leaders in Jerusalem and reporters here in the United States see a connection clearly.

Since he aired his thoughts, hysterical progressives have launched a vicious Internet campaign led by Color of Change, a far left-leaning urban community organizing group, created to express that white racism was behind how we as a country prepared for and responded to Hurricane Katrina.

As the Glenn Beck program is growing exponentially in its’ viewer/listener ratings, and has effectively taken on educating Americans on the danger of enacting the hastily crafted health care reform bill, anger from the far left is reaching an all-time high and the broadcaster is their focus.

To a degree their campaign has been successful, with four large advertisers pulling sponsorship of the program, but it’s really not that simple. You see, the way ad-space is sold on cable television is in bulk and shuffled in time slots to satisfy demographic purposes. As a result ads may well have ended up on his program by mistake, violating some advertisers’ apolitical posturing guidelines.

Some of the advertiser explained that this was not due to anything Mr. Beck said, but the campaign brought attention to the fact that their ads were not intended to air on politically charged programs to begin with. So attention to any potentially controversial programming, would have earned removal of ads for any program, be it right or left leaning in nature.

Color of Change has developed a 600,000-member electronic mailing list to urge members to sign a petition and forward it to Beck's sponsors. James Rucker, the group’s executive director, explained that this was the first time Color of Change had been involved in this kind of action. It is also worth noting that while seemingly accepted, many question Color of Change’s motives as it at first glance the group appears to be racist itself and only operates under the guise of anti-racism.

As we see more and more left leaning groups utilize the Saul Alinsky " Rules for Radicals deconstructionist playbook, we must be wary of the intent underlying their Astroturf reactions. And remember, like I said, Glenn Beck says what he thinks, and I thank the Gods of radio and television that his opinion and carefully researched information is protected by the same document that protects us all equally.

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 10:42 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:


Obama is in a tough spot. He is preaching and practicing a far more radical left doctrine in some of his views than most Americans can stomach, but he angers his strongest base when he veers even slightly back to the center.

I wonder what you think Obama is preaching which is 'radical left.'


Well you can read back through the last six months of this thread and find it all laid out there pretty specifically. I won't take the time to repeat all of that. But pay attention. We'll no doubt point it out again here and there.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 10:45 am
The writer of that opinion piece is a little behind the times - many more advertisers have fled than he seems to think.

Also, I can't help but notice -


As the Glenn Beck program is growing exponentially in its’ viewer/listener ratings, and has effectively taken on educating Americans on the danger of enacting the hastily crafted health care reform bill, anger from the far left is reaching an all-time high and the broadcaster is their focus.

I'm not sure he understands the meaning of the word 'exponentially.'



Upon review of such things as; the President’s long-time affiliations with leaders such as Reverend Jeremiah Wright, statements in his own book describing 350 years of slavery and segregation in the US, his recent treatment of the British Prime Minister and his wife, and even his ill-thought-through response in the recent “Beer-Gate” debacle, many including leaders in Jerusalem and reporters here in the United States see a connection clearly.

'leaders in Jerusalem?' Who gives a **** what they think?

I think the writer is trying to agree here with Beck, when he calls Obama a 'racist.' Do you agree with Glenn Beck on this issue?

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 10:51 am
Foxfyre wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:


Obama is in a tough spot. He is preaching and practicing a far more radical left doctrine in some of his views than most Americans can stomach, but he angers his strongest base when he veers even slightly back to the center.

I wonder what you think Obama is preaching which is 'radical left.'


Well you can read back through the last six months of this thread and find it all laid out there pretty specifically. I won't take the time to repeat all of that. But pay attention. We'll no doubt point it out again here and there.

But, those things aren't 'radical left' at all. I doubt you can point to a single thing he promotes which is 'radical left.'

Even health care reform. A 'radical leftist' would be pushing a single-payer system right off the bat; Obama isn't doing that. A 'radical leftist' would be instructing the Dems in Congress not to negotiate with the Republicans; Obama is doing the opposite of that. How do you square this stuff, with your estimation of Obama? His actions don't match your rhetoric.

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 10:58 am
I think the writer not only knows the definition of exponentially, but used the term correctly. Do you?

Do I agree with Beck? On some of his views no. On whether Obama is racist in some of his views, I do agree with that as do many others including most conservative black writers and leaders who have said so verbally and have written their opinions. And they use the same criteria and rationale that Beck used to arrive at that conclusion. So why was Beck singled out for punishment while others have not been? Because he has the #3 top rated cable program. That's why.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:01 am
Foxfyre wrote:

I think the writer not only knows the definition of exponentially, but used the term correctly. Do you?

Unless Beck's viewership is rising by factors of 10, then no - I don't think he used the term correctly. Exponential rises look like this:


My guess is that, even if Beck's program is growing in popularity, it most certainly is not doing so exponentially. Or perhaps you have data which would match such a graph?

Do I agree with Beck? On some of his views no. On whether Obama is racist in some of his views, I do agree with that as do many others including most conservative black writers and leaders who have said so, and they use the same criteria and rationale that Beck used to arrive at that conclusion. So why was Beck singled out while others have not been? Because he holds the #3 top rated cable news show. That's why.

Nah, Beck is singled out b/c he called Obama a racist on national TV and is forwarding it as a real conversation point. The fact that his cable news show is popular with the mouth-breather crowd is immaterial.

The fact that you are comfortable labeling our (half-white) president as a 'racist' sort of makes me sad for you, Fox. Honestly. I have no idea how you square this **** in your head.

old europe
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:03 am
Foxfyre wrote:
And I suspect that if rightwing ideologues organized a protest to destroy one of your leftwing darlings, you would consider that a rather unAmerican thing to do.

Some people would consider calling the President a racist a rather unAmerican thing to do.

Some people would say that ordinary citizens protesting that kind of message is what America is all about.

Some people would say that companies pulling their ads from a program that propagates that kind of message is the free market at work.


But I guess those points are only valid when we're talking about people who bring assault rifles to Obama town hall meetings.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:14 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I wonder what you think Obama is preaching which is 'radical left.'
I doubt you can point to a single thing he promotes which is 'radical left.'

Obama is promoting the transfer of property from those who lawfully earned it to those who did not lawfully earn it.

In otherwords, Obama is promoting theft by the federal government. Clearly that's leftist/collectivist. Is it 'radical left'? These days, the left grows more to the left each day under Obama's leadership. So what used to be 'radical left' is now 'typical left' among the obamacrats.

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:15 am
ican711nm wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:
I wonder what you think Obama is preaching which is 'radical left.'
I doubt you can point to a single thing he promotes which is 'radical left.'

Obama is promoting the transfer of property from those who lawfully earned it to those who did not lawfully earn it.

In otherwords, Obama is promoting theft by the federal government. Clearly that's leftist/collectivist. Is it 'radical left'? These days, the left grows more to the left each day under Obama's leadership. So what used to be 'radical left' is now 'typical left' among the obamacrats.

Seeing as every single Democratic and Republican President for the last half-century has done exactly this, I'm going to go ahead and call this 'centrist.' You are incorrect that this is a 'leftist' phenomena; Right-wingers regularly promote the same behavior.

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:17 am
I find nothing in definitions of expoentially that suggest a factor of ten. But I wouldn't be surprised if that would be applicable from the time Beck moved to Fox early this year to March when he had already become something of a media sensation.

Would you suggest that referring to your President as 'half-white' as an argument for why he could not be racist is in itself a racist argument? I know it is a favorite argument of the radical Left that black people (or half-black people?) cannot be racist, but Conservatives identify racism that can be found in all the skin colors, ethnicities, ideologies, nationalities etc. out there.

But here is what at least one of you Lefties considers to be appropriate to air on television. And nary a murmur from your side that this is in any way inappropriate:

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:24 am
Foxfyre wrote:

I find nothing in definitions of expoentially that suggest a factor of ten. But I wouldn't be surprised if that would be applicable from the time Beck moved to Fox early this year to March when he had already become something of a media sensation.

Would you suggest that referring to your President as 'half-white' as an argument for why he could not be racist is in itself a racist argument? I know it is a favorite argument of the radical Left that black people (or half-black people?) cannot be racist, but Conservatives identify racism that can be found in all the skin colors, ethnicities, ideologies, nationalities etc. out there.

But here is what at least one of you Lefties considers to be appropriate to air on television. And nary a murmur from your side that this is in any way inappropriate:


Well, I don't even know who Mike Malloy is; so I'm not sure where this aired on TV at all.

I've never claimed that Blacks cannot be racist, but the idea that half-white folks are racist towards white folks is a little silly. I bring it up b/c it kind of pokes a big hole in your 'Obama is racist towards white folks!' theory. Your theory doesn't match the available information. If you were more of a scientist, you would realize at this point that you may be barking up the wrong tree.

As for exponential,


The graph illustrates how exponential growth (green) surpasses both linear (red) and cubic (blue) growth.

My guess is Beck's audience growth doesn't look much like the exponential graph at all, and is much more like the linear one - a steady increase over time.

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:26 am
@old europe,
old europe wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:
And I suspect that if rightwing ideologues organized a protest to destroy one of your leftwing darlings, you would consider that a rather unAmerican thing to do.

Some people would consider calling the President a racist a rather unAmerican thing to do.

Some people would consider the President expressing racist views as a rather unAmerican thing to be. If George Bush can be accused of being racist--and he was so accused often--then President Obama cannot be exempt from such characterizations purely because he considers himself black. Wouldn't you say?

Some people would say that ordinary citizens protesting that kind of message is what America is all about.

And some Americans also accuse those protesting any views of the President and the Democrats as unAmerican. So goes politics in the USA.

Some people would say that companies pulling their ads from a program that propagates that kind of message is the free market at work.

Yup. And it is done often, almost exclusively by the Left who often believe free speech is reserved only for them and should not be allowed or tolerated by anybody else.

But I guess those points are only valid when we're talking about people who bring assault rifles to Obama town hall meetings.

Perhaps you would care to elaborate why such an observation is not non sequitur to this discussion?

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