Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:38 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:

I find nothing in definitions of expoentially that suggest a factor of ten. But I wouldn't be surprised if that would be applicable from the time Beck moved to Fox early this year to March when he had already become something of a media sensation.

Would you suggest that referring to your President as 'half-white' as an argument for why he could not be racist is in itself a racist argument? I know it is a favorite argument of the radical Left that black people (or half-black people?) cannot be racist, but Conservatives identify racism that can be found in all the skin colors, ethnicities, ideologies, nationalities etc. out there.

But here is what at least one of you Lefties considers to be appropriate to air on television. And nary a murmur from your side that this is in any way inappropriate:


Well, I don't even know who Mike Malloy is; so I'm not sure where this aired on TV at all.

You really do need to get out more.
Michael Dennis Malloy (born July 1, 1942[1] in Toledo, Ohio) is a radio broadcaster from Atlanta, Georgia. He is now self-syndicated. Previously his show has been carried by WSB (Atlanta), WLS Chicago, the I.E. America Radio Network, the Air America Radio network, Nova M Radio and the On Second Thought network.

Making an observation that you expressed no displeasure whatsoever with the message.

I've never claimed that Blacks cannot be racist, but the idea that half-white folks are racist towards white folks is a little silly. I bring it up b/c it kind of pokes a big hole in your 'Obama is racist towards white folks!' theory. Your theory doesn't match the available information. If you were more of a scientist, you would realize at this point that you may be barking up the wrong tree.

I did not say or even infer that "Obama is racist toward white folks". Your theory that a white person cannot be racist toward whites or blacks cannot be racist toward blacks or that one's race, whatever it is, has any bearing on whether or how one might be racist won't hold up scientifically or in any kind of analysis of the issue. If you were more of a scientist, you would realize that.

As for exponential,


The graph illustrates how exponential growth (green) surpasses both linear (red) and cubic (blue) growth.

My guess is Beck's audience growth doesn't look much like the exponential graph at all, and is much more like the linear one - a steady increase over time.


From his start at Fox in mid-January, Beck's 5 p.m. EDT show averaged more than 2.2 million viewers through March 29, according to Nielsen Media Research. That's more than twice what Fox had in the time slot a year ago. Except for Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, Beck has more viewers than any other cable news show, and he's on at a time many people are at work.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:46 am

You really do need to get out more.

Michael Dennis Malloy (born July 1, 1942[1] in Toledo, Ohio) is a radio broadcaster from Atlanta, Georgia. He is now self-syndicated. Previously his show has been carried by WSB (Atlanta), WLS Chicago, the I.E. America Radio Network, the Air America Radio network, Nova M Radio and the On Second Thought network.

Making an observation that you expressed no displeasure whatsoever with the message.

I'll note that Malloy is on the Radio, and not Television; so when you state that Liberals find his words to be 'acceptable on TV,' that's not really accurate.

I don't listen to talk radio with any frequency, so why would I know who he is? As for his message, well. I don't support anyone committing suicide - usually not a good move - but I wouldn't give two shits if Beck did.


I did not say or even infer that "Obama is racist toward white folks".

Glenn Beck did, and you agreed with him. Specifically.

Here's what you said:

On whether Obama is racist in some of his views, I do agree with that as do many others including

So, yeah, you did say that. Amazing that you can't even remember what you wrote a few pages ago. Unless, you were claiming that he is racist towards black folks? Laughing

Your theory that a white person cannot be racist toward whites or blacks cannot be racist toward blacks or that one's race, whatever it is, has any bearing on whether or how one might be racist won't hold up scientifically or in any kind of analysis of the issue. If you were more of a scientist, you would realize that.

I believe it is extremely unlikely that people are 'racist' towards their own race. I think you will have a very hard time providing much evidence that this exists in the real world. I predict you won't actually do so, but instead will assert that it is true and move on as if that was a fact. However, it is not.



From his start at Fox in mid-January, Beck's 5 p.m. EDT show averaged more than 2.2 million viewers through March 29, according to Nielsen Media Research. That's more than twice what Fox had in the time slot a year ago. Except for Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, Beck has more viewers than any other cable news show, and he's on at a time many people are at work.

Great! Now that you have provided data, I'm sure you will understand that I was perfectly correct: doubling the number of viewers over the course of a year is hardly exponential growth. Your author used the term incorrectly, you didn't understand it correctly, and now should drop the point before this gets any worse for ya.

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:51 am
Try not to add words to what I say I do or do not agree with if you want points for intellectual honesty. And there is a world of difference between not supporting somebody committing suicide and not having the integrity or guts to criticize, even condemn, one of your spokespersons who is hoping somebody does that. And if you think people aren't capable of being racist in all sorts of ways, including targeting members of their own race, you really do need to get out more. A whole lot more.

As for your absurd insistance on defining a word in a way that no dictionary defines it, I'll just let that one pass.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:52 am
Foxfyre wrote:
But here is what at least one of you Lefties considers to be appropriate to air on television. And nary a murmur from your side that this is in any way inappropriate:

Good grief, who is Mike Malloy, the man strikes me as a total nut? Not only that, one hateful individual.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:54 am
I think Cyclop likes him. Smile
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:56 am
Foxfyre wrote:

Try not to add words to what I say I do or do not agree with if you want points for intellectual honesty.

You said you agree with Glenn Beck that Obama is racist in some of his attitudes. That's the same thing as saying that he is a racist. Ya said it; own up to it.

And there is a world of difference between not supporting somebody committing suicide and not having the integrity or guts to criticize, even condemn, one of your spokespersons who is hoping somebody does that.

Malloy is a little-known radio talk show host. His audience is minuscule compared to other Liberals in the media, or to the Conservative media giants. To say that he is 'one of my spokespersons' is a lie; he is a spokesperson for nobody but himself.

As for the suicide thing, please. Unless you personally are willing to start condemning all sorts of hate speech (by your elected leaders as well as media leaders), then don't chide others for 'failing to condemn.' You sound like Hillary in the famous Obama-Clinton debate last cycle, and think about how poorly she came across...

And if you think people aren't capable of being racist in all sorts of ways, including targeting members of their own race, you really do need to get out more. A whole lot more.

As I thought - unwilling to provide evidence of any sort, you fall back on base assertion. This is the systemic breakdown of your argument in real-time.

As for your absurd insistence on defining a word in a way that no dictionary defines it, I'll just let that one pass.

This is as close as you are physically able to come to admitting that you were wrong, and didn't really know what Exponential meant. I'll take it.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:59 am
Acknowledging Cyclop's post straining at gnats trying to make himself look more accurate.

As for whether a black person would consider another black person racist, check out the two essays on the National Black Republican Association website today:
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 11:59 am
Foxfyre wrote:

I think Cyclop likes him. Smile

I don't know how anyone could like anyone that wishes other people commit suicide? He sounds like somebody needing mental help.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 12:01 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

As for whether a black person would consider another black person racist, check out the two essays on the National Black Republican Association website today:

Facts speak for themselves, Foxfyre. Its all based upon Obama himself, his associations and track record, not on other peoples opinions.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 12:02 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Seeing as every single Democratic and Republican President for the last half-century has done exactly this, I'm going to go ahead and call this 'centrist.' You are incorrect that this is a 'leftist' phenomena; Right-wingers regularly promote the same behavior.

Yes, "every single Democratic and Republican President for the last half-century has done exactly this." That is, they have stolen property from those who lawfully earned it and given it to those who have not lawfully earned it. However, Obama has already started to accomplish, and is working to increase, this theft within his term by much more than a factor of ten. Consequently, it seems prudent for us to stop Obama from doing this, AND reverse this damnable 50 year plus trend as soon as we can.

Name even one president elected over even the last century who was a right-winger! I recommend that before you do that, you examine a dictionary definition of RIGHT!

Main Entry: 1right
1 : disposed to do what is just or good : RIGHTEOUS, UPRIGHT <a God of faithfulness ... just and right is he -- Deut 32:4 (Revised Standard Version)> <the right soul, high and true and pure -- W.L.Sullivan> <a right conscience> <a right man>
2 a : being in accordance with what is just, good, or proper <conflicting notions of right conduct -- B.N.Cardozo> <teach young girls right behavior when faced with ... temptations -- London Calling> <it is right that we should do this> <religious teachings as to what is right and what is wrong> <doing something he thought not quite right> b : held to be in accordance with justice, morality, and goodness usually because approved by a person or group <asserted that he was on the right side of the controversy> <of course the right cause and the right men won -- Times Literary Supplement>

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 12:04 pm
okie wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:

I think Cyclop likes him. Smile

I don't know how anyone could like anyone that wishes other people commit suicide? He sounds like somebody needing mental help.

Okie, Malloy is MILD compared to some of the stuff you hear on Air America or read in the Leftist blogs or sometimes even see on television. Glenn Beck's reference to Obama's racism was MILD compared to the illustrations many have used including the two on the National Black Republican website I linked just before here. So why was Beck targeted? Because he is popular and pulls great ratings and the more mean-spirited Left can gain points with their constituency by attacking him. And, because he is white, he is safe to attack.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 12:07 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Acknowledging Cyclop's post straining at gnats trying to make himself look more accurate.

As for whether a black person would consider another black person racist, check out the two essays on the National Black Republican Association website today:

You are confusing yourself: you specifically claimed that Obama was racist. There's no straining; I am uninterested in what other people's opinions are on the subject.

Do you now retract your earlier statement, that Obama is a racist?

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 12:10 pm
Right, it is safer than attacking Frances Rice, but they would if she ran for a high office. I will tell you who really deserves special admiration and respect, it is the black people that stand up and declare their conservatism. If they run for office, they are attacked with a vengeance seldom witnessed in politics, often by their own constituencies in the black community, such as the NAACP, etc., which are nothing more than socialist organizations.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 12:10 pm
I recommend that before you do that, you examine a dictionary definition of RIGHT!

You should try that yourself, Okie, Ican, Foxy, ... you who provided unwavering support for a government that willfully sets out to murder innocents just to grab the gold.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 12:12 pm
I have frequently said that Obama argues from a racist point of view. Which is what Beck said re a different issue. If that is the same thing as saying that Obama can be racist, then yes, I say that Obama can be and sometimes is racist. Which is what Beck said relative to a specific (and different) issue being discussed.

Why do you suppose that your esteemed attack group going after Beck has chosen not to go after the National Black Republican group who are saying far more specifically and emphatically that Obama is racist? Or any of the black leaders who have said the same thing?

Is not singling out for punishment and personal destruction the one white guy who had the nerve to say it not in itself a racist attitude?
Diest TKO
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 12:15 pm
Fox likes the idea of Obama being a racist, because she thinks that it puts democrats on the defense, but she isn't willing to ante up. Instead, she'll just post the opinion that Obama is a racist with a surrogate essay, column, or blog. This way, if the idea of Obama being a racist ends up falling on it's ass, she doesn't have to feel like SHE lost.

It's not like this is the first time, nor will it be the last time she'll use this method.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 12:17 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

I have frequently said that Obama argues from a racist point of view. Which is what Beck said re a different issue. If that is the same thing as saying that Obama can be racist, then yes, I say that Obama can be and sometimes is racist.

Why do you suppose that your esteemed attack group going after Beck has chosen not to go after the National Black Republican group who are saying far more specifically and emphatically that Obama is racist?

Mostly, because nobody really gives a **** what they say. They are a marginal group with little power or respect. They aren't on national TV, whipping people into a frenzy with lies about Obama and the Dems' health-care plans, like Beck is. He puts himself out in front, so it's natural that he will attract attention.

0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 12:19 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

I have frequently said that Obama argues from a racist point of view. Which is what Beck said re a different issue. If that is the same thing as saying that Obama can be racist, then yes, I say that Obama can be and sometimes is racist. Which is what Beck said relative to a specific (and different) issue being discussed.

Why do you suppose that your esteemed attack group going after Beck has chosen not to go after the National Black Republican group who are saying far more specifically and emphatically that Obama is racist? Or any of the black leaders who have said the same thing?

Is not singling out for punishment and personal destruction the one white guy who had the nerve to say it not in itself a racist attitude?

It is very amusing you try an distinguish your accusation of racism as somehow being different from Beck's.

How about you be accountable for YOUR ideas instead of hiding behind others. Are black republicans better at identifying racism than any other group? I suppose, choosing a group of black republicans was just an coincidence on your behalf...

Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 12:21 pm
okie wrote:

Right, it is safer than attacking Frances Rice, but they would if she ran for a high office. I will tell you who really deserves special admiration and respect, it is the black people that stand up and declare their conservatism. If they run for office, they are attacked with a vengeance seldom witnessed in politics, often by their own constituencies in the black community, such as the NAACP, etc., which are nothing more than socialist organizations.

Agreed. I really REALLY wanted the first black President to be Republican or Independent, because I wanted him to lead by example that would finally dissolve most of the last vestiges of racism in America. Those same vestiges of racism espoused by Cyclop and his ilk. But because that racism is alive and well, no black conservative can escape the organized politics of personal destruction. All will be portrayed as "Uncle Toms" or 'hanky heads' or poor representatives of their race or worse and will not be allowed to express any message unrelated to race.

The leftist Democrats and their annointed leaders will continue to nurse and nurture racism because it is one of the most powerful cards in their deck of tricks.

Diest TKO
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 12:30 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I really REALLY wanted the first black President to be Republican or Independent...

I'm shocked. Rolling Eyes

However, it would have been foolish to think this would have ever been the case for the GOP. An independent candidate, could have been a possibility but only as far as any third party candidate is ever a possibility.

When you consider that all of the largest black populated southern states have elected white conservative republicans, and then you see the utter failure to serve or improve those communities by said GOP leaders, it is not surprising in the least that the first black president was from the Democratic party.

0 Replies

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