Foxfyre wrote:No, pages and pages and pages of commentary backed up with link after link after link, at least one dealing specifically with AIG, and him not being able to back up a single opinion disputing my point of view constitutes beating somebody in a debate.
Well, if you understood the content of the articles you were linking to, it shouldn't be so hard to sum it up in one or two sentences when asked a specific question, right?
The last couple of pages, all I saw was Cyclo saying that, okay, let's assume you are right about the CRA and Clinton and the government forcing banks into subprime mortgages - but how did AIG end up in the middle of this mess?
Your only answer was that it's all in the articles. And when you refer us to something you have posted, it's
something as vague as this here:
Quote:Right, well, Lehman, Merrill, Washington Mutual, AIG -- what all of these firms have in common is investments tied to risky mortgages. Now AIG is an insurer, but it sold contracts to protect bond investors against losses from subprime and other risky investments. And as those investments have lost value, AIG has lost a ton of money.
That's really vague, isn't it? It's like saying "well, everything's connected, you know?"
Foxfyre wrote:Yes, I did get tired of every question answered resulting in ............
you didn't answer the question.
Foxfyre wrote:It is obvious he was reading none of the information I was providing and had no intention of backing up his memorized talking points, most of which he probably doesn't understand since he refused to provide an explanation for them when requested to do so.
Well, you didn't provide any kind of explanation. By your own standards, that must mean you don't know what you're talking about.
That said, even the information you were providing was so vague that it was of little value. Again: if you knew what you were talking about, it shouldn't be hard to sum it up in one or two sentences. Instead you're posting page after page after page trying to avoid answering the question by posting stuff like the above.
Or like this:
Foxfyre wrote:The man--I presume he is a man--obviously worhips the ground Barack Obama walks on and bases his politics and opinions on the blindest of faith. And, when he is finally challenged to put some evidence where his mouth is, he dissolves into an elementary schoolyard taunting mentality with a string of insults and deprecating remarks that are presumably supposed to devastate me.
You're filibustering. You're avoiding the question.
Foxfyre wrote:And that's when I know I won the debate.
Well, you also know what an article is about by merely reading the headline, right?