snood wrote:And, even though I admit I've been flip about it here, I really am suprised at the silence about this from our GOP/conservative members. It can't be that they don't see the significance of this - I mean, if Obama/Farrakhan is significant, isn't McCain/Hagee?
What is all the obsession over here? First of all, I have never heard of Hagee, and I have not been a McCain supporter. Secondly, I don't really care who Hagee is? Thirdly, I am not aware that McCain attends Hagee's church, whatever it is.
And lastly, I am sure there are lots of people that endorse all the candidates that the candidates may not endorse in return. Here is the rub. What really matters is who the candidates endorse. Obama belongs to and apparently thinks his pastor is a great guy, I say apparently, as usually you belong to a church if you like the pastor, so apparently Obama endorses his pastor. The pastor is clearly a racist, period, now what does that say about Obama? I'm not sure entirely, as I have written here previously, Obama is a relative unknown, and we really know very little about what he believes or how he would govern. Let us just say his church is troubling to say the least.
In regard to Farrakhan, we know the guy is hate filled whacko, and apparently this Jeremiah Wright is just as whacked out.
"Barak Obama is a member of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ. Its minister, and Obama's spiritual adviser, is the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. In 1982, the church launched Trumpet Newsmagazine; Wright's daughters serve as publisher and executive editor. Every year, the magazine makes awards in various categories. Last year, it gave the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award to a man it said "truly epitomized greatness." That man is Louis Farrakhan."
Snood, to compare the relationship of this Hagee guy and McCain with Jeremiah Wright and Obama is I think a huge stretch. And to compare Hagee to Wright and Farrakhan is also a stretch, so it becomes a double stretch. Now that the Obama bandwagon is rolling along at a good clip, the Democrats will circle the wagons around this guy just like they did with the criminal Bill Clinton, no matter what might come out between now and November. No matter how unreasonable their argument may become, it will no longer matter to the blind leading the blind Obama supporters that have jumped on the bandwagon to lead them to the promised land.
I have largely ignored this Obama church business, but perhaps it warrants a serious examination. I am all for freedom of religion, and normally would not judge a candidate by his or her religion, but if that religion openly preaches very troubling politics, then it becomes a political issue.