ossobuco wrote:Roberta wrote:Hey margo, Maybe you and osso and a few others could chip in for a pied a terre. Up by Joe Nation (Inwood/Washington Heights), it ain't too expensive. By me and Kicky, fuggedaboudit.
Not sooooo far from my short time in NYC childhood home. That would be just fine. 'Course I need a ship just to chip in. But as a fantasy, I like it.
But I suppose you all wouldn't let me choose the wall colors...
Hey, maybe we could all chip in, buy a place, and use it as a timeshare. There are times that I need to go to New York, to remind myself that there is life beyond the palm tree!
Phoenix32890 wrote:Hey, maybe we could all chip in, buy a place, and use it as a timeshare. There are times that I need to go to New York, to remind myself that there is life beyond the palm tree!
I vote yes. I'd love to have you guys zipping in and out, being nearby.
JPB wrote:dlowan wrote:ehBeth wrote:dlowan wrote:Who's the dude in the middle?
psst, see title of thread
RH makes the ladies smile

LOL! So, why does he wear caps?

'cuz he's silly and shy.
Hmmmm...perhaps he could give that up for Lent????
I eat fish, don't push yer luck....
Rockhead wrote:I eat fish, don't push yer luck....
Why not?
What am I supposed to do with my luck, if not push it?
Pull it?
I have sent the landscape pix to Osso, so we should be able to view them in a few days...(or not) :wink:
I'm a bit camera shy for a few decent reasons, but I let that one come above because the smiles of my two friends were too good not to show.
There is nothing more special than people just leaving their guns at the door, and learning about each other.
I hope that May is as awesome as this, with many colorful people getting to know the folks I came to call friends.
Is the bunny comin'? I would watch fer coyotes...
Fish in Kansas, fish in Albuquerque.... goodfking luck. The basic treatment is encrustation.
Frankly, the last place I lived, in the Eureka Arcata area of northern california, is pretty good re fresh fish. Oh, and grassfed beef, and struggling to be good dairy.
Cheaper than New York and... at sea level.
You're bad, you photopostingphobic coward.
Says she who finally connected her preferred printer.
Okay, we'll see.
Let's don't confuse cowardice with laziness, my dear... :wink:
(All my good brain cells are overloaded right now...)
Man with insight.
I must avoid.
To clarify, I did just connect my printer today. Think of me as s.... l.... o....w.
Scanner, coming soon to a theater near you. You'll be sorry, says photogirl.
Osso, I'm prouda yas.
My inbox awaits...
I have it on authority that my pix are not terrible, so if you'd rather, I can have one of my other ladyfriends do my tech work... :wink:
Who knew ya could be adopted multiple times. I shoulda done this at 16...
Great photos -- thanks for posting them.
(Nice to see you looking so well, Diane!)
Heh, I understand I have backup swifter than m'self. Loll about while, I gather savvy..
Oh, and yes, re your life at sixteen.
As my erstwhile guide and companion, you are entitled to dibs, my dear.
(think clownfish :wink: )