puffin' smoke in a westerly direction and doffin' my fez toward blatham
You know why they spell it that way?? C-eh-N-eh-D-eh? Makes everybody feel all's right with the world.
Gosh, I'm kudo affluent now. Also smoke rich. But I am deeply confused by the image of doe-eyed Canadian Lutheran chick in a fez. And, immediately, one then can't help but wonder regarding the carpets in a whirling dervish's home. Does anyone have data on this?
I love the way the fez keeps creeping into different threads.
Do you wear your fez while polishing your wood floors, hebba? It only makes sense. The floors are cold in winter, most of your body heat is lost through your head. You SHOULD be wearing a fez!
I WOULD if I had one.
There´s a tweed sixpence I wear in The Spring and Autumn and a cordurouy/wool pork pie number for the long Winter.These do indeed help when tending our floors.
Blatham... flaunt it while you've got it. You never know when you'll need a kudo or a smoke. But since when is our Bethie a Lutheran? SHe wouldn't even enter the glorious San Xavier del Bac with me...'fraid she'd get religion (and she might've!).
Whirling Dervishes have Persian carpets... are they magic? Do they fly or do they whirl? Maybe they just spin in a westerly direction.
I love a man in a hat, even if it's not a fez... but what's a tweed sixpence? One of those racetrack tout hats with the bitty brim and the flat beret cap?
I am indeed a Lutheran, but I'm of the non-church going strain. The physical church in which i was christened burned down some years ago - the congregation didn't see the need of re-building for close to 2 decades. It was felt that if they needed the building to 'reach' God, they didn't 'know' God. They continued to meet, on occasion, in private homes and in public spaces, sometimes outdoors. I like being this kind of Lutheran. It's about how you live, not about paying money to visit with God.
what an interesting digression for the home improvement forum!
Well, good for you Beth. That does seem a church that knows its stuff. And... you have to admit, for a home improvement forum, discussing a church without a home has its merits.
Such a structureless church is also without the whole compllicated floor cleaning shmozzle we've been trying so hard to get straight here.
Quite right. Neither carpet nor tile, yea, not even wooden flooring. But what about the kneelers, that's what I want to know. What about the kneelers?
What does a poor, lost, Texas girl know about fezes, toques, carpets and kneeling Lutherans? Geez......I feel ignorant. All I know of is Republicans, fundamentalists and bare dirt floors, on which I always wear my shoes.
Dear Ms Lola
Here I can be of assistance. With either Republicans or fundamentalists, carpet maintenance becomes a very simple matter indeed. Simply, do not let them in.
Advice guy
A "sixpence":Like a flat cap but with a bit more hanging to one side like a beret,you´re quite right Piffka.I´m told I´m rather dashing in it.
sounds a bit like a muffin top. Intriguing. I'm a bit of a hat person myself, but I don't recall ever seeing anything matching quite that description. Will check in at the haberdashery tonight - if they're still open when we go by after work.
If they´re even CALLED "sixpence".A Danish use of English there.Think of a young scallywag newspaper vendor and voila!!
I think I found something like this... on Google... newsboy cap. However I can't find a good URL to post.
That's the good thing about hats, you can mess with the brim or the pull or whatever to make it your own.
The cap has a brim, yes? A bit more flopping over to the sides than the classic Stirling Moss cap?
That´s the baby.Mine only flops to one side though blatham.
You know, I had one of those that somebody really nice made for me out of the fabric from an old camelhair coat. A black dude stole it right off my head and took it for his own. I still miss it.