Well after two years in Japan where shoes are never worn inside the house I can report that the house stays so much cleaner without tracking in outside dirt. However, upon return state side I completly reverted. The thing is that in Japan in the homes and resturants they have shelves to put your shoes in and slipper in all sizes to wear while you are inside so it is not a problem.
The Japan clean-floor phenomenon perhaps ought to be attributed to the lucky lack of lurking Lutherans
That might very well be the truth blatham no lurking Lutherans and no Prairie Home Companion.
Point taken - no Lutherns = no Garrison, and that would be a tragedy. We'll keep the Lutherans in the east tower.
Speaking of ehBeth...darling, I made a joke on another thread that just fell off the edge of a cliff to its death. Folks were making puns on A2K and I offered up this fine Canadian version...
'a toque, eh'. I would like a singular kudo before I climb down and bury the remains.
That's worth a kudo, t'were Philistines who didn't get it.
Oh god !! How much I can identify with this one !! I have a couple of friends, who absolutely detest people who walk with their shoes on on the carpets in their home. Becomes a major problem when they throw parties, everyone is dressed up in gorgeous clothes - and are barefoot, stepping on their long flowing gowns and stuff !! And we all look sooooooo ridiculous !! All dressed up and bare feet !! UGH !!
I don't like carpeted floors myself. When I bought my house, I got the builders to rip off all carpeting and install natural knotted pine floors - it looks gorgeous, specially with some rugs thrown around !!
And yes, you can walk on them with yr shoes on !!
Hooray for Gautam..another anti-carpet person.I thought I was all alone on this one.
Guatam, I'm sure it is gorgeous and I can think of nothing more rude than going to a party and being told that you must remove your party shoes. It really doesn't make any sense. I'm not sure I'd do it, certainly not if it made me walk on my dress.
I love wood floors and have them in the most used areas of my house. There is nothing more beautiful than a well-loved & used wood floor, even if it is old & worn -- it feels warm on your feet, it glows with natural beauty, it is the easiest to maintain. But I also like carpeting where we get cozy and want to have things soft and warm, the living rooms, offices and bedrooms.
You get cozy in the office Piffka?
Hardly. When I sits and types, or only sits and thinks, my toes get cold and I want to be cozy and warm.
Where are you getting these ideas??? Love Office? <snort>
Love Boat..Love Office.
Jack Jones could sing the theme tune.
Thank you for the north west coast kudo.
I doff my toque to you. It was a fine pun.
timber, grimmacing and wreathed in smoke, extends his hand and offers (in a strained, breath-holding, barely-cough-suppressing sort of voice): "Here ... have a toke, eh?"
Well certainly I got it, Piffka ... here in the NorthWoods of The Lower 48, "Eh" is the proper way to end a sentence!
Example; "How 'bout them Packers ... Eight-and-Two now, eh?"
uh oh
someone said eh without checking with me
uh oh
A second kudo for you, blatham!