Hillary Clinton for President - 2008

Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2008 09:01 am
blatham wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
I watched some of Obama's victory speech last night. I wanted to kill my TV.

Just imagine, given the things you normally have on, how much your TV wants to kill you.


Obama: "We need to get rid of tax cuts for the rich!"

Apparently he was talking about me, the middle class, who benefitted from those tax cuts, as did anyone who makes a decent living.

It's always about the po, the needy, the welfare class.... I guess that is what he means by "change". Let't make it worse than it already is and extend our legacy of welfare to future generations.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2008 09:57 am
cjhsa wrote:
blatham wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
I watched some of Obama's victory speech last night. I wanted to kill my TV.

Just imagine, given the things you normally have on, how much your TV wants to kill you.


Obama: "We need to get rid of tax cuts for the rich!"

Apparently he was talking about me, the middle class, who benefitted from those tax cuts, as did anyone who makes a decent living.

It's always about the po, the needy, the welfare class.... I guess that is what he means by "change". Let't make it worse than it already is and extend our legacy of welfare to future generations.

Do you read? You really have no idea what you're talking about. And, in this case, I'm not just provoking you. You obviously don't scrutinize printed news. Please edcuate yourself. The rest of us, for the most part, seem to do that. Damn you're annoying.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2008 10:16 am
I do but what is the point? You obviously miss the wiggle words, something I've brought up before here.

Obama intends to "unite" the country by stealing from the "rich" and giving to the "poor". He's a modern day, black Robin Hood. And he's not even from the 'hood.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2008 10:18 am
Damn you're annoying.

His 23" Sylvania used EXACTLY the same expression.
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Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2008 10:24 am
Wow, that's funny blatham. Not.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2008 10:24 am
cjhsa wrote:
I do but what is the point? You obviously miss the wiggle words, something I've brought up before here.

Obama intends to "unite" the country by stealing from the "rich" and giving to the "poor". He's a modern day, black Robin Hood. And he's not even from the 'hood.

Please clarify those "wiggle words" for me, then. I'm just wondering where your information is coming from.

Were you an Edwards supporter then? Of any candidate in the primaries, he was the most staunch middle class supporter, and on that subject he minced words far less than Hillary or Obama.
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Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2008 10:47 am
What does "Change" stand for?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 09:56 am

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real life
Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 11:14 pm
cjhsa wrote:

Obama: "We need to get rid of tax cuts for the rich!"

Yeah, so they can no longer afford to hire the poor.

Great plan, Obama.

Tax the rich so that the poor pay the price.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 12:33 pm
real life wrote:
cjhsa wrote:

Obama: "We need to get rid of tax cuts for the rich!"

Yeah, so they can no longer afford to hire the poor.

Great plan, Obama.

Tax the rich so that the poor pay the price.

What, I wonder, is the last book you opened and read?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 01:00 pm
How many jobs have been created by heirs such as Paris Hilton and Teresa Heinz?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 07:44 pm
Where are the Keating Five Today?
By Liz - Feb 16th, 2008 at 10:50 am EST


Both McCain and Hillary Clinton (although not a member of the Keating Five) are survivors, few will argue that: In addition to Vietnam, McCain survived being one of the Keating Five and lived to be a candidate for the highest office in this land, and Hillary survived numerous scandals of the Clinton Administration, not to mention a few of her own (Whitewater and her 6 year s experience as a paid Board member of Wal-Mart, the largest union busting corporation in the world being two of the most outstanding). But I am one voter who hardly considers a candidate's ability to survive as a recommendation in and of itself for the office of the President of the United States of America.

It's interesting to see how intertwined the Clintons are with McCain as one researches deeper into the roots of the current Mortgage crisis. Its roots appear to go back to the Savings and Loan Crisis. I'm beginning to better understand what Bill Clinton means when he said that his wife and John McCain would have a most civil campaign. I imagine they would--but not necessarily for reasons that would please a REAL democrat.


The three most significant players in today's terms of the Keating Five were: John McCain, John Glenn (who recently endorsed Hillary Clinton) and Dennis DeConini whom Bill Clinton in 1995 appointed to the Board of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.

Clinton's appointment was the year after DeConini had retired because of the Savings and Loan scandal and the subsequent Senate Ethics committee in 1991 that had concluded that Cranston, DeConcini, and Riegle's conduct constituted substantial interference with the FHLBB's enforcement efforts and that they had done so at the behest of Charles Keating. The committee recommended censure for Cranston and criticized the other four for "questionable conduct."

Why on earth would a President such appoint a man of such questionable background to a position of influence in the financial industry? And one might just as well question the judgm ent of Hillary Clinton for accepting the endorsement of John Glenn, who was also a member of the Keating Five. Did she think that Americans would be so stupid as to only remember Glenn's history as astronaut? Part of being President of this country involves using good judgment and vetting your endorsements and people who contribute money to your campaigns.

Hillary is quick to criticize Obama on Rezko while ignoring her own lack of judgment allow a photo of herself to be taken with Rezko, and to not vet the contributions coming from Hsu a contributor to Hillary's campaign. Hsu now is facing possible jail time as is Rezko. Both candidates have returned the funds.


This senator is one of two from the Keating Five who was e xonerated in a declaration that his only crime was "poor judgment"--still this is not an altogether reassuring endorsement for a man who is now running for the highest office in our land.


Well this 87 year old (the third American to fly in space and the first American to orbit the Earth) lives in Ohio and has recently endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Glenn was named one of the "Keating Five" for accepting a $200,000 contribution from convicted savings and loan executive Charles H. Keating Jr., but a 1991 Senate commission declared that his only crime was "poor judgment."

Glenn and Republican Senator John McCain were the only Senators exoneratedGlenn's role in the Senate fund-raising hearings struck some observers as atypical. The normally even- tempered Glenn repeatedly lambasted majority Republicans, including committee chairman Fred Thompson, for "hardball" partisanship.


Unlike Glenn and McCain, the Senate Ethics committee in 1991 concluded that Cranston, DeConcini, and Riegle's conduct constituted substantial interference with the FHLBB's enforcement efforts and that they had done so at the behest of Charles Keating. Needless to say, DeConini did not get re-elected. But not to worry, Bill had a job for him. Bill Clinton in 1995 appointed to the Board of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, and many are questioning today DeConini's influence on the current mortgage crisis.

Today DeConini has his fingers in numerous pies:
On Feb 13, 2008, the Corrections Corporation of America, the largest provider of corrections management services to government agencies ann ounced that DeConcini has been elected as a member of its board of directors.

Perhaps one of the reasons why DeConini was appointed to the board of directors including his connections to the Clintons might also be the fact that DeConcini also is a Principal in the lobbyist consulting firm Parry, Romani, DeConcini & Lacy P.C. in Washington, D.C.



He died in 2000 at the age of 86.
From WIKI: He was reprimanded by the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics for "improper conduct" on November 20, 1991 after he accepted $1 million in campaign contributions from the Lincoln Savings head, Charles Keating. Keating had wanted federal regulators to stop "hounding" his savings and loan. The committee deemed Cranston's misconduct the worst among the Keating Five. Cranston decided against running for a fifth term while he battled prostate cancer.


Senator Donald W. Riegle, Jr. was one of the three from the KEATING Five whose conduct was found to have constituted substantial interference with the FHLBB's enforcement efforts and that they had done so at the behest of Charles Keating. He wisely did not run for re-election to the Senate.

But if you think that his influence is DC has wained, you would be wrong. Like DeConini, Riegle too is among the many federal lobbyists who now crowd DC and peddle their influence. In 1995, he joined Weber Shandwick Public Affairs in Washington, D.C., serving as executive committee chair.

But as one who has a soft spot in her heart for Veterans, it is to Riegle's credit that he was very outspoken in asking for further investigation and recourse for war veterans suffering from Gulf War syndrome.

You may remember how our government wanted to pretend that this syndrome did not exist so they could get out of paying for our veterans healthcare. And please note: This was in 1994 on Bill Clinton's watch when our Vets were being treated this way.

DO YOU BEGIN TO GET THE DRIFT OF HOW AND WHY DC IS SO CORRUPT AND RIFE WITH LOBBYISTS PEDDLING THEIR INFLUENCE IN DC? Hillary thinks this is just fine--which is but one more reason why she will not get my vote in the upcoming Texas Primary.

Link To Post: http://www.democrats.org/page/community/post/elizabethberry/CtGT
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Reply Tue 19 Feb, 2008 08:05 am
Howard Kurtz in the WaPo chronicles some of the media coverage Hillary has gotten:

Coverage Adds to Clinton's Steep Climb

[..] The media floodgates opened after Obama swept last week's primaries in the District, Maryland and Virginia. Never mind that the two Democratic candidates remain close in the delegate count, or that Clinton has been described as doomed once before, in New Hampshire. She is drowning in a sea of negative coverage.

The New York Daily News said "the once-mighty Clinton campaign is beginning to feel like the last days of Pompeii." [..] Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Dick Polman likened her campaign to the Titanic. A Slate headline put it starkly: "So, Is She Doomed?"

Clinton spokesman Doug Hattaway, citing the back-and-forth nature of the contest, says the campaign isn't worried about the spate of Hillary-in-trouble pieces. "That may emerge as a national story line, but we don't think it influences voters on the ground," he says. [..]

Fueling the sense that the former first lady is sinking is increasingly sharp criticism from liberal columnists who are embracing Obama, while few pundits are firmly in Clinton's corner. The Nation, the country's largest liberal magazine, has endorsed Obama. Markos "Kos" Moulitsas, the most prominent liberal blogger, voted for Obama in the California primary and has been ridiculing Clinton's campaign.

New York Times columnist Frank Rich wrote that the Clinton machine is "ruthless" and the candidate "crippled by poll-tested corporate packaging that markets her as a synthetic product leeched of most human qualities."

Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen said Clinton has "an inability to admit fault or lousy judgment" and made an "ugly lurch to the political right" in backing a 2005 bill that would have made flag burning illegal (which, as he later noted, Obama also endorsed).

Arianna Huffington, one of the Net's leading Clinton-bashers, has written of "Hillary's hypocrisy running neck and neck with her cynicism." New Republic Editor-in-Chief Marty Peretz posted an essay last week titled "The End of BillaryLand Is on Its Way. Rejoice!"

To be fair, the article also chronicles some ways in which the Hillary campaign has itself to blame for negative press reactions:

For much of the campaign, Clinton [..] limited her contact with reporters. She would go days without taking media questions. [..] Her campaign can still be inconsiderate toward reporters, sometimes not sending out the next day's schedule until 2 a.m., making it impossible even to plan what time to get up. [..]

On her campaign plane, Clinton started coming back to the press section for off-the-record chats, usually harmless but sometimes including comments that contradicted what she was saying publicly, according to participants. Two weeks ago part of the media contingent revolted, saying the conversations did them no good if they couldn't use the information. [..]

Accessibility, though, doesn't necessarily translate into candor. And examining the way Clinton answers media questions helps explain why she is portrayed as a conventional politician pitted against a cultural phenomenon. [..] On Tuesday night, when she was swamped in the Potomac primaries, Clinton gave a speech in Texas that made no mention of the results. Reporters were incredulous the next day when she stuck to her everything's-fine stance at a media availability: "Some weeks one of us is up, and the other's down, and then we reverse it."

Much of which is not smart. Then again, Obama for a long time also limited his contact with reporters, and rarely ventured into the press section for offhand chats during his campaign travels - unlike John McCain, who has partly won favourable press coverage by basically making himself at home among the journalists on many a long trip.

But that hasnt led to Obama being targeted in quite the caustic ways that the quotes in this article illustrate about how the media covered Hillary - and I mean, it's pretty stunning, the stuff that comes her way. This may actually be a reason not to nominate her - fair or not, you dont want a nominee who's going to be the butt of mainstream media coverage throughout the campaign - but yeah, fair it is not.

Compare the coverage Barack and Michelle are getting:

By contrast, there is little question that some journalists have gotten swept up in the Obama excitement. After Obama's victory speech Tuesday, MSNBC's Chris Matthews said he "felt this thrill going up my leg." Some reporters have brought their kids to Obama events, while others have danced to the music played at the rallies. [..]

Now Obama's wife, Michelle, who did interviews with Larry King and Couric last week, is getting the treatment, drawing mostly soft-focus questions. A Newsweek cover story out today calls her "direct and plain-spoken, with an edgy sense of humor . . . she can be tough, and even a little steely." She is "outspoken, strong-willed, funny, gutsy, and sometimes sarcastic," cutting "an athletic and authoritative figure," a front-page Times profile declared. [..]

Mind, I dont agree with the whole article - it's Howard Kurtz, after all. He is regularly off, in this article too (in the bits I didnt quote here); for example when he argues that "a few attempts to examine his life and record -- such as a Times piece on Obama's pattern of voting "present" in the Illinois legislature, and another on Obama watering down a bill affecting a nuclear power company that contributed to his campaign -- barely caused a ripple". The nuclear thing, perhaps, but the "present" votes, havent they been discussed to death, including in the debates?

There's more like that; but as for the parts quoted above, oy.
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Reply Tue 19 Feb, 2008 10:56 am
You may recall Hill's book: "It Takes a Village." She suffered a terrible blow when the village went for Obama.

--A late-nite comedian
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Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2008 06:22 pm
nimh wrote:
Breakfast with Chelsea? Yes, you can - if you're a superdelegate

And Bill will call you too. And John Kerry. And Madeleine Albright.

College Junior Breakfasts With Chelsea Clinton
21-Year-Old Wisconsin Super Delegate Gets Face Time With Former First Daughter

ABC News
Feb. 11, 2008

The 21-year old in question, Jason Rae, says Marc Ambinder, has endorsed Barack Obama.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2008 07:39 pm
Re: Hillary Clinton for President - 2008
Butrflynet wrote:
There doesn't seem to be any one place for supporters of the Hillary Clinton for President campaign to gather and discuss things on A2K.

Now there is...

How nice.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2008 07:52 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
butterflynets way of saying stay off my saviors thread to hillary supporters.... that must be part of that transparency in government thing she's so hot for...

I'm beginning to think Hillary may lose the nomination after all...not surprising given the publics voting record over the last 2 election cycles.... leaving us with two bad choices for president, so I'm really not paying that much attention anymore.

Should this be the case I will still vote . I will write in Joe Biden, who was my favorite to begin with, so I really have it good this year. I can vote my favorite among the two nominees, or vote my actual first choice. It's a good year for me.

I hope that many A2K Democrats will follow your noble intent bipo (I was going to write "bear," but it rang false).

I must admit that I will be hectoring all conservatives to vote for McCain no matter what they believe on principle, but I do have to hand it to you and those who will ignore such as me and stand on your principles.

My principles line up fine with McCain and so there is no reason for me to feel unctious about badgering the "ill informed" conservatives to vote for him, and irrespective of this post I will be hounding okie and his fellows to vote McCain. Call me Mephistopheles, but I'm all for your independence --- especially since it falls in line with my goal.
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Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2008 08:28 pm
Re: Hillary Clinton for President - 2008
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Butrflynet wrote:
There doesn't seem to be any one place for supporters of the Hillary Clinton for President campaign to gather and discuss things on A2K.

Now there is...

How nice.

LOL. No kidding. It might as well be entitled "Monica Lewinsky's Ex-boyfriend's Wife for President 2008".
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2008 08:34 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
gustavratzenhofer wrote:
I think they are of equal ability, but Bear was lamenting the fact that too many Americans get caught up in celebrity worship and Barrack bears a stronger resemblance to a typical superstar than does the dowdy Clinton.

Image is everything.

yup. and they probably are of equal ability but we are f*cked up like never before and now is not the time for on the job training.

I also think Obama will be corrupted by all the worship. Noticed his speeches lately? Every other word is win.... he's just a guy who wants to be president... not the new MLK or JFK or JC or anything else.

"We are the ones we have been waiting for!"

What the hell does that really mean?

I am a huge fan of the sci-fi/fantasy genre, and I can tell you that this is the sort of messianic spew that both excellent and hack authors just love.

If you are a fan of the Matrix Trilogy this Obama quote probably gave you goose-bumps.

It is a very very cool line, and it has imagery leaking out of its bolt holes,
but we're not voting for "Niamh tossing his burning hair and Caolte calling away, come away (WB Yeats - The Hosting of the Sidhe)."

Scroll back 8 months or so of postings and you will find me utterly dismissive of Obama's chances but also quite alarmed about the power of the charismatic individual.

Obama supporters will, of course, contend that they have not drank the kool-ade, that they do not see Obama as anything approaching a Savior, but this is simply not the case.

For whatever reason, culturally, Americans have something more than a fascination for the Messiah figure that transcends American cultural mores - The One (as Ophra calls him), The Expected One, The Mahdi, The Golden Child, Prophets of all shapes and sizes.

Probably this is more of a human inclination than an American one, but Americans have hardly fled the concept for rationality.

"Oh by beloved. Do I not have the space between my teeth (The elephantine ears) of the Prophet, (blessings and praises me upon him) do I not have the mole of The Prophet (blessings and praise be upon him), am I not The Expected One --- The Mahdi!"

As much as we all viscerally want to believe in The Expected One, he will never come. He certainly is not Obama.

Predictably, we will have A2K Obama supporters (and their advocates like nimh) respond that "We are not fanatics! We are not thralls to a cult of personality!" "It is insulting that you suggest we are!"

OK, you're not, but to prove such I need to see a degree of realism (you will call cynicism) that is not evident.

Anyone who attempts to argue that Obama is an experienced, substantive legislator is a thrall to the cult.

You can't have it both ways. You can't say that we should vote for Obama because he is a revolutionary agent that will turn American politics on its head, and that he is a wise and saavy player in the game you despise.

But of course you will push both arguments because you want him to win!

It is either audacity or substance --- it cannot be both.

Unfortunately voters seldom if ever attempt to consider the issues in so precise a fashion.

Obama is motherfu**ing cool! Vote for him man!

Obama "gets it"! Vote for him if you get it.

Obama is The Expected One! Vote for him because God wants you to.

Obama is different! All we need in Washington is someone who will say 'Enough!'

We have been here before.

We may get Obama but we will not get The Expected One.

If we're lucky, and I doubt we will be, we won't get Jimmy Carter.

Obama - Blessings and praises be upon him.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Feb, 2008 08:08 am
Hill, who wrote "It Takes a Village," got some bad news. The village went for Obama.

--Late Nite Comedian
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