parados wrote:woiyo,
You offered your statement about the UN as support that his statement was "not incorrect." Since he claimed a "surrender to terror." you statement about surrendering our national security to the UN would seem to be about surrendering to terror which would make the UN a terror organization.
Now you want to compound your error by claiming that pulling out too soon will somehow be a "surrender to terror."
Yes, that is my opinion. The next President will inherit this "effing" mess and have to deal with it in such a way to minimize a total meltdown in the region. Phased withdrawals using timetables as offered by Obama IMO will lead to disaster. Hillary's plan so far is non descript, so she become irrelevant.
The only person IMO with a sound plan is McCain. If Bush had listened to him earlier, the situation in Iraq would not be a messed up as it is.