jasonrest wrote:Amazing...
If you have visited, with hopes of finding something relevant to the topic posted, I apologize but, if you would read over the material, it is still quite amusing to see those with so much emotion and hastiness in the beginning suddenly fade away when they meet a brick wall of sense and when asked to support their claims with facts, they call you a name and walk away.
Absolutely amazing.
Again, I invite anyone willing to converse on the matter.
I'm not looking for a fight.
I'm trying to prove a point and
those mentioned earlier only assisted in my endeavor.
Exactly how retarded are you?
I'm not being mean, I'm serious.
We have responded to every question you have asked in a lot of different ways.
Just becaue you cant see it doesn't mean we haven't done so.
Let's see if I can be really clear:
A child is alive when it accepts (or can accept) nutrition from other source than it's umbilical cord.
That is my definiton of "live".
I completely understand that you may disagree but just because you say so doesn't make it true.