Wed 23 Jan, 2008 09:29 pm
For all those who believe Abortion should be made illegal,
what do you suppose the repercussions should be?
That was interesting to say the least. The last one was something....go ask the other guy what my opinion is
Funny, these fanatics are so wrapped up with their cause, they never
even stop to think about the women who abort. What's worse, the
majority of people interviewed are women themselves. Unbelievable,
the reactions they gave!
"Unbelievable" was my first thought CalamityJane.
CalamityJane wrote:Funny, these fanatics are so wrapped up with their cause, they never
even stop to think about the women who abort. What's worse, the
majority of people interviewed are women themselves. Unbelievable,
the reactions they gave!
Well as one of the comments on the site stated......."the video was obviously edited to accommodate their agenda".
I find it very hard to believe that a group so passionate about a subject would be that dense.
You did not offer suggestions for repercussions?
Oh yes, I do think they are that dense, especially when their God plays
into this.
I did not offer any repercussions, as abortion is not illegal and I am
pro choice. There was a time in history, however, where abortions were
illegal and the repercussions for women who terminated their pregnancy
was more often than not that they bled to death or were otherwise
mutilated and scared for life by a quack who called himself MD.
the worst repercussion in the world are the pro-lifers
CalamityJane wrote:Oh yes, I do think they are that dense, especially when their God plays
into this.
I did not offer any repercussions, as abortion is not illegal and I am
pro choice. There was a time in history, however, where abortions were
illegal and the repercussions for women who terminated their pregnancy
was more often than not that they bled to death or were otherwise
mutilated and scared for life by a quack who called himself MD.
and what would be the difference between that woman dying and that child dying?
shewolfnm wrote:the worst repercussion in the world are the pro-lifers
That makes no sense.
Furthermore, this is not a debate, its a question.
Return to the top.
What kind of repercussions are you asking about?
Physical? Emotional? Psychological? Social? Spiritual? Legal? Financial?
We can't have a reasonable discussion until you narrow it down.
(And maybe not even then...we'll see :wink: )
jasonrest wrote:
That makes no sense.
I dont expect you to understand that. You are not a woman , and you have not had an abortion.
And I dont frankly care if you think it is a discussion or question.
i will answer how I choose.
Deal with it.
(edited to insert a little smilie so that I dont come off too snide.. )
jasonrest wrote:CalamityJane wrote:Oh yes, I do think they are that dense, especially when their God plays
into this.
I did not offer any repercussions, as abortion is not illegal and I am
pro choice. There was a time in history, however, where abortions were
illegal and the repercussions for women who terminated their pregnancy
was more often than not that they bled to death or were otherwise
mutilated and scared for life by a quack who called himself MD.
and what would be the difference between that woman dying and that child dying?
One is a living being, the other is not capable of living on its own.
Re: Abortion......What are the repercussions?
jasonrest wrote:For all those who believe Abortion should be made illegal,
what do you suppose the repercussions should be?
Goes to show you that those pro-lifers haven't spent any time thinking their argument up.
Talking in circles, no substance. Such a well thought up opinion.
It should be illegal because it's so horrible but there should be no punishment for murder? What a crock.
IF abortion was made illegal, and I don't think it should be, there should be a trial and a sentence if the woman is found guilty. What that should be I have no idea. A fine? Jail time?
I got it! I got it!!!
First, abolish foster care and build "care homes".
Then, women who are convicted of abortion could be forced to work in the "care home" tending to the children who have been abused and neglected and otherwise damaged by "parents" who chose not to abort but who really didn't want to be bothered by a child!
In the 1980's, I volunteered at a Brooklyn maternity hospital to hold "crack babies" as they went through withdrawal. You basically just had to sit in a rocking chair and comfort them as they shook and cried. Outside, four stories down, there was always a little group of people with signs painted with various anti-abortion messages. Myself and a couple of other volunteers tried to get the protestors to come up and hold the babies. Not to make them think the babies should have been aborted, but rather to be active in doing something to help a living child. None of us were successful in recruiting any of the protestors. The most common response we got was something "I'm doing my most important work here on this corner, I'm protesting for the rights of the unborn". They obviously didn't give a crap about living babies, just embryos. These are the same people who will vote for president who vetos medical care for women and children.
Although it takes two to tango, and both are responsible,
when a woman participates she has much more to consider. If she becomes pregnant, she has to carry and sustain that life as some are so quick to mention.
There are more than enough options to avoid unwanted pregnancy
so if such a thing happens then there is no excuse. The only instance where such a drastic resort as abortion is feasible is in the event of rape.
Lets think logically and objectively for a moment.
Once an egg has been fertilized and nothing or no one interferes from that point of conception on, this would of course result in a full grown infant, bursting into the world in no time.
Again, without interference this is the understood chronological order of things, based on that, does not life begin at the time of conception?
In your opinion, if not, then please explain when exactly does it begin.
Lastly, I understand that pro choice is very popular but if you cannot post an intelligent response without slander then, don't bother.
Green Witch, that was also my observation with pro life fanatics. They have
no interest whatsoever in helping counseling young women - PP (Planned
Parenthood) is always looking for volunteers, nor would they help in
hospitals or being foster parents and the likes. They're just fanatics trying
to push their own ridiculous beliefs onto others.
All those "as God is my witness" fanatics just worship God - period! They
haven't done - nor will they ever do - anything for humanity.
boomerang wrote:I got it! I got it!!!
First, abolish foster care and build "care homes".
Then, women who are convicted of abortion could be forced to work in the "care home" tending to the children who have been abused and neglected and otherwise damaged by "parents" who chose not to abort but who really didn't want to be bothered by a child!
Amusing but, your comment goes right back to carelessness.
There are more than enough options to avoid unwanted pregnancy.