Green Witch wrote:In the 1980's, I volunteered at a Brooklyn maternity hospital to hold "crack babies" as they went through withdrawal. You basically just had to sit in a rocking chair and comfort them as they shook and cried. Outside, four stories down, there was always a little group of people with signs painted with various anti-abortion messages. Myself and a couple of other volunteers tried to get the protestors to come up and hold the babies. Not to make them think the babies should have been aborted, but rather to be active in doing something to help a living child. None of us were successful in recruiting any of the protestors. The most common response we got was something "I'm doing my most important work here on this corner, I'm protesting for the rights of the unborn". They obviously didn't give a crap about living babies, just embryos. These are the same people who will vote for president who vetos medical care for women and children.
Understood however, you're incorporating factors that are not relevant to the topic. A person dependent upon drugs is not concerned with much except.........drugs, let alone STD's or unwanted pregnancy. So of course, that sort of situation will always exist as long as drugs do.
I am pro-life and I care about babies affected by an irresponsible mother.
I also care about babies terminated by the same.