Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:57 am
Tx Blog-Six Funerals-12/18-3:51 pm


FLDS is abbreviation for Fields (John 4:35, James 5:4), wherein fundamental Mormonism is developed, until it fills the whole earth, after the desolation which follows the year 2012. This to the FLDS "supporter who is not": You say that the FLDS trace back to Adam. Not to burst your bubble, bubbly, for it can't be boisted if the guage-thickness is sufficient, and nobody uses too sharp of a s-word or stick of Judah to go "pop-a-top again". If my s-words burst it, that would be for the better, for all religions trace themselves back to Adam, not just the FLDS. All religions want antiquity from the Diety, not iniquity, to give them credibility. Doth thou seeity? All Christians who are not, having rejected His Word (Catholic, Mormon, Protestant), they all trace through Christ and the ancient prophets, all the way back to our Dad who became ded from Eden's fall, even as Niagra falls. Water of the seed flows downward, and all who sow unto it, while fire of the spirit always burns upward, and all who sow unto the spirit.

Hell, even Hell traces itself to Adam, in both this world and the one pre-existent, when Elohim said unto His Son Jehovah: "Jehovah, take your son Michael (Adam) down to create a world, whereon these his polygamous children may dwell, that we may see whether they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God commandeth them (strict obedience, Warren-style).

Yes, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Nudists, Mormons, Christians, Atheists, Secularists, all people trace to Adam in their ancient legend and tradition. So FLDS supporters such as bbgae who are not (being half-hearted), "find it an interesting experience being on the outside of the dispute". But is Warren not still the Prophet? Is God eternal, and His Priesthood? Was Uncle Roy true in supporting him in the Priesthood for decades, since he was twelve, and far beyond his 20th birthday in 1975, when he is said to have lost it? Uncle Roy lived a decade beyond that, acknowledging this man as a faithful priest and elder, putting wives in his charge as proof. President Johnson is the man who said "We are finished throwing our daughters away to fallen men". So, was he fallen?

When a young man thinks to kiss a girl, or to tickle her fanny somewhere in a dark alley, like some alley-cat, yes we lose it, just as the Prophet said. So he spoke the truth, and even his lies are truths according to the Word and the Law (2 Thess. 2:3-12), to sift the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats. His sin wasn't a sin unto death, and he himself said that "I know Father ordained you, etc…WHICH WASN'T VALID" (end-quote). So much for his confession and abdication. "Whenever we reject anything that comes from God, the Devil takes power", says Joseph, so the Spirit of God leaves, which is the power of the Priesthood. Yes, for that moment, we lose it, all of us do. But if it's done in ignorance and we repent, we may lose some ground, but saints easilly come back to their senses and repent, if it wasn't a sin unto death (rejecting the vision and very presence of God after we obtain that presence). This is why many have to be rededicated and rebaptised, which Warren was after twenty, through the dedications and baptisms of his father.

But then Warren said "I haven't had the Priesthood since I was twenty", that the half-hearted may believe a lie and be damned (2 Thess.2:3-12). "William's the Prophet, THOUGH INVALID", says he. Even if William is a valid prophet, but not the key-holder, in every age of the world there were many prophets, and one key-holder over them (one man). What did Warren resign? There's the Church, the Kingdom, and the Priesthood, three organizations. He can appoint others to fill a gap, yet as President of Priesthood he retains the authority over them all. If he did not accept the fact that he is the Prophet and President of Priesthood, then he wouldn't be appointing anyone, would he. He who suffers the greatest persecution for obeying God's Law: "Bring forth thy first fruits"(at puberty or child-brides), he is the true man of God. Paul said it best: He who lives Godly in Christ Jesus, the same SHALL suffer persecution (2 Tim.3:12). So he still accepts and retains his leadership over us all, Jew and Gentile, whether we like it or lump it, even as God is over us all. God is Priesthood, Priesthood is God.

If anything this man says or does shakes peoples' faith, whether it be a drug-induced suicide to relieve the authorities of the guilt, or abdication, it is because they should be deceived "with all deceivableness in them that perish, because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved" (2 Thess.2:3-12). Did Warren lie? Perhaps, that ye may be deceived. Did LeRoy Johnson lie in acknowledging his faithfulness with wives after the age of 20? God said, "Thou shalt not kill", and then "Thou shalt utterly destroy". When was God lying? Is God a liar? You have to apply His word to the circumstance, and it comes through a prophet, for He is both a God of peace, and a God of war, even to the destroying of families (Matt.10:34).

Now, even as God spoke through His Prophet Warren, saying "I am the most evil of all", was not Adam-God the same in falling from the heavens? He became most evil of the Gods in heaven, until his ascent again to His throne. So, whether he lied or told a truth, it is according to the circumstance and deserts of the people to be deceived, all who have not the love of the truth. Many call God Himself evil for allowing such suffering in the world, but by whose agency? Who actually did it? All who allow the devil power, by rejecting what comes from God. It is God who suffers for sin, not because He was guilty, that He may conquer sin and rule in glory.

"Let no man deceive you by any means: For that day shall not come except there be a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself (in government) above all that is called God, or that is worshipped. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: Only he who now letteth will let (sin flourish), until he be taken out of the way. And then shall the wicked one be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the brightness of His coming, even Him whose coming is after the workings of Satan (what!), with all deceivableness in them that perish.

See, God Himself will speak lies through the Prophet, to deceive the wicked, because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause, GOD shall send them strong delusions, that they should believe a lie, that they may all be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. WHAT! The God of Truth will deceive man, even lie to him? Yes, if you believe the Word of God (2 Thess.2:3-12).

So Warren is the most wicked, and is not a prophet. There's your lie to take you to your fate after 2012, that you may all be damned, and God Himself has contributed to the deception through the Prophet Warren Jeffs. "Cursed are all those that shall lift up their heel against mine anointed, saith the Lord, and cry they have sinned when they have not sinned before me, saith the Lord, but have done that which was meet in mine eyes, and which I commanded them. But those who cry transgression do it because they are the servants of sin, and are the children of disobedience themselves…a generation of vipers shall not escape the damnation of hell. Behold, mine eyes see and know all their works, and I have in reserve a swift judgment in the season thereof for them all. (D&C 121:16-24).

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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 05:27 am
Anonymous Says:
May 11th, 2005 at 7:38 pm
So, how shall I respond to the new paper. There could be some really interesting comments about it.

STREET'S RESPONSE TO ISSUE 4 (of the frigid North Star):

Apostate Canadian Polygamist's newsletter: (Section 1):

"Let us be led by the one man Jesus Christ in every sense of the word." Brigham Young

Ah yes, the one man doctrine again. Jesus is certainly over it all, being heir, but (oops), what about his joint heirs? He speaks of watchmen, and every prophet who followed him are the watchmen of the gates or worlds leading back to his presence. Yes, without that one man Warren, all the way back to Jesus Christ, you end up with a host of missing links or under-shepherds. It is the wicked world who promote the idea that we will bypass all the prophets and go straight to Jesus Christ, for Jesus himself spoke of his watchmen, and said: What ye do unto the least of these my brethren, ye do unto me. Oh, Brigham said it, "one man, Jesus Christ." But without revelation nor the Spirit of God, you jump on that bandwagon and dive headlong into the abyss of rebellion against his order of things. Revelation and the spirit says that Brigham was simply being modest, and rebuffing those who were suggesting that he was KING, and that without being led by the Lord, we cannot be led by his prophet, not doing away with prophets or prophecy. How foolish and wreckless is that, Winston!

I hope you will search U n c l e Roy's thoughts on relocation: Here is what Uncle Roy said, as you yourself have quoted him: "Let us humble ourselves to the extent that we can control the conditions. . ."

You yourselves have acknowledged that Warren Jeffs has controlled conditions, so much so that he has your houses and your very wives, where they belong. Talk about control! Talk about faith! Then LSJ referred to "other places where WE can provide, referring to the people in his day, under the conditions of his day. But in WSJ's day, walking by current revelation, he not only has the faith spoken of by LSJ "to control these conditions" (in Colorado City), but then to even "move into places where we can more adequately provide for our families." (end quote). Then Uncle Roy asked: "Now, IFFFF our faith is not sufficient to subdue. . . this place, how much better off will we be by going somewhere else. Each prophet in succession is led by the Lord, not by the words pertaining to the particular conditions of another era. Did you not quote BY yourself, in the Masthead of this little sheet of yours: "Let us be led by the one man Jesus Christ." So that is what Warren Jeffs is so faithfully doing. The faith of the people was not sufficient then to branch out and replenish the earth, and subdue it, as GOD COMMANDED. Now he has the 500 men, which UNCLE ROY DIRECTED through the Lord.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 05:42 am
Apostate Canadian Polygamist's newsletter: (Section 2):

Without Natural Affection
"You children are dead to me", said the mother to her daughters. The girls had not followed their mother in embracing new teachings. "If you do not follow this holy prophet I will have nothing more to do with you. . .

Good for her. Once you are cut off, cutting yourselves off, that is death, refusing to embrace CURRENT REVELATION, vs the revelations needed for the conditions of another time. You see, the girls were "Without Natural Affection," FOR SURE. They rejected their own mother, as did their father reject the father of the people apparently. That is absolutely "Without Natural Affection." "Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee." (Ex. 20:12). "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers? Whoso does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother." (Mt. 12:48) Natural Affection, Winston? Yes, ye are without natural affection, for you have rebelled against the prophets and the very word of the Lord.

Things are Not Always as they Seem
"Many years ago I had this old friend (Yes, had: Past tense). He said: We don't think that you people should be taking clothing away in that volume. I promised that I would look into it. When I talked to the ladies of our community I found out that the Oler ladies were doing volunteer laundry, mending, ironing and folding. Isn't it funny how all that some folks can do to help is to complain."

So, the man was obeying Christ's Word: "Be watchful in Zion," and so forth. Is that complaining? Furthermore, you admit here that the ladies were indeed taking large volumes of clothing, robbing the needy of necessary cover, and furthermore profiting from it by reselling it, no doubt, at a higher price! Ah, the man was right. They shouldn't have been doing that. Isn't it SAD how some folks can only complain against the Watchmen of Zion, making them out to be criminal. You're right, they're not what you make them out to seem.

Bountiful Women's Society
"The presentation put on by the Bountiful Women's Society went very well. There were some exciting moments though, as all who entered had to pass a picket line of righteous protestors. . . There was also a vocal interruption in the presentation itself." (Yes, you are authors of confusion). An objector faced the Mayor of Creston and demanded that he clean this whole thing up. Thank you to the RCMP, the local politicians and the politicians who came from long distances or sent their delegate, and the host of others who came. Thank you to Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff. Thank you to the people of Creston, Cranbrook, and those from Trail, Nelson and Castlegar who came or phoned in their support. Thank you to the media. Ladies it is true! The hand that rocks the cradle…

Ah, yes, thank you wicked gentile world, for letting us unite with you. The hand that rocks the boat drowns the people.

Dr. Phil
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 05:56 am
Apostate Canadian Polygamist's newsletter: (Section 3):

Page 2They said itIsn't it something, the head of that organization is accused of being a pedophile, my father in law was a confessed child molester, and they cut me off for sleeping with my wife.-RM Blackmore

Jesus Christ was accused, and accused, and accused. Yes, your own progenitors are the molesters, as you have well pointed out, and you are the result.

God that made the world The greatest bomb shelter that can be built is to get the spirit of God and keep it.-Uncle Roy Johnson:

See, without the Spirit of God, which flows through the regular succession of the prophets, having cut that off, you will be bombarded and have no security at all.

You will find this order Grace is given to heal the spiritually sick, not to decorate spiritual heroes. -Martin Luther:

Grace is the head of the tree, and the hero of God (his prophet) is the head of the people, to heal the sick. Furthermore, just because the founder of a gentile church said something doesn't make it gospel, now does it. Grace is the head, it does indeed decorate the head, the prophet. So Luther lied, as Lucifer lies.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 06:05 am
Apostate Canadian Polygamist's newsletter (Section 4):

If a man possesses five A Report on Conference: The conference could be well described as being very successful, if it weren't for a BBQ and rodeo, games, horseback rides, roping clinics, and in the evening, a program of sorts. There was also a motorcycle jumping event. It was all wonderful. Hundreds enjoyed the event, the weather was beautiful, the food was good and plentiful, and the company was extraordinary:

Is that your "Conference Report"? Since when do those activities (motorcycles, roping clinics, rodeos, etc.), make up a conference of the Lord's Church? You have certainly fallen! Yes, the company of devils "all very wonderful and extraordinary."

Three Wives to go to Heaven?Second Comforter
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 06:10 am

Someone asked me what I want. What would satisfy me, and at the same time solidify the position of those good people in Canada, the WB group. Here is how to do it:

It will certainly be a start for Winston to acknowledge that some of what the Lord has said, what the Prophet Warren Jeffs has said, and what I have quoted is true, instead of just a blanked denial of everything, due to guilt. You're like drug addicts in denial, total denial. So just acknowledge that some of it is true. That alone will go a long way in not only toning me down, but also in solidifying your position. Try it, a simple act of faith.

Hell, even I admit that some of what you say is true. All of heaven admits to that, for all men (and even devils) have a mixture of truth and error, or else they couldn't seem credible. Yet, you can't even (in kind) acknowledge the Lord a little, in the truths that he has spoken, that I have been quoting, and directly from his own Word? If you're just all criticism and all denial (even to the point now of deleting posts, in the hope of running from it), then there is something seriously wrong with that, even demonic and pathological. So try it! Acknowledge it. A simple act of faith.

You see, I wasn't even going to comment on the "Frigid North Star's" latest issue. You will notice that I refrained for two weeks, half way into the month, from blogging it anywhere, on any of the blogs. I certainly couldn't do it in your blog, seeing that you ran away from me (like a naked Adam in the Garden of Eden), by closing down your blog. Or would you prefer to be compared with Cain? Hey, the black brother is colorful, and also very necessary. At any rate, when you came out of hiding from me with your new blog, and then started to grossly edit and delete my posts (like you could hide again from the truth, or even from responding some how to someone's viewpoint, that was very moving. You moved me right into starting my own thread of light on your blog, shall we say the warm and congenial Southern Star? It really helps for people, including yourselves, to have a warm Biblical perspective of things, don't you agree, and not just a cold, frigid, Northern perspective. I knew you were capable of seeing the light. I just hope you're not wearing what they call blinders they put on those horses of yours. So don't be shy. Don't run away from me. Take a peak at others' perspective, respect their views a little, not just delete them or close your blogs entirely. Enjoy the sunshine a little, and live!

Yours in eternal bliss
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 06:15 am
onthestreet Says:
May 20th, 2005 at 5:09 pm
O Canada!
anonymous Says:
May 20th, 2005 at 9:27 pm
We stand on guard for thee! And then we have a hockey game street.

Stinger Says:
May 20th, 2005 at 9:30 pm
A street hockey game.
Har Har Har.

anonymous Says:
May 21st, 2005 at 8:56 am
Street! Have you been to watch the Phoenix Coyotes yet? They are a pretty good team. That hockey, now that is a game. It might take your mind off of some of your hard feelings. Might give your guilt a little rest.

onthestreet Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
May 22nd, 2005 at 1:17 pm
What hockey. No such thing in the U.S., right? You win.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 06:22 am
Here are some old Aimoo posts from the defunct Stop Polygabuse Forum

Immaculate Conception-1
Imjustcurious (Onthestreet)
Golden Member
Posts : 26
Reg : 04/22/2005
Date Posted: 05/06/2005 6:58 PM

Anyone mind telling me what Immaculate Conception means?
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Platinum Member
Posts : 97
Reg : 05/22/2004
Date Posted: 05/06/2005 7:11 PM
Curious: Immaculate conception is the idea that Jesus was not born of man. His mother, Mary, was pregnant without having intercourse. Thus, conceived through a devine miracle.
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Golden Member
Posts : 26
Reg : 04/22/2005
Date Posted: 05/10/2005 3:01 PM
Reply to : Radshack
So, don't you consider yourselves immaculately conceived? Such are the saints, immaculate.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 06:26 am
Immaculate Conception-2

Platinum Member
Posts : 97
Reg : 05/22/2004
Date Posted: 05/10/2005 5:51 PM
Actually, I am fairly certain that my Mom & Dad had sex in order to conceive me.
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Golden Member
Posts : 26
Reg : 04/22/2005
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 7:46 PM

You mean, like cats and dogs, and the animal world. That is animal nature. It seems that you are several worlds fallen. First, you must regain your human nature, and then take another step up, and acquire divine nature. All three natures are worlds apart, and the lower ones keep you from God's presence.
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Golden Member
Posts : 25
Reg : 04/28/2005
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 8:18 PM
Reply to : Imjustcurious
You mean, like cats and dogs, and the animal world. That is animal nature. It seems that you are several worlds fallen. First, you must regain your human nature, and then take another step up, and acquire divine nature. All three natures are worlds apart, and the lower ones keep you from God's presence.

So, Curious, let me get this straight: When you get a woody, it is a "devine" woody. When anybody else gets horny, it's animalistic. I think your a few branches short of a whole tree.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 06:28 am
Immaculate Conception-3

Golden Member
Posts : 26
Reg : 04/22/2005
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 8:27 PM
You mean you don't know about Immaculate Conception, and how crucial it is to eternal life?
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Golden Member
Posts : 25
Reg : 04/28/2005
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 8:41 PM
Reply to : Imjustcurious
You mean you don't know about Immaculate Conception, and how crucial it is to eternal life?

Immaculate conception as I understand it is the teaching that Mary was conceived without original sin.(no intercourse). Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. So if you are thinking that somehow all children you bring into this world are "Immaculate, you sir are sadly mistaken: Sperm + egg = baby. I am not saying that all children are not destined to be born by God, but there is a little science involved by my estimation. Of course, according to you only the children of white parents are divinely inspired. You are a little twisted for my tastes.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 06:31 am
Immaculate Conception-4

Lord Challen
Platinum Member
Posts : 135
Reg : 04/28/2005
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 9:51 PM

For my two cents. . . . .

I believe that Jesus Christ was a teacher. In my belief system, the true Christ is a part of God that we are trying to bring into our souls, our spirits, and our bodies. In order to become like Christ, the true Christ must be born in your heart. This is an act of "Immaculate Conception." When Christ is born in your heart, it is by the Spirit of God.

The concept of Immaculate Conception is very important to the development of the soul. Christ must be born in the heart of each one of us. The "Christ" we are hoping to be born within us is "True Love." The Virgin, in a sense, is our heart that receives the Holy Spirit and conceives that "only Begotten" son of God, which is to become a part of each one us. When Christ born in our heart, by this method of Immaculate Conception, we learn to become "Joint Heirs" with Christ. As Christ, the Spirit of True Love, grows in our hearts, we begin to partake in the true blessings as a child of God.

To God, all things are spiritual. To get caught up in weither or not Jesus was really conceived by Immaculate Conception is to sort of miss the point of what he was trying to teach, in my humble opinion. But for the record, I believe that Jesus got into the world just like the rest of us. In the teaching principals of Christ, the idea of Immaculate Conception carries a lot of truth.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 06:42 am
Immaculate Conception-5

Diamond Member
Posts : 270
Reg : 02/25/2005
Date Posted: 05/12/2005 7:55 PM

Try this one on street
A young man went to Warren for advise. He was wondering if he was getting true revelation and asked warren about it. The young man said that it felt like, well, like an orgasim. Warren told him that yes that was true and correct revelation.
Ouch, doesn't that shoot down your immaculate conception. From the mouth of your beloved prophet himself.
It is a true report, from the mouth of him who asked.
Message edited by: mloribee2 on 05/12/2005 18:56:02[Server Time/GMT -8 Pacific Time]

Street's Reply: The seed of man is in the groin, which is foundational or fundamentalist (Y), and this corresponds with the seed of the Spirit in the brain, the abyss, the Holy Grail, the Holy of Holies, the Philosopher's Stone, the seat of revelation (D). So if you abuse the seed in a sexual way, you sever the nerve, the path, the Way to Christ and His revelations. He dwells in the Holy of Holies in us all, until we committ that sin and sever the tie. So the Prophet was right in associating the two (groin and brain). It is immaculate when it is kept undefiled. "That moment that you touch the fruit of the Tree in the midst of the Garden (midway between the crown of your head and the souls of your feet), then thou shalt surely die" (Gen.3:3).
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 06:47 am
Golden Member
Posts : 26
Reg : 04/22/2005
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 8:31 PM
What does it mean to be righteous. Anyone know?

Golden Member
Posts : 26
Reg : 04/22/2005
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 8:33 PM
Scroll up. I think he says it quite well. ____________________________________________________________________________________

Lord Challen
Platinum Member
Posts : 137
Reg : 04/28/2005
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 10:17 PM
Reply to : Imjustcurious
Scroll up. I think he says it quite well.

I at least got a chuckle from his difinition. At first I was confused about all of this talk about brain-washing and then saw this thread and WOW, I could see what they meant. If I've heard "suck-ass" in my life, it would be in the top post.

My definition about righteous is about "right-ness." There is Universal Rightness and then Self-Rightness. Warren is all about Self-Rightness. Everything he does is about what is right for HIM. Every move he has made was evidence of his lack of concern and love for his people. He has not done one thing, that I can see that was right for the people. He has broken their families, broken their spirits, broken the bank, broken the UEP, broken the law, broken young boys virginity, and has broken the community. Explain to me, where is the "rightness" in all of that?

His teachings express fear of others, and crimes against the Creation, which is in violation of Universal Rightness.

I have a lot of respect for the process of creation and the cycles of life. The destroyer is often just as important as the Creator. But in this case, I think is a case of mistaken Identity. The one that claims to be the representitive of the Creator, is really the Destroyer, which makes me think him "un-righteous" for the good of mankind. His acts of rightness seem to only serve his carnal desires for power and destruction. The only rightness being acted out in Warren is the rightness of Little Jeff Jr hanging between his legs. And at this point, whatever is right for him, is wrong for the rest of us. Warren has no concept of what a servant of God does. A servant of God serves the greater good, the good of all life, to the best of that servants ability. If Warren is acting Universal Righteousness to the best of his ability, he should be fired immediately.


Street's Reply: By that definition, Christ is the destroyer, for we see Warren doing here exactly as Christ did (Matt.10:24), and you call that the destruction of families. It is the salvation of families. Bad apples MUST be removed, or else they destroy the whole bushel. You are correct, if the Prophet Warren worked Universal Righteousness, he should be fired. Righteousness is NOT universal, but "FEW there be that find it", says the Lord. So the Prophet cast out many, even as Christ did, and retained the few elect of God to carry on, according to the Lord's parable of the Ten Virgins. Half the "virgins" or those who were gathered with God's Priesthood were unwise and locked out. It is all so scriptural and Christ-like, as all are witness this day.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 07:10 am
Diamond Member
Posts : 230
Reg : 02/19/2004
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 10:59 PM
Reply to : Lord Challen
Reply to : ImjustcuriousScroll up. I think he says it quite well.I at least got a chuckle from his difinition. At first I was confused about all of this talk about brain-washing and then saw this thread and WOW, I could see what they meant. If I've heard "suck-ass" in my life, it would be in the top post.My definition about righteous is about "right-ness." There is Universal Rightness and then Self-Rightness. Warren is all about Self-Rightness. Everything he does is about what is right for HIM.Every move he has made was evidence of his lack of concern and love for his people. He has not done one thing, that I can see that was right for the people. He has broken their families, broken their spirits, broken t

Lord, you're talking to Street. You're wasting your time. The guy don't need an argument...he needs help.

If the only tool you have is a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail. - Mark Twain

Street's Reply: Christ says is best, that His saints will rule with Him with "an iron rod". There's your hammer (Rev.2:27, 12:5, 19:15). A washed brain is a clean brain. What you call "suck ass" is what the Lord requires as perfect obedience, as a child obeys its parents, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. All you you display here is shear rebellion against the Lord on the Cross, and He is my help. Your confession that the Prophet Warren is all about Self Rightness is most revealing. For the self to be right with the Lord is the key, for no other being can save you. Every move he has made was evidence of his lack of concern and love for the crimes of many of the people, so call a spade a spade. That is what will plow you up, according the the law of the Lord as He spoke in Jerusalem (Matt. 10:34). You say "He has not done one thing, that I can see that was right for the people". Good observation of the limit of your ability to see, for he has done all things that was right for the people, freeing the wicked and ruling the righteous with an iron rod, according to God's Word, and those he rules are glad to have it so. They have told you all to mind you business and leave them alone, for you have no part with them, nor with God.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 07:11 am
Diamond Member
Posts : 273
Reg : 02/25/2005
Date Posted: 05/12/2005 8:02 PM
Reply to : Lord Challen
Cactus Jim, you've got to let "on the street" back on. I'm almost in tears, thinking that I might have missed this. Howcan you claim to have objective board when you deny exposure of the very thing you are trying to handle? This spirit is the source ofwhat you are trying to crush. Denying it expression is simply forcing it go somewhere else.I thought you guys were into the "handling" this situation.

Don't worry neighbor, ol street is right here in the form of the curious.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 07:15 am
Golden Member
Posts : 26
Reg : 04/22/2005
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 8:29 PM

I Am That I Am
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Lord Challen
Platinum Member
Posts : 137
Reg : 04/28/2005
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 10:21 PM
Reply to : Imjustcurious
I Am That I Am

And I Is what I is. Sounds sort of like you have got a confession here, except his has confused himself with the God. Who knows. . .. .
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Platinum Member
Posts : 130
Reg : 06/03/2004
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 10:23 PM
I dont know if hes on the street or not. Lets see if he can put together more than two coherent sentences with atleast mediocre spelling. Thatll (spelling) tell us real quick...........................and oh yeah, lets (spellling)see if is head isnt (spelling) in his ass.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 07:23 am
Diamond Member
Posts : 380
Reg : 02/02/2005
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 10:51 PM

I think on the street is a women. Why do you think they post this way? What do you think? I did laugh a few times, thinking this. Women are bostfuler, and holier than tho, then most men. Mon usually are makeing every one responsible for what they do, or blaming it all on the women. Rarly do men speak like dark as midnight, and say, I am making my own choices, and even the heavens must agree. Men stand firm in there resolutions with all men and God, but when a women starts to flapping, the strongest of men dod run.Women are like: don't want no man to tell me what to do, but I can hammer him to hell. Then when they want his money, Why its you owe it to me. So what if I did not work as much as you. IAM THE WOMEN. GIVE GIVE GIVE.


Diamond Member
Posts : 230
Reg : 02/19/2004
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 10:52 PM

According to the Texas Blog, they've traced him down to a public library in Phoenix. Jim should be able to prove one way or another.

Diamond Member
Posts : 380
Reg : 02/02/2005
Date Posted: 05/11/2005 11:07 PM
Do not know for sure. Jim beam sure did not heasitate to post my name and story with out even asking me. I think he could tell you in a second. He likes playing games, and pretending to be selfrightous. I think he thought he would intimidate me.
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Platinum Member
Posts : 130
Reg : 06/03/2004
Date Posted: 05/12/2005 7:37 AM
Hmmmm, you know what I think? I think whoever he is he's getting his jollies having us dedicate a thread solely to finding out who he is. Why not ignore him.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 07:27 am
Bronze Member
Posts : 1
Reg : 04/18/2005
Date Posted: 05/12/2005 8:46 PM

I'm with Midnightversion...
It's obvious to me that certain "contributors" to these forums have no other purpose than to get attention and/or get a rise out of someone - anyone. It's an old ploy.

My personal aphorism: Ignore stupidity.

The most significant effect you can have on anyone who is obviously out of line, pathetic or stupid, is to ignore them. By responding, you play right into their taunting word games (e.g., "pay attention to me" or "I bet I can get a rise out of you"). Falling for and responding to these stupid games just reinforces more of the same. After all, there are no sticks or stones to hurt your bones, so stupid words are NOT going to hurt you, that is unless you let 'em. Ignore the stupidity. It's all fluff and bluff!

This little gem might be worth considering:

"Fools show their anger at once, but the prudent ignore an insult."
~~~Proverbs 12:16

"The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself."
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Golden Member
Posts : 28
Reg : 04/22/2005
Date Posted: 05/14/2005 5:29 PM

Well, Jim. Your board has become quite proliphic (Where the heck's your spell-check). Glad to see that. It's picked up alot since Street started posting, yes? No, you don't need to give Street no credit, but people are now pouring their hearts out. That's good.

Steve Jackson
Golden Member
Posts : 17
Reg : 12/21/2003
Date Posted: 05/14/2005 5:25 PM

Just curious if anyone know who he is, what he does, how close he is to Warren, ect.]
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 07:38 am
Golden Member
Posts : 33
Reg : 04/22/2005
Date Posted: 05/18/2005 7:19 PM
Radshack Said (Date Posted: 05/16/2005 10:26 PM )
I know of one man who seriously had a problem servicing the women. Not that he wasn't normal... It must be kinda sad for the women to be so emotionally neglected. Love maybe never does come into the equation. Sex is really only for procreation, not for pleasure or intimacy, after all!!

My Reply: That's just proof of these mens' virtue, is it not. To "service" women is to have fun with them, but that includes honoring their purity, sanity, and dignity, not treating them like common whores. To do that is to emotionally neglect them, and you're right: Love never comes into the equation under those conditions. To be pure is to be sexually pure. Then your mind and heart and relationships find ultimate pleasure and intimacy, with yourself, with women, with God and His angels.

Date Posted: 05/17/2005 9:07 PM
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 07:51 am
onthestreet wrote:
Hi all. I'm a lifelong member of Warren Jeff's FLDS Church, and proud of it. I was cast out for human weakness, being quite human and having sins to repent of, and glad of that opportunity also. I usually post on a couple of the polygamy blogs, but not much going on there. Still, I'll give the links of the two forums if anyone's interested. I'm looking to broaden my horizons here, if it's okay. Thank you folks.

http://polyg talk.ipbfree.com (no space between polyg & talk).

For a broad sweep of my Christian views, and why Christains are polygamists, those two forums will help as a reference, but I'd like to do some posting here and maybe meet some new friends, true Christians.

Thanks, everybody.
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