Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 01:28 am
Polyg Talk Rules


Look at this ****! RULES:
1. The general guideline is that participants here must treat each other with respect and dignity, attacking ideas and issues rather than each other. IE: NO MATTER HOW IMPERSONAL IT MAY BE, IT BEING JUST PERCEIVED TO BE PERSONAL BY THE ULTRA SENSITIVE PARANOID OF SOCIETY.

2. Impersonation of another user or a public figure living or dead is illegal and against the forum rules as is the use of obscene or otherwise offensive handles. SO HANDLES OUT THE WINDOW, FOR THAT IS ANOTHER IDENTITY. PERSONAL ID ONLY, FOR THE HAPPY, HAPPY IDENTITY THIEF. Laughing

3. Messages that call for illegal action or might result in harm to others are not allowed on this forum. SOOO, IF STREET POSTS ANYTHING SUPPORTING HIS CULTURE, CRUCIFY!!! THAT CULTURE IS ILLEGAL. :ph34r:

4. In general, we accept language that is commonly heard on network television evening news. Gratuitous obscenity and/or explicit or implicit descriptions of sex do not belong in this forum. Messages containing vulgar language or profanity are not allowed. Partially masking unacceptable words with asterisks or other symbols does not make the word acceptable if it is still recognizable. IN GENERAL, WE ACCEPT HOW WE DICTATE YOU CAN SPEAK, LIKE OUR BUDDY ADOLPH. :angry:

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6. Respect toward other subscribers is required at all times. Personal disparagement (insulting another participant's intellect, physical appearance, personal habits, etc.), libel, slander, inappropriate familiarity (alluding to another person's private life or asking personal questions of a person whom the questioner doesn't know well) or any other form of direct or indirect "personal attack" are not permitted. YE BEEN WARNED! SHOWING HOW SOMEONE'S LOGIC MAY BE WRONG IS INSULTING TO THEIR INTELLECT, SO NO DISCUSSION ALLOWED.

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8. Messages that seem to have no other object than to disrupt forum discussion and/or attack individuals or groups are not allowed in this forum. Such disruption can include one-liners, multiple postings of the same offensive msg, and other forms of harassment. SEE, HITLER'S DICTUMS GET SO LONG THAT YOU RUN OUT OF SMILIES OR SMILES OR EVEN ANY SIGH OF RELIEF.

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0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 01:34 am

What you call "potty-mouth" is simply Biblical truth, which you seek to get others to reject. It is the Word of God, where Christ Himself said it: "Thou shalt make an altar of ****-tim wood" (Exodus 27:1), an altar on which to sacrifice the "****", the gross, the dross, the evil in men and women, and in the world around you, and all corruption which God has named "****" for the altar of "****-tim", which man has simply adopted from the Word of God, the waste that you sacrifice when you sit on your potty, or spew your lies from your potty-mouth. It's the lies that are filthy, not the language that the English tongue has simply corrupted from the Adamic, Aramaic, and Hebraic languages. It is your corruption of that origin that you must sacrifice from your body, mind, and soul (the waste that we call "****", from the Biblical Shittim tree), else your body, mind, and soul become diseased and die, just like your forum died when you cut it off from the free flow of life and truth. "****", put simply, means to silence (shhhh), and to do away with "It": Shhh - It (to sacrifice some waste).

So now everyone can plainly see that the offensiveness is your own, because you reject the very Word of God Himself. God is the origin of the Shittim for the sacrifice. I will not bow to man's decree of how I should talk, or who or what I should be, to satisfy your corruption and deception, your fantasy and sexuality, all in the name of what you call "descency". Our own fallen government strives to censure us and to shackle us and to stretch us out to fit their beds, like ancient Sodom did. But lo! What does the Lord say? "Whosoever shall not receive you…depart from that city. Verily, I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city" or nation. (Matt. 10:15). President Jeffs had to depart. "And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them: A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country and in his own house" (Matt.13:57), in which case "country" becomes "****-tree". It's de naycha of de language, in its origin and very constitution.

Filthy dogs reject the Word of the Lord. That's why in scripture He calls them dogs. Then they begin to demand that others obey their own demons, because you are unable to interpret the truth. Then you must "eat your own dung and drink your own piss", the Word of the Lord (2 Kings 18:27). It's not a "potty-mouth" as you call it. It's just scripture. If this is in your Christian and Jewish Bible, as you can all plainly see that it is, and therefore the Word of the Lord, and then you call it "potty-mouth", your own stench scorches the very earth that supports you. See, you have persisted in branding God as a "potty-mouth" and to reject His Word, so you must suffer the consequences. You not only have egg on your face, but also dung, as the Lord commands it (Mal.2:3). Also: "Know this, that the law is not made for the righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient…for whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind…for liars and perjured persons (I Tim.1:9-10).

The FLDS faithful have come out of the world, in order to be free from your own corruption, as you can plainly see corruption and scandal and special interests and secret dealings and corrupt laws throughout your government today. "So the nations are angry, and God's wrath is come" (Rev.11:18). You have all gloated since the Prophet was placed in bonds, over the propriety of raping women, even wives, and calling it "love", what Jim calls "the juicy old fashioned way", and what Tar and Tam have called "conjugal love", thereby confessing consenting to the act of defiling one another, because of your dung-infested bodies, minds, souls, and foul spirits, when in fact Christ has declared: "Whosoever looketh upon a woman (wife or not, A WOMAN), to lust after her, has committed adultery and shall deny the faith" (Matt.5:28, D&C 42:23).

So now the government and the people have denied the faith and the religious freedom of a community of FLDS saints to marry and to bring forth children according to the law and commandment, not according to your own perverted ideas and sexual fantacies, but according to the very Word and Work and commandment and law of God in the earth, to "let the little children come" (Matt.19:14), and according to "the first fruits" (Ex.22:29, Matt.7:16, Est.2:7), which is puberty. Legions of devils actuate many of you, so that you cannot discern the purity of a Prophet who has cast out all such filth, all who abused the institutions of family and of church and of education and welfare, as the world knows how he cast so many out, and even turned his back on the towns, as so many complain about to this day, because he was the one who rejected the abuses. There's the proof that he never accepted their abuses. Yet, you gloat in piling the blame upon him, as they piled upon Christ the cross and the weight of the world in His day, to carry your own guilt, because you "have given heed to lying and seducing spirits and forbid to marry" (I Tim.4:1-3), as well as "forbidding the little children to come (Mt.19:14), and murdering them by the millions. Then you have the rabid desperation of piling such things on the man who has done just the opposite, for legions of devils are raging within you as rabid dogs.

You all know he is innocent, seeing clearly that no such charges were ever brought against him. You only charge him with committing matrimony, the very foundation of society. So now you've destroyed your own foundation, and what does the Lord prophecy about that solitary charge being brought to bear in our day? "Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith (denying the faith of a community), giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, thus forbidding to marry" (I Tim. 4:1-3). Marriage is the only charge against this Prophet, which greatly offends your lying and seducing spirits in the halls of power (as Pharaoh was seduced by lies and corruption, and was thrown down by the Almighty). So your government has recently created laws forbidding to marry, in direct and complete fulfillment of the prophecy.

Now, today you have deadly hurricanes at your doorstep, and war and disease and economic collapse, the poisoning of your food, and the exporting of your jobs, and the importing of terror cells in every state, and armies at your borders, and every judgment that God has promised upon a perverse nation (Mt.10:34, D&C 45:26), and you cannot help yourselves. Now, it is about to worsen into a torrent of destructions, and will destroy the nation, because this is the Land of Zion, the choicest land which you have polluted, having rejected God and His mouthpiece. Your judges outlaw God and religion in your schools, and will soon exercise surveillance and complete control in your churches and your homes, and place the mark of the beast upon you (Rev.13:16), and you cannot stop it, "for they are God's ministers" (Rom.13:6).

This final destruction is the casting off of the dung on the ****-tim altar of sacrifice, for you have polluted your inheritance in Zion. "Yea, ye sacrifice your sons and daughters to devils "(the very thing the FLDS worked long and hard over the years to prevent: Matt.13:25), "and ye shed innocent blood" (4,000 murdered babies every day, 1.5 million every year, and 1-Billion slain babies since 1970, until "the third part of mankind are slain" (Rev.9:15), because that is the law that you support because of your vote, a nation of criminals and sex-offenders. "Thus, ye were defiled with your own works, and went a whoring with your own inventions. Therefore, the wrath of the Lord is kindled against His people (the most favored nation on earth), insomuch that He abhorres His own inheritance, and He gives you into the hands of the heathen (terrorists), and they that hate you rule over you". (Psalm 106:37-41).

"The terror of God is upon the cities" (Gen.35:5). "Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men, but we are manifest unto God" (2 Cor.5:11). "But before the arm of the Lord shall fall, an angel shall sound his trump, and the saints that have slept shall come forth to meet me in the cloud" (D&C 45:45).

"Woe unto them that turn aside the just for a thing of naught, and revile against that which is good, and say that it is of no worth…for they shall perish". (Ne.28:16). "Now we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fullness of His wrath shall come upon them. And the fullness of His wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity" (Ether 2:9). This is when you are ripe, when you turn aside the fundamentals and the fundamentalist worshippers of God. How do we know this is true? "Ye shall know them by their fruits", and "all the world shall be deceived by it" (Rev.12:9). Also, from the following, which tells you what it means to be ripe:

"But behold, it is for the righteous' sake that it is spared. But behold, the time cometh, saith the Lord, that when ye shall cast out the righteous from among you, then ye shall be ripe for destruction". The Prophet LeRoy Johnson was cast out of his decades-long home in Salt Lake. The Prophet Rulon Jeffs faced such opposition that he too had to leave his decades-long home in Salt Lake. The Prophet Warren Jeffs faced such opposition that he and his people had to leave their decades long home in Colorado City, and now you have cast him off as a thing of naught from society itself, and proceed to gut them of any foothold upon the Land of Zion. So now wee can see, you are ripe for destruction. Finally, this final prophecy and witness:

"In thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents" (Jere.2:34). "For they have shed the blood of the saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink, for they are worthy" (Rev.16:6). The officials may well have precipitated their death when they were captive in their hospitals and jails, and now they seek to precipitate the end of the entire community, by maneuver and intrigue and secret combinations: "The blood of the saints will cry unto the Lord because of secret combinations, when the power of God shall be denied, and churches become defiled and lifted up in the pride of their hearts, even to the envying of them who belong to their churches (Mormon 8:27, 28). "And they cried with a loud voice, saying: How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth…and they should rest a little season until their fellow (FLDS) servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. Then he openeth the sixth seal, the earth quakes, and the sun is blackened, and the stars or asteroids fall, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind (Rev.6:10-13).

So much for your potty-mouth, the great battle of the Great God (Rev.16:14). You yourselves become the contents of the potty, the caldron or melting pot, being spewed out from the mouth of God. Then, all we can do is lament your demise, for "God delights in the souls of men" (Num.14:8, D&C 18:10), and wo-men are part of that. There was the Noahite Lamentation, the Israelite Lamentation, the Nephite Lamentation, and now cometh the Amorite (or American) Lamentation, spiritual Babylon or Sodomite, a caldron or melting pot of rebellious gentiles. There is your potty, loud and clear. The Lord has promised it, and now it is transpiring. It could only be stopped by a deep national repentance, in sackcloth and ashed, if it hadn't already gone too far, with the universal scandals and mass murders in high office and throughout the cities and families currently occupying the Land of Zion, in the name of "freedom", having your consciences seared with a hot iron (I Tim.4:2), and being deceived with the whole world by that Satan, the great adversary of the souls of man (Rev.12:9).

That is enough. Sorry I had to be so brief. That says it all.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 01:37 am
Power of the Word

A legendary re-silience is engineered into the s-word of the Sam-Ar-I. The Hebrew "Sword" is Chereb: To devour, ruin, desolate by a word which is sharper than a two-edged sword, to the dividing asunder of both soul (T) and spirit (K), joint (Mm) and marrow (Y): Heb.4:12. It is as the Prophet Warren has done, dividing asunder by the Word of one having authority, both soul and spirit, joint and marrow. "Dividing Joint" means the dividing of patience, docility, adherences, relations, alliances, riddles, Caesars, and articulations. Furthermore, Dividing Marrow means the dividing of the fat, fate, richness, pride, choice parts, rain to draught. A two-edged "S-word": Watch, unity, appointment, fount, prescription, persistence, retribution, lightning, observance, Patriarch, fount of Jerusalem, light, menorah, drawn sword.

Sorry, I didn't mean to make this paragraph so long.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 01:41 am

No number of years will diminish his light, nor the FLDS Church. Yes, some will splinter, so that the light may intensify. He sees the light of day daily, far beyond any lizard of men or women on a hot rock at noon day, and they soon shall call for the rocks to fall upon them. The heat is on the nation and the false LDS prophet who kill little children (Rev.
Not on the FLDS Church which multiplies and brings them forth according to God's command, fearing not man but God.

In four years, it'll be over, for according to the Great Year and its cycles, the mystery of 2012 is upon you, the eight cycles of Saturn and of Michael, the Arch Angel. He will never spend ten-years in your prison, for it is not in the cycle. However, the American cult and its masses are now entering into a thousand-year prison-sentence, even as Chaster has confessed. But before that, this nation and its people have a death-sentence decreed upon you, which is now in the process of being executed. That very stage has now been set, and all the Prophet can do now is lament the final lamentation for so many lost souls.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 01:42 am
The Prophet Victorious

I asked the Lord today: Father, what would you use me for, with thy Prophet? How may I be used in your cause and his? An instant and direct answer to effectual prayer for the victory of the Prophet and of myself, and of all saints together in one.

My son, by my wisdom and my blessing cometh dispersion and dissolution. The wind blowing over the water disperses it, dissolving it into foam and mist. Dispersion bringeth success. The King approaches his temple, and gathers his subjects across the great water, dispersing and dissolving their egotisms, that my Israel may be gathered.

The united effort and common celebration of the great sacrificial feasts and sacred rites give simultaneous expressions that unite my people. The sacred music and ceremonial splendor arouse a strong tide of emotion shared by all, that awaken all to their common origin, thus dissolving their disunity. When a boat crosses a great stream, all hands must unite. Only men who are free from ulterior motives and persevere in justice and steadfastness before me, shall endure.

The winds of judgment of autumn and winter drive the sails. When spring cometh, the rigidity is resolved, and the elements that are dispersed reunite. Egotism, selfishness, and hardness of heart hath lead to their separation. They must be shaken and stirred by the awe of their creator, and then reunited in their fellowship of my divine worship.

M: Help cometh from the preparations and sacrifices of the Black Horse at my Brazen Altar, with balances in his hand (JS: Rev. 6:5). This is my Servant Joseph, as a lion mighty and strong (Rev.4:7), in the similitude of the black man just learning to read, or mortal man in his dark and fallen estate, a bondage and darkness to be dispersed, sacrificed, and made white, which is the beginning of their redemption. Sacrifice all things earthly. Hurt not the oil nor the wine. Disunion within my church should be overcome at the outset, before it becomes complete, dispersing the dark clouds before they bring a storm. When diversion is felt and leads to misunderstandings and mutual distrust, sacrifice it all unto me, as the refuse of the end of the world. You must take quick and vigorous action to dissolve it quickly, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy.

Y-D: Then cometh the purifications and the aid of the Red Horse at my laver, which taketh peace from the earth (JC: Rev. 6:4), This is Jesus Christ, as a calf in a stall (Rev.4:7), in the similitude of the red man and his historical sacrificial ashes of the Red Heifer, which means: "Son of my people", to brood over my people and to hasten with authority. While blood is thicker than water, dissolve the bond of selfish family cliques and take in the entire household of faith. The dispersion of selfish bonds for the good of all my people leadeth to a great gathering, even as blood accumulates at the heart. Dissolve all private friendships that counter the general welfare of my Church, and take upon thyself my blood. Only by rising above party interests can something decisive be achieved. He who has the courage to forego what is near, obtains what is afar, as my servant Warren hath done in casting off all that offend the general welfare of my covenant people, in order to gather them into one.

Mm: Dissolve thyself, and stand at the door of my temple, in my joyful service. A man's work becomes so difficult that he can no longer think of himself. He must set aside all his personal desires, and disperse whatever he has gathered about himself as a barrier against others. Only through this great renunciation can he obtain strength for a great achievement, by setting his goal outside of himself.

T: A sanctification and union of conscience disperseth the paleness of the light at my Sanctuary. This is Michael the Archangel, in the similitude of a man (Rev.4:7), Adam in Eden, and the people of the United States in the beginnings of their union. But they have become alienated from their God in the clamor and shame and mockery which bringeth death, and Hell followeth with him. This is the Pale Horse. Whenever one discovers within, the pale beginnings of alienation and ill-humor from others, go about to dissolve them, and show forth an increase of love. Hasten to that which supports (T). Such is never found in hatred, but always in moderation and a just judgment, linked together by benevolence and good will. If he regains his unobstructed outlook and dissolves all ill-humor, then remorse is dissolved and done away.

A: My servant Warren shall be vindicated. His cries dissolve as sweat. A king abideth without blame, as the incense of acceptance. In times of general dispersion, a great idea provides a focal point for the organization and recovery of my people. Just as an illness reaches its crisis in a dissolving sweat, so a great and stimulating idea is the salvation of my people, in a time of general deadlock, providing a rallying point for the dissolution of all misunderstanding.

K: Behold the redemption of the White Horse in my Holy of Holies. He dissolves his blood, and departs without blame. A pure white and radiant element, even spirit element, courseth his veins, which spirit is the power of my Priesthood. This is the power of Enoch and his city, in the similitude of an eagle coming to the feast, to swallow up, garnish, and adorn my priests forever (Rev.4:7). This disperses the danger before my coming. Behold, I gather out my people before the end cometh.

"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war". (Rev.19:11, 6:2).

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 01:45 am
Polyg Talk
Ramblings on Giuliani

Unchaste: "Ends in Shiza". Are you trying to say "****"? You have to place the tip of the tongue behind the front teeth in order to form the "T", see, or the Tet. It was the same when you and Jimmy were nursing. The tip of the tongue has to touch the front in order to form the Tet, the milk, tip to tit, see? Then it was "OH YUMMY"! Your widdo tails were wagging like widdo pups. While a child, you do as a child, but when you get all gwowed up, then you'll put away childish things, including the sucking. You'll begin to learn to partake of more substantial food or doctrine. Then, you'll no longer be unchaste, like that Rude Girly On He.

Glad to be of service.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 01:47 am
Tx.Blog-Bldg Vanished-Dec.28-10:16 pm

Just a Small One said...
I'd rather not hear your precious comments, but if you insist on it here goes. Where do Warren's people get their food, cloth to make clothes, building materials for houses and etc...???? Why, from that wicked world they despise so much and think they are above. Where is the self dependence that Brigham Young AND U. Roy tried to get the people to accept???????
12/28/2007 10:16 PM



So, the source of all resources. God is the source, not any man nor city nor set of men. Why do you insist on idolatry, looking to men as the source of anything? It just stunts your growth, and makes you…well…"Just a Small One". So well put, widdo pud. God is even the source of that, and if the FLDS prove prophetable to the world like you say, producing great profits in their behalf, it just shows that they can come out of the world and still live in it, being a light on a hill that all the world must see. Yet, what do you know. They even grow their own food, and make cloth, and building materials. But in the end, we shall eat manna (Rev.2:17), and have light for a covering (Ps.104:2), and our building will be buildings made without hands (Mk.14:58).

My "precious comments"? Thank you for the commentpliment.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 01:50 am
When Messengers Appear
On September 12, 1933, Charles Frederick Zitting received a communication from the Spirit regarding his desire to have his calling and election made sure, "which Lorin Calvin Woolley examined and stated was a true revelation from God".

"Thus saith the Lord (as a voice speaking from heaven) I am ready at any time to grant your wish and the wish of others as soon as you are ready to receive me, by allowing the Spirit to dictate to you at all times, instead of the flesh. Then at all times you are filled with the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of God, wisdom, intelligence, truth and light. Then Satan is bound as he can only work on the spirit of men through the flesh. Then I and other heavenly messengers can visit you without disgrace to ourselves. When You have perfected yourselves in this respect, then you can translate yourselves, because you are full of the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of God, wisdom, intelligence, truth and light continually, and then you can in reality go to distant places by the twinkling of an eye, as other translated beings travel. This is the key on which Enoch and his people, Peleg and his people, Melchizedek and his people, and others that ever reached this height, translated themselves, and you, my friend, and this earth must reach this perfection".
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 01:52 am
Revelation to Street December 1, 2007, in answer to prayer. The Great Event of 2,012 AD affirmed.

Father, what great event will transpire in America, in the Land of Zion, in the year of our Lord 2,012?

Behold, I am Michael thy God, and will answer thee regarding heaven and earth. Heaven will be moved, bringing to pass an unbroken oneness of my servant Warren and of my people, with my primal powers in the heavens. The essence is power, faith in the midst of the abyss. The image is heaven, grace from my throne. Its wisdom or energy is unrestricted in its effect upon both the world and the universe, for it is the power and wisdom of my beloved Son Jesus Christ. Its basis is time, both the power of time and persisting in time, even the power of thy God who speaketh unto you now, as I oft speaketh unto my faithful servant Warren.

Through him, my power shall awaken and develop man's higher nature. Sublime success is his, by seeking his own happiness and the happiness of others, by persevering in what is right, even the four attributes of the Cross: Sublimity (K), potentiality (Sh), power (D), and perseverance (T). This is attained by sacrifice (M), purity (Y), stillness (Mm), and truth (T), by which ye shall know that I am God and come unto my light, which is my law from beginning to end.

The great man bringeth peace and security unto the world, by his activity in creating order. He towers high above the multitude in his ascent. Love begets sublimity. Mores bring success, which regulate and organize the expressions of love. Justice begets power to further others, creating the conditions in which each one receives what accords with their own nature and being, and their happiness, even that which is due. Wisdom begets perseverance.

M. My power moves within him, making him strong and untiring. Thus he persevereth in me and in my law, and never slackens, as one day followeth upon another in endless time, even as my course is one eternal round. Remain strong in every way, by casting out all that is inferior and degrading, and by consciously limiting the field of thy activity, even as I move in a mysterious way, my wonders to perform. Do not fear nor act in haste, for the time is not yet ripe. The time will fulfill itself, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 01:53 am
Revelation to Street November 8, 2007, in answer to prayer. Position of Warren as Prophet and President of the Church reaffirmed.

My Father, why did thy servant Warren disclaim his leadership so many months ago. Is he in thy favor as the holder of the keys of Thy Priesthood upon this earth? O Lord, how can this change, if Thy Priesthood is eternal?

Thus saith the Lord. My son, peace be unto thy soul. Verily, I say unto you, the keys of this kingdom shall never be taken from him, in this world nor in the world to come. Where he may have sinned, he did it ignorantly before me, even as my servant Joseph was oft rebuked before my face. I am the forgiver of sins. Every soul who forsaketh his sins, and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am.

His troubles shall be but a small moment. Then, if he endure it well, I shall exalt him on high, and he shall triumph over all his foes. He approacheth unto me and becometh great before me, even as receptive and pure as a virgin spring. In prudence, what I have spoken through him in the hour of his great trial and meekness, I have spoken, that I may begin to approach my tabernacle on the earth. The condescension of a man in a high position toward the people setteth them to work in their affairs, to begin their ascent unto me. Joy and forbearance bringeth both the high and the low nearer together, that my people may be one, that they may have power to ascend up unto me, and to see my face.

Success is certain if ye continue faithful, in determination and perseverance before me. Make full use of the favorable time left, for the end is come and reverses are certain. Take careful heed to thyselves, to meet evil before it arises, that ye may master it. The superior man is inexhaustible in his will to teach, and without limit in his tolerance and protection of the people. As my servant condescends to those beneath him, even to all men, so heaven and earth draw nigh together. Even as a great lake is inexhaustible, so is my servant in his readiness to teach mankind, all who come with a pure heart. As the earth is boundless, so is my servant in caring for all people, condescending below them all, excluding no part of my children upon the earth. Then, the Lord shall have power over His saints, and shall reign in their midst, and shall come down in judgment upon Idumea or the world.

M- Amidst the dangers, approach in a joint-approach with my chosen people, my little flock. The good begins to prevail and to find a response in influential circles. This is an incentive unto men of ability. But beware of this upward trend, and do not be carried away by its current. Adhere perseveringly in what is right.

Y- Go ye swiftly, honestly, and valiantly, my son. When the stimulus to approach cometh from my servant Warren, and ye have the strength and consistency that needeth no admonition, then thou shalt succeed. Descent follows upon every ascent, but be not troubled for it is a universal law of fate. This is why thou hast fallen to the street. All things work together for good, to them who love the Lord.

Mm- By a comfortable approach, as my servant achieved power and influence, therein was the danger of becoming careless in his dealings with others, even as I warned my servant Joseph in former times. If he regrets his mistakes, and feels the responsibility of his position before me, he frees himself of fault. I the Lord chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom I loveth and receiveth, that their sins may be forgiven them.

T- The complete approach is the open-minded approach of a man in great authority, unto a man of ability whom he draws unto himself without regard to class prejudice or distinction. This shall work favorably for thy good. The greater the authority, the greater also must be his meekness.

A- The wise approach is in the wisdom to attract men of ability, who are expert in the directing of affairs, and in allowing those chosen the freedom to act without interference as they are moved upon by my spirit. Thus, by self-restraint, my servant shall find all who are needful for the true work of my Kingdom.

D- My servant Warren, who has put the world behind him, and in spirit hath already withdrawn from life, may return again to the here and now, to approach other men, and to teach them and help them in their salvation. This is the greathearted approach, which shall mean great fortune for all whom he teaches. Then, his great humility is blameless, and great shall be his reward before my face, saith the Lord your God. Behold, I come quickly. Watch therefore, and be ready.

Even so, Amen.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 01:54 am
Revelation given to Street October 20, 2007, in response to prayer

Father, is thy servant Warren's food being tampered with by his jailers? Verily so. Abagtha, a eunuch as a palace warrior, with five vanities. In judgment, while waiting for his nourishment, he has abysmal water over the heaven that is within him. All beings hath need of nourishment, but the gift comes in its own time. My strength is within him, but there is danger before him. Strength in the face of danger does not plunge ahead, but bides its time. Weakness in danger grows agitated.

My servant shall persevere and have good fortune, even to the crossing of the great water. Strength while waiting is not mere hoping. It has the inner certainty of reaching the goal, which gives the light that leads to his success and ultimate triumph. Weakness and impatience can do nothing. Only a strong man can stand up to his fate, for his inner security enables him to endure to the end, in uncompromising truth within himself. Only when my people hath the courage to face things exactly as they are, without guile or self-deception or illusion, will my light develop out of the events by which the path of success is recognized. The path must then be followed with resolute and persevering action.

Only a man who goeth to meet his fate with resolve, is equipped to succeed and to surmount the danger. The superior man eateth and drinketh, and is joyous and of good cheer. When clouds arise, it is a sign that it will rain. So, when destiny is at work, thou shalt not worry, nor seek to shape the future by interfering with things before the time is ripe. Peaceably fortify the body, my church, with food and drink, and their minds with gladness and good cheer. Fate cometh when it will, and then ye are ready.

M: Waiting in the meadow. As a few united bulrushes, friends and brethren in a caldron or altar of sacrifice, in a stockade of absorbent reeds, receive abundance, as in a bowl pounded out and made hallowed. Abide in what endures, and wait in the open for something impending. Continue in an orderly manner and undeviating, that ye may guard against a premature waste of strength, and to keep thee from error and blame that would at a later time be a source of weakness.

Y: Waiting on the sand. There is rumour of the impending danger, and danger approacheth. Sand is near the bank of a dangerous river, even my laver. Disagreements arise, and general unrest. Be ye still, that ye may know that I am God. Slander is silenced if we do not gratify it. Yea, be ye still.

Mm: Waiting in the mud, at the fiery door of my temple. The enemy approacheth. The mud is no place for waiting, for it is already being washed by the water, and the arrival of mine enemies. Instead of having gathered strength to cross over in one try, some make a premature start, which gets you no further than the muddy bank. This invites the enemy, who naturally take advantage, for the natural man is an enemy to God. Great caution and a keen sense of the danger is all that can keep you from harm.

T: Waiting in the blood, in the Color-Red. When the situation plummets, get out of the pit. It is a matter of life and death. The danger is of the utmost gravity, as in the sanctuary of the emblems of the blood and the breath of life. Bloodshed seems imminent, and there is no going backward or forward in that place, being cut off as in a pit. Do not remain a source to aggravate the trouble. By standing fast and letting fate take its course, this composure shall enable thee to get out of the pit and to behold my deliverance. This is the only means of escape.

A: Waiting at meat and drink, as manah from heaven, intervals of peace. This is the time to fortify and renew thy strength, without being deflected from the goal, for triumph is not yet. Even in the heavens, it is not possible to achieve everything at once. In my wisdom, allow the people enough recreation to quicken their pleasure in their tasks, until the victory is won. Herein is the secret, waiting in nourishment and strength in the silence and perfection of each gate within. Then ye shall be sure of thy cause, and shall not lose the serenity born of inner cheer and joy.

D: The waiting is over. The danger can no longer be averted. He must yield to the inevitable. He falls in the pit (pituitary), the abyss, the prison of Babylos, to examine him, seemingly ashamed, delayed, broken, and confounded at my threshold, and thrown down. This is the well of the abyss, my treasure, Shekore. Everything seems to have been in vain. Precisely at that moment, without any effort on thy part, there is outside intervention, an unforeseen turn. Three uninvited guests arrive. Honor them. Remain alert, and do not withdraw into thyself with a sulky gesture of refusal. Greet the new turn with triumph!

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 01:56 am
Revelation to Street - Sept.11, 2007

I asked the Lord today: Father, should I post to the blogs and public forums, in defense of Thy Servant Warren Jeffs?

Yay, verily, it is the arousing shock and thunder of my eldest worthy son upon the earth, who seizes rule with energy and power, pressing upward, so much that it arouses terror. It is symbolized by thunder which bursts forth from the earth, and by its shock causes fear and trembling. The shock bringeth success, and when the shock comes: "Oh Oh!" (Ex.32:31). Then laughter: "Ha Ha!" (Job 39:25, Ps.35:21, 40:15, Ezek.25:3, 26:2, 36:2). The shock terrifies, but he does not let fall the sacrificial spoon and chalice. (Jer.51:7, 52:18). This is a manifestation of my power. Joy and merriment shall follow.

At times, the shock will bring fortune, then danger, then distraught to all but the superior man. Then the shock will become mired. Then it shall go forth hither and thither. Finally, it shall bring ruin and much gazing round about. Be still, and know that I am God.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 01:58 am

If you know a laid-ee named Rhea, and you're gunna do something, be careful. You might get gunna Rhea. And if she wears leotards, you could also become Rhea-tarded. So you boys make double sure you never phuk. It'll kill ya.

Peek-a-Boo Street

Wakie wakie, eggs and bakie. Good moroning, every birdie. Did you ever get one flipped? Talking birdies not eggs, butt then the hen that's laid is also a birdie. So if a man or woman tries to lay ya, flip it don't dip it. Tell the demon where to go take a dump. It'll fry your brain as quick as you can fry a good egg, and will kill every prospect you have, because the spirit in all things is then disrupted. Then an epoch has ended. With every epoch, one journey ends and another begins.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:00 am
Rocks & Socks
The Lord said that the snake would bite he Cub and it did, that the rock would kill the snake and it did, and then that the Redsocks would only stub their toe against the Rocks as shown in the 8th inning with a Rocky 2-run homer. Yes, the Rocks beat the Socks in the playoffs, and will in the end. But then "the unexpected" of a team that just wouldn't lose, as foretold, for war shall prevail (Red-Socks over the Rocks) until the end. Then, the rock or "stone cut out of the mountain without hands" will triumph. This is why the Lord said: "Yea, the Rocks will win the socks", which they will. Here is the prophecy again:

A snake bites the cub (LDS vs FLDS). Then a rock kills the snake (Rockies vs D-Backs).Then the socks stub their toes against the rocks. The principle is true enough, yet they walk in blood in the wars now at hand. The Lord keeps the humble humble, and the devil keeps the haughty haughty. So I asked the Lord today: Father, so will the Rockies beat the Diamondbacks.

Yea, grace over judgment, bringing a fellowship with men, which is Jacob, my Israel lifted up. It is the nature of fire to flame up to heaven for fellowship. The purity of the seed unites the whole, as a complement to the Army of Heaven. It is one who yields (my servant Warren Jeffs) among the mighty of heaven, for a peaceful union of men and for humanity's sake. Then, even difficult and dangerous tasks such as crossing over yield success. The superior man organizes the clans and make the proper distinctions. Just as the luminaries in the sky make a systematic division of time, so society and things that belong together must be organically arranged. Fellowship is not a mere mingling, for that would be chaos. Within diversity, there must be organization.

M-Fellowship at the Gate. Y-Fellowship in the Clan. Mm-Weapons in the Thicket
T-The Watch quells Attack. A-Weaping, then Laughter. D-In the Meadow

Will the Rockies beat the Redsocks? Yea, grace over learning or innocence, the unexpected, as Adam in the first time is directed by the spirit within, and not by conscious purpose of his own. Innocence brings supreme success.


Rock-Serpent: The gematric measure is 40. Rock-Sock: The gematric measure is 14.

"A stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image" of the beast (Dan.2:34, 45).

"The keys of the Kingdom of God are committed unto man on the earth, and from thence shall the gospel roll forth unto the ends of the earth, as the stone which is cut out of the mountain without hands shall roll forth, until it has filled the whole earth" (D&C 65:2).

STONE (Spiritual Tone): Eben (Colorado City or Color-Red): "Plummet to the line". Agros: "Hamlet". Gaziyth: "Hewed hamlet". Gazal: "Stripped, sheared, robbed". Eidololatres: "Servant and worshipper in my image". Caqal: "Thrown out and gathered and cast together" (sequel). Qeresh: "Split off". Caaph: "Divide up, fissure". Sham-iyr: "Keen pricking thorn, diamond, stone, cut out without hands". Yadduwa: "Knowing" (Philosopher's Stone). Lithos: "Mill or stumbling stone". Petros: "Apostle". Psephos: "Worn smooth by verdict, by handling".


The above prophecy of the Lord to such as have no faith could be shown in their own faithless minds to have failed, while it was fulfilled in every detail.The Lord always leaves cause or leverage "to try the faith", and to keep the humble humble and the haughty haughty (3 Ne.26:11). So He lets the socks or the persecutions win the battle, but lose the war. "There is no witness of the miracle nor the healing, until after the trial of faith" (Ether 12:6). "Without faith, God can do no miracles, nor fulfill any prophecy" (Ether 12:12). Not even Christ could perform any miracle when there was no faith in it (Mt.13:58).
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:02 am
Scared of Reality

Jim: I'll post this here in the Censor Thread, with my other "controversial" posts, so that people who are terrified of the truth and reality of life don't have to read them. They can just hide your shame until they get caught in whatever is causing them shame.

When you go into a doctor's office, or an anatomy class, or anywhere else, and they talk about the eyes, ears, mouth, or nose, or the penis, vagina, the toes, what normal person would ban those doctors and educators from society? Not even Jim would, unless he is absolutely frightened of his own body parts and maybe hiding what he has done with them. There's only banning when those parts and passions are abused in hiding, and perhaps in the commission of a crime. So, if you go to the doctor or the anatomy teacher, and he asks: "Hey girls, how's the vagina? Keep it clean, will ya"? What you going to do?

What you going to do when they come for you? Bad boy, bad boy. Are you going to hide from reality and truth, and try to tell the officers or the angels when they come, that it offended you because you have been abusing yourself or someone else? That's where your conscience is, see? There's no shame in the tabernacle of God, which is the body, unless we expose it and abuse it. Vagina is just a word, having the same root as vagueness or vagabond. Vulva is just a word, having the same root as vulgar or vulture. So you guys and gals just treat it as such, as in snakes, according to its root meaning in the Garden of Eden, until you regain your innocence. They were not ashamed of their bodies until after they sinned. So if I ask the girls, "How's the vagy, poo poo", and they know I'm not going to attack them, they might smile and say something like: "Why thank you kind sir, for caring. How's the pee pee, hee hee", and have no further need to dwell on it. It's off to other matters.

The body is sacred, all of it. Being sacred, is it wrong to mention the eyes or any part of the body. Or is one part any better than another? No, they are all equal to the body, according to the parable. So the sexual parts and passions are not like something you can ride, Sally, ride, like a pig into the sunset. Women join the mile-high club for sexual abuse, as a weapon or a tool to gain acceptance or power with men, like Lilleth seeking "wisdom" in the Garden of Eden. Just keep it clean and undefiled. Then you can get your mind off the idea that your parts and passions are dirty, if you no longer abuse them, because you'll be innocent of all such things. Just keep em clean, concealed, and undefiled. "M-m-m-m-m-My Momma says t-t-t-t-t-t-That would be f-f-f-f-f-f-For the better" You don't want maggots coming out of there right? That's what the Lord promises to all who hide from that reality and innocence, having their conscience seared and therefore having something to hide (Ex.16:20, Deut.28:39, Is.14:11). Only the defiled temple is destroyed. It is those claiming to protect you from reality and truth that have the darkest truths to hide.

Speaking of which, if one day Jim unlocks the Immaculate Conception thread on page 6, I will post some secrets of the living and the dead, that you may live. The Lord tells me that is the only place on this forum where they can be posted, where faith is manifest, not banned.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:04 am
Screwed and Screwy Wives

How's everybody's sex-life? I hope you've overcome some since I have been your teacher Shocked . Make sure you never **** your wife, or anyone else, lest she be scwewed and becomes unscwewed. She deserves far better than that. If you do, I'll put your Dick in a vice for such vice and dereliction of duty. I'll make you cry Uncle, one who is much more nice and wise than that. Then I'll feed your nuts to the squirrels, you hormonal disaster. Get a handle on it, man, if you really want to impress the ladies, but more particularly the lords. God is God of gods and Lord of lords (Deut.10:17, I Cor.8:5).
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:07 am
Polyg Talk Forum
Chasy: Topic Tyler Puetz-Dec.7

Self-Proclaimed Criminals

You thief and you bum, dumpster-diving like that, and stealing radios from peoples' cars, and even military spec parts from your government. The wicked always cast the first stones at a community, because the community bears and feeds children, and because it is such a challenge to the apostasy of the dominant church, and the crimes of their state and of dissident caught in crimes against children, and because being the accuser is the conscience of their own nature and law, as their lawyers boast as being "devils' advocates", according to the nature of Lucifer himself: Kategoros: Complainant at law, false accuser, Satan.

While a vile nation murders its children by the millions, it accuses a small flock of the most serious crime for entering into marriage, and that being the only charge against the Prophet, and according to God's Law to bring forth thy first fruits (Ex.22:29, Mt.7:16, Rev.22:2). The New Testament prophet prophesied you would legislate against marriage (I Tim. 4:3). Yet, you promote mass-rape as consensual sex, and mass-murder as pro-choice, and call it "law".

This is why the Lord God has decreed a decree against this nation, the beastly nation of the latter days (Rev.13:1, 13:11), and He is now beginning to carry it out in terrorisms and disasters on every side, and immigration invasions, and famines as jobs are exported and food is poisoned, and devastating storms and mobs, and numerous other judgments, even with the help of His ministers in government, because you would demand laws against the bearing and feeding of children while demanding your right to rape and murder them in cold blood. Blood you want, so blood you shall have, for God has decreed it and is now bringing it to pass (Rev.8:7, 9:15, 16:6), "to kill a third part of the trees upon the earth (man).

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:08 am
Sifting the Wheat

The Prophet confesses to temptation? Discrediting the Lord continues to sift the wheat. Even Joseph and Moses and Christ were tempted, and even confessed. As polygamy expert Ken Driffs adroitly points out in yesterday's USA Today article: "In a church that covers from neck to ankles, even the smallest gesture would be considered "inappropriate". So I wouldn't read too much into it. What that community regards as immoral conduct is not what the outside world considers immoral. We may be talking about just thoughts, or some affectionate conduct" (of a teenager no less, three decades ago).

This shows how absolutely desperate the Mormon and state officials and their media are to cover their own scandals, by seeking to scandalize the one who demonstates the greatest command of respect of a people. That's precisely what the officials, the media, the apostates do, read so much into it as to create their own fabrications out of raw cloth, and then sell the rag as news and as grounds for public policy, as their scandals become epidemic, hell-bent on discrediting anyone who is far more legitimate than themselves. It is the common spin and hoopla of indiscreet activists, headline-grabbers, and official scandal in office.

The law of the land states that man must "confess and repent" (I John 1:9) That's the very Gospel of Christ, the Lord of the land and of the heavens. "Him will I also CONFESS before my Father" (Mt.10:32). So for this Prophet to publicly confess in prison of some thought of affection, knowing full well that they were recording all his conversations, glaringly demonstrates to the piercing of every heart that beats with any life or love, that here is a man who is living the Gospel and practices what he preaches. The Prophet's great work is the sifter of the wheat and the finisher and defender of the faith, and master-builder of a holy city, giant among men.

Just look in your Christian and Jewish and Muslim Bible. Every prophet confessed, even Christ Himself, and felt themselves to be "wicked" until they rebuked the tempter. That is hardly wicked, for these go forth conquering and to conquer, first themselves and then the whole land of Zion. So these false and doctored and presumptive reports more and more solidify his credibility as a prophet. What other man has such courage and honor, to confess and repent and consider even his Honor as "wicked". Everyone who knows him, knows that he is the most honorable of all men today. Anyone else who differs also do not know him, and therefore he cannot know them, to confess them before the Father.

The test is ours, not his, and who will be able to stand? As the world gloats over the idea that he renounced his prophetic calling and position, the scandals and judgments and terrors are their destruction. The only guilt they are reproving is their own, for the guilt and pain is within themselves. Even the Prophet's older and most intimate brother who helped to convict him and accused him of sodomy with his 5-year old son, confessed to the lie of the Prophet's guilt, quoting from yesterday's USA Today newspaper (page 12-A): "I'm not aware of any inappropriate behavior".

I heard from the Nephite today. He observed that with all the editing and doctoring of conversations and public opinion to discredit the Prophet, that "all people everywhere will be brought to reveal themselves. Many will first tell of their mixed feelings, and then open their evil faces against the Lord, who does not need the half-hearted. He will continue to cleanse His church". So the work of the Gods goes forth, as a rock cut out of the mountain without hands. It is now being but out. Then it will go forth, that stone which his predecessor and confidant LeRoy Johnson started rolling. The dogs will continue to bark, to sift the wheat and the chaff, to bind them in bundles (Mt.13:30), but the caravan is moving on. "Few there be that find it" (Mt.7:14). Only 12,000 per tribe, in the history of the twelve chosen tribes, are sealed to eternity (Rev.7:4-8)

Even the court confesses in documents it recently released, that they succeeded in making him suffer "dehydration, sleep deprivation (maybe torture), and even a loss of 30-pounds" of a man who is already thin, and that he "abandoned any denial of being a prophet" after this "great spiritual test". Moses was also exiled and dehydrated and tested in the Sinai, and could be said to have "abandoned" his prophetic calling for 40-years as a sheep hearder, between his greatness as Prince of Egypt, and then as the conquerer of Egypt 40-years later.

As in former days, so in latter days: Fourty-years as Prince, 40-years as shepherd, and 40-years as General and God with the people, 120-years of a special dispensation of Israel. So in the latter days: (After a trinity:1830-1887): A prince (1887-1929), then shepherds (1929-1969: Middle of LeRoy Johnson's administration), and then generals (1969-2008) for the final battle. Roughly 40-years each, or 120 years ("age of man") in a special dispensation.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:13 am
Tx Blog
Slapping Both Sides

I always thought the Prophet's accuser Flora Jessop was kind of cute.
Anonymous said: Street, I see you're slapping both ends of the horse.

Well, perhaps both sides of the cute widdo horse's assy needs a spanky, cheek to cheek. So, can she turn the other cheek? I hear those strippers can turn those cheeks inside out, contorted and perverse, to reveal just about any **** you can imagine. It is so unsanitary, even with a sanitary napkin, and so unbecoming of a human. It's even less animal than either animal or human, since animals fulfill the measure of their creation. Humans must fulfill theirs, to be humane, humus, humorous, and humble. Then saints go even further than that, and strive for what is divine. Five natures in ascending order: Mineral, Plant, Animal, Human, and Divine: To form, to grow, to procreate, to love, and to be (I Am).

"Cute": Cut-Eye: One Cut off and their eye (or perception) plucked out (Mt.5:29), so that they become very small or "delicate, shrewd, dainty, slick, wily, calculating, artificial, affected, contrived, cunning, synthetic, unnatural, and a sham" ("cute"). The definitions are straight out of the Webster and the Roget Thesaurus.

No way would I slap the shitty end of a pony, nor her pony-tail or tail end, or any cheek for that matter. I'll say this about her, and all who oppose the Prophet of the Lord: They are quite floral (God's creation), as in floored at rock bottom. Let that be the hind end of her matter.

I remember Jesus in a restaurant one day with a Rabbi. He was asked by the Reb what He thought of the lusty little thing across the isle. "Nah, says He. Her eye-lashes are too long" (covering up too much of the eye or ability to perceive). Well, that self-righteous and unperceiving unholy man **** a brick (floored), and that can only hurt himself. Such are spiritually only a plucked eye, and lashed (eye-lash). They are denied entry, or plucked out, or cast out from the church, all that offend, exactly like that righteous man Warren Jeffs did in the Church of God, and more, fearing no man nor his violent law against the seed of life.

Here is the law of the land, from the God of the land, which only the Prophet of God has fulfilled, after being accused of violating it:

1. "I came not to destroy the law, but to fulfill it" (Mt.5:17)
2. "Fear not man, but God and His law" (Mt.10-26-8, Luke 12:4-9).
3. "Offer the FIRST of thy ripe fruits" (Conception at puberty, when it is the purest and the best): Gen.43:11
Ex.22:9, "without touching her" (Lev.15:1-5).
4. "Suffer the little children to come" (Mt.19:14)
5. "Be ye clean that bear the vessels (children) of the Lord" even as a pure river (Is.52:11, D&C 38:42, 133:5).
6. "And He showed me a pure river of water of life (seed)…the Tree of Life (M-K)…which yielded HER fruit
every month" (Rev.22:2). So that is the time to offer it to the Lord, at puberty, when the monthly cycle
begins near puberty, when it is pure, regardless of any perverse law of devils, fearing no man. This is the
law of God and of man, the constitutional law, the RIGHT TO LIFE. This is the American faith,
freedom, and dream.
7. "Now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to
seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy…and forbidding to marry" (I Tim.4:1-3).

So much for your American floral beauty and innocence. This is the Constitutional and Christian Law, and now it is only found in a Prophet. Your iniquity is ripened. Your federal and state laws require taking of life whenever it is requested, serial mass-killings of little children in the millions, the ripened seed, and also the prevention of life, the first of thy ripe fruits. So the cup of your iniquity is ripened and full. "When the cup of their iniquity if full, I will destroy them", saith the Lord (Mt.7:23, Mt.10:34, D&C 101:11, 103:3, 2 Ne.28:16, Ether 2:9, 9:20).

This is the reason for allowing the development of terror-cells within your borders, and the proliferation of war and nuclear war, and the poisoning of your food, and the development of disease at the Center of Disease, and the removal of all your rights and jobs, until famine and death may rule everywhere, because you have sustained the taking and the prevention of life in the Land of the Free. Therefore, NOTHING can stop these final desolations, except a swift repentance, if that too were not too late.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:15 am
Polyg Talk: RAMBLINGS:

Who Should Repent?

Me, soul-search? Ahh, "I have searched my soul, and I feel to repent". That's how I feel about it, for seaching and repenting is the very nature of our souls. Repent how? Precisely how I see fit, not as you see fit. See, all of us must do that. There, my soul is searched "just one time", as you suggested. That was such a good idea, my buddy-pal friend, and when another hour rolls around I shall strip-search it again, and again.


PS: Speaking of "Pal", where's the money for my services. Ain't you ever heard of "PAY" Pal? Okay then, I'm you Pal. So pay me.
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