Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:59 am
Two Masters Compared-Section 5

9. There is your "personal freedom and public good, the American Ideal, survival of the fittest", as you put it, whose work and song you have shirked and desecrated since your polygamist ancestors abandoned the saints, and the morals and ideals that you mock. This is your living hell, which they squirted into you when you was conceived, you poor little squirt, "because this little squirt has size". Your words, not mine.

10. But what do you know! Your complaints of the abuses of your public CULT, with its daily sacrifice of 4,000 little babies in cold-blood, and its demolition of your jobs and your various markets, and finally its complete desolation of nuclear war, is resolved in communal living, where the saints have all things in common, and only competing to see who can love and contribute the most, while you "fight it tooth and nail" as you put it. So through the years, the prophets have cast out all such who were idle, lustful, covetous, liars and murderers, as you here confess as being your guilt. Therefore, the Lord has decreed a decree that you are not to be, "fighting tooth and nail" your polygamist heritage all the way back to the polygamist Father of us all, swallowing and worshipping hookline and sinker whatever the consolidated media of the beast that you complain about and worship has decided to broadcast or not to broadcast about that heritage.

11. Where does this leave you? "You sit all the way down at the end of the table", as you so well described it, and soon in the pits of hell, because you dogs didn't even "lick up the crumbs from the Master's Table" (Mt.15:27). Ungrateful BEAST! Therefore, "crying foul and fighting it tooth and nail" as you say, finds you weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (Mt. 8:12, 13:42, 22:13, 24:51), even as you nail your Lord and Redeemer, or His disciples, to a cross again, wailing that you "will apply your freedom to fighting that goal, that communal ideal, tooth and nail, to get all the sex, money, and power possible, without having to bother with all the hard work and merit required". Your words, not mine. In wailing against your heritage, that is the motive that you covet and apply unto others, being a lowly outcast for good reason and good riddance. Meanwhile, your American Cult dresses its girls in g-strings, and passes out condoms to the children for the commission of child crimes and sexual excess, and slay any in cold-blood who are being born by the millions, and you complain of Polygabuse and the abuse of power!

12. So where is the competition? It is only outside of an elect remnant, "Mine Elect" (Is.42:1, 65:9, Mt.24:24, Mark 13:27, Luke 18:7, I Pet.2:6). In Mark 13:27, He says that He "will gather His elect from the four winds", and out of every nation, and even from outer space. So the little flock in Texas is about to get populated. The warring Ten Tribes are numbered in the billions, and trained for war. Among God's elect, there is no competition "to get all the sex, money, and power possible", as you have coveted in this public forum. This world has seen this people cover their bodies, and spurn all suitors, and guard the bread or the consecrations from the idler, and then to spurn their own power in city government, rather than compete for it. Then, the world complains that they are stuck-up and have locked out the world, and can't be approached. Thank God for that! Even in conception, the elect who remain do not conceive according to the sexual behavior of the loyal dogs underneath the table, who are licking up the crumbs and fulfilling the measure of their creation. As for power within, the whole world knows that it is a shared power, communal living and loving. All else are cast out, so strike one, strike two, strike three, you're out!

"And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image (the picture he paints for you in your consolidated media), and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name" (mystery Babylon, mystery or secret alliances and maneuverings and abominations against what is right and good, according to the Word of God). "Here is the patience of the saints: Here are they who keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus" (Rev.14:11-12).
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:01 am
Polyg Talk Forum
PEAK OIL (Reply to Yank's last sentence on Dec 2, on socialist tendencies)?

Universal Choice

Well, actually, Sir, socialism is the true order of heaven, and on earth it is the only way to go, as long as the Prophet Warren leadeth the way, that perfection may ensue. No form of government is safe in the hands of men, without God leading the way in one head, in one man, His Prophet and King, and Christ cometh as King of Kings to finalize the New Order. The Theocracy of Heaven is true communism, the Communal Order of Heaven, as instigated by the Prophet of God under the direction of the God of Heaven.

Be it known unto all who condone the confusion and self-serving climes of political land mines, your disorder behoovest not to serve the public good. The self-appointed leaders of government who decry a "self-appointed prophet" bemoan the appointment of God and the vote of thousands of the faithful, and of trillions in the cosmos, while the rigged democratic votes of millions are self-serving and self-destructive. God has ordained it of His ministers in government to bring about the end of kingdoms and the institution of the Kingdom of God.

Thou wouldst raise but disaster upon disaster, and so it ensues by Patriot Act and by Executive Order, and by seeking to cut the Constitutional thread that remains. But what remains for you is the stage that thou hast set, being party to these events against the FLDS Church by vote and by personal activism. Every citizen has taken a stand, so the stage is set. All will rise or fall by that choice.

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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:04 am
Venerable King

Until the nations repent, we'll take them to the woodshed and thpank their widdo bottoms, till kingdom comes. That means now. Whenever there is a true king, one who is true to his God and His people and His Law, there is the Kingdom. He sits in a Pergatory jail, a noble king, conquering from the bottom up, as the Lord God conquers also from the top down, and together they meet in the Sanctuary.

"He that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of a potter shall be broken to shivers, even as I received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches" (Rev.2:26-29).

Venus: The morning star: Next Celestial station toward the Throne. Vanyah or Anayah: Addition, the
Lord has answered. Esthesis: Garment, Robe, devoured and alive like Joseph. Venus: Ven-geance, Ven-
ture, Venue, Ven-erable, dazzling beauty, vision, Ven-tilate: To expose, analyze, scrutinize, bring to
light, morning star.

Rod: Mamzer: To rule by the alienation of families (Mt.10:34), through the Word of God or iron rod of
divination, which is sharper than a two-edged s-word, a wand of royalty (Rhabdos). Mattah: To rule
with a royal branch or tribe, steadfast and ripe in manorah or light. Stereos: Solid, stable, steadfast,
strong, sure, confirmed, established. Chataph: A twig, to seize, as a prisoner: Hier-o-solumite.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:05 am
Revelation given September 21, 2007:
I asked the Lord today: O Lord, will the jury find Thy Servant Warren Jeffs Innocent?

Thus saith the Lord, I am his help. Men will do what they may. I will bless him and have mercy upon him, as marrow to his bones, and as the nourishing rains upon the fields, or the tears of the mothers which have ascended up unto me. There is a limitation. Although water is inexhaustible like unto my spirit and my law in the heavens, a lake is limited, as the law of man is limited in its application upon the earth. Limits must be set, and a wise jury will see to it. Likewise, there are those of my ministers in the government who will see to it that the thrift of the law sets fixed limits upon its expenditures, as the superior man sets upon his actions. Only limitations can bring success. They are troublesome but effective, and are indispensable in the regulation of world affairs. These limits give the law its very meaning. Limited government is the very cause for which the Founding Fathers were led by me out of the heavens, to act when they founded this nation upon the Land of Zion. These founding and fundamental principles and laws will endure forever, for they are eternal. They cannot be refuted or done away with by wicked men, but when this nation that now encumbers the Land of Zion is ripened in iniquity, I shall destroy it, saith the Lord.

When the law is given such a wide swath as to apply to anything imaginable that can enter into the hearts of men, then it ceases to exist, and it is amen to its authority. Its very limitation to specific individuals and to direct infractions of moral conduct is what makes it real. Else, only anarchy would hold sway in the affairs of men. The Constitution hangs by a thread, and my servant Warren Jeffs is the thread by which it hangs. Just as fixed limits for Summer and Winter, for day and for night, are what give them their existence and their meaning, so with the law, which must observe due measure. If the law imposes galling limitations upon marriage and upon man's own nature, then the law itself suffers and becomes meaningless. Such limitations cause men to rebel, even juries, which are set by me to judge when men become wicked. Therefore, it is necessary to set limits.

Limitation that requires persistent effort and remorse to maintain, must deplete its own energy and must fail. Like water running uphill, it is not natural. The just shall live by faith. My wrath is revealed from heaven upon the ungodly who hold the truth in unrighteousness, and who are without understanding or natural affection. When the limitation of the law is natural and direct, like water flowing downhill, it necessarily leads to success, for therein is a conservation of energy. An energy that would be consumed in a vain and broad struggle, and not focused or limited, must fail. When it is wholly and naturally applied, and limited to the benefit of the matter at hand, as in the customary application of the law, only then can my ministers of the law be assured of their own success.

Men must answer to me for their own transgressions, and not for Adam's transgression, nor the transgression of any other man. The superior man examines the nature of virtue and correct conduct. In human life, the individual achieves significance through clearly and narrowly-defined discrimination, and the setting of limits, as my servant Warren hath done. At times, ruthless severity over my people is the only means of safeguarding against guilt and remorse, not by a broad and ruthless application of the laws of man, but by their very limitation, and by the free reign and strict order of my laws and commandments in the affairs of men, saith the Lord.

I have spoken, and I excuse not myself. If it were not so, the whole earth would be smitten with a curse, and wasted away at my coming. Behold, I come quickly. Even so.

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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:08 am

Many on the other forums continually complain about hearing the Word of God, even direct quotes from the scriptures, to say nothing of when those choice words are repeated. Ahh yes, men do get distracted and tired of hearing the truth, or the same words over and over. They start feeling like they've been toasted and buttered on both sides. But what do we find? We find some of the same wording in the New Testament that was given in Isaiah and throughout the Old Testament, because the Word of God never changes. Then, we find some of the same wording spilling over into the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants, the same words. Many of you, yourselves, have murmured loudly against the Lord about hearing "the same old teaching" over and over and over again, having itching ears. Thus a guilty verdict.

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears" (2 Tim.4:3). Of course, if you have an itch, get to the bottoms of it, and scratch it like crazy if need be, and if you need to pick your nose, do it well. Just not out in the public arena, or to the rejection of eternal and universal truths. Otherwise, you fulfill the scripture that in the last days they would weary in the word, as little children weary in their play while wiping their noses on their sleeves (Is.43:22, Gal.6:9). It's as if you disallow the Lord to repeat Himself, when He does so from the beginning of man to the end thereof, His word being the same from eternity to eternity.

If the Lord said something in the scriptures, and He repeats it to His little ones, even to me the least of His children as "Thus saith the Lord", did not the Lord say it already? Would you reject it because it is repeated to someone so insignificant, or is His word eternal and universal? Can't the Lord speak today, as well as He did in Judea 2,000 years ago, or in Eden 2,000 years before that? If heaven is as brass over your heads today, is that His fault, or my fault, or is that your fault? Think about it, gentlemen, meladies. Guilty. This is now the verdict in the Courts and Councils of Heaven.

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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:11 am
Engineered Verdict-3

When you all poop, make sure your whole is properly aligned with the toilet (Mitsriy). Good engineering excellence demands exact alignment. Of course, to ensure proper whole alignment, you'll have to get one of your fellow engineers inside the toilet, underneath your bummy, to take precise measurements before you let her rip. Do you hear me, poo poo? Yummy! Your dinner is served (2 Kings 18:27). Add all the sweetner you want (Rev.10:9). "Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets…and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them ye shall scourge in your sinagogues, and persecute them from city to city, that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel"…unto this day (Mt.23:32-35).

I say unto you: May God bless all who can be blessed, with an eternity of blessings. If you're whole and aligned with the Lord and His Servant, then you can eliminate all the day long what ails you. Otherwise, ye cannot. "Poop" in Hebrew is Paar: To open wide in a fair way (Christ), and avoid the hazards (of Satan) or "Peresh" (perish), as a par-hole on a golf course. A true parish in a church is a group that sacrifices unto the Lord daily, all that ails, as the Prophet and his Christ did, even all things earthly. Then, you can have your whole in one (even God).

This means to nourish your balls, sporty (your progeny), and to castigate all that offends, precisely as the Prophet has done: "If thine right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast if from thee: For it is prophetable for thee that one of thy members should perish (or peresh), and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell" (Mt.5:29). The Greek for pee is "Pi', the Hebrew Peh: To sacrifice and be married in pairs for divine light, your number one of number two at the toilet-altar. If you eliminate or poop out all the hazards of pride, anger, hatred, and immorality (the legions within you), then your life becomes magical like holes in one, like a holy one Warren Jeffs, and all the prophets who sacrificed their lives as Christ.

Can you now see the light, even in your excrement, or are you only poop to this day? Are you as the lilies of the field, or just the mud? Are you a little purple pansy, or just a pansy? Avoid the hazards or perish (Peresh). Even Christ perished, and yet He did not, being of the pure element eternal. The prophets are raised from corruption to incorruption and immortality, as in the twinkling of an eye, in three days (Rev.11). You can be "twinkle, twinkle little star", or "sprinkle sprinkle little ****". The one remains a corrupt spring, the other becomes as a twin, after the similitude of Jesus Christ (twin-keh-el). It requires a complete immersion (M-K). A mere sprinking doesn't cleanse from all the excrement or corruption inherent at the sefirotic gates.

Toilet in Hebrew is Mitsriy: "Spiritual Egypt: To let one remain as a toy" (toi-let), not real as in Is-real, as Pharaoh was butt a toy before Moses. Also, Tiyach: "Mortar or plaster daubing". Tiyn: "Clay or mire" (teen: lost-boys). Tiyt: "Dirt to be swept away". This is all according to the strict Order of the Christian Bible, the very Word and Law of God. But if Jews and Christians and LDS have fallen away, apostate, as prophesied (2 Peter 2:1,20), then they are lost. The Greek is "Stamnor", to stammer, not learned. "Earthen tank or pot" (toilet).

If you are not spiritual, nor sewing to the spirit unceasingly, then you are only an earthen pot and cannot rise unto life eternal. Cirah: "Pot, thorn, or fish hook". If you are as a thorn and a hook to a prophet in his own country (Mt.13:57), that is all you are, a caldron or melting-pot for the burning, a recepticle of your own waste. Also, Cak: A crowd or thicket of men or swine, as a thicket of pigs running headlong into the sea (or sexual matters), as the demons did who were allowed to possess the "herd of many swine feeding" (Mt.8:31), as a shark frenzy. Sure, you may have the numbers against a prophet, as media and politicians worship and study polls and ratings continually. But that only proves your status as waste and swine, for "Straight is the gate (D) and narrow the way (B) that leadeth unto life (C), and FEW there be that find it" (Mt.7:14).

"May God bless you with wisdom (C), knowledge (D), and understanding (B)" (LSJ). The elect have entered into the narrows. All who live by the sword (as in police action) must die by the sword, saith the Lord, and the Lord Himself is doing it (Mt.26:52), cleaning His house which is all of Zion, the whole land of North and South America.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:14 am
Who Is A King

A king is one who obeys the King of Kings, in letting the little children come, for that is the basis of His Kingdom ("of such is the Kingdom of Heaven"), and therefore the very thing that the dragon or devil, the beast or nation, and the false prophet or LDS posing as fundamental truth, would attack (Rev.16:13, 19:20, 20:10). This is precisely according to His parable to the Jews relating to the attack of an enemy on the seed or the fruit (Mt.21:33-45).

This is what that parable and prophesy says, prophesying of the servants or prophets of the latter days: What would any sovereign king do if he let out portions of His Kingdom to government minister (Romans 13:4-6), and then went away, and when the time came to account for the fruit of the vineyard in the season thereof (puberty is the season or ripeness), He sent His servants the prophets to those ministers of His government to receive the fruit, and they beat one, killed another, jailed another, and stoned yet another? What would any sovereign king do, and now the King of Kings, when they commit this great crime against their King and benefactor, and then say among themselves: "Come, let us seize on his inheritance" (Colorado City or color red). Now the King cometh, and what will He do? The chief ruler answered and said, "He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out His vineyard, government, or kingdom unto others which shall render Him the fruits in their season" (Mt.21:41).

Then Jesus said: "The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner. The Kingdom shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken, but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder".

And the chief rulers perceived that He spoke of them (Matt.21:33-45).
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:16 am
WJ Mansion

Warren Jeffs had it taken from him, that is correct. That just makes your crime all the worse than what the LDS Church did to their Prophet John Taylor, more like what Illinois did to him, filling him with bullet holes.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:24 am

I saw a beautiful woman the other day, but she had one ding on her credit: She was saggin really bad, like some people's bank accounts. So I wanted to be really nice to her and help her if I could. Says I: Madam, your tits are saggin. I know where you can get a splendid support bra made out of stainless steal. It'll really make you nice and firm, and as shiny as a new penny, and you can get it in sizes A through F. Which one would you like?

By then, she was right around 212 degrees (boiling), and she had already made a fist, so I wasn't about to stick around. But after making some distance, I yelled out extra benefits to the stainless-steel bra: Hey, madam, it's stainless, so you not only get nice and firm, and shiny, but you don't have to worry about gittin old and rusty, because it's stainless, which means when you're not wearing it you can even use it as a cooking pot for peas and carrots, and it has double fully-automatic revolvers that shoot out from the nipples. See! You not only get maximum support and extra utility in the kitchen, but you also get maximum self defense when you go too far showing them off.

By then, I thought I'd made a friend for life. Then says I: They also have chastity-belts with machine-guns rigged to them, for maximum security, for your safety of course. Just make sure you remove the safety pin before you try to fire it. This puppy shoots out 5900 bullets a minute for maximum penetration. How many do you want? Well, she was dumb-founded to say the least. She didn't know whether to love me or spurn me and call me ugly. Yut, yut, yut, if the women don't finja handsome, they shur finju handy, yut yut. All of this, of course, just emphasizes what the Prophet Warren has demanded and practiced in regards to the women: HANDS OFF! With a hundred children to his name, he obviously has the trust of fine women. There's a worldly and criminal way of siring children, and there's The Way of the Lord, and that involves HANDS OFF!

I saw another beautiful woman awhile back, except that this little thing was lusty and ill-clad, very stout and firm with no sag to make her lag whatsoever. Says I: Hey tweety, your tits are showin, and since they're called knockers do you mind if I knock em around a little, just for discipline's sake. That would be a whole lot better than knocking you up illegitimate-style. That's when you'd want to put a cork in it, and that would be a real corker wouldn't it. Cheers melady. Well, she thought that was pretty funny, so she chased me down the road while ripping off what little she had left on. Luckily, I outran that filthy dog three to one, and left her in the dust. With all that sweat we generated, and her uncontrollable lust, it would be more accurate to say that I left her wallowin in her own little pig stye, panting in her panties like a damn dog.

Women should wear long-johns and long dresses, if they want honor and propriety and discretion, and personal security. How bout it, ladies. You ready to throw away those panties for something more dignified and substantial and delightful? That's my girl. You're such a big girl. Just don't get too big. You don't want to be measured by the acreage or by the tonnage. Inches and pounds will do, and beautiful long-flowing hair and dresses, like flowers waving in the wind, or the whispering Spirit of the still small voice. Can you chicks handle that? Now now, no cackling. Just a smile will do.

The Lord told one Prophet: "I am ready at any time to visit you and others, as soon as you are ready to receive me by allowing the Spirit (K) to dictate to you at all times, instead of the flesh (M). Then you'll be filled with the Holy Ghost, and I and other messengers can visit you without disgrace to ourselves".
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:25 am

You men who think your sperm is so awesome and wonderful, and just as plentiful as the deep blue ocean, why doncha just go out there and pump a sperm whale. I'm sure she can teach you something about sperm, and especially if sharks are invited to the party to cut things down to size. Them whales are milken them gents all the time. So if the guys ever ask you gals if you've "got milk", see? Now you can rebut and ask them the same question. Hell, you can even get two at a time on their knees, hobble them, and milkem just like a cow. Even feed them alfalfa, and of course wipe up the **** after you're done mingling your poop with theirs.

Now, if you do by freak chance manage to get past the sharks, and still have a stick to fight with, and you actually manage to breed that magnanimous blubber, I'm sure your offspring will be just as magnanimous, with tits and tail, snout and clout, to flap about. By then, I'm sure you won't feel so magnanimous aboot-cha-booty anja bounty, cuz anything you do to violate yourself or any woman, in or out of marriage, violates the Word of God given to the Prophet in the scriptures and in our day, and violates the very life He gives you. Then natural disasters within the mind and body and earth itself transpire. It needs no arm of flesh to help to cease your crimes, having rejected the Arm of God sent to earth in a Prophet.

Everyone knows that the policy of the Prophet Warren is, and always has been "HANDS OFF". It is throughout his sermons, and the hallmark of his Presidency. For years, he was even the overseer of hundreds of adolescent girls right inside his home, as Principal of that great Academy, with beds and bathrooms galore. Yet, what do you see? Not a single report of him violating a single one of them. With all the women and girls within his marriages, and all his caring and feeding and teaching in closed quarters, and yet not one valid report of abuse by those hundreds who were much more intimate and accessible to him within his family, and rightfully depended on his trust, than those who were on the fringes within the other families.

Now what do we find with those on the fringes, who behaved otherwise and were cast out or left on their own, they being embarrassed and found out? We find fantastic charges of rape, sodomy, dope, even murder, the mirror image of the minds of those making the charges, because they were found out. It is just not logically, psychologically, socially, scientifically, or morally valid that he would have all this intimate contact with numerous boys and girls within his own family, like all the intimacy between Christ and all those women, that he would make such a gigantic leap of reason to be intimate with the 5-year old son of an antagonistic brother, and one no less who was not only denied wives and more children because of his own abuses, and even a place to plant his ass, because he was also ostracized by his younger brother Warren and their Father, and sent away. Ahh, PROBABLE CAUSE, very very probable, as to why he and his wife might get a boy to believing that maybe he might have been sodomized way back when he was five years old. Any evidence of all this? Oh yah, the Church has all the evidence and the witnesses.

Does this saga sound familiar? Remember Jacob and Esau, where the younger brother was blessed above the older one. So what did the elder one do? He sought to murder him in cold blood, and Jacob had to flee and hide, just like the Prophet Warren had to do. Remember Joseph in Egypt? The younger brother was blessed above all the older ones, and they deceitfully with lying and intrigue, and with cooperation with the officials, had him banned to another country. Then along comes a woman with false charges, and had him thrown into prison, just like the Prophet Warren Jeffs. Yet, not a single report of his guild could stand. Go figure. It is the ragings of sad dissidents and wild activists and hungry media and glory-seeking church politicians, going after his hundreds of millions of dollars and their jealousy of the tremendous loyalty of his people:

"The blood of the saints will cry unto the Lord because of secret combinations, when the power of God shall be denied, and churches become defiled and lifted up in the pride of their hearts, even to the envying of them who belong to their churches , or who once belonged (Mormon 8:27, 28). Nothing less. There you have it.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:28 am

You women, I would breed you, but I don't breed pigs (Prov. 11:22). I just feed them garbage, and they're plumb happy in their gruntin, squeelin, wallerin, and bouncin about the farm. An immoral man would do far better to stick it in a light-socket. That would give him a shocking dose of reality, and wake him from his dark slumbers. When we do right, we have claim. We're all His children, beautiful children. So we should always remember we're brothers and sisters from the same Father, and do right by each other. And that means be honest and blunt, not beating around the bush of corruption, seduction, and deception. Otherwise, we're just filthy animals.

I see a lusty woman walking down the gutter of the street, and says I: "Hey, Hey! Does your booty do its duty?" I ask with a smile, mind you, and then I remind her: The awesome duty of your awesome booty is to keep it awesomely clean. "Go thy way and sin no more". And by all means, make NOT your pubic public to any man. That's like ripping open your heart so they can see it beat. Let it beat on its own and hidden up, so let your privates be private and remain on their own, hidden up in the Lord.

Women are beautiful creatures in soul and personality. In fact, the definition of soul is "Beauty" (Tif.). So anything less corrupts and replaces that beauty. This is why men and women become unhappy. The body doesn't have to be uncovered or made revealing to enjoy her inner beauty. In fact the uncovering destroys it. You cannot sew to the body, and also to the spirit (Gal.6:8). You cannot serve two masters (Mt.6:24). So choose ye this day whom thou shalt serve" (Joshua 24:15), the eternal inner beauty and salvation, or else you must choose the transcient outer filth and judgment of the gross physical element. By man desiring or gazing upon her gross physical element, or woman upon his, instead of concentrating on the more spiritual element of the soul, or the perfect element of the spirit, you unconceal and expose (and therefore you destroy) the beauty of the soul, the truth, the will, the gold, the intuition, the divine physician, the Lord God within you, the real (Is-real), your very life. You murder the true self. "Thou shalt not kill". What you desire or gaze upon, the corrupt element or the pure, you become.

If you think my words or letters are sometimes contemptible, "I should not be ashamed, that I would not seem as if I would terrify you by letters. For his letters, say they, are weighty and powerful; but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible. Let such a one think this: Such as we are in word by letters when we are absent, such will we be also in deed when we are present. We don't compare ourselves with those who commend themselves unwisely, but by a rule which God hath distributed to us" (2 Cor.10:8-13).
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:30 am
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:31 am
Sexy Woman

My dear ladies, as in two-legged dears: When you proceed to the can, tell me, do you think you can…I mean, can you weally flush yowself until you're butt-squeeky clean, or does your corruption remain? Or even worse, do you fall from grace like a little kid falling into the toilet and screaming cause she can't get out! You hang on for dear life when there are men around, like when you go to the can and start flinging **** out your back side. Men or men-ses, or men-oh-pause, get it? They're all corrupt, with the exception of the Prophet and a few trustees, with the hosts of heaven standing by.

When yasittashit, hang on for dear life, cause there's recoil involved, like the backfiring of a rifle. Men object when they get rejected, like overgrown turds plugging up a toilet. Butt, don't let that ruffle your chicken-ass feathers, if you've got one of those feathers stuck up your butt and call it a gee-stringed maroroni or some other lame-named excuse for making your nudity attractive to fresh, smelly, steaming hot turds that consider themselves men. Ifitsphuckinya, it's a turd. Flush him before he gets to that level of a stench, and "shun the very appearance of his evil, like the fiery serpents that surround the Garden Eden to protect the Tree of Life.

Beauty proceedeth forth from within, as in morals, virtues, and eternal abstinance. ☺ Then you've got a smiley face on you that proceeds from within, and is not just made up. Ifyeaintgothat, yeaintshit. Okay, I'm wrong, you ARE ****, because that's what it makes you if you become wasted like any FLDS apostate. So keep your beautiful long-flowing FLDS garments flowing over you. Then your very person becomes as fine-linen, even spirit element that's as white and brilliant and radiant as an angel, most beautiful. Jacob placed before the creatures, near their persons, the very resemblance that he wanted them to become, and that is what they became.

No need for all the feces and corrupt chemicals that women paint themselves with and call it "makeup", because that's exactly what they do, make it up, making themselves as phony as hell, and candidates of the same. Be genuine and pure, and the angels will be your companions.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:33 am

Realizations that prove most vital and helpful to men who receive it:

Whenever you think of touching the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge (the sexual part), always at the same time get into the habit of thinking and realizing the angel of God who is always in the room, instantly swooping down the blade of His sword and chopping off both your hands, and then taking your life, and then slaying the pig and the dog that you call "a woman". Why? Because that is exactly what you turn her into, and death is exactly what immediately takes place. It is the curse of all men, the desire for the forbidden, that has to be overcome, or else you die.

Whenever you think of such filth and such evil as defiling yourself and defiling an innocent daughter of Adam and Even, who are the King and Queen of all mankind, then you worship the Serpent, the Devil, by such fallen "pleasure", and then as God Himself proclaims: "Thou shalt surely die", and not sometime in the future. Death is instant! You immediately offend the spirit, the very life that is within you and her. Thus, you immediately become helpless in affecting what will happen to your day and your endeavors, as if you had no hands, no feet, no loins, no heart, no brain, and no more future.

You see it all around you every day. Whenever the morals of people and nations begin to falter, God executes His judgment, and gives the Devil power over them: Wars, plagues, tsunamis, violent storms, earthquakes, social and personal failure, business and economic collapse, sickness, harassment, mobs, these are all the weapons of God, and many more, to chastise His rebellious children. You instantly die! The life-fore and protection and prosperity of God immediately begin to flee from such mire and such filth. Death and failure sets in all around you, unless at every Watch, every three-hours, you cast out that devil from your room, saying in prayer:

"Get ye hence, Satan. In the name of Christ my Lord, I rebuke you." Then do it. Cast out of your office and house all things that have given rise to such evil thoughts and evil worship, and let only the spirit of life and truth and peace and duty to God remain. Offer up your sacrifice and prayer and holy song to God, and then go about your work with the strength of a lion, or the Russian Bear. Fill your days with the worship of God and good works. Then there is no place for devils to work their death and destruction. You have conquered him, and have command over death and hell, for God is in you.

It is like a sexually suggestive woman at work, or at dinner, the demons within her suggesting their evil and their death upon you. There, you have the likes of a rodent, an unsanitary creature, defecating in the office or pooping on the food in the dining room. Women are the natural temptresses, simply because of their curse from the Garden of Eden: "Thy desires shall be to the man", and he shall rule over thee" (Gen. 3:16).

That's the battle-call and the battle-front. Do you rule over her by chastising and correcting and leading that poor thing into honor and victory over the Serpent, or does she and her demons rule over YOU! That's the battle-line. Take your stand against evil in society, and be her hero, a friend of God and of His angel in the room, and of His Prophet, a friend of man and of society. Then you become part of the solution and part of Zion, and not the problem of Spiritual Babylon which now falls (Lk. 11:17, Rev. 14:8, 18:2).

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:34 am

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith (LDS: 1890), giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, FORBIDDING TO MARRY…"

The hot iron was the federal threats of that time, and the promise of the power and glory of statehood if they would sell themselves and their wives to the state, which they did, thus becoming prostitutes, selling themselves for money and for gain, and mass-murdering little children so that they can enjoy their DE-sires and seducing spirits without obligation, and justifying it with great lies. "DE-SIRE", the opposite of sire and life, to sire children.

So they are the enemies of God, and serve the Devil in all that they do, not realizing that this same God also maintains supreme power over them and over the devils they serve. They've lost their minds, seared with a hot iron, for who in their right mind would presume to attack God, or to take life! They are merely setting their eternal DOOM in stone, in their mass-murders and their political games to destroy the earth in their hopes that it will give them the supreme control over the people of the earth (Rev. 11:18). You will notice that the only crimes they can charge him with, always relate to marriage and the giving of life, while they carry out their terrors and mass-murders, making themselves the criminals with their inconceivable crimes against humanity.

The basic HUMan nature (vs their animal nature) is to be HUMous and HUMid, to contain blood, not shed it. Basic HUMan nature (vs animal nature) is to be HUMorous or HUMored by life, which is the opposite of the terrorism they promote. Basic human nature is to be HUMble and HUMiliated, pious and long-suffering as Christ was and is, and as Warren is today. Basic HUMan nature (vs their animal nature) is to be HUManitarian and to sing (to HUM), not to war against HUManity and to take away their song and their joy. "H-U-M", these are the three lights of the trinity in man, Heh, Vav, and Mem (which is mother to man).

Yes, the powers that be are ordained of God for the purposes of God (Rom. 13:1). They are the enemy of God, heeding to seducing spirits, and ordained by God Himself in order to try man seven times as Gold is tried in the fire (Zec. 13:9, Rev. 3;18). Just one sexual thought or DE-sire for a woman, that is both adultery and idolatry and death (Mt.5:28, Ex. 20:3). Their forced right to power over women and over life itself is their goal, and their gross opposition against God, for that is God's place, and the place of those who are in the caldron of becoming gods. This is the battle-line, live vs death. They have chosen death in their DE-sire, the opposite of life or the siring of life. When you DE-compose or DE-commission something, you do away with it. So that is their reward. The very pit they dig for others, they fall in. The very gallows they build for others, they hang from, just like Saddaam who hung from the very gallows that he built for others. The wicked destroy the wicked.

One sexual thought or perverse DE-sire for man or for woman, to sell yourself out to the powers of the underworld, disqualifies a man for God's work. Review these facts daily, and at the Watch of every third-hour, for this is what helps a good man to become gooder (excuse me, "better"), to reprogram his daily thoughts by daily review, to repent and to overcome death, hell, and the grave, until his animal nature (the lowest glory of the Telestial worlds), becomes more human or Terrestrial, and then divine or Celestial, the highest glory of all.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:35 am
Women 8

Vayina (vague-in-awe), or vag-a-bond (the Hebrew is spelled "Nuwd"). They were nude in Eden, and innocent as a babies butt. The root of the word begins with the Hebrew letter V (vav), which means hook, to trap man, or the connecting hooks of the pillars of the tabernacle to hold the veil for concealment and revelation unto the few who find my light ("few there be that find it"), who are pure before me. The V is the axis of symmetry, the mothers or letters of the language which hold the light of the Word, and the equilibrium, the power which links souls. The number is six (M-D): Tree of Knowledge, the woman, the Church. The three above is the light, the man, the Presidency of the Prophets and the Gods (B-K-C). There's your Cross.

Now, do you have any questions or comments. Does she torture you, and throw your hormones into wild disarray, or do you torture and trap yourself? Can anyone here discuss the matter without losing it, or shall we say anti-matter, which is just a black hole with fuzzy crap around it, and often with a stiff turd stuck inside that you call a man? Once you laid-ease get unstuck, then you'll have your turds on the right end of ya, and your frontal passage won't be so constipated with the frontal attacks of a bull-dog.

Keeper clean, like squeaky cheese. But we'll still call you squeaky if it continues to squeek. Why did Lord make your slit vertical instead of horizontal? It was so when you slide down the slippery slides of life, it won't make a loud flapping noise. You want to always keep yourself clean and silent and covered up. Then it will turn into a smiley face. That is, the Lord will smile upon you, and do you special favors each day that you cannot contain. "Hast thou entered into the treasures…which I have in reserve for the day of battle"? (Job 38:22).

"Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord" (Is.52:11). This pertains as much to the woman (the true church), who bears the bodily vessels of little children, as it does to the priests (the light and oil that fill those temple vessels, as our bodies are the temples of God. "All temples which are defiled, I will destroy" (D&C 93:35). If you are laid with ease, you are dogs without, ladies of darkness and hell, not of God's light.

"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies (Prov.31:10). She can't be bought, or beguiled like a prostituted church, for statehood and greatness and worldly fame, like the first Eve Lilleth, a church whose vulva or vessel pertains to vul-gar and vul-ture (full of garrisons to garner and garnish to deceive, full of blood). All men who are tempted by this part of a woman will do well to temper themselves with continual solitude and pray, sacred study and song, and realize that these are queens in embryo. Also, consider what they have to sacrifice and go through to push those sweet little monsters out in child-birth, monsters in comparison to such a tiny passage.

Every soul who is born of woman is a gigantic being in the eyes of God and of saints, so much so that an entire soular-system resides within them in embryo, literally. They are Gods in embryo. So, for governments and churches to conspire to terminate them is to destroy entire humanities. This is the ultimate crime against humanity, to terminate such innocent greatness of newborn children of God, or to prevent their birth by laws against child-brides, the first-fruits commanded of God (Ex. 22:29), "yielding her fruit every month" (Rev.22:2). So now, you are ripened in iniquity, when God says that He will have to destroy you (Mt.7:23, D&C 18:6, 101:11, 103:3, 2 Ne.28:16, 3 Ne.14:23, Ether 2:9, 9:20).

Any questions? "Ask of God, who giveth to all men (woe-men) liberally, and upbraideth not", all who ask in faith and a pure heart, mind, and body, as true vessels of God. Then God Himself will touch your heart, and ye shall know that these things are true, and that the Prophet Warren is God's true Prophet on the earth today. God Himself is speaking today through this man, great lies to deceive all the world (Rev.12:9), all who should be deceived, even according to His Word (2 Thess. 2:3-12).

If you can come to realize that the body or church is just life-form made of gross element, and that God is the life-force to fill it and give it life, if it is true and not corrupt or bound by sin unto death, then you can have peace regarding this man Warren Jeffs, and all the issues of life surrounding him. If you can come to keep your hands and minds in solitude and sacred study and song, and in daily works of righteousness, day and night and forever, then the tortures and deceptions of thy soul are removed, and you become as God, captivated by Godliness, a prisoner of Jesus Christ for His sake, being hated of all men and women of the gross element as Christ was, and as God is today, being cast out of every public institution. Then you like Him, and the angels who went before, will be lifted up into heaven.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:38 am
Women 9

Tx.Blog 12:22 l:33pm & Polyg talk

The great lies of him not being the Prophet, nor holding the Priesthood, even these are not lies, for he like God is a man of truth and cannot lie. But for the wicked, these morsels are provided that they may believe a lie as they suppose to be truth, and truth as they suppose to be lies, and be damned, having pleasure in unrighteousness (2 Thess.2:11). When your hormones and mental processing get out of order, then you have no law and order, no authority.

There is no prophet or prophecy or priesthood power where there is unbelief: "And He did not many might works there because of their unbelief" (Mt.13:58). Then, to them He is not a Prophet, and holds no Priesthood, for that power and redemption is only in effect where there is faith within the mind and heart of souls, where miracles occur daily.

There is only clarity in purity. Only then can there be any legitimate authority:
1. "It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness, for the throne is established by righteousness"
(Prov.16:12). So, no matter what New Order empire the nations may presume to set up, it will not fly.
2. "Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings" (Prov.31:3)
3. "Women rule over them…They which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths" (Is.3:12).
4. "Be wise now therefore, O ye kings. Be instructed, ye judges of the earth" (Ps.2:10).

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:42 am

Women are not pigs, dogs, or bitches by nature. It is the men who make them that way, and who can reverse the process? The decree to woman since Eden is that "Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee". So for good or for even, she follows. It is the man's doing or undoing. It is in her very nature and trust to nurse and nurture. Do not defile and destroy that trust.

There are many nurses in the world today, and they are nearly all wet in the wrong places. If you're a nurse, or of the nurturing gender, the question is, are you a virgin (Prov.31:10, Rev.14:4), a fasting nurse, or are you a scourgin, a nasty nurse, foul and wretched? The virginals are the caregivers. The scourginals are the caretakers or the undertakers, not the givers of life but the takers of life. They'll take the life right out of ya. This is why there's such a nursing shortage when there were so many, because they deplete their energies in immorality and confrontation, and kill themselves off, as well as anyone within range of their highly strug clit and their widely flung ****.

He who controls the spice of life, the sweet aroma of peace, the silence of the stoa, the incense of acceptance, the trance of inhibition, the stillness of the universe, controls the universe from within. All the world is at war, at home and abroad, or at home with their broad, and therefore cannot even control themselves. A woman getting laid down at night in her jimmies is far better than just getting laid, for death is instantaneous. All your affairs are poisoned and die from that moment. Dogs and pigs can hump, but civil society will jump and reach for their divinity. One is criminal, the other subliminal. Man's best friend is God, not dog.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:43 am

There's a big difference between planting one's seed in good soil, "touching her not lest ye die"(Gen.3:3, 20:6, Lev.6;27), and soiling your pants to plant your seed. "The fruit in the midst of the garden" (Gen.3:3) is the groin midway between the crown of the head and the souls of the feet. Conception MUST always be immaculate, ye that bear the vessels of the Lord (Is.52:11), untouched, undefiled. By touching her, you just as well poop on her and then take her like, for that is what you do. Always sow to the spirit, for looking to any lesser element is defilement.

Now, I wouldn't want to be snoopee, but if the pooper poops on the poopee, the pooper wants to make sure the poop matches the skin color of the poopee, to mitigate any embarrassment or discomfort of having mismatched cosmetic elements of the gross earth applied to the pure spirit elements of the face of the soilee-slash-poopee, in the interest of being politicallee correct in the season of the nominee, so they can poop on you for four more years. If it's physical earthly element or influence, it does not belong being mixed up with spirit element, if you want the body to become spiritual so that it can be lifted up into heaven.

It's the classic old dry humor: Why did the chicken (****) cross the road? Why do all politicians waffle? To get on the other side of the issue for a given audience and get out of the poop they've be wallowing in, while soiling their pants to plant their seed in you, so you will wallow with them until total desolation ensues. If this helps anyone to correct their politics, then it is politically correct.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:44 am

After an immoral man loses his woman to death or divorce, he may finally be able to say within himself: "Whew, what a sexual relief"! Now I can repent", if it wasn't for the fact that his appetite is bound within him, and that he killed her by his murderous immorality. Such men make women insane, and then dead, for they weaken the spirit or the life within, the issue of life. Then the gossip of the women begins, which is the bane of the insane. They have no peace or stillness left, for the waters have been enraged.

Then Satan asks Pollie if she wants a cracker, and Lilleth-like she is ready for the crapper, to sell her birthright and soul for a mess of pottage, mimicking every foul spirit or smart-aleck within range of her defecating extrusions which have been defecated upon herself by her Master baiting fiend. Whether it's a soda-cracker or a graham for her crapper, the slightest morsel over the invention of the smart-Alexander Graham is all it takes to set her on fire, with her entire household and the whole neighborhood, shouting their sins from the mountain tops. And why? Because God has a controversy that must be settled (Deut.17:8, 19:17, 21:5, 25:1; Is.34:8; Jer.25:31; Ezek.44:24; Hos.4:1, 12:2; Mic.6:2; I Tim.3:16).

Then, like their father the Devil, the accuser can only dwell in abject and abstract blackness, until it covers them body, mind, and soul, because the Serpent told them that their indiscretions will make them wise (Gen.3:16). So she pulls down all of humanity with her, all within range of her rank stink, from the highest in rank unto the lowest, just from the promise of gain and fame, Polly's Cracker. That is the cracking of the whip that moves the people of perversity and of greed, not having the Holy Spirit to move them in the path of right. That path is shattered like falling glass by the indiscretion of the gross element of the man she desired to rule over her.

All such go from the green of sod (Luke 23:31), to the soda of Polly's Cracker (Gen.25:29), to Sodom and Gomorrah (Rev.11:8), and finally burning sulfer and brimstone (Is.33:12, Rev.21:8). But the Lord snatched out of Sodom all who favored the Prophet, but none else (Gen.18:26). "Wait a minute, God wouldn't do that! He is a loving God", says the political and the religious leader. Yes, loving enough to spank your ass until it is bright red, or black and blue (Rev.3:19), even as people of color (Lev.13:55).

"Well then, I'll report His ass to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU, the United Nations Council for Equality, and the Galactic Council of the Cosmos, and see if that creates enough osmosis to air the issue of God's hatred and abuse". Good luck!

"These six things doth the Lord HATE (Prov.6:16). "And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that Thou shouldst give reward unto Thy servants the Prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear Thy name small and great, and shouldst destroy them which destroy the earth" (Rev.11:18).

"Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord" (Is.52:11). Every body is a vessel or temple of God.
"Be ye still and know that I am God" (Ps 46:10; Mk.4:39). Still the waters within you.
"I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they SHALL slay and persecute" (Luke 11:49).

"Every soul who forsaketh his sins, and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am" (D&C 121:
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