Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:45 am

Ahh, the puss, the old ****. Just kidding. Or am I? Take a closer look at the holy word: The Hebrew for puss is "Piccah", meaning expansion, as in broad, a handful, or "Pac" (pas): Spread out, a wide one. Ahh, another broad. That's polygamy☺See, the true meaning can be applied to anything that expands. The Hebrew root for **** is "Ken", meaning to stand, as a tough woman who stands her ground is often referred to as "a ****", because you can't and she can. Also "Kenath": A colleague or companion. See, that ain't so bad, as long as you laid-ease don't make it so. Those who are offended by etymology just have a conscience that proves its own perversity, that they are immoral and easy to get (laid-ease).

Conversely, ladies often refer to offensive men as "dick', but is that bad? I know some very fine men with the Christian name Dick. Is Christ so bad? The Hebrew is Dakah, meaning to collapse, crush, or break, as Christ often spoke about. Now, if you take a break because you have a crush on someone, then yes any immorality during that break makes you a "dick", and if that crushes you, you should be crushed, and the Lord has promised it.

Yes, most ladies are immoral and easy to get (laid ease), says the Lord (Prov.31:10). So what does that make them. Here's a hint. It starts with a "c" and rhymes with bunt. "Who can find a virtuous woman (or church, bride of Christ), for her price is far above rubies" (Prov.31:10). This doesn't mean that there are alot of virtuous women. Quite the opposite. "Few there be that find it" (Mt.7:14). Also, "whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her (or for a woman to lust after a man), hath committed adultery" (Mt.5:28). So, ALL who have sex are immoral and adulterers and adulteresses, for that is what lust is. This makes one a dick or a ****, crushed and spread out like cremation. It destroys.

Sexual Lust (root for Lucifer): De-sire, hunger, craving, sensuous, to demand a woman (or a man) for immoral purposes, to corrupt or sow to the body instead of the spirit ( The antonym is: Purity, chastity, virtue, continence. Can you all handle that, or do you walk around with an inflated crotch? That is the definition of a **** (expansion, spread out, the wide one), and leads to the dick (crushed, collapsed, broken). It immediately begins to collapse the heart and the vessels, until a man is broken and crushed. Death sets in immediately, breaking both body, mind, and soul. This is why God told Adam and Eve: If you even touch that which is forbidden, "Thou shalt surely die" (Gen.3:3; 20:6). Then who is spread out (****) or crushed (dick)?

The Lord even curses filthy priests, and says in the Christian Bible that he was "betrayed to the priests" and the media or scribes, and the law (Mt.20:18). So with such filth, when you priests anoint with oil, it just begs the question what is used, used 10:30, or is it used 10:40. I hear Pennzoil is pretty good for your filthy dipsticks to enter into, since it is filth that we are talking about, me in writing it, and you in reading it and living it. You priests just picked up the Bible one day and with your tails all bushy cried out "Eureka! I am a messenger of God. How do I know? Because I got sprinkled with some kind of yella water, and got pooped or poored on by another priest who boasted that he could sprinkle when he twinkled, and could pour his chastisements upon the poor". Therefore, you're-in, with that pure ur-ine, and your fee sees the light with that fe-sces, spread out (****) or crushed (dick).

There are strict qualifications for representing God, and only one man at a time to direct the strictness of His Law, so strict that it will offend many, and such a man "SHALL suffer persecution", according to God's Word to you all in the Biblical Canon (2 Tim.3:12). These are they who are "Chosen out of the world" (Jn.15:19). The world has widely complained today about the FLDS locking out the world more than any other people. So it fulfills the words and the calling of Christ Himself. "No prophet is accepted in his own country" (Lk.4:24). This is because there are "cunts" and "dicks" aplenty to go around, to expand and to crush.

In closing, every act and every word of the Prophet Warren Jeffs fulfills the Law of God, as recorded in the Bible. What other man on this earth today can this be said of? Go to, search far and wide, and you will have to admit that he is that man, the Prophet of God today, if you can display any honesty. Look at every word and every act, and weigh it with God's Word, and your honest will have to admit that this is the Truth.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:47 am
The Right Brothers

You say, "At least the Wright Brothers flew. What have the FLDS done"? Well…Um…Well…Um…Shut up, I'm thinking…Let's see, how LATE were they: 1903. Now look at it: The FLDS flew in 1830, and they've never stopped. Airplanes stop and go, and only fly the speed of sound, if that, and five miles high, and then they have to fake moon and planetary landings. I know, we've been over that, but consider the truth: "All the world shall be deceived (Rev.12:9), and not even the most righteous such as Moses were allowed to know about other planets, let alone travel there (Moses:1). So, how or why would a just God allow men proven in open scandal after scandal to do so. He wouldn't, and He didn't. All the scandalous can do is continue their scandal and lie about it. All intelligence will agree with that.

The FLDS FLEW in 1830, and their technology goes all the way back to Eden and to Adam, the only "alien" from outer space, all the way from the center of the galaxy, to our sun, until the spirit hovered over the deep and created the same lights and technologies on this new world, and on worlds without end. And now they return with this mighty angel, FLYING on a cloud of fire. How's that for flying? Does your Wright give you that right? Wrong! It takes the Right Brothers of righteous communal living to achieve that task.

You must have the light and levitative elements within, to achieve the speed of light and heavenly height. Then with thy might, you too can fight the good fight. I know what you're all thinking: "Wow, out of sight, and such delight, to be just like the angel's might"! Right? Just cleanse the poop and blight of night from the gates of light, which are ten in height, and you'll attain to heaven's might.

The blights of the idol worshipper (Still them all in sacrifice, and what you attain will suffice):

M- Earthly Possessions
Y- Evil Passions
Mm- Bodily Movements: The first veil and anointing
T- Outer Breaths
A- Outer Senses: The second veil and anointing
D- Random Thoughts

Then you attain the light and truth and glory, and can fly even as the angels fly:
Sh- LIGHT (Father & Son): Third veil and anointing
K- Holy Spirit
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:48 am
Polyg Talk - Jan.16, Polygamy: Truth of FLDS

Immoral Boastings

It is usually the cocky and immoral who boast of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, while moaning about not being able to see other men's wives. So about the only option left for you is to go home and masturbate. If you ever touch that fruit in the midst of your garden, thou shalt surely die, saith the Lord (Gen.3:3). You never hear such boasting of a personal relationship from the FLDS faithful. As an outsider, it seems to me that they are about the only people who do have that personal relationship. How does one know? "If you do what I say, I am bound," saith the Lord, "but if you do not what I say, ye have no promise."

Okay, so what did the Lord say in relation to the current topic of hiding from children or wives from their parents, like Uncle Warren and Uncle Guy have faithfully done? "Master, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee". But he answered and said unto them, "Who is my mother and who are my brother" (Matt.12: 47-48). Ahh, now that is the FLDS way, which now you can see is the Way of the Lord. These are they who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Strict obedience is not blind, but dwelleth in his light, according to His Word. Your chosen name "too tired," says it all, while you boast of owning God's presence. First thing you need to do is flush yourself of all the feces and sexual immorality. Then you won't be tired and so cocky. Then, like the Prophet says, you'll be able to work 20 hours a day without tiring, until you are like God, who does not sleep at all.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:50 am
We Have Until 2,000 AD

LeRoy Johnson, Rulon Jeffs: "We have until the year 2,000". Yes, the prophecy is true, because the Prophets are true. Some of the most ancient calendars are 12-years later than our own, such as the Chinese Zodiac having 12-year cycles. The Dragon sign of that zodiac includes both 2,000 and 2012, and the Dragon is the Devil (Rev.20:2). Why Chinese? Chi is life, the lifting up of the saints unto life.

So the year 2,000 AD, which is 2,012, is the ascent of the saints, and the beginning of the desolations where God will sweep this land clean: Two prophets, then nothing, and then the Twelve (2,012). It is the Hebrew Hena: "Behold! Permission of rest, silence, hush, lifting up, hence from this place, as a hen gathereth her chicks". The Greek is Epitrope: "Permission, commission, full power." Then the desolation cometh, to cast the chaff into Gehenna, the first Hell. Gahah: Remove, to cure the land. The Valley of Hinnom was ancient Jerusalem's garbage dump and crematorium for criminals, as judged by God.

Furthermore, in 2,000 AD our time, the world literally ended for the masses. The time passed, and their souls were not saved. Assiyah, in the Hebrew, is the world, even the world of making. All the world who were sloughed off in the year 2,000 AD by the Prophet Rulon were eternally sealed to their approaching fate. They will not be making any worlds. So it ended for them all, right then and there.

It is true, "No man knoweth the day nor the hour" (Mt.24:36), but the year can be known by revelation, for God promises to reveal all things to the righteous, and the year unto all men by the bow, as the Lord Himself promised unto man (Gen.9:16). Furthermore, the year of ascent, and the year of desolation, and the year of His Coming in glory, and the year of the new earth, are all different events at different times. So don't mix them up.

1. Ascent: Mt.24:31, I Thes.4:17, Rev.12:5-6, Rev.14:15.
2. Desolation: Rev.17:16, Rev.18:19.
3. Glory: Rev.19:1, D&C 133:38, 49.
4. New Earth: Rev.21:11.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:53 am
Year 2012

2012 is the Hebrew Amaq or Mamaq (mustard-seed), or Amad ("Am-awd"), which the FLDS are certainly considered ("am odd"), and spreading as a mustard-seed, even beyond this world. "Amad" means literally "people of time", or harvest of time (poof), with a gematric measure of 2012, counting from the year of Adam's creation at 4004 BC, where some of the most ancient calendars date it. Take that (4004) on pronunciation and you get "poof": The "P" of Four or Phour, the two zeros, and the final Peh (or Ph) spell "poof", which has a most significant mysticism and etymology. The very purpose of man since 4004 BC is to "poof" or be lifted up in redemption as the angels, which alone signifies the validity of that date.

"Poof" is kin to "poor" (puwr), to give up the things of this world, to sacrifice much in the fear of God and not of man, precisely as the Prophet Warren Jeffs has done, preferring to sacrifice all in the fear and service and ob edience of God, than to fear or serve any man. The Hebrew is "picpaw" or dispersion, and "piyphiyah", meaning "two-edged sword", which cometh upon the heals of the ascension. Also, "puwq", to drop out, ascend, succeed, secure, obtain. Four years later "Omer": the heap. 4004 also signifies the Four Gods, Elohim, Yehovah, Michael, and Ratziel (Joseph), with the former three as the trinity of the heavens, and the latter three of the earth. The Head God of the four is the first "4", then the next two representing the nothingness or perfection (zero) of the head, one eternal round (0). The final "4" is Joseph, head god of this dispensation, yet just like his heavenly head (4). You can do the same with 2012: Two, zero, one, and two spell "truant", meaning "poof", which is so simple that a child can understand, even if he is truant or absent (poof).

There is also a personal revelation from the Lord, which I won't give now. I think that'll suffice. No, I think I'll delve a little further for everyone's benefit, so you don't have to just take my own word for it. Let's look at some other evidence:

The Mayan calendar names 2012 as the date of the end, which the Mayans based on a legend of their Hebrew roots back to Adam, the legend of evolutionary cycles which came from the teachings of Adam through His successor Noah. Of course, unbelief in the Jewish roots of Native Americans is another matter entirely, and is not our purpose here to explore, but only to answer the believer, the honest heart, regarding the end of time and the beginning of timelessness, for God is timeless.

Today, researchers of many disciplines are witnessing signs that 2012 will mark a critical shift in the history of our planet, including scholars of the spiritual, scientific, economic, and ecological fields. I will only reference a few of them here, which you may Google for an in-depth study.

A. Gregg Braden's examination of the shift of the earth's magnetic field: Scientists at the Maharishi University and other institutions are studying this very thing in the possibilities of levitation through a sufficient build-up of magnetic energy in the body to overcome the gravitational pull. Biological processes are affected by gravity, which causes aging. They are overcome by this buildup of pure energy, which is achieved by pure living and by certain laws and ordinances that have been developed. It requires approximately 100 megawatts of power by reverberation within a pure and uninhibited conduit of nerve pathways within the brain to accomplish it. All who are sexually involved are in the process of destroying those pathways. I will here just name a few other researchers, without going into much detail. The Prophet has the details.

B. Peter Russell's explorations of the accelerating pace of an evolving earth: A spinning vortex, gyroscope,
or chakra within the human body decreases gravitational pull.

C. Ecologist Joanna Macy's views on "The Great Turning" explores cycles.

D. Daniel Pinchbeck's "How The Snake Sheds It's Skin".

E. Arjuna Ardagh's "The Clock Is Turning".

F. Doctor Jean Houston's "Jump Time"

G. Lawrence Joseph's "The Bible Code".

H. Janosh's "The Start Of A New Era" (Why have "New Era Manufacturing"?)

I. Sharron Rose's "Galactic Alignment".

J. Erwin Laszlo's "Birthing Of A New World".

K. John Peterson's "Getting To 2012: Big Changes".

L. Karl Maret's "The Mystery Of 2012".

M. Jay Weidner's "The Alchemy Of Time".

N. John Lash's "Mayan Stalae And Standing Stones"

The above only represents a tiny percentage of the scholarly writings. But beyond providing you with this small bibliography, there is much more if you want it. There is the very real and precise precession of the Equinoxes through the ages of history and pre-history, which converges on 2012, the alchemy of four ages. This tells us in physical terms that the earth wobbles on its axis, and like a top spinning on the floor, when it loses its momentum it falters.

These are the four A's on the Cross of Hendaye. These provide the major emblems of the world and the heavens, the temporal and the spiritual, the microcosm and the macrcosm, and the angels of the four faces (Ezekiel 1:6, 10:14, Rev. 4:7).

The Zodiacal cycle which lasts 25,920 years has four fixed signs: The four faces of Leo (M-Lion), Taurus (Y-Calf or Bull), Scorpio (T-Man), and Aquarius (K-Eagle). This is now the age of Aquarius, to acquire heaven or a millennial reign, which can only come through a Prophet recognized in the heavens. But first the FLDS ascent, those yearning for Zion or watching and praying and living according to the Heavenly Pattern.

"Come up hither" to Moont Zion (Rev.4:1, 11:12). Then the cataclysm, and there is the nature and purpose of all of my communications regarding the "poop" or "poof" or "poor", signifying the sacrifice, what you have all along called "nonsense" and "drivel". Indeed yes, it is nonsensical to the senseless, having mostly destroyed the sensory pathways of the brain, and drivel is to drive. "El" is God, as in El-O-Him: "Driv-El" or literally "driven of God". There is only one purpose to all of these FLDS events, and that is to establish where everyone stands with the Lord and His Prophets, to determine those who are worthy to die and to not reign on the earth with Christ, as clearly specified by the Christian Canon (Rev.16:6-7).

"For they have shed the blood of the saints and the prophets, and Thou hast given them blood to drink, for they are worthy. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are Thy judgments".

The Prophet and his trustees are recording the names and the deeds of every critic and every accuser, the title of Lucifer, and sealing them up for the heavens to execute or to act upon, for an eternal judgment. So between now and 2012, this is what is transpiring, the sealing up of the law and the prophets prior to this final cataclysmic event. Yes, then the heavens will take a Royal ****, even "as dung, to spew them out" and sweep the Land of Zion clean, and then set the saints back down to prepare the Center Stake, the Holy City New Jerusalem.

Could anything less than "life in prison" for a righteous man who only did right in marrying the first fruits as God commands (Exodus 22:29, Mt.7:16), could anything less justify such a universal slaughter of millions? Could anything less than a wholesale attack on marriage and on religious worship, the bringing forth of the first fruits of womanhood and letting the little children come, according to Jesus's commandments, justify such an infinite sacrifice of so many souls, and the death of a nation, having rejected the law and the sacrifice of their Redeemer? No, nothing less could justify such a wholesale cataclysmic disaster, this final act of God in defense of His elect, and to usher in this "New Era" of the Eagle, Aquarius, for God is Just and "Straight is the gate and narrow the way…and few there be that find it" (Mt.7:14). We have entered into "The Narrows".

Now, what is most important here is what YOU can do for yourself, for your own physical person and soul, for the short time left, to mitigate the immense damages that you have done to yourself in opposing this Law and this Prophet of the Lord. How? By accepting him with all your soul, and no more trusting in the raging lies of the Devil and of man, the arm of flesh, men who the entire nation knows are scandalous and lying politicians and their controlled communication medias. Then there will be some hope, and he and his God can accept you in some capacity.

If you know anything about the Tree of Life and its Twelve Gatekeepers, you would know that these are twelve prophets for each generation to witness for or against every man and woman, and to seal them up with the law. This is what the Prophet Warren Jeffs and his Council are now doing. You would know that Binah, to bind up the law, is the third gate, Michael the Archangel, and Saturn. You know what an urn is, and what it means to sit, as on a throne. Sat-Urn, the one with the greatest halo, sits midway between the telestial hells and the terrestrial planets (D&C 76:81-90, "76 to lead the big parade").

How is that significant to this earth? This earth is about to transform from a telestial glory into a terrestrial one, and Michael with Saturn rules this process. The urn is the portrayal of Michael falling unto Eden as He did, to surely die, that man might be. "Let us go down and create an earth, that these polygamous children of mine may dwell (all 100-Billion of us), to see if they will do whatsoever the Lord their God commandeth them". But "few there be that find it", for in the latter days "Lucifer shall deceive the whole world" (Rev.12:9, 13:14, 18:23).

It is enough.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:57 am
Polyg Talk
Cheese Left-Jan.4

"Managing The Planet"

QUOTE (chaster @ Jan 4 2008, 06:45 PM)
I guess a guy like conservative columnist William Rusher would say, hey, it's nobody's role to manage planet earth, that it'd be arrogant of us to presume that humans are up to that role. How arrogant of one to presume to know better than the White Northern European Guy in the Sky who Created us and our world.

There's something to that all right. I'm the first to admit to being not all that well qualified for the role I've taken upon myself, the role of planetary manager. Thing is, we already are managing it, or rather mismanaging it, by default. That we've already changed atmospheric CO2 from 280 ppm to 390 ppm, people we are in the business of planetary management here whether we like it or not. The question becomes not whether we are in the business of planetary management but whether we're going to do it well or badly. Right now, it's badly. Obfiscute all you want, I don't know how anybody apporximating a sentient being could put it any other way. As is, people are running the planet into the ground as far as it being the one and perhaps only place in the universe that is friendly to our existance.

I don't know. How do you get through to people that maintaining in good order a place that is perhaps the only place in the universe that is friendly to people is a good idea?

When it no longer is the friendly place we know today, maybe then you'll see what I meant.


Management of the planet? It has been the history of the earth from the beginning, that as soon as a nation rejects a prophet, their environment is disrupted and their lives are changed, for in rejecting him they reject the God of purity and of the order of the cosmos and of our environment. Then, you can only have polluted air, water, food, and every environmental disaster known to man.

In the August 2007 issue of Reader's Digest is a series called "My Planet". NOT! It belongs to Adam, the Prince and Maker of the earth, Michael the Archangel. You're just his snotty-nosed polygamist kids, yes goats. There are the sheep of the Shepherd, and there are the goats.

In that issue of the series is an article titled "Garbage Gone Wild". So men and your doggies, the women or garbage gone wild, is where the management must begin. The article is about a garbage dispensory that opens whenever corrupt humans are within its vicinity. Very telling, isn't it. If you can't manage yourself, how can you manage anything larger than yourself?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:02 am
Polyg Talk
Cheese Left

The Redeemer's Paradise(Lk.23:43, 2 Cor.12:4, Rev.2:7)

Chase said (Jan 3 2008, 12:31 AM)
I mean it's not nutso at all to make the statement that this world could be paradise. A paradise. People taking care of the world and of each other so that we reach our full potentials. People enabled to their full potential could be into exploration of the cosmos, the cosmos within us and the cosmos beyond us. It's so within reach. It's so completely achievable by ordinary anal apertures such as we are equipped with. Who needs a freaking Messiah who, let's face it, aint coming? We can do this ourselves. We have it within us to do this.
So near and yet so far away.

Ahh Paradise, where people are taking care of one another. That's the goal, isn't it, the ideal. This is called the transformation of the United Effort into the United Order, what the Lord called loving God with your all, and loving thy neighbor as thyself, where the impurities have been sifted out, that all who remain may support all in reaching their full potential to explore the cosmos within themselves and throughout the universe. So well put, my brother. The exploring is what the FLDS call revelation and lifting up or ascension, not only to explore the cosmos but to create it as an expanding universe, as the gods of new worlds and universal systems.

This is only possible by purifying and perfecting each plane (M-K), beginning with the endowment of the universe within. Then it is awakened and developed, only when the Life Force of the Messiah has claim through that obedience of the laws which are constitution, on which it is predicated (D&C 98:5, 130:20). Otherwise, it is just as you stated: So far away that it'll never happen. In saying that "Messiah aint coming", you not only cut yourself off from that living potential, the string-energy of Christ's Life-Force from which all potential proceeds, but you also fulfill Christ's own prophecy (Mt.24:48, Lk. 12:45).

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:09 am
Silence is Golden
("…and know that I am God")

You all still pooin cheese, left and right, are ya? Just flinging it every which way. How's everyones' bowels? It is good to remain silent as you ponder a bit, and sit to ****, in response to my comments, to broaden your wit. That's just a natural reply to loose bowel sindrome, and then you're not so silent are you! KABOOM! I know, I know. You peepull read my posts and you say: "Well, I could just ****". Why yes you can, with my permission. So hold on to your hat. You can cry bye and bye, poop your soup with a sigh, squeaky clean Mr. Bean. Let it fling, let it fly. Hopefully, this will get you all thoroughly off the pot. That would be really good! You're all such big boys and girls. Can you all say poo poo in uni?sin.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:15 am
FLDS Polygamy: God's Plan (Sec.1)

1/02/08 9:49 AM: The other forums are continually accusing the Prophet of the grossest of crimes, while the only crime he's found guilty of it matrimony. Just the alarmism of violent and immoral people, and the MOST UNCHRISTIAN SCENE of these latter days, proving themselves even athiest and antichrist. Their posts show how so little they know, and how guilty they themselves are. Then they blaspheme Joseph Smith as bearded, as if somehow even that was a crime. Guess what? No beard. He never did have one. So little they know, just foaming at the mouth. Then they say that if God condoned more than one wife, why didn't He give Adam many? The Bible is NOT all of history on earth. It's a goodun, but there is more. Apocryphal works speak of Eve, Lilleth, Sarah, and an entire colony of polygamists.

The very Hebrew word for Adam is Adam and Ababuah, meaning "eruption, mankind, dismayed but innocent", to populate the earth. And what is also very telling is the Hebrew for Eden and for Eve: Eden is Adamdam: A or Alpha (the Hebrew letter Aleph) is God ("I am Alpha"), "dam is damsel, plus dam or other damsels" (Adamdam: polygamy). It means "Egypt: Land of the Nile, river, flood of immortality", vs a-nihil-ate. A flood of seed must include many women. Immortality is what Eden was before the Fall. Eve in Hebrew is Zohar, which means "brilliance", as light and life: Women radiating everywhere across the earth and across the sky. Also, Chavvah: "Life giver", which FLDS women are, with an abundance of life, vs your serial killings of innocent children, the takers of the most innocent, over a million babies slain every year. So who is innocent?

Now we all know deep down that there is only one God or Father of us all, and millions of mothers. Yes, only one Father and millions of mothers. Is that not polygamy? As for the age difference, Mary was called a "virgin" (Mt.1:23, Lk.1:27). The Hebrew for virgin is "Elem", as in Elementary. The oldest elementary age of our day is 12, the 6th grade, and the Lord commands the first fruit when it is the purest (Ex.22:29), at puberty, "yielding her fruit every month" (Rev.22:2). "Ye shall know them by their fruits" (Mt.7:16). If it's not the first or best fruits, it's not known as notorious. There you go, the Word of the Lord, if you love the Lord. So she was 12, yet the Father is many many years older, is He not. Shouldn't we follow the Way of the Father and the Son? It is obviously God's Plan.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:22 am
FLDS Polygamy: God's Plan (Sec.2)

Finally, it is rape to breed them flesh to flesh, for that is the animal nature in man, not human nor divine. This is why the Immaculate Conceptions of the FLDS is so crucial, and what I was taught all my life by the FLDS Prophet. "Thou shalt conceive…How shall this be, seeing I know not a man…The power of the highest shall overshadow thee…". It is never flesh to flesh, but a sowing to the spirit (Gal.6:8). "Neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die" (Gen.3:3), the tree or genealogical tree in the midst of the garden, midway between the crown of the head and the souls of the feet.

So if your "heart breaks" as you say, to see these FLDS men dealing with virgins with such perfection, that makes you the criminals and freaks, the sex-offenders among us, con-men and women of the lowest order, and the killers of innocent children. Then, let your filthy hearts break, for God Himself says that such hearts must fail (Gen.42:28, Ps.40:12, D&C 45:26, 88:91), for "Satan stirs up your hearts to anger and finally death". And Paul, filled with the Holy Ghost, said: "O full of all subtlety and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? Now behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee." (Acts 13:9).

If Joseph found some truth in the Masonic brotherhood, it further proves his intellect, for "We accept all truth from whatever source it may come." Brotherhood is good, and God is the source, not man. You only accuse righteous men of "stealing" teachings because you lack learning yourself, and steal away the lives and the hopes of others as pro-choice and as law against the bearing of children, as Satan does, your mind being warped and "seared with a hot iron" (I Tim.4:2). So you emulate the Jews by calling the His teachings "blasphemous" (Luke 22:65). For you to wish castration just proves your violence, your criminal and sexual perversion for all to see. So the pit and the evil that you wish on others, you must suffer yourself, says the Lord, "to the uttermost farthing" (Ezek.31, Prov.26:27, Mt.5:26, Rev.9:1).

The world has been fed the lie that by encouraging faith in God's placement and fidelity in marriage, as shown throughout the scriptures that Warren Jeffs has somehow raped, you have thus promoted the very idea that God's Will and marriage fidelity is actually rape. Here are the scriptures that prove the eternal truth of placement marriage: Gen.2:22 (God brought the woman to the man), Gen.16:9, 21:13 (God Himself commanding plural wives, but for who? For the faithful and "Father of the Faithful". Then, for his son Isaac, again by placement marriage, Abraham sent his servant to "take a wife unto my servant Isaac" (Gen.24:4).

This pattern is throughout the prophets, from Genesis to Revelation, even to "Jesus Christ, the bridegroom" of Cana (John 2:9), after "Jesus was called to the marriage" (placement: John 2:2). After that, he entered into polygamy, as we see him directing the domestic affairs of multiple women, such as Mary and Martha (Luke 10:41). That is only the proper place of a husband, says the Lord Himself: "He shall rule over thee", says the Lord (Gen.3:16).

This is not because he "couldn't keep it in his pants", as you blaspheme, but precisely because he could, being a virtuous man, as are his disciples also, to this day. I personally witnessed Warren's denial of women time and time again in our growing up together. It is the divine nature within him, blaspheme as you will. You speak of "raping babies" while the Prophet and his trustees demand all members continually to "LEAVE THOSE WOMEN ALONE, and while you support the law in slaying the babies by the millions. You damned hypocrite, as Christ often says.

You speak of assault. Who has assaulted who (Mt.10:34). Yes, your assaults are legion and glaring! Then you reveal the basis of your assertions: "Because these stories keep coming out". There you go! Because of stories, the sexual excitement of a thousand tongues, you will establish a verdict, just as the majority did in Jerusalem at the Crucifixion. Also you ask: "Why did Warren run? Why live in such a closed society"? Why did Christ run, all the Way to Egypt, and even on his returning he ran again from Jerusalem to Galilee. He was guilty, is that it? He maintained a closed society, until the "enemy broke in" (Mt.13:25). "Come out of the world, my people, and be not partakers of her sins" (Rev.18:4). Through and through, you reject Jesus Christ, and assume the corruption that boils within yourself. So out of your own mouth your guilt is established, and as you say: "Lies, lies, lies". Then you advocate genocide, saying "It will be a pleasure to see your seed annihilated from this planet". Your guilts are most glaring, even capital crimes against humanity itself, and what does the Lord say?

"And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that Thou shouldst give reward unto Thy servants the prophets and unto the saints, and them that fear Thy name small and great, and shouldst destroy them which destroy the earth" (Rev.11:18).

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:25 am
Texas Blog-6 Funerals-Jan.4-5:45 PM-Tinman

Hatred and Sickness?

My hatred? Nay, all my comments are in goochy-goochy love, my little poo poo, even if I chasten. "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Be zealous therefore, and repent" (Rev.3:19).

Hate myself? "He that loveth his life shall lose it, and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal" (John 12:25).

Texas Blog-6 Funerals-Dec.28-8:39 AM


"A sick woman who refuses to get help"? The Lord is my help and my salvation, not man. "The Lord is our help and our shield" (Ps.33:20). "He is a very present help in trouble" (Ps.46:1). "Vain is the help of man" (Ps.108:12). "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills (M-K), from whence cometh my help" (Ps.121:1).
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:27 am
Polyg Talk
Cheese Left-Chaster

Pride vs Unity

That's correct, Chase. We're all responsible for good management, and survival is the issue. But before you can survive, you have to learn the secret and know how to survive, and then act on the information. Can we all agree that this is true, and kiss and hold hands like caretakers holding the hands of chimpanzees in a research facility? Okay then, let us get started with our experiment. First, would you like some experiment gum? Oh my! Now everybody is so bouncy and bubbly, and so very happy and gleeful. Simon, Theodore, quit popping so many bubbles. You're disrupting the class. ALVIN!

Now, are we all set? Okey dokey. Now kids: Tell me, if every soul in a group, a city, or a nation has a differing opinion and objective, how can anything at all be achieved, ever! Your social and political experiment is suddenly lame and ineffective, and even becomes fatal. You shatter like falling glass. "Thus saith the Lord: Even so, I will break this people and this city as one breaketh a potter's vessel, that cannot be made whole again" (Jer.19:11). The economy and environment and culture of this nation are purposely and naturally being broken into pieces like broken glass, because the people have looked to man for their needs and their leadership, instead of God, and have set up the works of man as their salvation and idols to worship. Therefore, the fatality and corruption of man is their fate.

The only place on this earth were you see a strict and perfect unity, under one man and one God, with one purpose and one objective, even salvation, to survive as you put it, is the FLDS elect living beyond a United Effort, having entered into a United Order. But salvation or survival is only a goal. Unity in one God and one doctrine and one law, in the God of this earth, in Him who made it and manages its affairs through His Prophet on the earth, that is the means. If the people have immobilized that Prophet who fears no man but God and His Law, they have immobilized and removed their own means of survival, the very thing that would save them, the same as the Jews removed their Savior and were annihilated. Then, the end cometh, and there is another Lamentation like unto the Lamentation of Jeremiah and the Nephite Lamentation, where entire nations are wiped out. Everyone will agree that stage has been set, with the proliferation of terror cells within your borders, and immigrating armies, and disease, and nuclear warheads and storms and asteroids pointing straight at you, because you have rejected the Law of God for the laws and corruptions of man.

Being the destroyers of the earth, and not its managers, you have proliferating warfare, and the Lord says this: "The nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead that they should be judged, and that Thou shouldst give reward unto Thy servants the prophets and to the saints, and them that fear Thy name small and great, and shouldst destroy them which destroy the earth" (Rev.11:18). Your only hope now is to get the Prophet out of prison now, right now, and make him President, to manage a strict unity on a national scale, and how likely is that? Therefore, the Lord God will manage His earth beginning with great upheavals.

As for dancing angels being our last or worst consideration, it is our first and only hope. Without the motions and activities and presence of true prophets and angels, the help of an angelic hierarchy, no management or relief is possible, and no life on this earth. They are the matrix of life in Christ, the life force. They are the very foundation of economies and ecosystems and the cosmos. So Yankie is so right! You place great importance on man, on yourself and your own interventions, above God. That is gross idolatry. Therefore, the wrath of God is upon you, with massive disruption of your economic and ecological and social and spiritual hopes and aspirations, "until the full consummation that God has decreed hath made a full end of all nations" (Is.10:22, D&C 87:6).
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:29 am
Texas Blog-Nicholsen-Jan.4-7:35 am

Wicked Flee

"The wicked flee when no man pursueth" (Prov.28:1). Me, speaking from experience? Well, first I must say that I am the most wicked man since Adam, so that would fit. If the Prophet can say that, it is infinitely true of any other man on this planet. But the train of thought in the dialog is not on me. Bbgae (1/03/3:47 PM) is talking about the paranoia of enemies of the Church asserting that because they are enemies of the Church or of God, that their lives are automatically compromised. They certainly are, but not by the Church. They are compromised by themselves, thus subjecting themselves to the enemy of the soul, of body, mind, and soul.

As for that class of citizens living in the greatest of love and of unity and productivity on the Texas plains near Eldorado, and their counterpart in Short Creek, I guess their enemies can try to interpret the pursuit of federal and state law enforcement officers as no man pursuing, and therefore if they flee they are wicked, just as Christ fled 36-year old Herod the Great (Matt.2:13), and later fled Herod Archelaus' officers (Matt.2:22), and spent most of his life in Galilee. After his crucifixion, even the women fled from the sepulcher (Mark 16:18). Were any such persons wicked because they fled, or because they feared no man nor his law, but rather feared God? So what happened. Herod, being the wicked one, was banished in 6AD, just two years after succeeding his father as king of Judea.

Christ and His prophets in all ages of the earth flee when the wicked rule. "Fools go where angels fear to tread", but "the prosperity of fools shall destroy them", saith the Lord (Prov.1:32). After Christ's arrest, "all the disciples forsook Him and fled" (Matt.26:56). The fleeing of the righteous, those who fear God and His Law, is not for cowardice, but for wisdom and continued peace. No, it is not the fleeing, nor defying of man's law that makes one wicked, but the fearing of man and rejecting God that makes man evil and fallen and without hope, as social and political and economic upheavals come to pass.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:32 am
Revelation to Street December 23, 2007, regarding the upcoming election for President of the United States
I asked the Lord today: Father, who will be elected to the presidency of the United States in 2008.

My son, hear the word of the Lord once more, for it shall be a skillful victory of the inferior over the receptive earth, the sacrifice of the female forces and the ripening of iniquity, for women shall rule over them, and they shall love to have it so, even a splitting apart in defiance of my servant Warren. It is the dark female forces overthrowing the last strongholds of my constitutional light, by exerting a disintegrating influence upon it, undermining it gradually and imperceptively, so that it finally collapses.

Undertake nothing, and remain still. It is not man's doing, but the sign and condition of the time, according to the laws of heaven. A still mountain now rests upon the earth. Therefore, it is wisdom and not cowardice to submit. Be still and avoid action. Those on a hill or mountain above can only insure their position by giving generously to the earth below. The position of the mountain is strong, only when it rises broad and great out of the earth, not proud nor steep. Without a broad base, it will topple. Thus, they who would rule will rest on the broad foundation of the people. Be generous and benevolent, like the earth which carries and supports them all. Then, thou art as secure as a great mountain. The bed ye make, therein ye must lie.

Behold the vision of Daniel in a dream, which the great king saw, even the great image with a head of gold, his breast and arms of silver, his belly and thighs of brass, his legs of iron, and his feet of iron mixed with clay, the degeneration of nations through the ages of time. The feet are the latter-day kingdoms and their rulings, to shred the constitutional law of the land by traducers and slanderers, of its remaining light. Behold the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, which smiteth the image upon his feet of iron mixed with clay, and breaketh them to pieces. Behold the clay and the iron, the brass, the silver, and the gold are broken together, and become as chaff for the summer threshingfloors, and the wind carrieth them away, that no more place be found for them. Then the stone which smiteth the image becometh a great mountain to fill the whole earth with my glory.

M: The leg of the bed is split, even the legs and feet made of iron and clay. Those who persevere faithfully must endure the fire of judgment, as gold is tried in the fire seven times. The inferior are on the rise, and stealthily begin their destructive burrowing from below, to undermine the gathering place of the superior. His followers who remain loyal are destroyed by slander and intrigue. They can do nothing but wait on their God.

Y: The edge of the bed is split, even the thigh made of brass. The dangers broaden and draw close to their persons, and they are as yet without help or friendly advances from above or below. In their isolation, extreme caution is crucial. They must adjust to the time, and promptly avoid danger, like unto my servant John in signing out of prison. Stubborn perseverance without my wisdom would lead only to their downfall.

Mm: They who are dispersed and divided from mine elect, who are yet firm and faithful and true, shall find themselves in an evil environment with their external ties. But through their inner relationship with my servant, they shall attain the stability to free themselves, which bringeth them also into opposition with the wicked. Behold, this is not wrong, but pleaseth me, saith the Lord. By their faith, they split the belly of brass of the great image which Daniel saw.

T: The bed shall then be split to the skin, even the breast of silver of the great image, that they shall be naked, that I may polish mine elect and make them mine in my Father's Kingdom forever, as possessors of palm made of hide to scourge them. Misfortune reacheth its peak. It can no longer be warded off.

A: A shoal or throng of fishes cometh forth as pure oil beaten and poured out, timid but animated and prolific. I shall relish mine elect as salt which loseth not its savor. Through the ladies of my court cometh favor, as polished arms of silver and a two-edged sword, to the dividing asunder of both joint and marrow. The dark forces shall then change and submit, even as a princess leadeth her maids-in-waiting like a school of fishes unto her husband, and thus gain His favor.

D: Then shall the superior man, even my servant Warren, receive a carriage and be carried up, as a head of gold. Then shall the house of the inferior split and fly apart, even Babylon. (Rev.11:12-15). The seed of the great remaineth, for just as the fruit falleth unto the ground, good sprouts anew from his seed. Behold, my servant attaineth great influence on high, and shall be supported by mine almighty arm, saith the Lord, as also by public opinion, as if in a carriage, while the wickedness of the wicked shall be visited upon their own heads. Their kingdom splits apart. Their evil destroyeth not the good, but the beast which my disciple John saw bleedeth only itself, and must surely pass away. Then shall my saints be set down again upon the earth, to prepare the earth for my coming in glory, that the earth may rest, that all my faithful and they who were without law may behold my glory and be sealed mine forever and ever.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:35 am
Donkey Meat (Jan. 18, 08)
Polyg Talk - Ramblings - What Cheeses Left

The way you guys RAMBLE in your little Ramblings Forum here is just phenomenal. It's like the chipmunks, Simon, Theodore, and Alvin...ALVIN!

You ever watch a bunch of kindergarten kids having at it. It's so funny. Everyone's trying to figure out life, but they're still in diapers and getting their nourishment from milk. They'd die if you gave them too stong of meat. This is why you guys about croak every time I write, even though it's all scriptural, which is so full of meat. But it also squirts milk, because it is so simple a child can understand it.

Hey, you guys ever eat "donkey" meat? Have ya? Huh! It's quite tasteful, and quite filling, but you don't want to just swallow it hookline and sinker, or touch what is sacred, lest you die. Donkey in Hebrew is Dokrin, or doctrine, and Basar or baser, fundamentalist, freshness as in new and everlasting, lean flesh, nakedness, unadorned and simple truth.

See, when you bite into ass or "donkey" meat or deep doctrines, and end up rejecting them because you lack the fundamentals of what you call "polygabuse", then you must bite my ass if it is my donkey or my doctrine, and chew it really good, and give it right proper digestive properties, because I have made the doctrine of the Lord mine. Making it yours, then it will begin to sink in. Then your manliness will be more than just a belly-button, see, and you won't beat your meat or doctrine with critical mass that defeats your existence. Your conscience will rise or ascend to deeper realms and refined element, manah. That will be your meat, spiritual food or doctrine, beginning with the likeness of long garments to cover you, fine linen.

A true and steady donkey or doctrine seems as nothing to the mind of man, but what is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it you will die? NOTHING! Nothing is greater than God. Nothing is more evil than the devil. The poor have nothing. The rich need nothing. Then if you eat nothing, you will surely die, see? The riddle and the solution to all of man's ills: economic, social, political, environmental, and spiritual. With the sacrifice of all things to the Lord of lords, through His earthly agents (or lords), you have and need nearly nothing. Then you come to live on spirit element (manah). "Sell all that you have, give it all to the Lord through His prophet and bishop, and follow me".

If you get sidetracked from that source, then you have no hope. If you find the doctrines sweet, then you eat sweet meats, or digest sweet doctrines. This is why Uncle Warren and his father always taught: "Keep sweet no matter what".

See. Then you have purity, unity, and prosperity in all facets of society: Economic, Social, Political, Environmental, and Spiritual, where all who remain at peace sacrifice to one head, one direction, for a flourishing of economic opportunities and social remedies and alternative energies and supreme political power and spiritual bliss, in oneness, instead of millions of people going in millions of directions like shattering glass. This is the only way, The Way of the Lord. It is the disunity and special interests of empire and ego that reaks havoch on your economy, society, politics, environment, and your spirit, your very life.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:39 am

Everyone's Place (Who's Responsible)

We all came to obtain the experiences we are now obtaining. We are now obtaining the experiences that we came here to obtain. No animal is better than a human. No human better than an angel. We're all at the stage of life that we're at, and that's that. We each will create the karma and conditions that will give to each and all the preordained variety and events in this life that make up this world, for all to experience in our own way. We're all judged accordingly, and find our place and degree of being, high and low.

Whatever Kathy Jo, or anyone else, has done, or think that their kin has done or failed to do, we all have an ego to deal with, and have failed others in some way. Every parent must answer to the failures (or successes) of their offspring, even if they are saints who have lost some of their little ones.

bbgae said...
"Every parent must answer to the failures (or successes) of their offspring, even if they are saints who have lost some of their little ones".

What happened to, "God will judge man for his own sins and not for Adam's transgressions"? One of the Articles of faith and still scripture.

1/17/2008 2:49 PM

Street's Reply:

Responsibility is a hierarchy, and responsibility is shared. No one can fail their offspring with impunity, for at the Bar of God the question is asked: Where are they, and why are they there?

God put them in our charge to give them life, and life eternal. Failing that, there's a devastating setback for the parents, unless their skirts are clean by having done all through continuous teaching and example to raise them right, never having broken that dedication. Then, they cannot be judged by others' transgressions.

Young spirits come to each family that must be tried seven times as gold, so no matter how dedicated you are, those spirit must be tried and developed by trial. Perfect dedication just clears your own skirts and your way to the ascent, beyond the skirt of the veil.

Every scripture and every soul is weighed in the balance, according to the law they've received.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:41 am
Polyg Talk
Flame Warriors-Jan 16

QUOTE (chaster @ Jan 16 2008, 08:39 PM)
Posted on Yesterday, 08:39 PM

But will it occur in time for us to have saved ourselves a whole lot of grief?

The smart money would likely be with your cynical attitude, Say. Still, it's worth the effort to me. It sure beats cynicism and being resigned to our fate.

Root Cause

Nothing physical occurs until there is a spiritual essence or cause. Unless you address the spirit, you are resigned to your fate and cannot help yourself. Addressing only the physical environment ignores the foundational cause, like putting a bandaid on a decapitated head. Can that save you? You must get to the root cause, or no solution will be forthcoming to save you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:45 am
Polyg Talk
Truth about FLDS thread-Jan 15

The Hiney or the Holy

You hit the nail on your head when you started out by asking yourself, "How can I forget about the immorality." That is what you must do within yourself. Until you repent of that, you'll be scratching in both public and private places, and then you will be deprived of much of your beauty sleep. God never sleeps, and we are working to become like God, our Father. So if that makes you tired just to bear the thought, then you tire in well-doing, don't you see? Then all you will experience its gockers, kicking your tires, like an old used car, but not taking to you. So like you confess, "At this point, you believe anything because things are so !@#$%^+*()." It's called a !@#$%^+*() brain.

You speak of "all the secrecy you was witness to." Name one. Come on now, you yourself hate secrets, so get it out. To mock the secrets of the Holies is to hate. Alot of fantasies and imaginings are in the !@#$%^+*() head, or the way you sit crooked on your toilet in trying to get it out, you see? Then it's KABOOM, and you blow it all to hell. So let your poopin be soupin, not snoopin. Let it flow freely like a fine soup, and not be beating around your bush like a Snoopy Doge, don't you see? Then, like you doubly confessed, "You get all the sins that Hell can conjure up inside of your own imaginings", but not in the holies if you ain't holy, except maybe some secret pains in the hole of a big hiny. Then you must piny away and flush it like a rhiny scatters **** with its tail, because you have defiled your temple, you poor snotty-nosed kid. Or shall we say like a Cow kicken poop with its tow, with not a care in the world.

Now, there's your kowtow, but only in the rank authority of a substantial butt. Saints submit freely with innocence, like innocent little children, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. We accept truth from whatever source, and when a prophet or a Deacon or a child or my next door neighbor corrects a flaw within me, I smile with gratitude and thank them for the spanky if what they saw and reminded me of is according to God's Word. Then it's not just one thinking they know best, or know God's will. It's a fact. They know God's Will because it accords with God's Word.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:47 am
Polyg Talk
Truth About FLDS-Jan.17-7:23 am
The Secret
Ohhh, the BOOGIE-MAN's Gunna Gitcha
You speak of "all the secrecy you was witness to." Name one.

Well now, how's this for input. Have you not read any of my posts? I shall here input the justice of keeping secret what is secreted to the saints, and belongs to them because they bought it or created it lawfully, and maintained it legally under the ownership of one man, according to the very law of the Church, for God is One. His Priesthood is larger than any earthly possession, for it is heaven and earth. The UEP Trust Agreement, the legitimate one, to this day speaks of one man over it all, the Church President in Heaven and on earth, and that what he says is the law, including your "silly generator,grain elevator, furnace, and rock cutting saw", and every piece of land and equipment and person belonging to him, and the injustice of stealing anything from him under the pretext of the crime of legislating against matrimony, against the creation of life. See, if you don't belong to him, then neither him nor the Lord can "own and bless you":

Dearest Children, God is Near You
And delights to own and bless you, If you strive to do what's right. He will bless you, He will bless you, If you put your trust in him.

May He ever own and bless you and yours.18 ON FEBRUARY 27, 1860, Lincoln had concluded his Cooper Union address by declaring that "right makes might.

Hear the warning voice, oh ye my people, and repent and make restitution unto me that I may own and bless you in the day of trouble. ...

As for secrets: "The secret things belong unto the Lord" (Deut.29:29). See, it is the very law of the Lord, through His Servant in every age of the world. Now, if you don't agree, and don't like that, your democratic vote is only hypocritic if it's not in accord with the theocracy of Heaven, or the sovereignty of God.

See, the Lord has secrets. So, is He criminal? "Why ask ye after my name, seeing it is secret?" (Judges 13:18).
"Has thou heard the secret of God?" (Job 15:8).
All things belongeth unto the Lord, and to His priesthood upon the earth (I Peter 4:11).
"The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, with the world and they that dwell therein" (Ps.24:1).

Yes, man may legislate and steal for the moment, and then cometh the end. Yes, the Prophet may have suggested the propriety of secrecy, the same as the Lord and His disciples did, for the wicked and the violent were on the loose like packs of dogs or beasts. So is the secrecy the crime, or the violence?

See, you still haven't named one unjust secrecy that you was witness to. Just name one. But what do we see? Your confession of flying the coop, straight for Sin City. In all your "secret projects", you haven't uncovered one crime except your own. No input, see. Only the flinging of **** from your shitter. So you're right, "What goes around comes around".
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 04:53 am
Polyg Talk - Truth About FLDS
Furnace Posted: Jan 17 2008, 11:18 PM


For the past three years, the polygamy blogs have been accusing the Prophet of steeling and raping and killing anything that moves, in their absolute desperation to justify their grasp for women and property and legal settlements, and hopefully to cover their crimes behind closed doors. A just God and incensed people will drag the true offender into the open. Here is just one example:

First off, I never said anything about a grain elevator.
REPLY: You have complained about everything they own and are and do, including the grain elevator to elevate the seed of life to the heavens.

Second, if it all belongs to the Lord, then let the Lord himself tell me so, not big brother. What father really likes it when a son bullies the other children? I'll wait for God himself to tell me what belongs to him.
REPLY: "What father loveth his son and chastiseth him not"? Your fathers in the Priesthood are sent for that very thing: "Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying" (Prov.19:18). Only when you love them can the Father in Heaven love you: "The Father Himself loveth you BECAUSE you have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God" (John 16:27). "He that hateth me hateth my Father also " (John 15:23). "He that hath my commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me", and "shall be hated of all men" (Matt.10:22).

Next, all this secrecy was also done on public funds. I was employed by the Town of Colorado City as a power plant operator, but doing other things. Is that right? Is that proper?
REPLY: "The powers that be are ordained of God. Whoso resisteth power resisteth the ordinance of God" (Rom.13:1-2). Do you not wish to serve the Lord? Was you not then serving the Lord, as a city employee? "No man can serve two masters" (Matt.6:24). "For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil...Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise...For he is a minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid, for he beareth not the sword in vain...For this cause, pay ye tribute also, for they are God's ministers attending continually upon this very thing" (Romans 13:3-6).

I guess this forum is "Polygtalk" and not "FLDS Talk". However, did I imply that exposing secrecy was an attempt to stop matrimony? I never talked about top-secret marriages.
REPLY: We all know that these marriages are the very issue that made the Prophet of God a prisoner for Christ's sake. You opposing him in any way, you oppose him in every way, even his officiations in marriage. See, like any good lying politician and media outlet, you spew lies, being part of a lying generation, lying in wait to accuse...and lying against the Lord (Is.59:13). "Lucifer" means accuser.

Who are you to say God doesn't own me? A big brother trying to bully? That's all religion is. What I see is more ridiculous than a big brother bullying his little brothers in the name of his father, when his father really wishes the older boy would mellow down.
REPLY: Who is anyone to say anying? We are all children of God Himself, that's who, and "we accept truth wherever it is found, "even from the mouths of babes" (Ps.8:2, Matt.11:25, 21:16). "That moment you reject anything that comes from God, the devil takes power (TPJS). Then, God DOES NOT own and bless you, but declares unto you: "Depart ye cursed, I never knew you" (Matt.25:41).

As far as unjust secrecy, is it right for people to give me their tax money so I can build up YFZ? Isn't that unjust secrecy?
REPLY: You're so quick to cry "Secrecy, Secrecy", as to cry "Crucify, Crucify", while thinking you're private quickies are not seen. If people want to give their tax refunds or 10% or 110% of their earnings to One Man, God with us, then God help you of such little faith in the face of such great faith manifest before your very eyes. When the Lord says to sacrifice ALL EARTHLY THINGS, do you think He is just lying, and a liar? Yes, sacrifice ALL, and ESPECIALLY to Yearn For Zion, ESPECIALLY. So now, the unjust secrecy has proven to be YOUR CRIME, not theirs, secretly hiding behind your own faithless and personal neglect and violence against such innocence as the peace and the prosperity of Zion.
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