Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:11 am
Hi all. I'm a lifelong member of Warren Jeff's FLDS Church, and proud of it. I was cast out for human weakness, being quite human and having sins to repent of, and glad of that opportunity also. I usually post on a couple of the polygamy blogs, but not much going on there. Still, I'll give the links of the two forums if anyone's interested. I'm looking to broaden my horizons here, if it's okay. Thank you folks.


For a broad sweep of my Christian views, and why Christains are polygamists, those two forums will help as a reference, but I'd like to do some posting here and maybe meet some new friends, true Christians.

Thanks, everybody.
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Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:31 am
I'll post some samples of my posts on the texaspolygamy.blogspot.com, and also on http://polygtalk.ipbfree.com.

Here's the first sample:



666: The unholy trinity alliance or triumvirate of the devil, the beast (or beastly nation), and false prophet (apostate LDS), in an unholy alliance.

777: Holy Trinity alliance, with the True Prophet and his elect people, the Holy Grail, the secret of secrets, the perfect knowledge and spiritual union and bloodline of Jesus Christ, the redeemer and the redeemed, the Holy of Holies, the Ark of Testimony and cherubim and special witnesses, the key of heaven and earth. For everything holy, there is the unholy counterpart. There are six days of labor or creation, plus the seventh to rest or redeem. With no seventh, there is no rest nor redemption.

M-Y-Mm-T-A-D (six only). The holy spirit is missing (K): M-D: Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, without life or the spirit of life, or the Tree of Life (M-K).

The mystical meaning and cosmic significance of "Six" is "Abad": To wander away, to lose oneself, to perish and destroy. All three wandered: Satan ("the son of the morning"), the beast (the choice nation), and the false prophet (LDS apostate), to persecute the sanctuary or Tiferet on the descent (Eden: the Fall, and destroying a nation, and scattering God's people), back to AB or ABBA (Father), and AD (Adam). The Greek is Abel: Meadow of sacrifice.

666 is Apher: Ashes, to bestrew, brought about by the operations of the unholy triumvirate, prior to the redemption of their victims. His mark is "Cuwk": To sue and smear over, to cover up scandal, to scratch or mark a man and a nation (the balls or seed, circle of life) for servitude or destruction. To stamp as a badge of servitude, as political rulers branding cattle and relegating them to serve their purposes, removing the seventh element or the freedom to redeem oneself (Anti-Patriot Act and its aftermath). (See Rev. 13:16, 14:9, 15:2, 16:2, 17:3, 19:20, 20:4).

(Rev.17:3): The scarlet beast (red-coats) full of abominations and filth, mother of harlots (Judah and his harlots: Gen.38-15). Babel: To confuse the tongues, and English is the most confused and corrupt, in order to divide and conquer the nations.

(Rev.13:2): Like a leopard (U.S. with many spots or peoples, as a melting-pot of nations), feet of a bear (Russia), mouth of a lion (England), power of the dragon (satan). The British Empire is still on the rise, building a one-world system. Victoria had her sons enthroned in Russia and France and Spain and England, and her subjects ruling America, building alliances ever since their loss in the Revolutionary War. Why do our leaders today often attend Oxford and Cambridge, and ally with Britain in every major campaign? Yes, the British Empire was wounded, but the wound has healed: Ottomans (Rev.13:3).

(Rev.13:4): "Who is able to make war with him", this first anti-Christ beast (UK), and the dragon (satan) which gave him power? Only Christ and His Elect. This is why Joseph was martyred, and why today there's such an onslaught against the FLDS Church, anxiously parading them before the nations in chains, alongside the worst of criminals, knowing full well that these are they by whom modern Babylon or the world (its whoredoms and corruption) will fall. But it appears that they will only have power against God and His Tabernacle (the church or Body of Christ) for 42-months (verses 5-6), and will disperse or overcome them (verse 7).

These beastly nations shall go into captivity: "Here is the patience and the faith of the saints" (verse 10). The second beast (US) followed the first, the British Empire, with two horns like a lamb, or two consolidated powers for peace, for uninhibited and unjust enrichment and glory (UN & EU).This beast "causes the earth to worship the first" (UK's princes and princesses: verse 12), and "maketh fire to come down from heaven" (in "shock and awe"). He causes all to make a mental image of the beast as something holy, and to give it life or glory. The Hebrew for "Image" is "Gaza" (Israel), to give it life as if this were God's people, and whosoever refuses to support the Lion and the Unicorn shall be killed (Palestinians, Arabs, and other nations, etc.): Verse 15.

Then the implant in the hand (by the strong arm of law and police power), or in the forehead (deceptive knowledge), to force total submission. To repeat: "Here is wisdom, the number of a man: Adam is man, the fall. The mystical meaning and cosmic significance of "Six" is Abad: To wander away, to lose oneself, to perish and destroy. Adam fell in this choice land, then every nation and church that falls while occupying it. He is Michael, the destroying Angel. It is Tiferet on the descent (Eden: the Fall). AB or ABBA (Father), and AD (Adam). The Greek is Abel, a progression or succession from "Adam": Meadow of sacrifice, the dispersion of the Church or Tabernacle of God for their salvation and glory, to hide them up in the Lord.

666 is Apher: Ashes, to bestrew, brought about by the operations of the unholy triumvirate (Satan, beast, and false prophet), prior to the redemption of their victims. His mark is "Cuwk": To sue and smear over, to cover up scandal, to scratch or mark a man and a nation (the balls or seed of Adam, or the circle of life) for servitude or destruction. When the Church is dispersed and secured in God's hiding place, then total chaos will ensue and a stamp as a badge of servitude, as political rulers branding cattle and relegating them to serve their purposes (Anti-Patriot Act), removing the seventh element, the light and truth and freedom to redeem oneself, having rejected that light and truth of their own free will.

Then: "Come up hither" (Rev.11:12). "I looked, and lo a Lamb stood on the mount Zion (moont), and with him 144,000…which were redeemed from the earth" (Rev.14:1, 3).

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:36 am
Age of Earth

When will the diaper-clad scientists learn. We have been over this before. First, The anointing oil works toward making one a creator. Secondly, the age of the organized earth in its present organization and population of species, is 6,000 years. However, the material of which it is composed is much older, and that is where science is focused in trying to date the present organization. They know as a fact that matter cannot be destroyed. It can only be reorganized, and that is what the Gods do in creating worlds without end, for matter is eternal.

To create is to organize, just like when Detroit creates a car, or Levits creates a piece of furniture, or any other manufactures creates any kind of a product. Even farmers don't create, they reorganize matter. Even the service industries just reorganize matter to serve certain ends. No, they don't create matter. It is already created. So, by God, when God created the earth temporally 6,000 years ago, and spiritually 7,000 years before that, He organized much older matter from the cosmos into the planets, and that is what the diaper-man academic is dating.

Seven days of creation times seven equals 14 days (7x7=14). There it is…140 million years for the age of our present matter ("Tada"): 7x7,000x1000. A day to the Lord = 1,000 of our years, and a day to His Lord is a thousand of His years = 140 million.

In regard to your diaper-man Deloy Bateman, he and his ilk will delay you about 140 million years in your development, and then abate your salvation, because would-be masters are baited.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:40 am

There are three degrees of hell for apostasy, which is the Telestial glory (D&C 76:84), the three outer planets. "These are they who received not the gospel…but who deny not the Holy Spirit", having never had the spirit. They had the gospel offered, but defected from it. The Terrestrial never even have it offered, so they have a higher glory. If you ever receive the power of the Holy Spirit (Celestial light), you know it. It overwhelms by fire (D&C 19:31), and is followed by many gifts of the spirit. One of these three Telestial hells is not the same as Perdition or outer darkness, beyond Pluto, where there is no light by which to see any planet. This is reserved only for those who had that light and power upon them, and then rejected it (D&C 76:23, 32, 43). The apostate (vs perdition) rejected the gospel, but not the light within them, if it was never within them.

The Hebrew for Pluto is Palat: To escape, to tremble, deliverance. These hells are still kingdoms of glory, for they can still be taught light. Truth and light are glory. They even have claim on Christ's redemption in that degree, even though they fall away or are cast out, for they do it ignorantly (D&C 76:89, 98-106). Therefore there is forgiveness once they are taught sufficiently unto repentance, either here or hereafter. "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do" (Lk.23:34).

The Hebrew for Apostate is "Aphiyl" (awful): "Weak, unripe, not grown up". The Greek is "Apostasia": Defection from truth, divorced, uncovered, destitute, sent out. Also "Epec": "An end, no further (progress damned or stopped for now), thing of naught, without cause", reserved for the likes of those who say of the prophets: "You are without cause", or "Your cause is just, but I can do nothing for you". They come under the damnation of their own decree.

APOSTLE: A-Post-of El (God). APOSTATE: A-Post-Tate (tattered, in rags, or tattooed, marked by pricking or "Kicking against he pricks" (Acts 9:5), or Tiyt: "Clay or dirt to be swept away, being a divorced or uncovered "tit" (no longer concealed good): Thus, Tiyt. So those who have not found the light, but are repenting from afar after being swept away, may yet find themselves in the Celestial Kingdom, or highest kingdom, if not as a god. But those too weak to repent, but never having had the light, will not find it except through hell, the lowest kingdom of glory. Finally, those who have had the light, and then defected and openly rejected it, have not light or truth or glory at all. They are perdition, having rejected Christ to His face.

From this, we see that there are three degrees of apostasy or Telestial glory, even as there are three degrees in each of the other two glories (Terrestrial and Celestial), which are hinted at in the three Masonic degrees, and 33 degrees: Ten gates and three per gate.

The Prophet Joseph on the Apostate.

TPJS 15: "These signs shall follow them that believe…(Mk.16:17). From this, we can see the Christian apostasy from the Apostolic platform".

21: "Respecting an apostate, one who has been cut off, and who wishes to come in again, the law of the church expressly says that such shall (first) repent, then be baptized (Mm-Sh), then be admitted as at the first".

66: "Messiah's kingdom on earth is of that kind of government, that there has always been numerous apostates, for the reason that it admits of no sins unrepented of, without excluding the individual from its fellowship…Unless they speedily repent, they are left desTITute of the spirit…From apostates come the severest persecutions. Judas was rebuked, and immediately betrayed his Lord".

82: Perdition: "It is impossible for those who were once enlightened…and have tasted the powers of the world to come, if they fall away, to renew them again unto repentance, seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh (the worst apostasy), and put Him to an open shame".

156: "O ye twelve, and all saints, profit by this important key: In all your trials, troubles, temptations, afflictions, bonds, imprisonments, and death, see to it that ye do not betray heaven, Christ, the brethren, or the revelations of God, lest innocent blood be found on your skirts, and ye go down to hell. All other sins are not to be compared to sinning against the Holy Ghost (Keter: Head God, Enoch) and proving a traitor to the brethren".

192. "There is a way to release the spirits of the dead, by the power and authority of the Priesthood, by binding and loosing on earth…This enlarges the understanding and sustains the soul under troubles, difficulty, and distress… Let us consider two men, brothers, equally intelligent, learned, and virtuous… One dies, having never heard the gospel of reconciliation. To the other the message is sent, and he embraces it. Shall the one become a partaker of glory, and the other be consigned to hopeless perdition? Is there no chance for his escape? Sectarianism answers "NONE!" Such an idea is worse than atheism. The truth shall break down and dash in pieces all such bigoted Pharisaism. The sects shall be sifted, the honest in heart brought out, and their priests left in the midst of their corruption".

339: "A murderer cannot have forgiveness. David sought it, but could only get it through hell. He got a promise that his soul should not be left in hell. He was a king, but never did obtain the spirit and power of Elijah (WSJ). The throne and kingdom of David is taken from him, and given to another by the name of David in the last days".

Ancient of Days or Daves: Spell "David": Dalet (B), Alef (G), Vav (K), Yod (T), Dalet (B), all point to one man: Michael or Adam, Baniy or Binah, our cosmic Mother and Father in one.

God truly bless you all, according to your desires and your capacities.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:44 am
Ascent in the Adamic

Adam (76): 76 Trombones lead the big parade. The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.
Adamdam: Eden (Man with many damsels or dam-dam), which means Reddish: Color Red, or ColoRado City. Alef-Bet is the Adamic Language, or Olive-Bath (Washing-Anointing): 1340=8 or Keter (M-K), or lotus of a thousand crowns or key words of the language. Here are the first ten:

1. AB-Father (K)
2. ab-father (C)
3. Eb-Fruit (B)
4. eb-fruit (c)
5. Abagtha-Palace Warriors (g)
6. Abad-To perish or wander away (the fall)(T)
7. abad-To destroy or consecrate (N)
8. Obed-Wretched. To crucify thyself daily, and Obey (H)
9. Abedah-Fully lost or swallowed up in him (Y)
10. Abaddoh-Perishing, ripe for rescue and redemption (M)

A thousand crowns: There are a thousand twin or interrelated words and crowns of the Word, "Keters of Lebanon" (3803=14), which total 8 limbs or 14 days of a temporal and spiritual creation, or 2100 (HVHY-YTDK): Zohar or Zhrryal, which means Gospel Brilliance: 2100 (couples united into one, and then nothingness, or pure spirit element).

"Breathe Deep" (T-D): To ascend is to descend deep into the Holy Fire, to behold the descent of God into the Holy Sanctuary of the heart or the temple. To do so, one must call upon the Prince of the Face (Surayah). Then after the 7th Day, by the Obed bind him (Binah or Michael), with an oath 112 times in the name of the Lord God (YHVH-ELHM), beginning with the key word Tutsyah (Tutor or Prophet of the Lord), or Tiyrah: A walled fortress or compound.

There are twelve names in the ascent into the Holy Fire, accompanied by the descent of God, and they meet in His Sanctuary. These names, one must know and utter after reaching a state of perfection, as he counts the measure. Then he descends and has authority over the firey chariot, if he has perfected himself in the Prophet and his Lord, and been tutored of them.

The Lord God sits supreme in the 8 heavenly chambers (HNTGCBCK), which is after the full sacrifice and purification of the initiate (M-Y). At the door of each chamber are 8 angels, four gatekeepers on either side, or a council of seven presided over by the eighth, and he is the first. At the first chamber is the angelic overseer Dahaviel, and Kashriel, Gahuriel, Buthiel, Tofhiel, Dahariel, Mathkiel, and Shaviel, all seers, 8 per chamber. At the door of the sixth chamber are 8 destroying angels to destroy all who presume to approach and are unworthy, as determined by the tutor of the first gate unto the angels of the sixth gate.

At the seventh chamber erectly stand the Mighty Ones, all ablaze, powerful and most terrifying. Sharp swords are in their hands. Flashings of lightning shoot from their eyes, and streams of fire from their nostrils, and burning coals from their mouths. Only the worthy can approach it, and view it, and not be destroyed, and live to bear witness, confounding the wisdom of the wise or the dark secrets found in the palaces of earthly kings.

One must possess two seals or priesthood signs in their hands, and the proper names in their foreheads, and images of each name, one to show to those standing on the right of each gate, and one to show to those standing on the left. If you are so fortunate as to pass the Prophet and the first chamber alive, then they pass you to the next, and so on to the next, if you are clean and aligned and made worthy, and know of his mysteries. Then the individual trembles, is stricken, and falls back. He is then supported by the 64 guardians of the 8 chamber, and they say unto him: "Fear not, O son of the beloved seed. Enter and see the King in His Glory. Ye shall not be destroyed". As he approaches, he must then sing the song taught to him on high, as they strengthen him and praise him, saying: "He is worthy".

Then the Holy Chayot cover their faces, the Cherubim and Ophanim turn their terror from him, and the worthy individual stands alone before the Throne of God's Glory. Then it begins to sing to the enlightened one Zhhrryal, and the Lord God of Israel.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:46 am
why us? why do we get all the strange ones?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:47 am
At Ease Disease

Millions of women today are die-agnosed with cancer of the tits. I kid you not, them knockers are sick, and there's the proof in the pudding, or in this case in the clabber. May she "repent and sin no more" (Jn.8:11), that she may get well. Disease is largely in the stress, the diet, and the sex or lifestyle of the person, all of which she can repent of. The hereditary aspect is just inherited habits of sex, diet, and stress, thus predisposing the cells to do what they shouldn't do. Just cut the KWAP. Just cut off the sins of the fathers.

Speaking of the KWAP: Do you peopholes know how to tell the diff-diff betwixt a male turd and a female turd? A very important question indeed, because people are terads, a Hebrew term meaning "to drive away or expel", like the Prophet and the Lord do, like a good healthy bowel elimination, and these deposits or influences can sometimes be very substantial, like a substantial bank deposit. Just be sure if you put a turd in the tube at the bank, that your licence plate is covered up, as well as your car and your face. But people in varying degrees are gross and subservient to their gross fleshly elements.

So how do you tell the difference between the male deposit and the female? That's easy. One smells like a barnyard, and one's perfumed and has lipstick on it, and wearing the pants. Another way is to put calipers to her. Measure the sins of the fathers on the children. Women are a bit smaller. Also, you can get so close to a person's corruption that you can taste their ****, their bad habits and tardy ways, like a good wine-tasting event. Women are more bitter. So make sure you sweeten it first. Turdy as in tardy, from the late end of your hardy-farty, rootin-tootin hiny. Then, like dogs, you're prime for a good lickin, and drunk from your addictions or idol worship.

I'm here to tell ya, when you **** a duck, or **** a bee, or breed a steed (these are types), you're messing with the wrong God. You're up against a wall, mother ******: Any man who has sex with any woman who has had a child. That is lusting for a woman, and therefore adultery, and "he shall deny the faith", or apostatize (Mt.5:28, D&C 63:16). When you get to thinking to defile a woman's mammory or God's church, or other sacred godly forms, let that knock you up the side the head and jog your memory of what you're about. Go jogging, then if you're still tortured take an ice cold bath. If you're still trying to erect, flip it with a rubber band, then stick it in a light socket. Sacrifice it to God. Then fall on your knees and be a good boy, as the sweet girl cries out "down doggie". Sing a hymn, study the word, go pay your tithing, gaze and meditate upon the likenesses of the prophets, and ascend unto God.

"All beings who have a body have power over those who have not" (TPJS). "That moment you reject anything that comes from God, the devil takes power" (TPJS).

Just keep it clean and sweet and melodious, the very thing the Prophet has always taught: KEEP SWEET. Then you eliminate the gross political and human nature of the flesh, and take on the divine nature of the spirit element. Then all is well, happy, prosperous, and in good health, purring like fine-tuned engine or a very content pussy-cat. Until you learn the arts of mechanics (M-N), construction (T-C), and living (D-K), tis far better to live alone, repenting from afar and singing your continual praise to God in your long-johns and three-piece suit. This is far better than plotting and living in corruption and tight filthy quarters, where you are continually drawn and quartered. Learn the mechanics and construction and life of the Tree.

The Hebrew for Sweet is "Niychoach" (as in knee-coach), which means: "Restful, blissful, pleasant, delighted, redeemed, kinship or kingship". Also "Biliymah" (as in bulimia), which means: "Consecrated, nothingness, the sacrifice of all", binge-eating and vomiting your work: High production and sacrifice, even as entire heavens and earths are produced and passed away by the Gods (Mt.24:35), giving up entire cities and nations to be sifted, as the Prophet has done.

The Greek for Sweet is "Glukus" (as in glucose or sugar), which means "Sweet and fresh", never hoarded or infesting within like a turd, but always being cleansed and made fresh of your possessions to God the owner, through His authorized Servant Warren Jeffs. If that is not sweet unto you, then you must remain grossly bitter, infesting, and diseased, and pass away in your own torture, or as the Prophet Joseph put it: "You must like it, or you must lump it". So at ease, disease. "Come out of them, Satan". Men have many encumbrances about them (demons and idols), and think they are rich. Sacrifice all possessions (M), evil passions (Y), bodily movements (Mm), breaths (T), senses (A), and thought itself (D). Then you are in the light (Sh) and the spirit (K). These are the limbs of Jacob's Ladder (Gen.28:12).

"How hardly shall they that have "riches" enter into the Kingdom of God" (Mk.10:23). "He also that received the seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word, and then the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful". (Mt.13:22).

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:50 am
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:51 am
Bedtime Bewares

You guys ever kick yourselves for doing wong. When you guys go to bed at night, and you bend your legs up to relax, make sure you don't kick yourself in the balls (the progeny). I want you to take good care of yourselves at night. If you're wearing jammies and nice white, long-flowing undergarments, from your ankles all the way up your… neck, that'll help protect you from dwowning, from the crown of your head to the souls of your feet, and not just some skimpy midriff.

Of course, you women don't have as much to kick, butt! You don't want to be falling into some gigantuous hole either. We don't want to have to call the paramedics to pull yourself out of yourself. That's a very nasty place to be falling into, like some filthy mineshaft, unless you manage to keep her squeaky clean and free from mens' filthy dipsticks. "Dip thy morsel in the vinegar. Rather to partake of parched corn" (Ruth 2:14). I don't care how much lipstick you put on a pig, it's still a pig (Prov.11:22), and that'll never save you from a filthy, sad-looking dip-stick that calls itself a man." Keep the dust-sucking rattle-snake out of your panties. It's deadly to all that's good.

When you girls pee (the Hebrew "Peh: To sacrifice for divine light), make sure your peeing apparatus isn't even plugged with his lint, lest ye not "see the blood upon the lintel", Syria (Ex.12:23), or else you will always spray it like a skunk. If you're going to be constipated, at least have it on the right end. If it's plugged up with some man's dry ****-tim, you won't pee at all (Peh). You'll blow up like a balloon and lickety-split. So, just a friendly precaution for girls who tend to be dirty. We prefer you squeaky clean, without the squeek, and the mystery of it all cannot be known to the mocker, for "The mocker shall be had in remembrance before the Lord" "And calamity shall cover the mocker, and the scorner shall be consumed, and they that watched for iniquity shall be hewn down and cast into the fire" (D&C 45:50).

You be proper boys and giwls, and you'll git all gwowed up. ☺ See, you can all be happy, happy, happy, and clean and soft as a baby's butt. Now all's you need is ears to hear. Let me see if I can put some ears on ya… ☺ Well, okay that's a start. Now use them, little mousey, and you'll be a right happy mickey. Jesus can fix that deformed ear that cannot hear, or that dark eye that cannot see, or that hard heart that cannot feel. Then all the pee and the poop can be cleared, and you become a great sea, a group that God can use in His eternal designs.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:54 am
Hey, watch yo widdo mouthy, mousy. I am neither strange nor boring, unless of course you consider me a strange work and a wonder, boring into the depths of the mysteries of life.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:55 am
username wrote:
why us? why do we get all the strange ones?

Search engine optimization and an endless supply of tinfoil, my friend.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:58 am
You think this is strange, I dare you to check out my thousands of posts on the other forums. In fact, I double-dare you, because you'd have to keep your pants on and repent of all your sins. Hey, if you aint too nuts and have the balls of whatever sport, sport, here's the links:

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 12:05 pm
Bone of My Bones (Gen.2:23)

If you ever call me bonehead, I'll take that as a compliment. That's where you want the most bone circumference. Far better the bone up there in your head, than having one in your ass, or a boner in your pants. Now, wouldn't every whipper-snapper agree with that? Hey, I know: Me bonehead, you boner, like the name of a good dog. But in man's case, a boner is a bad BAD dog.

A good bone for a skull is your protector, like a good man for a women, loving her with his brain, not abusing her in vain, and that is the bane of man since Cain, for the slain without gain, an eternity of pain. A boner in your pants ruins the dance, and destroys your chance, like some demon there yanking on it, perchance. Shall we say: Yanky-Doodle lost his noodle? Men certainly loose their mind and their way, when they go blind for to sway some vulnerable maiden into violating her temple of God. You keep her soft and supple, not hard or in trouble, and you will supp with the Lord, lover of every soul. A hardened heart, or any other part, will make you part ways and go the way of all the earth, without hope.

There's a beautiful ****-tree song made famous by Marty Robbins, I believe. It's called "My woman, my woman, my wife". In most every case, the way women are violated, it is more like "My woman, my woman, my bitch", or "My woman, my woof, my dog", a thingy that can hump as bad as any whore, and her husband/lover/destroyer is the culprit preying on the vulnerable, the weaker sex, like politicians and pastors prey on anyone who is not of their persuasion. They are not virgins at all (Rev.14:4). The prophets have been right all along: "We will not give a man a women just to throw her away". This is why the prophets have taken so many of the women to themselves, as God takes many to Himself, to protect the innocent. Government only talks about protecting the innocent, while all along slaying them by the millions, as the servants of hell.

Man must sacrifice unto the Lord daily, his possessions and his evil passions, or there is no reverberating from the heavens. You think you are immune to sacrifice? Even batman and batwoman have to go to the batroom to take a bat-kwap. Even heaven and earth pass away, the sacrifice of the Gods. Sacrifice your evil passions of the body and of the earth, the gross-elements. Then you will not reap corruption, like so many in government today have done by hoarding and assailing, while the innocent suffer. There are whores all around you. There is not a woman in existence who is not a whore, if she is sexually active. A virtuous woman is as rare as the rarest gem. That is God's Plan, and the title of this thread.

"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil, all the days of her life" (Prov.31:10).

"A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband, but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones (Prov.12:4).

"For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting". (Gal.6:8). "

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 12:07 pm
We've seen stranger, stranger...

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 12:11 pm
Can't Take the Heat

I'll tell you what always alienated people from those other two forums reference above. They were always sensoring posts that didn't meet their religious or athiest criteria. Well, today, those forums are practically dead. Seeing that the Ashursts at the polyg talk forum are too ashamed to discuss polygamy on their own polygamy forum, in direct reply to posts on that forum, and in a Polygamy thread where readers can make a comparison of logic and reason, they deleted my replies, with the excuse that I must remain in a little box somewhere else on the forum. No, they can't take the heat in the very kitchen they have set up to discuss these issues. So they just delete whatever doesn't fit their prejudices and ideologies. You may read my replies over there in my little Street box, and you will see what I mean.

Po whipped widdo puppies! When your hormones and mental processing get out of order, then you have no law and order, no authority.

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Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 12:15 pm

Hey Jim (Polyg Talk Admin: He fixes computers on the Indian Reservation): When a computer's not working on an Indian reservation, do you go charging in there and suggest to them that they stop being Indians and join the 21st century.☻Of course not. You might get scalped, which is the Indian brand of scalped potatoes. Same goes for an FLDS community. There is discipline, as in discipleship, in such a community, and you not accepting such discipline is no grounds for committing assaults and other crimes, and calling it law and order. With the pandemic of scandal in office, remember this: Such politicians are society's diapers, and should .be changed frequently for the same reason, being full and running over. "Hell to the chief"

But then, all was not well in Zion, and all such things work for the good of them who love the Lord. If it cleans them out and makes them well, then all is well. There are some things that you called crimes that were indeed crimes, though such aggression against it is not rendered in any other community so aggressively. But then Colorado City was not just any other community like it is quickly becoming, to the great pleasure of the scandals in office. They can and will keep their scandals, but we cannot. Much more is required of us by the Lord. So the cleansing goes on. It really doesn't matter if you label innocent practices as crimes, because that just serves to perfect the cleansing, until God has a perfect people.

As long as the millions of violent cultists in the great American culture think to impose their sex and abortion rituals, and other crimes, on the few who want no part of it, and then call those few a hate group because they hate evil, as God does, He certainly has a very warm place for the violent to continue their misery and multiply their own sadness in hell, which is only minutes away. Regardless, saints will always remain happy and keep sweet, and have their heaven, or else they are not saints. The elect make their own heaven. Others make their own hell. I like how Uncle Rulon always put it. "The bed you make, you have to sleep in it".

Ain't that the twooth. Ask any intelligent cactus or floral arrangement, and they will reciprocate and tell you it is so. So sew your seed in spirit. Then if you think you have a veritable monopoly on heaven with the saints, your thinking would be correct: On God, one church, one gospel, while millions join them from above and all see the useless folly of persecuting a prophet, except that it is useful to the cleansing of the saints. His sentence will be one sentence or two: "Well done thou good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of thy Lord".

Surely, those who directly make the weaker sex to suffer, will suffer, and I mean husbands not pastors or anyone else who only had the slightest accessory connection to the rape, because they were neighbors or members of the same church. All intelligences agree that the correction of a wife or a child by a minister is not a negative suffering, for all who hold such a view will find themselves blaming God Himself for sending us to a world of suffering, that we might become masters of ourselves, even as Christ is Master.

If a woman was abused as a yungun, or became a whore or a drug abuser when she gwowed up, she would naturally become paranoid against anyone and against all who might have even the slightest connection as a neighbor or with the same family name or same culture. Drugs and sex just do that to people. It makes them paranoid of practically everyone, because they equate their own quilt with all humanity, which therefore makes the whole world a cause of their problems. This is how drug-wars and sex triangles erupt into open warfare. They are the criminals of society, they and their official handlers. They have a hard time accepting the sheep, without crying wolf or turning into one.

It is always the rebel who causes the suffering, for both themselves and for others, crying out for favors and for attention, and for the acceptance of their addictions, their demons within. The sick in Christ's day were also much distressed by devils, but few found the way. Few are cleansed. They showed enough faith in the Judean Prophet to be relieved of all the trouble they caused or endured. Where there is faith, there is compassion, and all the suffering and persecution works together for the good of them who keep sweet and who keep their love for their Lord. There are the Lord's poor, and there are the devil's poor (or poor devils). But all things, the good and the evil, were preordained to make us masters of ourselves, without baiting us like a fish on a hook. Then you are free indeed.

There there, now (pat on the butt…I meant the back). I knew that would make your tummy feel all betta. Now we can all share some warm cookies and milk, and not one of Jim's damned beers. Besides, Jim's never been weaned yet. He still needs to get the nipple out of his mouth. Now you all give me a big smile, and give each other a big big hug (no bumpin and grinding). As long as you can love others without slobbering, it'll be innocent enough. Then the Prophet can give you a blessing. ☺

I want you bumsteads who call yourselves ladies, while at the same time focusing on your bums (having a nice ass), and thus on being bums-instead, to take on an air of aristocracy, as in stuck up or as shy and poisonous snakes, as fiery serpents. The harder you are to get, the safer you are, and then with God for you who can be against you? That is the only way you can bring senseless, violent, and immoral men to their senses. Then your focus will no longer be on potty-sacrifices of the shittah, but rather on awesome graces as you sit in awe of such a man becoming as a god. Yes, more than a man. Then, instead of excreting the terad, you will excrete entire worlds without end, as "heavens and earths pass away" (Mt.24:35). And why? Because you become discrete:

"As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion" (Prov.11:22). Let your demons go to the pigs, not yourselves. Then you are cleansed. We all know that you all love the Prophet Warren in your hearts, if you still have one, which you do. If you experienced his cleansing discipline first hand, thank God for that. It just proves him a true friend of man. If there are some who are still offended in God's discipline, having placed us in this world of suffering that me might become as little children, then "suffer little children to come unto me" (Mt.19:14), and "Love thine enemy" (Mt.5:44). It is part of our cleansing.

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Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 12:19 pm
Hey Jespah, how come some of my posts can be edited, and some can't? What's the fix?
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Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 12:31 pm
Conservative Wisdom

The concern of conservation religions is usually very legitimate. The means of enforcing it may not be. In the case of the British lady and her highly impressionable Sudanese school children naming a teddy-bear Muhammed, the very legitimate concern is idolatry, which is affection for anyone or anything more than God. She was teaching that to their children, although perhaps in her ignorance of the law on idolatry. In ancient Israel, and the law of God, that was and is punishable by death, for the law of God never changes. Only man changes. But where conservative religions can stray from wisdom is when someone is foreign to their culture and sins ignorantly, and isn't even given the chance to repent, to correct herself.

The FLDS gives people that chance. The Sudanese government gave her that chance and released her unharmed. It was just the activists who were demanding prosecution and death. What is so right about conservative religions is their strict morals for the protection of their children. To criticize that makes one the enemy of children and of society as a whole. The Sudanese government just deported the lady, that she might repent from afar. The FLDS just deported the enemy who were corrupting the other children, which is what all sane parents do to protect their children. Anyone who opposes that is the true danger to society, and must be dealt with.

"We believe in worshipping God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may". That is one of the FLDS Church's Articles of Faith, and by cast out so many, the Prophet obeyed his faith and put it into practice, allowing all others to worship how they may, apart or afar, so that the faithful may do the same, worship how they may. There must always be a separation of the wheat and the chaff, the sheep and the goats, the good and the evil, so that all may have their brand of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is what all governments do, separate warring factions, or else all you have is war. Modern governments have become even more adept at that, which seals their fate.

The FLDS are taught the Gospel according to the strict order of the Christian Bible and the Christian faith. If teaching it and living it is "brainwashing and coersion", as the enemy of society has suggested, then that is the kind of washing and correction that is cherished by civil societies everywhere, according to their law and scripture. What law, what scripture?

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it…But he that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity, and the rod of his anger (of government) shall fail" (Prov.22:6-8).

"He that spareth his rod hateth his son, but he that loveth him chastiseth him betimes" (Prov.13:24).

"But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers (our Heavenly Father and His Prophet chastises us all), then are ye bastards and not sons" (Heb.12:8).

Now, I know that Chaster and Flora and some who were cast out, and many in the American cult, who are fighting against God and His Prophet have been devastated by sex and drugs and other excesses that destroy the brain, so that you are just behaving according to your own demons and devastations. But that is not the experience of the elect of God, or those seeking to become so. We have our religion and our God, and you have your demons over which God rules. That is where it stands. So God and His Prophet and His people will prevail, all who strive to live according to the strict order of His Word and His Law. All governments that legislate against that are doomed.

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Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 12:33 pm
Courageous Prophet
(In a Lion-House)

Regarding Governor Romney's speech, by supporting his church in having their members in government office prosecute a smaller church who has been a challenge to their own apostasy, he has "served one religion, one group, one cause, and one interest", just the opposite of what he proclaims he won't do, like any two-faced politician pandering for public approval. Since 1890, his church has prostituted itself for special favors, for world favor, and thus has become one of the three unclean spirits who speak out of the mouth of the dragon (the devil), out of the mouth of the beast (a violent warring nation), and out of the mouth of the false prophet (the LDS having turned from the truth since 1890, a well-known fact). So any man who "liked that speech" is as duped as any prostituted Mormon.

The brilliant track record of the FLDS Church as champion of freedom is in fleeing the community and the world, and freeing the people from the corruption. This is what has the dissidents and the world up in arms, ready to destroy themselves, because of a stone cut out of the mountain without hands. Now, the FLDS Church is in the big heart of Texas, free and self-sustaining. Our Prophet is also free even in their prison, free from all cares and free to direct as the Lord directs.

You are most correct, Chasy, in observing that they demand that we worship that white evangelical-LDS god, or you don't get to be free. This is why the Prophet is in their prison for a moment, because of his faith in fearing and obeying God to bring forth seed from the first-fruits of puberty. While a vile nation murders its children by the millions, it accuses a small flock of the most serious crime of entering into marriages, and that being the only charge against the Prophet, for living according to God's Law to "Bring forth thy first fruits" (Ex.22:29, Mt.7:16, Rev.22:2): That's the Word of the Lord. The New Testament prophet prophesied you would legislate against marriage (I Tim. 4:3). Yet, you promote mass-rape as consensual-sex, and mass-murder as pro-choice, and call it "law", replacing God's law with the law of Lucifer!

Governments and churches do not determine our freedom. Only God does that, and has instituted governments to merely protect those freedoms, free to raise families according to the dictates of our own conscience, not to destroy them. In so doing, the government is only destroying itself. This is why Senator John McCain was asked by Katie Curic yesterday: "Besides your family, what are you most afraid of losing". With deep reflection, the man said: "My country", and he nearly wept. Yes, you freed yourself from the religious tyranny of King George, but now you're entering into the final and devastating tyranny of a modern King George and the methodical witch-hunts of his Methodist-Evangelical-LDS cabal

You say: "I don't see God as the giver of our Constitution. We gave it to ourselves. For evangelicals to be taking credit for this is like the thief taking credit because the stolen goods were recovered". Your constitution will never recover in your tyranny with fellow atheists and religionists and politicians, with the Devil at your back. This land is soon to be swept clean. Talk about thieves taking credit, you thief. You confessed yesterday to stealing radios from peoples' cars, and mil-spec parts from your government, and to destroying your brain with an excess of sex and drugs during your hippie-days, and to the democratic platform of rape and murder, and you presume to instruct us how we should live and vote. You two-faced infidel criminals. God will take your very lives in just a few more months, because your crimes are capital crimes, sin unto death.

You dare to challenge God, and His very hand in instituting this nation and this theocracy? If God hadn't given the revolutionaries their very breath and courage and inspiration, and been the very force in rallying allies, they wouldn't even have had the strength to lift a single coffee-bean into Boston Harbour. That is how puny and insignificant, even non-existent they would have been, as this nation is now fast becoming. You are truly twisted little men. Your excess of sex and drugs and violence against the most innocent of our citizens have truly messed up your brains.

You end your sniveling drivel by saying: "Faith is essential, yes, but not the narrow backward yearning faith of theocrats." Just my faith, not yours. What is left for God to do with such men, except to cast them far from this earth, so that the narrow and yearning faith may flourish:

"Straight is the gate and NARROW the way that leadeth unto life" (Matt.7:14).

"His bowels YEARN" (Gen.43:30, I Kings 3:26).

"If therefore thou shalt not watch (or YEARN), I will come upon thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee" (Rev.3:3).

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 12:34 pm
Environment & Morality
CHASY (10-28-07 1:04 AM):

What you describe as the amoral behavior of religionists trumping morals while abusing the environment and certain classes of citizens, also regards ever aspect of their lives. They just use religion because it's convenient, like candy in a convenience-store. It just tastes good, and they can go there and be seen in public, as right proper tasters and exhibitionists of themselves. It is the spin zone, or political correctness, to deceive while scandal and terror run wild, until the full consummation decreed in the Heavens.

Is my religion the same way? As for my religion, it is just as false if it is the religion of Street, or just a gutter-religion. It is only a true religion if it is the religion of God brought down to earth and kept intact with the Ancient Order. You say that "theology is a mess, and that the only thing to do is to last". Amen Brother! The only way to endure is to maintain the eternal doctrines, powers, influences, elements, principles, laws, policies, and practices that rule the heavens, and the little heaven on earth. Then, everything lasts, enduring forever.

I don't know about an Al Gorithm for presidentialism, or even a peace-prize. He and his fella politicians are killing millions of babies in their public and private support of that policy, while trumpeting the morals of environmental protection and all the popular issues of the day, as they trash the planet with fire and health crises and economic crises and many other disasters, in order to support their policies and their presence as crucial to its protection. "Just trash it, and then we'll step in as the managers of the affairs of state to manage the chaos and the crises that we create. Then we are heroes, because we saved the day under such great crisis".

It is well known that these events are well planned behind the closed doors of the Bilderbergers and the Councils on Foreign Relations, and the Masonic Lodges around the globe, and in the academia and the think-tank Institutes of government. God is at work in using His ministers of Government to bring about the end. "Peace, Peace (we shall offer peace and prosperity everywhere), and there shall be no peace". There is no peace in terrorizing millions of innocent newborns, let alone billions of earth's citizens in trash and burn policies to destroy the earth. The FLDS prophets have warned the people in their tremendous love for you, and the anger of the nations has been fomented because of it, by them that hate God and His earthly children for political gain, while preaching peace, prosperity, and good order.

"And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto Thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear Thy name small and great, and shouldest destroy them that destroy the earth". (Rev.11:18).

The earth is but a speck, a datapoint in the cosmos, like you suggest, and the experiment of man fails for its opposition to the Plan of God for mankind and all his undertakings, including worship and business and environment and foreign relations, and every aspect of life. Then you CANNOT move on like you suggest. Your progress is stopped, and while the dogs bark the caravan of the saints is what moves on. The entire population of the planet can be saints if they would, and so be blessed to move on throughout eternity, but most of those who call themselves saints are not so if they are not "known by their fruits" or gifts (Mt.7:16).

These fruits are the many children or the fruits of the body-M, but much more. It extends also to disciplined learning or the fruits of the mind-Mm, and to strict observance of truth and unity, the fruits of the soul-A. Then also, there are the fruits of the spirit-K (I Cor.12:1), with "a difference of administrations, operations, and manifestations": The word of wisdom-C, word of knowledge-B, faith-D, healing-C, miracles-G, prophecy-T, discernment-Y, tongues-N, interpretation of tongues-H. Then you may come to the perfect environment and morality, even heaven on earth, which is about to return to its Paridisical Glory, with Christ and His Saints ruling the earth for a thousand years, and into all eternity with the Gods.

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