Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 12:40 pm
You can edit til somebody posts behind you, then it is sealed for all eternity...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 12:43 pm
This reminds me of a quote from that fine old flick "The Ruling Class", starring Peter O'Toole:

Lady Claire Gurney: How do you know you're God?
Jack Arnold Alexander Tancred Gurney, 14th Earl of Gurney: Simple. When I pray to Him, I find I am talking to myself.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 03:28 pm
Ah, Wilderness.
0 Replies
anton bonnier
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 07:57 pm
Anybody out there read all that crap???
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:00 pm
Faith vs Despair
Here are a few more CRAP samples from Polyg Talk and Texaspolygamy forums, for those whose lives remain in a WILDERNESS, as a wildabeast.

Faith vs Despair

It's like lord Colon said in the dialog of the dirty religionist and the fine agnostic or vicey-versy (Ramblings). The key is faith, and as Colon says, even agnostics have faith, and I would add that it is often a greater faith than the false faith of a false religionist. The key then is "faith unto salvation", and let's give a Mormon reference this time, which I seldom do, to see if there is any such faith (Mosiah 3:9-12).

There is faith that one can walk, talk, snort, or give retort, because you know by experience that these are easy tasks. But they do not save you, or grant you an eternal salvation. First of all, eternal salvation is God's salvation, for God is eternal. Secondly, there are degrees of such salvation, the highest involving exaltation to godhood. Thirdly, any salvation involves laws and ordinances, and the authority to administer them, even if it is only to unseal or unbind persons or nations, so that they are not sealed in the heavens. Then there is despair.

Yes, a true prophet comes to save the world, to that degree of glory in exact accordance with their faith and adherence to those laws. "All blessings are predicated upon law. And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is in obedience to that law upon which it is predicated" (D&C 130:20). Whether it is the blessing of despair from the excess of the agnostics to goad them into meekness, faith, and hope, or the blessings of meekness, faith, hope, and peace in the true religionist spoken of by…John, everyones' fate is predicated upon the eternal law of restitution, like for like.

I was going to refer to John in his usual attire, as Colon or Toilet, but some of what he says in fact comes from a good heart and a good mind betimes, even if he's only gotten it from a book or a few of the head-shrinks and drug counselors he may have been seeing. Wherever truth is found, Mormonism accepts it and makes it their own, if it is a true and fundamentalist Mormonism.

Jim is right, a true prophet in Christ comes to save the whole world, according to their capacity of faith unto salvation, and the law in which they abide. For the Lord and His church do not force the human mind. They cast out of the gates according to the faith and behavior and desire of each individual, and the law in which they abide (Mt.10:34). So the so-called "little group of misfits stuck out in the desert", what Christ calls the "Little flock", is a great complement. It is when you FIT IN to a perverse society (vs begin a misfit to such perversity), that you are in real trouble. The greatest prophets in history found themselves stuck in a desert. So the signs aree all there of a true people, those who are true to their belief and practice it.

As for what the Prophet has recorded, it is all according to the scripture, the Word of God. So you needn't fret your gizzard. Peace my child. If you're agnostic, or only a pseudo-religionist, then to you it is only "Crap and hatred", because crap and hatred are the only things that you are familiar with. But if there are things that the Fundamentalist Church hates, "These things doth the Lord HATE" (Prov.6:16), and according to the King, "Your iniquity is found to be hateful" (Ps.36:2).

The Nephite is correct: God and his prophets are the truest love. There is only hate and destruction in accepting and coddling and continuing sin within the family. This is why the Lord and His Prophet casts them out (Mt.10:34). To cast them out is great love for all parties concerned, and never an issue with the Priesthood except to be free of them. It becomes and issue with society on the out and on the take, for demons rule them and scandalize them freely.

They are all cast out, that all may enjoy the element, the circumstance, the influence, and the society that they desire most. The Lord and His Prophet set them free, although they are slaves unto themselves because of the parable of the sower where an enemy came in and sowed the tares. To fail in casting them out is to join in the hatred and corruption of devils. Again the standard of Christ (Mt.10:34). He himself casts them out, and shows he way that the Prophets have gone. Then you have cleared the way for the light. Like the Nephite says, if you fight that Priesthood, then you are in darkness, which is only hate and violence, squabbling and corruption, mocking God upon the earth, the very God who created you.

The hatred of blacks that Jim spoke of, and the bleeding of the beast, and the ripping of boys from their families, is what Americans do quite thoroughly. Both history and current events show the hatred of blacks in America, and the massive tax and benefits frauds across the country, and the ripping of children from their families enmass, in divorce and from the very womb by the millions, literally slaying them.

It's always been the love of the FLDS Prophets for the black man to tell them and all men, honestly, how they can reprove and remove their Satanic conditions, and how the black man will receive the great blessings of heaven in time. All taxing agencies who have had anything to do with the FLDS Church (before the LDS Church got all its ducks lined up in government to attack them), all these agencies have bragged about the FLDS promptness in paying its taxes and benefiting the communities they've touched, where lawful taxes were owed. It is the hatred and scandal of dissidents and activists who have been rebuked that is most glaring, but God's hand is in it all.

It is never a bleeding of the beast to feed children. The bleeding is in the aborting of these 100 million innocent lives that have been slain, because of "Law and Order". The law accepted the FLDS applications for aid, so it was lawful and right, and they even KNEW that the mothers applying as single parents were not single. It was the acceptable way of aiding them, they having been hated and cast into a desert by a jealous and abusive church and government agencies over the years. Even up to the current day, the prophets have been persecuted and cast out: LeRoy Johnson from his Salt Lake home, Rulon Jeffs from his Salt Lake home, then Warren Jeffs from his Colorado City home. It is the leaders that the Devil attacks, since they are the greatest threat to his corruptions and scandals in office, and wouldn't be intimidate into accepting government crimes against women and children in the name of health-care and education.

As for the Prophet commanding the girls, a man who commands such respect of thousands of innocent girls will always receive it, like he does. If he in his great love has risked all he has, and even his very life, to warn the billions of earth's citizens against restitution for their crimes against the Law of the Lord, in order to save them, it is what he has now done with the publishing and availability of some of his sermons throughout the earth, and he even suffers imprisonment for the warning and respect that he commands. This is truly incomprehensible love. Truly, those who obey will ascend. To mock the Lord's promises of ascent is to hate society, and to prove an enemy to society.

Judge not in error, lest ye be so judged, and like the FLDS who have turned the other cheek, it is so that you may kiss it. The Lord is now doing battle all around you, against a society that turns against the truth, and mocks it as evil, and casts them out, casting the first stone, while scandal fills your cities and those who rule over you. He is using His ministers in government to wage the battle in terror and invasion of immigrants, exporting you jobs and removing your rights and your Constitution, and even your freedom to worship and to pray, while great storms and earthquakes and asteroids prepare to sweep the wicked off the face of the land, all who defile God's heritage.

The FLDS have nearly ceased to petition their government for redress, knowing the enemy within, while continuing to love their neighbor as themselves, and even their enemies. This does not mean to welcome their crimes, but only to leave them behind and love them from afar, even as God the Father loves us from afar, until we repent. The Hebrew for "Love" is Abigal: "Father or source of joy". So to love is to be a source. Our neighbors are then free to come to us and to our high standard. God never comes down to grovel with man in his loathsome standards, without providing a way to lift them up as He was lifted up into heaven. We must rise to that love, to the source, so that God and His Prophet can love us. Love is the source. God is the source. God is love.

Love and light ascend and descend the Tree of Life, the spiritual union of two lovers, reverberating life as an electric current. It is the work of such light or doctrine to burn within the temple, the person, and to burn out the grossness within us when it descends upon us, if we do not resist it. Otherwise, it is replaced by your darkness that the Nephite told you about. Then, you suffer eternal doom from that moment that you reject anything that comes from God.

The FLDS are the light on the hill, and the great example of love today, and forgive as Christ forgave the Jews. Yet they were destroyed! Why? Because He loves them. That is why. "For whom the Lord loveth, He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son He receiveth. If ye endure chastisement, God dealeth with you as with sons, for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards and not sons" (Hebews 12:8-9).

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:07 pm

I felt like you people needed to fast. Dinner is now served (oh yummy). Now wash your little hands, folded snuggly and tight, and don't forget the blessing. Do enjoy, and don't slobber. Take it in, beyond what you've been taught in school, book, song, or rhyme. Then when done, brush your teeth for such dining sublime.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:12 pm
Finishing School
(Three General Rules of Hygiene)

Finishing schools aren't what they ought to be. They don't teach you how to dress appropriately for a lady. Nor do they teach you how to talk and think like a right proper lady in waiting for her lord. They don't even teach you something so basic as how to wipe yourselves. Anyone opposed to the FLDS Church are quite lacking in their manners and their pollution of body and mind. So I will do the honors of instructing the crude and the juvenile in good proper manners, until they git all gwowed up. I know I must always remain politically correct, so the following would be consistent with correct behavior:

1. You people, make sure when you wipe snot on your sleeves, as many juveniles are prone to do, that you don't let it get too crusty. It would be quite for the better for you to wash it once in awhile, lest you get the notion of using it for a baseball bat on someone's balls. That would be of the baseball variety. The lesson here is to keep your noses clean, allegorically speaking.

2. Be ye clean: When you ladies sit down on the toilet to take a ****, make sure all your poop goes in the
toilet, and not leave some smeared in the crack of your ass. Your social and moral poop hide within the cracks and crevices of your communities like skeletons in a closet. You always want to flush out all such corruption, just like the Prophet does, or else you defile life itself, for the life of the body or the church is pure. Their souls are precious, but the corruption is not. So if you bemoan the cleansing, then you are ripe for a right good cleansing. An immoral woman is just a tusch wrapped around a turd.

The lesson here is the corruption and fall of a nation, which is quite like that. All a prophet has to do is sit, push, and splash, like sitting on a toilet. He did sit in judgment on the people, and now extends it to the nation, for "from my house shall it go forth" (I Pet.4:17, D&C___). Push came to shove, and all that's left is the splash.

3. When you lovely ladies sit down on your white throne to take a royal crap, make sure you're not wearing
those sick panties of yours. Then you are not lovely, but hateful of what is wholesome and decent and secure. You'll want to wear something more appropriate to that cranny ceremonial event, that cleansing. When you git a kick out of arousing mens' largeness with a dripping rag that you call intimate apparel, you morph from a lady to a dog, and a filthy one at that. We're not talking puppy-love here. The lesson here is the morality and continual cleansing of God's throne, so that it is always pure.

There, I'm finished. How'd you fokes like lesson one of Finishing School. Lesson Two will be alot more poisanal.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:14 pm
Finishing School-2
JIM: 11-07-2007 9:36 PM

When you focus on "stupid garbage", you miss the lessons. Then you flunk Finishing School with the ladies. The gross elements that the lessons refer to are just digested elements that Christ calls dung, and today the common term in English is not dung but ****, or poop, or feces, or kwap, or whathavya. It doesn't matter. They are the symbolism of the higher meanings. This is why I concluded each of the 3 Rules with a lesson, the allegorical meaning of the literal interpretation, see.

It is the literal, the gross elements (garbage), bodily or earthly things, that the juvenile mind is inundated with, because his or her hormones are waking up, or out of control. So most everything to the juvenile or to young spirits is focused on the body and on earthly things. Everything of the mind or soul (adult lessons) to them, is just garbage. They can't see the forest for the trees. They can't see the big picture, because their focus is on the few trees or people and the mere physical presence around them.

It is the non-physical elements that the juvenile has to begin to grasp, in order to crawl out from their chosen garbage labels for everything they don't understand. You cannot crawl out of it if you don't even see the garbage in the first place, and understand its place in cleaning out the refuse, or in fertilizing the ground. When farmers do organic farming, it is the very **** that they cherish most, the very basis of organic farming. But **** doesn't grow from it. Something else entirely different, beautiful, and tasteful springs up from the ****, the dung, or the ****-tim wood of the altar of sacrifice.

The pooping is the sacrifice, whether it's digested food, possessions, evil passions, prejudice, ignorance, addictions, envyings, strifes, immoralities, they all have to be sacrificed, pooped out, or spewed out, as the Lord puts it (Rev.3:16). Once you see the **** as a value at an earthly level, as well as a symbolism of the higher planes of conscience and dimensions of space, you overcome the strife and ignorance, the activist and accusatory stance of the juvenile just becoming active in body and mind, discovering his place in life. Then you take on more maturity and can see things more clearly, and the bluntness is less necessary or disturbing.

**** is ****, and a most valuable commodity. You cannot learn allegory and subtlety without first having the blunt physical lessons of directness and symbolism, because it is the physical plane and the body that you are focused on, in the beginning of your ascent. There are seven stages of the ascent, and of meaning for every word and concept, from the gross physical element, up through the seven gradations of the Tree, Jacob's Ladder (Gen.28:12). Once you accept the fact that ladies ****, just like men do, and can honesty speak of it in the open, then the weaker sex can no longer have such a hold on a man, to make him weak like unto themselves.

Look at the child. All learning begins with the gross rudiments of burping, potty (mouth) training, then crawling, then standing, then walking, then jumping, and finally, flying as the angels do do. See, seven stages for the monkey. Likewise in religious, social, economic, political, scientific, environmental, or any other aspect of one's life or education. As long as one continues to throw tantrums over the realities of the gross elements or the elemental chart, which scientist study or apply every day, you cannot learn anything at all. You just remain a bump on the log, spewing the activism of a juvenile in discovery and self-importance, while standing neck-deep in your own raw sewage, being focused solely on the offensiveness of the gross elements at the expense of its deeper meaning and usefulness and symbolism.

Sacrifice is the meaning of it all, and there are seven planes of the sacrifice (M-K): Earthly element (possessions), water element (passions), fire element (movement), air element (breath), ether element (senses), thought element (thought itself), and light element (single thought over time), for a total of seven sacrifices, for the eighth element (pure spirit element, which is even more refined and powerful than light). When we poop or sacrifice at each level, we sacrifice something gross for something greater (the next level), like the Gods themselves when they poop or spew out even heaven and earth, which pass away, so that they may be purified and joined together into greater and greater star systems of the cosmos.

Scientists analyze even ****. Analyze it: Sh (as in quiet)…It. See, when you freely sacrifice or silence or still something, and give it up, without any offense as to its reality and usefulness on the ladder, then you have cleared the path for the next plane of your ascent. Then, they no longer seize you or disaffect you, for you have recognized their place and mastered them, instead of them mastering you. Then you utilize them in their proper place, in your creations in eternity. Then, you go from diapers, straight into training-pants, with barely a fart or objection to disrupt other students attending the Finishing School like yourself.

The gross elements will never go away. They are part of science, and the theological sciences of the Gods, by which they create. How so? By "Peresh", to perish or sacrifice, to unite the lower elements with the higher and more refined and sanctified elements. The Hebrew for poop or dung is "Peresh". Adam and Even used the **** after the fall, or the shittim wood for the symbolic altar of sacrifice. He's the one who revealed it to Moses (Exodus 27:1). These eternal sacrifices are what clear out the pathways or channels of energy, so that the creative forces can become active and continue, and not be stopped or damned (like a stream that has been damned).

In closing, as long as this eternal process of creation called sacrifice of gross elements scares you sick, and divorces you from your Eternal Father, you remain a "sick little bastard", as you so well put it. That's not you. I judge better of you. Then you become efficient in manipulating the elements of creation into miraculous works of theology, the arts and sciences and creations of the Gods, no matter how dirty the elements are. This makes you a master of your own destiny, mind-over-matter, so that the gross elements no longer disaffect you or hold you down. This is how Christ walked on water, and ascended into heaven, by mastering the heavier metals within and casting them out.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:16 pm
FLDS: Fields of Dreams

There's a movie called "Field of Dreams" that says "If you build it, He will come", "Go the distance", and "Ease His pain". The FLDS church has built it, a field of bases or fundamentals, going the distance of dedication and Yearning For Zion, by their fruits and by their works. Therefore the messengers and the Gods come, expanding heaven's operations on this earth until it fills the whole world and turns it into a Heaven, for the creation and population of new worlds.

As for the world, they're so full of ****. They could market it and start a new agricultural BOOM. Just point your asses toward your assigned farms and let her rip: KA-BOOM! Instant furtilization. In all your pains, this is one way you can spell "Relief", by cleaning yourselves out really good.

You'd be following the fine example of those very people out there at the YFZ Ranch who have spewed out undesirable elements from their body politic, and are Yearning For Zion, putting their money and backbone where their mouths are, and practicing what they preach to themselves body, mind, and soul, casting out every worldly corruption, bringing in the sheaves, and "bringing forth the first fruits", that which is purest at puberty, according to the law and the Constitution, the Right to Life (Ex.22:29, Rev.22:2).

God is the giver of life, and for every criminal who opposes this, it is only KA-BOOM (Rev.2:26, 11:18).
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:18 pm
Gradations of Crime
Ramblings (Nov.4 1:28 PM)

UNCHASTE: You speak of "gradations along dimensions of thought", as if that were something so awesomely deep and scientific that surely it will serve well to deceive the gullible and confuse the human mind, as well as to justify gradations and dimensions of crime and sin, the abuse of power, abortion, and every shade of debauchery, and why? Because you can twist and turn and shout and reason your gradations along dimensions until hell freezes over, and still come to naught. Why? For the simple fact that they are still crimes that you espouse and participate in, and encourage others to join you in. It is boneless, spineless, even criminal, to encourage the espousing of crimes that you suggest, and to justify them by what you call "pragmatic expedience", or because you're "a bit of a pragmatist":

TO WIT: You decry "theologians being true to theology", as if truth and the science of God were the crime. This is the very work of Satan on this earth, and the cause of all crime, to belittle truth and the science of the heavens, and to promote its opposite, because Satan is the enemy of God and all that is good. Now, you are absolutely right to bemoan that "you perverse theologians do what you do so theologians can be true to their perverse theology"? Likewise, you can say that "you perverse scientists do what you do so that you scientists can be true to your perverse science". Being true is always the hallmark of every good society, but if you are only being true to perversities and to falsehoods, that is the ultimate untruth.

Truth is the science of God (theology), but in both science and theology, truth itself has been turned on its head. "Theo" means God, and "ology" the science of. How can that be false on its own. It is only false in the manipulations of man, and thus the many false "theologies". Truth is espoused as the very basis of all social, religious, economic, environmental, and political ethics. Every large organization and every government has its ethics panels to do one thing: To go through the motions of finding the truth (but only when it is pragmatic and expedient), and to be true to their science or theology, their moral and scientific and political platforms of belief, unless it challenges the wealth and power of its leaders. Then, the opposite of truth is deemed the best, because it is"pragmatic and expedient, like the apostate LDS Church prostituting or selling themselves for expedience. A society that has lost its morals is a doomed society, no matter how many "programs" you instigate to combat the epidemic of scandals and problems that ensue from a loss of morals. This just makes you a giant cult: American CULTure, seeking to cult-ivate lies because you are pragmatic and want gain, even an empire. You are only educated derelicts.

TO WIT: For the sake of "pragmatic expedience", you justify the epidemic of scandals in office, and the slaying of millions on millions of innocent children, and every sort of crime, because you're "a bit of a pragmatist", because it is often expedient so that leaders, organizations, and people can enjoy their flings and then brush off all responsibility. This is why social, religious, economic, environmental, and political disasters rule the day, because YOU are the disasters. Until you cease this criminal justification of every ill and every crime for expedience sake, and for advantage and limiting responsibility (ie: abortion whenever parents are not feeling responsible, or pollution and theft when corporations and governments want an easy killing), then all the foaming at the mouth about solutions and social ills will do nothing whatsoever to solving any problems. You will only heap up more problems until society collapses, and that my boy is where it's headed head-long today. This is the very goal of Satan and of globalist empire-builders. You cannot have a one-world government without collapsing the most powerful government still in existence. And well should such perversity be collapsed, to test the peoples' minds and resolve, and to destroy what is not durable nor true. So they are God's ministers in that way (Romans 13:4-6).

Pragmatism means "materialistic and expedient, path of least resistence, busy, or down-to-earth". That is the very thing that spawns your unchaste and criminal tendency and behavior, for it is the abandonment of its opposite: The spiritual path or more resistence from the gross materialistic element. This is what spawns the mass killings of babies in America today, 4,000 slain daily for the past 35 years, like a town every day! This is what spawns the extensive daily wasting of the earth and environment and innovation, for selfish and irresponsible materialistic and satanistic ends, and so your political lovers can woo you in their media, showing themselves as your saviors and heroes from the disasters they themselves create, because it is pragmatic and expedient (for them). Then you call for legalizing more abortions. Hell fire and damnation, man. Your thirst for blood will surely come upon you. You won't be satisfied until our cities flow with blood, up to the horses' bridles. Does legalizing crime make it any less a crime? No, it turns crime into a pandemic, until you are fully wasted.

TO WIT: You glorify sin and crime as pragmatic. All that is earthy, materialistic, and sensual, is the enemy to all that is heavenly, spiritualistic, and ascetic. They are on the opposite ends of the cosmic spectrum between the sick-amore earth and the eternal heavens, between Malchut and Keter (Is.9:10). Men and governments sow to the body and to materialism, to the justification of crime and deviance, because it's pragmatic and expedient to you, something you can wrap your filthy little hands around and hoard to yourselves honor, and then slough off any responsibility. The FLDS has accumulated some means of support by their tithes and their industry, and whatever aid the government lawfully gave to support families and life itself, without shirking the duties of the family to multiply, even as the stars multiply and fill up the immensity of space. How so? Not by earthy and materialistic and sensual means, buy by heavenly and spiritual and ascetic principles, by the scriptural laws of consecration and placement.

Living their whole life in Yearning For Zion, everyone who has intelligence will agree is the opposite of earthy. Giving all you have to the Lord through a prophet, everyone will agree is the opposite of being materialistic. Refusing to participate in the pleasures of the senses, of perverse relations and recreations, and hiding away from the world and from worldliness, everyone will agree is ascetic, the opposite of being sensual. It is the very definition of the word.

TO WIT: You vilify the virtuous, and virtuous practices and beliefs. So Chaster, why all the confusion my boy. It is because you are unchaste, not "Chaster" as you seek for yourself as a namesake. You are earthy, materialistic, and sensual like a teenaged brat, most juvenile and immature. Thus, I am correct in stating that you don't have your diaper on straight, so it makes you cranky. Abstinance (from earthly and bodily and sensual appetites) is the ultimate conservation and renewable resource, because all creation and all triumph begin within. Solar-systems begin with "sole", the energy centers of the chakra, nine wheels within wheels, until they become planets, a net of planes or dimensions (Ezek.1:20). This is where Cha-ster's or Cha-rles's name shines, if he can ever begin to adhere to the strict universal order without consideration for expedience or materialism. It is Elijah's Cha-riot of fire, or Chi, by which spirit-element angels move and create worlds.

You only tend to believe that theology is delusional because of the dominance of false theologies on a materialistic plane, and your sad experience of great delusions within false theologies and false sciences: "I will send them strong delusions… that they should believe a lie and be damned"(2 Thes.2:11). This is achieved by polluting your worship, environment, national security, employment, social conditions, by skillful manipulation of lies in government and media, and by war, natural disasters, and finally death: Damned, your progress stopped for a few aeons, until another cycle rolls around. "I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them, because when I called, none did answer. When I spake, they did not hear, but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not". (Is.66:4).

This way, God's little poo poo's will poop themselves dry of their gross materialism and their perverse pragmatism. Then, they can begin to go to work with daddy in the creation of worlds without end, after they have suffered enough cycles of mortality and enough aeons of waiting between mortalities to make them sick of continually changing themselves when momma won't change them. God your Father is one eternal round, and changeth not (Mal.3:6, Ps.15:4, D&C 20:12, 17). His is the one true science and theology, the one that changeth not, but in a changing world the one that is most hated in a humble servant in a jail in Southern Utah. That is your own downfall, not his.

TO WIT: You criminalize all that is good, and seek pragmatic explanations and justifications for all that is evil. Then you bemoan the spawning and proliferation of crime and the millions in our jails. The true scientific answer to criminology is the science of the Gods, true constitutional Theology hanging by a thread in a jailhouse in Southern Utah. Forget the defiled theologies of man that encumber this choice land, that pollute God's heritage and defy all reason. We are talking one true and undefiled theology known only in the heavens, and in a small elect FLDS flock of saints having "come out of the world, to be not partakers of her sins" (Rev.18:4), having also to authority and the ordinances to do so.

TO WIT: Then you demonize them because they are not of the world nor of "the prince of this world" (Jn.14:30). The whole world has witnessed your bemoanings of this fact that they have abandoned the world, and thus obeyed the God of Heaven in the above scripture (Jn.14:30). And this, because they cover their bodies instead of sexualizing them like sex-offenders do, because they cast out men and boys who have been sown of tares by an enemy (according to Mt.13:25), instead of keeping them in violation of the law of God and the law of the land which outlaw domestic violence of any kind. You demonize because they fear God and not man, in exact accordance with His word, like Joseph cast into jail by his brethren of the larger church (Gen.42:18), or like Moses commanding the law of the land to obey (Ex.9:30).

You demonize them because they marry or offer up to their Lord, Jesus Christ, the first fruits of the body at puberty, as God commands all Christians who are truly Christian to do (Ex.22:29, Neh.10:37), as Christ also is of the woman's first fruits (I Cor.15:23). Note in Nehemia (10:37) the specificity: "We should bring the firstfruits of our dough". Dough droops, and "Dough" in Hebrew is "Eryah or Ariyph": "Nudity, and to droop or drip". You can't get much more specific than that. This is God's command to the Christian, and the FLDS Church is the true Christian.

Yes, your reasons to demonize may be as legion as the legions of devils within you, yet not one of them can stand the light of day, nor endure the terrors and judgments that are now beginning to sweep this nation clean of its inhabitants, and the FLDS lamentations will be even greater than the lamentations of Jeremiah or of the Nephites, for so many lost souls, so many!

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:21 pm
Gross Arrogance

The year I was born, the animals were affright, the stars aligned, and the spiral arms of the galaxy warped, like a giant cosmic burp in the heavens. If you do not believe me, just ask me. Then I will tell you it is so. Would you attack and mock that fact, because you are violent and ignorant? Now, I'm not saying all this happened at my birth because some scrawny thing popped out like a cork from a bottle or the popping sound of bubble-wrap, before coming in for a landing upon the earth with the energy of a claymore mine. I'm just saying the heavens recognized my birth, and yours too, and everyone else's. Each one of God's children is an entire universe in embryo, so you can be sure that He recognizes each one with much greater energy than you do in recognizing the rebirth of a church with the protrusion of gasses from your bowels.

You see, whenever a child is born, the animals in the area are aware, and there are star alignments every year somewhere, for each birth, according to astrological knowledge, and always some galactic warping. For the heavens are alive for the birth and life of each soul. So is it true indeed that the year I was born, the animal were affright, the stars aligned, and the galaxy warped? These are most natural occurrences within nature (or just say "nachu" if you still can't say your "R"'s).

You poo poos, you poopers, attack the credibility and the right of members of a church to raise a family, or two families, or any number of families, as if raising families was a crime. All of creation is fertile with life. It is only the gross arrogance and ignorance of an evil empire of sex-offenders and criminals of every stripe, to label the raising of families as a crime in the name of law and order and religiosity, claiming they are not going after the plurality of families, and then going on record bragging of success in going after the plurality of families, the shutting down of polygamy, those who fear not man but only God and His name, "the woman clothed with the sun" (Rev.12:1). This just proves the lie, as does also your imprisonment of heads of families, and your murder of millions of innocent children, and your gross and ongoing scandals in office, the people continuing to support it as the peoples' law and pro-choice, and "pro-life", even as you continue the slaughter. Who indeed is the criminal, the nations who are angry and destroying whatever good is left, and promoting evil on every side?

What do the angels with your Redeemer say about you, about this very day when this very thing would take place in these latter times? "And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets and to the saints, and them that fear Thy name, small and great, and destroy them which destroy the earth" (Rev.11:18).

Why do you support it? It is because of the rebuke of the Prophet of the Lord (Mt.10:34), and your hurt pride and arrogance and shirking of responsibility against the law of nature itself, the law of God to bring forth your first fruits at puberty (Ex.22:29, Mt.7:16). This is the law of the Jews and of the saints, and of Jesus Himself at age 12, not as the dogs do, for Jesus defied you as the dogs. So what is your response in these latter times, departing from the faith for statehood and other gains, and lying about it to cover up?

"Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits (as dogs), and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy…forbidding to marry". See, just as plain as the longer and longer and longer noses on your faces. Therefore, you are now swimming upstream against the deadliest torrents and terrors, and your national security is become your nightmare, and your employment is exported, and your privacies gone as a Patriot Act, and even the acts of God are directly and emphatically against you, and nothing can save you. The Lord has spoken against governors, attorney-generals, judges, and lawyers, so they come for a moment and then go to face their eternal fate, for their hand in these crimes against the families of those who "fear not man, but only God", the favorites of heaven. So heaven begins now to do battle against you, ye serpents and vipers who strike at anything that walks.

Your Redeemer: "Woe unto you lawyers" (Lk.11:46). "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell"? (Mt.23:33). Yes, the Prophet rightfully cast out many dogs and devils who were destroying the community standards. If he did this under the influence of a devil, under whose influence will the wicked destroy the wicked? "But if I, by Beezelbub, cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out"? Therefore, THEY shall be your judges". You now have to stick it up your fanny and be content. "The hour of His judgment is come" (Rev.14:7). The stage is set.

"The merchandise of the souls of men and the fruits thy soul lusted after, are departed from thee" (You have made merchandise of these young brides and lusting after their early family successes)…"Rejoice, ye holy apostles and prophets, for God has avenged" (Rev.18:13, 20). "The Comforter reproves the world of (your) judgment, because the prince of this world is judged" (Jn.16:11).

I now prophecy in the name of YeHoVaH. The Prophet of the Lord, Warren Jeffs, sails victorious over all his enemies, with a supreme triumph that will last for a thousand years, and then into all eternity. Forever and ever, he will triumph with Jesus Christ of whom he is a prisoner, and with Father Michael, the destroying angel, and all the angels. Even now, he triumphs over every foe, and they know it not, for their end is come. Within a decade, it will all be over, even the desolation that is decreed upon this nation:

"The earth is defiled under the inhabitants thereof, because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinances (even for this Prophet), and broken the Everlasting Covenant" (of marriage). (Is.24:5, I Tim.4:3, Lk.1:72, Gen.12:3, D&C 132:4), "that ye may eat your own dung and drink your own piss , something defiled which must then be destroyed (Is.36:12, I Cor.6:19, D&C 93:35).

Does this sound like a law-abiding population, a nation of law and order? It is just the opposite, isn't it. Therefore, "When they are ripened in iniquity, I will destroy them, saith the Lord" (Is.18:5, D&C 101:11, Ether 2:9, 9:20).

And so it is. The Word of the Lord.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:23 pm
Grow Up or Screw Up

Jim, I made the correction on this post that I think you was objecting to, the f… word, right? I hope that will be satisfactory. If there's anything else here that just smokes with unbearable truth, instead of deleting the entire post just highlight it in another post, or email me, so I can edit my post as I see fit, in my words, not yours. Thanks Jim.

The exact Hebrew of the f… word is two-fold: PAC: "To snare and spread out and make big", like a PAC-aderm, or a great big PAC-ific Ocean, or like you do to gullible and ignorant women. Or, you can substitute the Kaph (K) for the Camek (C), and get PAK or Phak (****), which means to guard and secure via a flask or vial or baster. Then, you maintain her purity from the gross physical element and immorality of a common sex-offender. By substituting the C in favor of the K, you have taken on the power of the crown, the totality of space, the power to actualize and create all things (K), and have replaced the endless cycle of life and death, the negative aspect of Camek (C) brought about by the sowing of death in the various abuses of the body and the mind. Do you see it now? Do you understand it? You will always remain in the filth of the mire of a corrupt language and their concepts, and the emotions and destructions they have on the body and the mind, as long as you fail to learn the ABC's, the rudiments of a pure language.

Therefore, when I say: "Make sure you don't f… your wife", that is most beneficial if your body and mind are not corrupted by the filth of a filthy language and a filthy lifestyle. Do not PAC (phac or ****) simply means do not snare and divide her apart like a piece of meat from the hunt. She deserves far better, particularly if there is a woman that you truly love and care about. But rather, Pak or Phak her, which is to guard her and give her security from such corruption, and let procreation by done by the honor and authority of a noble knight in shining armour. Only then can man begin to avoid the endless cycle of life and death, for you then begin to sew to life and spirit instead of death and the more gross elements that have only death in them. Even heaven and earth shall pass away, the physical globes, because all physical element is corrupt by nature.

Let's just take a second and look at the entire post from a more noble mind and application of language, and begin to learn the intent: To put off the corruption and take on incorruption. This is the whole thrust and purpose of what you have called "Potty-Mouth" language. It helps people to know the corruption of what they are doing, and to see a better way. Here is the post again, and then I will finish its meaning and intent in its entirety:
"How's everybody's sex-life? I hope you've overcome some since I have been your teacher ☺. Make sure you never f…your wife, or anyone else (PAC: to snare and divide her apart like a piece of meat from the hunt), lest she be scwewed and becomes unscwewed (which is death). She deserves far better than that. If you do, I'll put your Dick in a vice, your dic-tion in the category of moral intrepitude, for such vice and dereliction of duty. I'll make you cry Uncle, one who is much more nice and wise than that. Then I'll feed your nuts (cashews or whatever) to the squirrels, you hormonal disaster. Get a handle on it, man, if you really want to impress the ladies, but more particularly the lords. God is God of gods and Lord of lords" (Deut.10:17, I Cor.8:5).

"Dick" is capitalized, designating a person caught in a vice or a moral weakness. You NEVER capitalize a body part. So we are talking about people, not their private parts, for "God will not trifle with the souls of men". "Dick in a vice" is a person in a moral weakness. Also, did you forget? The Hebrew is Daka: "Collapse, destruction, beat to pieces". That is what such vices do to the body and the mind, and so you get caught in "the Camek: the endless cycle of life and death.

I can just hear Jim now: "Okay, smart ass, what about feeding my nuts to the squirrels? I will not have that. They are near and dear to me"! Most everyone has a favorite nut, or even IS a favorite nut in life of the party. I happen to enjoy Cashew Nuts very much, like Uncle Rulon did. If someone went and fed all my Cashews to wild squirrels, I guarantee I'd go NUTS. Seeing the above italicized post in a better light and a freer mind, you can overcome the forest for the trees (the corrupt Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil), and in turn begin to partake of the Tree of Life, the light and spirit that is in every word and every soul.

No one except corrupt devils in the lowest hell would be in opposition to such good, for the sake of mankind. So let's be grownups, and take a noble part in bringing private crimes against men and women to light, instead of joining with the common sex-offender in trying to hide it. Keep yourselves and your women immaculate and productive, and you shall never taste of death. You may joyfully pass the great water, but you won't taste it, fear it, or suffer endless cycles of life and death. That's the great work of priesthood and of godhood. So keep on keeping on. To consum-mate a marriage throughout the union, is to consume the gross with the mate, and sew garments and bodies of light.

So like I say, let's be grownups, and not be frightened by every wind that blows. I'm just being honest, and especially in my pure language. So don't corrupt it in your own corrupt usage. See the corruption for what it s, and then the incorruption for what it does to exalt mankind. Intelligence shows the way to purer meaning in what I say, stupid for the stupid, and exalted for exalted. There are elements of every language in the Adamic, and elements of the Adamic in every language.

You got that, poo poo? Don't be such a boo boo! The fright from an owl, that goes who who who who!
That would just be you, scamperin' in the doo doo, a widdo baby, going goo goo goo goo,
just like a gentile, or just like a crude Jew. For the sake of all, who may still be new new.
I bid you adieu, goo goo for the poo poo, that I may woo you, to far better doo doo,
Than found in the filth, of bad earthly boo boo. The mind of the few, who so few still know to,
beyond the knowledge, of the wicked voo doo. Rise above Daka, and you'll Roger that too.
Then see the glory, little purple pansy. Don't try to poke her, something crude and raunchy.
Lift her to heaven, in lovely song and dancing. One sweet and precious, fleeting in her glancing.
Spark of heavenly light, glory of a lily, daughter of the Father, unpretentious Mother.
Be ye so eternal, angels with the righteous, with worlds upon worlds, that's the truest lover.
0 Replies
anton bonnier
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:59 pm
Reminds me of the old days in Abuzz when they used to post long post of rubbish.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 12:03 am
You ever see a chattering chipmunk? Yut, yut, yut, if the women don't finja handsome, they sure finja handy, yut, yut. There's just nothing quite like a munk chip off the old block. Dat dat dat dat dat's me.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 12:07 am
Polygamist Warren Jeffs
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 12:09 am
A Parable

Now a parable. The Lord gave this parable to His children in Kindergarten ("Dick and Jane").He who controls his Dick (or himself) controls his Jane (the weaker sex). He who controls his brain controls another Jane, "some an hundred, some sixty, and some thirty" (Matt.13:23). He is not drunken in orgy, like the world that the Prophet rejects outright. He who controls such drunkenness or boozin' controls his Susan, the taming of the shrew. Then, he has Sharin and Angelic women to grace his life. They do not abandon him, knowing and proving he is innocent, as thousands of women flock around the man, Warren Jeffs, even now. "Dick" in the Hebrew is Daka: "To crumble, ruin, bruise, beat to pieces (his knob), crushed, injured, afflicted, oppressed". Poor Richard! Do you see it? The English is the corruption and crude application of the Hebrew. He who controls sexual abuse or sex-offenses against himself and others, has the power with God over numerous women, as the Prophet Warren does. All who say that he did this and that, in legal terms and according to the rules of the court, is called what? "Hearsay", the wranglings of mad activists and news media and politicians the world over, who are self-abused, and speak from the mirror of their own souls (Rev.12:9). Their sexual abuse is the basis and cause of such wranglings and madness, which leads to clouded minds and false judgments. There is no clarity in them. Just the ill-gotten quest for enrichment and glory.

Let's look at the rest of our kindergarten parable, "Dick and Jane" "He who controls his Dick or Daka, controls his Jane or Yanah". "Jane" in Hebrew is Yanah, which means: "To rage or be violent," as women are often known to do, being the weaker sex, and as the world (the whore) is violent today against a Prophet, having weaker and beclouded minds because of sexual abuse that is rampant in their society and their lawbooks, and because of the quest for enrichment and glory. They went after the UEP, knowing and bragging that it offered over a hundred-million dollars that could be controlled and divvied up, plus the prospect of removing an embarrassment to the governing church in Utah, which has also infiltrated throughout the national government, the embarrassment of the Word of God regarding plural marriage, as the LDS Church's own law-book (both Mormon and Christian) clearly states even today:

(D&C 132:62): "And if he have ten virgins given unto him by this law, he cannot commit adultery, for they belong to him". "All those who have this law revealed to them, must obey the same". For behold, I reveal unto you a new and EVERLASTING covenant" (v.3,4). Everything else shall be thrown down (v.13). You must receive it in THIS WORLD" (v.23). Therefore, this is the testimony and the judgment against all who are LDS. It's much easier and pleasurable for them to "DO IT" (SEX) on the fly, which is their Dick or Daka, and therefore their Jane or Yana (their abuse, and therefore their rage).

Let's finish our review of the parable: "He who controls such drunkenness of orgies or boozin' controls his Susan, the taming of the shrew, to domesticate and make divine, vs wild and of the nature of an filthy animal. "Susan" in the Hebrew is "Cuc" or "Cead", which means "To aid, to help, a helpmate or maid, to make or create". Adam gave all things their name in the beginning (Gen.2:19). In the Prophet and the FLDS Church, there are three degrees of glory: "Genesis or fertility, Exodus or Separation, and Leviticus or Salvation, the first three books, laws, or degrees. This maximum fertility and separation from the world is the focus of the FLDS Church and of the Prophet of God, Warren Jeffs, as co-creators or procreators of life on earth, according to divine nature, not the corrupt and wild and immoral conceptions of the world and of worldly men and women. Thus, all who remain in the world shall be deceived (Rev.12:9).

See, as Jim so wisely put it on the __________________thread (Sept. _________________, 2007), "to religious zealots with many hang-ups, there is a problem" (as with language). The English language is one of the most corrupt, having been corrupted from its origin and development "by religious zealots with many hang-ups", making the originators and speakers of the tongue the "potty-mouths", and minds. They have corrupted many good and proper terms and concepts, and make them evil, because they themselves are evil. So this will help some of the self-righteous, potty-mouthed zealots through their corruption, and back to the original culture and tongue, back to Adam and the paradisiacal glory.

A woman gittin laid (down to sleep in her jimmies at night), is far different and far better than being laid in the gutter you call a bed, "as a jewel of gold in a swine's snout (Prov.11:22), wallerin around in corruption with the enemies of the Prophet, and destroying her eternal heritage before God. This has always been true Mormon doctrine, FLDS doctrine. Dogs and pigs will hump a chump, but civil society will jump the sump and reach for divinity. The one is criminal, and the other subliminal. Man's best friend is God, not dog, and the man Warren Jeffs maintains the divine nature within him, vs the animal nature of the world that he has rejected.

He who controls the spice of life, the sweet aroma of many children, and their acceptance into the family unit, the united order which the Prophet will always control, the silence of the Stoa, the stillness of the universe, that man will control the universe. This is precisely how Christ stilled the waters of the storm-tosses seas, within and without, having all power, and yet He was crucified. The world that he has rejected has not stilled their seas. You are at war with yourselves today, within and without, at home and abroad, and therefore you can hardly judge or control yourselves, let alone the ultimate family man, Warren Jeffs. The terrorism of God is upon your cities (Gen.35:5, Is.33:18, Ezek.32:32, Romans 13:3, 2 Cor.5:11f).

The Prophet Warren in this way, has proven his innocence, casting out all who offend in these things, while lovingly caring for what remains, like Christ says of the faithful sower: "The Kingdom of Heaven is likened unto a man who sowed good seed in his field. So we see that the sowing is not the crime, but to oppose is the crime, keeping maidens barren and slaying what they sow in sin as "pro-choice". "But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares…Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? Nay. Let both grow until the harvest…" (Matt.13-24-40).

The earth is in the beginning stages of the harvest. Why did it begin with this Prophet, Warren Jeffs? Because the acceptable year of the harvest was 2,000 AD, the beginning of "the seventh day", when the Lord rests from all His work. "We have until the year 2,000" (LeRoy Johnson). This was when his father Rulon was still present (2,000 or 2,004 AD, as evidence shows that the calendar may be 4-years off). So the Prophet was acting for his father, as well as for the Father in Heaven, and carried the harvest himself in 2,004, into the seventh dispensation of the Gospel of Christ (Gen.2:2, Luke 23:56, Rev.14:13), the sifting of the wheat from the tares of rebellious children ("lost-boys") and from a rebellious nation. The day of rest for the earth is 2,000 to 3,000 AD, and since 2,000 the saints have been in rest, hidden up with their Lord. Then another little season for politicians and their demons after the next 1,000 years (Rev.20:3), before the earth becomes a star and takes her place among the Celestial Stars of the firmament.

This has always been the work and doctrine of the FLDS Prophet, and the nature of the man, the world's lies and seductions and maneuverings and perjuries notwithstanding. Any accusation to the contrary is political maneuvering and the mirror image of the guilty in the world that he has rejected. It is the deceived and "seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils, speaking lies of hypocrisy…and forbidding to marry" (I Timothy 4:1-3). "Thus saith the Lord of Hosts: There shall yet old men and old women dwell…and be full of boys and girls", in the same family dwellings along the streets of the Holy City (Zech. 8:4).

"Maid" and "Made" both mean "to make, or to bring forth: The Hebrew word for Maid is Naarah or Noah, the seeding of the earth. Maid: "A girl from infancy to adolescence (or adult-essence), servant of her Lord". "I pray thee, go in unto my MAID (the adolescent)…to obtain children" (Gen.16:2). So you can all see that it goes all the way back to Genesis, and stretches into eternity, for "I God changeth not" (Mal.3:6, Ps.15:4). "Maid, Arise" (Luke 8:54). Does the Lord of life call up a maid for naught, for nothing, but just for her to exist barren and die again? What does "arise" mean in the ancient Hebrew, as well as the vernacular English? It means "Arise to the occusion, to bring life, for I am the Lord of life. Arise to your station in life, and to your glory. The glory of the maiden (adolescence or adult-essence), her glory is her children, as the lilies of the field (Mt.6:29), he being the God of life and of glory. "Lilie" in Hebrew is Tiyt, Tiyn (teen), or Tiyrah, which means: "goodly hamlet" (Colorado City), a hamlet of many children, as children are good with the Lord. "Let the little children come (from the first fruits), for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven". Mt.19:14).

Again, "I pray thee, go in unto my MAID…to obtain children" (Gen.16:2). "In the latter times (that's you), some give heed to seducing spirits…forbidding to marry" (I Tim.4:1-3). "Many MAIDENS were gathered together unto the palace…to the keeper of the women, and a maiden pleased the king and obtained kin-dness (or kin) of him, and he speedily gave her her things of purification twelve-months, (so that conception would be pure and not physical, or of the gross physical elements), and gave her seven maidens (7 adolescents at a time: Esther 2:3-17, Is.4:1). The wisest men who ever lived had many wives, and these men are named throughout the Bible. The great and wise King Solomon had a thousand wives (I Kings 11:3), and plural marriage is throughout the earth, among the most valiant, not for wimps.

Esther was a maiden, an adolescent. The gematric measure for "Esther" is 6-3-5, which totals 14 years of age, and the Jewish Bat Mitzvah from ancient to modern times is 12, adult-essence, which totals three (1+2), the Trinity. Essence or Essene is spirit, so precious spirits enter into the little children that are growing in the precious wombs of these adolescents, while Satan is working through the politicians to make barren or to murder them, to take millions of innocent lives each year, because that is the law of the lawless, committing the grossest crimes against humanity, seducing spirits in your politicians forbidding to marry (I Tim.4:1-3), deceiving the whole world as the Lord has prophesied (Rev.12:9). The trial is just a circus-show of politicians' old hat trick of impugning someone's integrity for gain. There are plenty of activists, dissidents, gullibles, and just plain weak minds, ready and able to hop on the bandwagon for the ride, like a nation of sheep. This is why you have this find government, God's ministers (Romans 13:6), to seize your rights and to terrorize you until there is total anarchy and ruin. This is what is now transpiring, and it cannot be stopped. It is God's will against a rebellious nation.

Why maidens for the bearing of children? Because that is the purest time to bear the purest seed. The truest saints and Prophet of God never do it by intercourse. It is by an artificial insemination, or as the angels do by a magical insemination, as in the case of the Virgin Mary who was a 12-year old maiden at the immaculate conception. "For I require the first fruits" (Ex.22:29, Mt.7:16, 21:40). First fruits means the first sign of adolescence, while she is yet pure. The man is in "a deep sleep" (Gen.2:21), and the woman is overshadowed (Lk.1:35). This is the Law, and any other law is criminal and perverse, which God shall strike down in His fury, as He puts it (Ps.110:5, Zech.8:2). He will strike all who support the attacking of the very foundation of society (marriage and families and religious freedom), while they fabricate other reasons for the attack: "Lying and seducing spirits…forbidding to marry" (I Tim.4:1-3), without any criminal charge except one: Matrimony, accessory to marriage, and calling it rape.

The very Word of God and of the law of the land itself upholds all marriage, while the lower law is peppered with contradictory laws fabricated after the fact by the larger Mormon Church's infiltration and abuse in halls of power. These are the "seducing spirits" (I Tim.4:1), having sold themselves for gain and now walking the streets as common harlots, even in their official standings, according to the prophecy and the beginning of great scandals, as the world can now see. Their aim is to destroy the foundation of society and the earth all around them, to reap gain and control over all things, to obtain their global regime, their little feifdom without Christ, being Anti-Christ. "The time has come to reward thy servants the Prophets, and to destroy them which destroy the earth" (Rev.11:18). Judges and juries will play their part, for better or for worse, till death do they part.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 12:11 am

The precise legal question before the court, regarding the Prophet Warren, as far as the secular law is concerned (even if they choose to ignore all these other facts named above, proving themselves dead to the whole law), is this: Did he compel others in the commission of a crime.

1. LEGAL DOCTRINE: No more than God in Holy Writ compels (IE: simply says) that man must obey the eternal order to reap the blessings, or they must partake of the cursings. This is what all the courts and the law of the land recognize as "Restitution". Yes, this is what the Prophet simply said, passing on the Christian scripture and legal doctrine of the majority to his flock like any faithful deacon, teacher, priest, elder, pastor, high-priest, patriarch, apostle, prophet, seer, revelator, martyr, and witness before God and man, any who would become a joint-heir with Jesus Christ, according to the Revelation (Rev. 14:1, Rom.8:17).

2. HEARSAY: Now, others SAY that he said other things suggesting he compelled someone to marry and to rape, but how does that stack up in legal terms? Dissidents and activists just saying these things, according to the law and the rules of the court, is just highly suspected HEAR-SAY, according to their own admission: That so and so SAID so and so. Courts are sometimes more competent than that.

3. COMPULSION: He has proven beyond any doubt that he was doing just the opposite of compelling them into marriage, letting hundreds leave who didn't want it, and compelling others to leave, not to stay and marry, but to leave, all who were defiling strict LDS standards of the community and the commandment of God to come out of the world and of worldliness (completely), or to face (to repeat it again) what the courts recognize as "Restitution". This is just good legal doctrine, good Christian doctrine, and Muslim, Mormon, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, and American legal doctrine. They've all had this doctrine. So he exercised compassion on all who were free to leave, and all who were compelled to leave, since they were begging by their own behavior that they wanted something different, another culture and another religion. So the Prophet facilitated their desire, in order to maintain community standards. The law of the land protects community standards.

4. COMMITMENT: Others hear-say that he made many leave to make more women available to him. Again, such conception of the mind is the animal nature in man coming out, exposing them in their own sexual mentality, the very opposite of FLDS doctrine and practice and the ongoing teaching of the Prophet. Think about that: Is there one man alive today on the earth who relishes the idea of housing, feeding, teaching, protecting, and giving children to dozens of women, along with a lifelong commitment to house, feed, teach, and protect all those children. I think most of you would agree that it would take a god to do that, compelling himself to a lifetime commitment to such service, quite the opposite of compelling others.

5. TESTIMONY: Even after all the LDS hierarchy in government has put the Propht through, branding him a fugitive, a rapist, a thief, a sodomist, even a murdered as some dissidents and activists have charged, and then dragging him in chains before the American people as such a man, THOUSANDS of men and women only increase their devotion and support, without wavering, in direct testimony to his honour in relation to the opposite sex, never compelling, for there is no love in compulsion or force. It flows "WITHOUT COMPULSORY MEANS". This is in exact accordance to the scripture, and to his sermons and actions, which are peppered with this very policy.

6. CONTRADICTION: The law had to be created just for him, in order to "get him", changing the age of parental consent from 14 to 16, even though the parents of the girl gave their consent according to the law at the time. Furthermore, the girl says (without proof, it is again heresay), that he told them to have sex. Ministers who seal people in marriage seldom say such a thing. Think about it. That is just the presumed outcome of the union, everyone on earth accepting the scripture or at least the universal social expectation to have children. It is part of many marriage ceremonies. Also, it would be highly unseemly and highly unlikely for a minister to tell two young people to go act like dogs, and particularly in an "ultraconservative society" (recognized as such the world over), when that is the exact opposite of FLDS doctrine and of the very teachings of the Prophet Warren. Throughout his sermons and those of his father, the requirement is: "HANDS OFF", and "Whoso looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery", whereby the action of the prophet is to excommunicate them, quite the opposite of compelling the commission of a crime. That very action of excommunication is a prevention of compulsion. The crime is in the forced barrenness of qualified girls seeking marriage, forced by the changed law to fit the FLDS and the slaying of millions of American babies in the name of pro-choice, also at the compulsion of the law. There's the crime, even mega-crimes against humanity, sanctioned and compelled by the law itself.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 12:12 am

7. CHRIST COMPELLED": "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my
house may be filled" (Luke 14:23). This is Christian doctrine, the moral majority. It's in your very lawbook. So what does it truly mean to compel, and is this kind of compulsion sinful or unlawful. If so, then so is Christ Himself, for it is His Word to "Compel them". The Prophet has done the very opposite of your definition "to compel", as plainly shown.

8. THE LAW: (1). "Suffer little children to come, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven". (Jesus Christ)
(2). "Whoso commits adultery shall deny the faith". (3). "Whoso shall compel thee to go with them a mile, go two, or to give them your coat, give them your cloak also". So it is the Prophet being compelled by law and decency and the love of the Work to give, which he has always done, giving millions of dollars to support the people and their taxes, according to the law of the land, and contributing to his neighbors round-about, not squandering, but certainly being generous. There is much evidence of his generosity, except to the dissidents and the activists, and the LDS dissidents in power. And now, even his enemies will innumerate how even they compelled him, and how he has freely given an entire city, even declining to defend lawsuits leveled against it. See? Even long before the lawsuits, he and his father sought to avoid distress on the people by defending the honest, those who live right, and letting go free those who don't, the Prophets even mortgaging their houses to support the community, according to the Law of the Lord. Who has compelled who? These facts can be enumerated and expanded upon in the trial.

9. IMPROPRIETY: In Colorado City, as long as improprieties are known to the Prophet, they are swiftly
charged by the Prophet himself, and sent before the law. There is evidence of that too. The problem is that the Lord doesn't reveal all things to the prophets in relation to the actions of others, until it is His will to do so. Then the Prophet acts, as he proved when improprieties were finally revealed to him, and what was his well-known response? The swift excommunication of 20 prominent leaders, along with the decree: "You men are master deceivers, and you people don't deserve a prophet". This is proof that he didn't know of the improprieties until the Lord wanted him to know, in order that prophecies regarding the trials of the last days and the agency of man may be fulfilled. Any other sayso's to the contrary is just HEARSAY, which the rules of the court preclude. So with many months of hearsay and prosecutorial coaching therein, it becomes obvious that it is just manufactured maneuverings in the minds of dissidents and activists and politicians. The rules of the court and of law require irrefutable evidence that he compelled two teenagers in the improprieties and follies of their youth to carry out the follies of their youth. Proof? There is already testimony by the key witness (MJ) that they were playing around in a public park, to the point that she persuaded him to show her: "I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours". That is just common teenage behavior, human nature. LDS inspired Prosecutorial coaching manufactured it into someone else's crime.

10. MORE EVIDENCE: I'm sure that there is even evidence that proves that she desperately wanted the
marriage, regardless of the many months of hearsay coaching, hashing, and rehashing of allegations that they would create and try to make convincing, to pull over the eyes of the jury. Girls at 14, and especially FLDS girls, are universally ecstatic about any marriages that actually go through. Over the decades, I've seen girls who were not ecstatic, and guess what? Without exception, they were passed up and let go. MJ probably just had a falling out after the fact, and probably over her own immorality, the follies of her youth. Evidence? There is testimony that she was also with another boy besides her husband, in the follies of her youth, and even had a baby by him. There's the evidence of her folly and falling out, her own immorality, behind the Prophet's back. Furthermore, he has dozens of young girls in his own family, without a single instance of his abusing or compelling any one of them. So the LDS Church can inspire plenty of such evidence and witnesses to bear, to no end.

11. PERSECUTED TURNED PERSECUTOR: It is a well-known fact that the LDS Church controls positions of power in both state and federal government, having prostituted themselves or sold themselves in 1890, for ill-fame and ill-gotten enrichment and glory. The LDS Church that dominates Utah and even Arizona politics, and has infiltrated national politics as well, sold themselves prostitutes for ill-gain in 1890, to gain statehood, giving up their religion that Mormons even today accept as including Plural Marriage as a revelation from God, and an eternal law (D&C 132), and eternity certainly includes now. Plural Marriage is still scripture to them, the Word of God. Yet that church has long targeted the FLDS Church, financing the 1935 and 1944 and 1953 raids against them, and now the raids of the last five years, compelling the Prophet. What does the Christian say about this in his book? (Jeremiah 2:32): "Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire, yet my people have forgotten me days without number (sold themselves prostitute for gain in 1890:). Why trimmest thou thy way to seek love (or spinning and squirming for world approval)? Therefore hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways (infiltrating your government with strategies and maneuverings). Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents…The Lord hath rejected thy confidences, and thou shalt not prosper" (Jer.2:33).

Notice also that this scripture speaks of "Egypt" and "Assyria". These are spiritual terms, for God is spirit. He today speaks of the whole world as spiritual "Babylon", and refers to spiritual Egypt in Mormon scripture. "Egypt" in Hebrew is "Adamdam, meaning reddish: The Adamic (original latter-day church), and Dam or damsel (bride or body of Christ), and Reddish (having in or upon their skirts the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: Jere.2:34). "Assyria" in Hebrew is "Ash-shur, meaning "Found or Foundation": Sure to turn to ashes; The LDS Church being found out, and its foundation being rocked.

The way the church and government and media have carefully timed and linked news stories of the Prophet Warren Jeffs to broadcast at the same time as stories of terrorists and murderers such as Binladen and Arizona mass murderer Mark Gudeau, and O.J. Simpson, in the same newscast, is no fluke. It is an overt act of deception, spinning, public relations, and psychological warfare, to deceive the public and the jury and the world (Rev.12:9), to shape and deceive public and jury opinions by association: Guilt by association, to plant guilt in the subconscience and the conscience of the people, leading sheep to the slaughter. I believe there is a book out: "A Nation Of Sheep", showing how gullible and weak minds are manipulated to accept fantasies as facts, and then to turn those fantastic lies into public policy. This is why after elections there are so many official scandals going on all at once. The peoples' minds are weakened when they plant immorality and violence in television programming, in the daily news, as well as in schools and movies and other media programming, to create weakness of resolve and confusion in the public mind, removing their resolve and ability to reason and judge between facts and fantasies. It is a deliberate and strategic, well-planned out operation between the managements of all the medias, which operation is paid for by politicians. A review of all these facts at the trial would go a long ways, if even the defense attorneys weren't bribed and threatened to insure the desired outcome.

This, of course, highlights the great wisdom of the Prophet Warren Jeffs, in banning television, magazines, internet, and all other worldly communications, and to obey the Lord to "Come out of her (the world), and be not partakers of her sins" (Rev.18:4). With all the continuous broadcasts of corruption, violence, immorality, substance abuse, and every description of criminal behavior planted daily in the public's subconscience, the politicians are able to greatly weaken the mentality and resolve of the population, in order to degrade and remove all human rights and protections, and law and order, with impunity, to enrich and glorify themselves. So much for his "compelling anyone.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 12:14 am
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 12:16 am
Just a Small One said...
you are just plain disgusting. I am quite sure Christ would not care to associate with you. You really need your bubble popped that you are floating in. Get a life and come back to earth, will you?
12/27/2007 5:26 PM

Joints and Marrow

AnonyMouse: Ahh, "Disgusting", you say. Well now, let us DISGUST this, shall we? I'm glad I make you sick of yourselves. That's the purpose of my writings, and that men and women may not be so in awe of each other sexually, and thus destroy themselves. So I call it a noble deed for you to come to that realization, those of you who are capable. Sweet Jesus spoke the same things, unto their shame, for the same purpose, so that in the House of God there was not even a mouse after His display of anger and such language that He used in His Word, even calling them dogs and swine, and telling them that they must eat ****, or sacrifice on the altar of ****-tim (2 Kings 18:27; Is.36:12; Eze.4:12; Mal.2:3). Why? That they might improve and be saved, realizing and expelling such filth. The actual words in the Word of God are "****-tim" (Ex.27:1), which is to sacrifice or to expel something from you when you squat, and "dung" , which is what has pooped outaya when you're done.

See, our Redeemer knows best, and whatever helps to demote the body and to sow not unto it, and to sow more to the spirit, that's our goal as saints, if you claim to be one, poo poo. He says through His Apostle Paul "Crucify the flesh" (Rom.6:6, Gal.2:20; 5:24), and He proved it in both His language and His demise, that a fart like you and me might live. "All flesh is corrupt" (D&C 38:11, 112:23).so it MUST BE MOCKED or put down, so that the spirit may flourish. Indeed, he says that it is the world that is crucified (Gal.6:14). For no man can see God in the flesh, the gross elements, and live (D&C 67:11).

See, it must be mocked, pooped, a type of purification or crucifiction, first by ourselves. Then the redemption of our Lord can take effect. IF we ask in faith, having mocked our own flesh and sown to the spirit, then the atonement can raise us to a Celestial Glory. That's the perfect atonement. Complaining about the crucifiction or mockery of the body is not faith. Then there is no perfect atonement or redemption. What is crucifiction? It is mockery of the flesh, so much so that soon it ceases to be a problem to us. Then we can endure trial. Why was the FLDS raided today? Because there is a problem.

The Lord is done with half-hearted souls, and that is what gets extruded into the pot, what you might call your shitter. I certainly hope that my language makes you ****, because that help clean you out, okay girlie? Can you say "I need to go potty". Ohhhh, that's such a big girl. The viper is here. Does anyone need to be viped? It shouldn't use up too much valuable tissue or organs, since we'd just be wiping a mouse (anonymouse), and to do a little wiping is far better than a total wipeout, wouldn't you agree? Since you get so bent over the bluntness of the truth, go ahead and Bend! Then you can be wiped.

"My Word is sharper than a two-edged sword, to the diving asunder of both joints and marrow" (Heb.4:12, D&C 6:2; 11:2; 14:2; 33:1). You can see from what has offended you that the Word of God is both blunt enough and sharp enough to ruffle the "feathers" that people have stuck up inside of them, reaching both spirit and soul, joint and marrow, and consider it filth, because once you slide that feather up in ya, it's the most filthy thing there is, because of your thoughts and deeds of sticking things into your body and mind, and into the bodies and minds of others, that don't belong there.

Oh my, Oh my, such filth from our Lord Jesus Christ, because He was dealing with such filthy people, you see. So they were offended and ashamed to even know him, their very Lord and Redeemer, because He spoke with such sharpness and truth and of such corruption, refusing to hide it under a bushel, neither the good apples nor the bad ones. So their sensitive and refined immoralities were exposed. Like the FLDS, the Jews were also supposed to be shining examples to the world, not the mucky mess from the gutter that the apostates proved themselves to be.

"Soul and Spirit: Joints and marrow" (Heb. 4:12): The soul is what joins bodies and spirits. The spirit is the life or the marrow of all living. The Word that cuts, the truth that stings, is what separates that which joins them, and then even takes away their lives, lest they repent.

Keep Watch my dear, Please! "Watch ye therefore" (Mt.24:42). You put this as a double-minded question ("Please"??), showing forth your own doubts. That goes without question. What does the Lord through His Apostle James say about the double-minded? "Ask of God, but ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he (or she) that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed (see, this is the FLDS raid). For let not that man (or woman) think that he shall receive anything from the Lord. A double-minded man (or woman) is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:6-8). So: "Purify your hearts, ye double-minded" (James 4:8).

"Destruction comes unto men and women according to the flesh, if they harden their hearts" (I Ne.22:18). So I don't want to see a cute little fart like you destroyed, see. Keep the spirit and sow only to spirit. If a man ever tries to poke you or defile you, leave him forever, for he is your destroyer, possessed of the master-destroyer of souls. Better to live out your entire life alone, or until the Lord can place you by a righteous man. Brigham Young: "I would rather my son or daughter go to their grave, than to not be married right". So if the Priesthood married you, and your husband has repented, then it is right. If not, it is defiled and from beneath. Leave! He and the devil in him are your destroyers. The House of God MUST BE CLEANSED. Only then can you become sanctified. To be sanctified in the flesh is to be transfigured (lifted up): 3 Ne.28:15, 39.

Now, go wipe your ass, and keep it clean. Your nose also. Bend over, and wipe it with a smiley and a song. Let your bummy be musical. That's keeping sweet. "Street, that is so disgusting"! Right! That's the lesson, the disgusting nature of the flesh and of all earthly things, and of everything about it. I lurnt proper swearing from the Prophet Rulon, and from my studies of the Lord. The Prophet swore at me often, and I had to gwin and bawe it like a happy child. So he gave me some good proper lurnin. "Now therefore, SWEAR UNTO ME" (Gen.21:23). Yes, that meant to covenant, but why does it say SWEAR? It is because when we properly mock and crucify the body, we make a covenant with the Lord. "My father made me SWEAR" (Gen.50:5). "Ye shall not swear by my name falsely" (Lev.19:12), "nor take my name in vain" (Ex.20:7). If the crude mockery of the crude flesh makes it to truly serve God's name, then you're not hardly swearing falsely, nor taking His name in vain, but just the opposite. You have mocked the flesh, and sown to the spirit. Then you have the strength to the joints and marrow to the bone.

Does my language cut to the bone? "My Word is sharper than a two-edged sword, to the diving asunder of both joints and marrow" (Heb.4:12, D&C 6:2; 11:2; 14:2; 33:1). Taster's Choice. You can reject it and be destroyed, or accept it and be saved in eternity.

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