Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:18 am
Polyg Talk
Flame Warriors-Dec. 9

Talking Presidential

This post was posted to repond to Chaster in the Ramblings Forum (Flame-Warrior thread), but the Administrators couldn't take the heat, so they deleted it. I repost it here.

The topic is "Let US talk presidential". It's a public forum, dummy. The title of the sub-forum is Ramblings and Rants, and the forum title is Polyg Talk. So if anyone has the right to Ramble or Talk on the Polyg TALK Forum, it would by a Polyg. Only polygabusers would seek to censure and abuse peoples' rights, and to pigeon-hole them into a corner, like dictators throughout the world. I would judge better of you, as someone with some basic human decency in allowing free speech. Human stupidity is what has led to the political, social, and environmental crisis in the world today, especially in a nation of sheep bleeting their continual support for political nit-wits. So when your brother invites all to talk politics and someone replies to see if stupidity can be corrected, that is the very purpose of a public forum. Only Red Green would get out the duct tape and try to put it over peoples' mouths, or tape their fingers censure bureau. If you don't like talk of Polyg doctrine, don't sponsor a forum called "Polyg Talk". Or maybe you just want to limit the talk to their buttons and toes, and not their muttons and bows, the meat and the crown of the matter.

You have as much choice to ignore my replies throughout the forum, as you do to not click on my own forum. Just because I reply to someone in a public forum doesn't force you to click on it and scroll down and then read my replies, unless they are just totally irresistible and you have no self-control and can't help yourself. Mr. Zombie himself. Or is it that nothing is more painful than the truth, and you can't stand the truth. Either way, nobody is standing over you forcing you to read it, unless your grandson Tyler is totally hooked on Streetology and is forcing old grandpa down the street with the stick of Judah. What you're saying is that anybody can bash the FLDS like your brother just did in the above post, but no FLDS is allowed to defend themselves.Romney's speech on religion is the veiled LDS attack on religion.

Now, you be a good boy, or I'll feed your cashew nuts to the monkeys, because you going nuts over my posts is making others go bananas. Not even the ladies will want your nuts, or your banana. All you do is make people choke, and then you end up clamming up your own forum tighter than that granny-knot on your shoes. Hey, what's that old wrinkly thing on grandpa? Grandma. ☺ Loosen up, you're way too tight, you old tight-wad. Talk about Presidential, you never want to get as tight, abusive, or deceptive as a damn politician. Jesus damned the publicans, and we know you love Jesus.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:20 am
FLDS Taxpayer Heist?

Taxpayer heist? Yank's obviously been yanked. Yes you DO intend to attack the FLDS. This issue has been settled to the point of beating a dead horse, as this article will clearly show. Perverse and violent people only raise such issues from their issues archives to see if they can raise some more political hay to feed their dead horse.

In summary: God is over all, and if He moved "His ministers of government" (Romans 13:4-6) to feed His children, then it is legal, unless government itself is illegal. Then who is at fault? The governments that approved it, that's who. Then again, it is my understanding that the YFZ community doesn't take any government benefits at all, even though they're still qualified to do so. But they are much more fully self-sufficient by their industry and by their goodness. The poor world can see the light on the hill. So there is the honorable, and the critic becomes the most dishonorable, disturbing the peace and seeking to rape a people because they lawfully feed God's children.

In old days, the guilty would cut off peoples' hands for taking a loaf of bread to feed a child. If the FLDS people have been resourceful by government approval, along with their industry and frugality, there is just more light on the hill. The whole world can now see their industry and their unity, and have praised it. So what do you mean that they exist by handouts and not by hard work? You dogs, go ahead and bark until all that is left to feed yourselves is "your own vomit" (Prov.26:11, Is.28:8, 2 Pet.2:22). What else does the Lord promise you? That "you must drink your own piss, and eat your own dung" (2 Kings 18:27, Is.36:12, Mal.2:3). Yes, and to "even drink your own blood" (Rev.16:6). The Word of the Lord, and you can now see the beginnings of its fulfillment all around you, in the terror and the wars, the immigration invasions and diseases, the storms and draughts, and innumerable judgments against you, "until the full consummation decreed, and it began at the House of God".

Look at the arch-enemy Mormon KSL-TV investigative report of Nov. 12 again: "The community …received food and medical care" (Ahh, blasphemy), at rates many times higher than the rest of us" (poor suckers). Dah! The families are many times larger. If you obey Christ and let the little children come to earth, and He has used His governments to feed them, are you going to cut off some more hands and nail Christ again to a cross? That's what you're doing, because Christ is over us all, and uses His governments to feed you, to feed us all. Will you cut off your own hands, because you took food from the beast, or will this beast just chew off your hands to the bone by taking everything you have in war and terror, immigration, job-export, patiot acts, disease ("control"), and the poisoning of your medicines and vegetables, and even your toys.

The Mormons further quote another arch-enemy to God, Richard Holm, in all his authority saying: "It is sick, it is sick, I am so sick". Right you are! The Mormon investigative report then confesses it all: "The Utah Department of Workforce Services decided years ago that people needed to eat. Besides, we've gone in there several times, BUT WE HAVEN'T FOUND ANYTHING FRAUDULENT OR ABUSIVE" (End Quote).

So the LDS arch-enemy uses other arch-enemies, filthy wolves, to cry wolf, to see if they can get any more political mileage and unjust enrichment. They name statistics that show 40% of the FLDS in the past got help. I don't care if 100% of the people get government aid, like they do in other communities around the world, or if 100% of the taxpayers get aid when judgment also hits them, and they are likewise chased into a desert, or if the government itself survives on 100% of taxpayer fund (which they do), as long as more people can get help when they need it. That's the very purpose of government itself, and of taxes, to help people.

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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:22 am
The American Cult
How everybody's underpants? I trust you're all keeping it squeaky-clean, spik-n-span, and without the common frailty of the abominable boner poking itself into other peoples' business, like a dog humping somebody's leg. I realize that sometimes that tiny little heart-throb's got a mind of its own, but that's what you're hear for, to learn to master it and not bait it on a hook to be fried, or let it master you and smack you around like meat in a slaughter-house.

You ladies, are you keeping it clean? Rolling Eyes That is such a good girl, because if you're not I'll make you wear burlap panties and sheets of fiberglass insulation for maxi-pads (very very soft). That should insulate you against the hots of the throbber of a cold cold heart of a man and a nation that would go against the tremendous example of the Prophet who casts out all such things, and then suffers the mockery and humiliation of even the greatest sinner, even as Christ did.

As for that insulation, just tell me if you need R-22 or R-44 for added protection. Now close your legs and quit being such a damn showoff. There's nothing beautiful nor comely about a dark and dank stink. A woman or church clothed from her neck to her ankles, with the demeanor of a queen or an angel, there is beauty. A woman or church partly unclothed or naked is as ugly as a monster or a devil, a ravenous beast or empire, like a church and a government that have now sold themselves in universal scandal and whoredom to get gain, like the LDS Church and the U.S. government have done. So this is why they are so itchy from what they call protection or insulation, to put down a church that will marry it's young girls to protect them from the pandemic corruptions that permeate this massive cult society, the American culture and its terrorisms and perversions that are now gripping and destroying it from within and from without.

Their great armies of bombers and helicopter gunships, like the R-22 and R-44 homebuilt choppers, can go ahead and fly up inside of their women like Americans do every day, and then call themselves mighty and righteous. American men think that their women are only vaginas with legs. It has always been the teaching and policy of the FLDS Church and its Prophet to "Leave that girl alone, sexually". Then if a boy violates that strict order, it is only a violent and immoral church and nation that will go after this smaller church and its Prophet, and plot and plan and maneuver to destroy that morality in the eyes of the people.

It has been found by researchers that anti-depressants, the very thing the jail doctors gave the Prophet, induce suicidal tendencies. So if in fact he did that, it was all chemically induced, not something he did on his own: "Let's just get him killed by his own hand, and nobody will be the wiser, or at least make him look imbalanced and suicidal. There are also contrition-inducing chemicals and hypnotic suggestions that can cause any man to confess anything at all. So this is war, beginning with a psychological and economic and political warfare, and it will end in the God of Israel doing precisely what He has decreed upon this nation, upon those who seek to destroy others for power and empire:

"And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldst give reward unto thy servants the prophets and to the saints, and them that fear thy name small and great (not the name of another law), and shouldst destroy them which destroy the earth" (Rev.11:18).

This is what the U.S. government is now doing, with the churches, in their plotting and instigating of wars, of fires, of diseases, and moral corruptions everywhere, and the poisoning of your food and toys and medicines, and carefully placing the blame somewhere else, to get gain and one-world empire. They know that Americans and others are too independent to go along with it, so they have to be deceived and destroyed. All that a Prophet can do is lament for them, a final lamentation for their souls. According to the Great Year and its cycles, the mystery of 2012 is upon you, the eight cycles of Saturn and of Michael, the Arch Angel.

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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:26 am
Texas Blog-Warren Denounces Thread-Dec.27 7:35pm

Anonymous said...
Don't you believe the word of the lord given in D&C sec 1?
"For verily the voice of the Lord is unto all men, and there is none to escape;"
It says nothing about swine, or some being more or less worthy to receive the word of the lord.
12/27/2007 7:35 PM

The Atheist

First, you have to re-member what we are talking about here, the Prophet denouncing his position, and his preaching to the world. Children easilly lose focus in their play. His preaching never has been to the Gentiles. That ended in 1890, long before he was born, according to the Word of God (Sections 14:10, 19:27, 90:9, 107:33, 107:97). You're just trying to pit one part of the Word of God against another, while trying to justify your sins and to catch the Lord's Prophet in some sort of imagined lie.

The Gospel IS unto all men who would, but what did your Lord say: "But they would not". Therefore, according to His justice and design, it is take from them and given to another, in perfect consistency with what God has done throughout the history of the world, setting up and tearing down nations according to this law. Maybe you're feeling your loss, and that would be a beginning, for you have taken one scripture out of context, and even that was misapplied, for it says: "The voice of the Lord is unto all men", but what else? If they reject it, then "there is none to escape". He decreed that "FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT", this priceless jewel, because there is no clarity without purity. We are talking sexual purity, the foundation of both family and kingdom and soul. Without that, you lose it all.

The Lord says plenty about swine, and dividing the hoof or the people, and who can receive and who cannot, and you call God's word "NOTHING"! (Lev.11:7; Deut.14:8; Prov.11:22; Is.65:4; 66:3; Mt.7:6, 8:30; Mk.5:11; Lk.8:32, 15:15). Your rejection of God's word is now GLARINGLY evident unto all intelligence. There are HUNDREDS of scriptures that delineate between those worthy and those unworthy to receive. Anyone want me to list them all. I'd be glad to, and you call it all A LIE!!!

I will remind you that you are speaking on a forum that is based within the American "Bible Belt". Those poor people are probably aghast and speechless over your assertions. You just show yourself as an atheist, in which case you really have nothing to say, for you have nothing to believe.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:27 am
Sept.25 -The Beginning of the End

Note the significance of the events of that day. The Lord says: "Zion must needs be redeemed by power" (D&C 103:15, Is.1:27). Also, "I will use the young and the middle-aged to redeem Zion" (D&C 103:22, Is.31:4). "Redemption is brought to pass through the resurrection from the dead" (D&C 88:14-16).

Redeemed by power: It took the powers that be with the young (Allen and Elissa Wall Steed), to justify the wicked in assaulting a community of faith, as well as to justify the Lord in exercising His powers, to begin the process of clearing and redeeming the Land of Zion. So now, what all has happened in September 2007, to show what is about to transpire?

Plural Marriage is the Celestial Law (D&C 132). "Zion can only be built by the Celestial Law. And my people must needs be chastened until they learn obedience (D&C 105:5). Sept. 11, 2007, a supporter of the Prophet is nearly slain. The world was created, and all great events are created, in seven days or phases, first spiritually, and then seven days temporally, or 14 days (D&C 29:32, I Cor.15:46, Gen.1:27, 2:7). Fourteen days after Sept.11, on Sept 25, the American Prophet is nearly slain, convicted for life as a felon, by intrigue and a packed jury and a bungled defense. The wicked work a deceitful work (Prov.11:18). Also at this same time, the Medes (Iran) gained acceptance amidst great controversy upon the Land of Zion (in America). This is all prophesied in your Christian Bible:

"The burden of Babylon which Isaiah did see (Iraq, and America: Spiritual Babylon). Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain (no nation is higher than America). Exalt the voice unto them, and shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles (Is.13:1-2). Iran's leader was invited into the gates of the nobles in Sept.2007, activating the Medes (Iran), and its sleeper-cells on U.S. soil: "Behold, I will stir up the Medes (Iran) against them, saith the Lord" (Is.13:17). Fourteen days after 9/11, on 9/25, the conviction of the Prophet and the welcoming of the Medes on American soil.

Sept.25, 2007 (2+5=7): The gematric measure for 9/25 is Bahiyr or Bahal: "His shining to make haste and to cause trembling. The burden overcharged". This marks the beginning of the end: "When this nation that encumbers the Land of Zion is ripened in iniquity, I shall destroy it", saith the Lord (Ether 2:9, 9:20, D&C 103:3).

Zion must be redeemed by keeping Watch, with watchmen round about the twelve olive trees (M-K: The Circle), and a tower (T), that mine olive trees may not be broken down when the enemy shall come to spoil and take unto themselves the fruit of my vineyard…Ought ye not to have done even as I commanded"? (D&C 101:12, 45, 53).

D&C 121: To an incarcerated Prophet:

O God, where art thou?…(7) My son, peace be unto thy soul. Thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment…Thou art not yet as Job. Thy friends do not contend against thee…(11) And they who do charge thee with transgression, their hopes shall be blasted, and their prospects shall melt away as the hoar frost melteth before the burning rays of the rising son…God hath set his hand…to blind their minds, that they may not understand his marvelous workings; that he may prove them also, and take them in their own craftiness…(33) As well might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri river in its decreed course, or to run it upstream, as to hinder the Almighty from pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter Day Saints… (43) Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost…(46) Then thy scepter shall be an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth, and thy dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever.

"Hear the word of the Lord, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say: He that scattered Israel will gather him and keep him, as a shepherd does his flock. For the Lord hath redeemed Jacob, and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he…How long wilt thou go about, O backsliding daughter? For the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth: A woman shall compass a man"(Jer.31:10, 22):

It is perfect obedience and adoration, in all purity and truth. To compass is to surround and fetch. The Church or bride of Christ shall also surround and fetch Him, they seeking one another in perfect love and united order (T): Yichudim and the ashes of the Red Heifer (G-C).

All these events and their pomp and circumstance "shall work together for your good (to them that love God), if ye walk uprightly, and remember the covenant wherewith ye have covenanted one with another (D&C 90:24, Rom. 8:28).

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:29 am
The Martyr

Of course, most Americans know full well that Nephi is correct, that the world is deceived and the Prophet Warren is even now a martyr, since they generally know that the mass-media is controlled by conglomerates in league with the politicians, for the very purpose of deceiving the people, as they should be deceived, so that ancient prophecy may be fulfilled regarding the Beast or the empire of the latter-days, and the "deception of the whole world" (Rev.12:9). Also:

"I will send them strong delusions…that they should believe a lie and be damned" (2 Thes.2:11).

"I will choose their delusions and will bring their fears upon them" (Is.66:4).

So they are truly delusional. The workings of God and of His ministers in government (Rom.13:4-6), they continue in full force, and the removing of all rights, until even the right to life is lifted from the constitutional framework of American society. The Prophet was a martyr the moment he was rooted up from his residence, like the prophets before him. This is why President John Taylor (not the US president John Tyler, but a much higher office)… is historically known as a "double-martyr". The prophets are rejected in their own country: "And they were offended in Him. But Jesus said unto them: A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and in his own house (Mt.13:57).

John Taylor was such a martyr. They removed his constitutional right to marry and to be free to persue life, liberty, and happiness without the threat of molestation. He was shot four times at Carthage, Illinois Jail, with the martyrs, and then rejected by this nation and the LDS Church itself. They martyred their own President, and the prophets of our day have been poisoned by their caretakers. So they're guilty of murder in cold blood, and the shedding of innocent blood at that, they and all who assent to their persecution, which is not forgivable in this life nor in the next, if they have known better (Mk.3:29).

"The blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, which shall not be forgiven in the world nor out of the world, is in that ye commit murder…" (D&C 132:27)

"Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God made he man" (Gen.9:6). God knows every one of you, and will see that it's done.

"And the third angel poured out is vial upon the rivers and fountains of water, and they became blood…Thou art righteous, O Lord…because thou hast judged thus, for they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink, for they are worthy" (Rev.15:4-6).

"I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord" (Mt. 23:39).

Nephi is right again: The Founding Fathers prophesied of these events that we are witnessing today, being prophets themselves. They are certainly witnessing them from above with great interest, knowing that this is the end of the nation that they founded, and the beginning of the Kingdom of their God.

So very well put, my brother.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:30 am
The Mighty Diaper (Pew)

Okay pee-pull, dinner is served! Make sure your diapers are properly rigged for a right good hefty load. A good diaper can take just about any **** you can dish out. So so loa-load em up, and doo doo say the blessing on the foo food, with your arms folded snugly and tight, like good little purple pansies, hopefully touched with the right kind of yella. And no pee-king during the blessing. Where's your manners? Everyone is equal. See, you fokes are in the diaper business. So what exactly do you doo doo with the diapers? Fill them with ****. Butt since many of you are so butt-naked most the time, you can just waddle out to the garden or the neighbor's yard and make a substantial deposit each day. Then you bums will be plumb happy with fresh plums and berries for the rumbling of your bare naked bummies.

For a widdo appetizer, would you all like to take a pea, or two. Sweet peas are a good belly-starter, if you can remember your manners and say, "let us please appease with peas". They won't load your diaper in one load, butt we're just getting started. If you have need for a catheter, you may need the cathy to shove it in, since you guys have been shoving it in her for so long. It's just not nearly as long as you think.

The main course shall follow. Then your diapers will be be well supplied by the pee pee and the poo poo. Hey, there's a great mystical significance for "dia-per", pertaining to mature, intelligent gwownups, so don't knock it. The **** might fall out, that from the shittim wood of the sacrifice for thy cleansing (Exodus 27:1). You know what a dia-mond is, and a dia-dem. Okay, so how does this relate to dia-per? Do you see the great value of the cleansing of body, mind, and soul? Diaper: Body, Diamond (mind), Diadem (Soul).

Dia is to be "free from all corruption, dead to sin" (die). Just smell it, and you know you're going to die. Per is "young, fruitful, breaking forth" (like a good par golf game), ". Mond or mind is less physical and thus of greater value, as a dia-mond, a mound but not a mountain, as menah or manah: To count, appoint, ordain. Dem is even more spiritual, and higher still, the mountain or throne of a diadem or crown, turn of affairs. Dam: Blood, or the juice of a grape. Damah: To liken, one resembling Christ after a great trial and turn of affairs. How do you like dem apples?

So keep your sacrifices (die) good and true (par): Diaper. That is where it begins, the works of faith sacrificed or consecrated like a good dump, while Yearning For Zion, and repentance or the sacrifice of corrupt minds. Then you can discard the diaper and begin to wear the adult garment and come to attain the value of a diamond through the baptisms of God's House, and the position of a diadem through the power and Gift of the Holy Spirit.

"We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, second Repentance, third Baptism for the remission of sins, fourth the laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost", and all focused in one God and one Man appointed of God. Without that faith, there is "no salvation" (Rom.1:16), and "no might works performed there" (Mt. 13:58). First the shield or breastplate of faith, then the helmet of salvation (2 Sam.22:36; Is.59:17; Eph.6:16-17; I Thes. 5:8; 2 Tim.3:15). It is only perfected through life-changing sufferings (Heb.2:10, 2 Pet.3:15).

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:31 am
The Prophet's Discoveries
(Warren Jeffs, Champion to Mankind)

"God will do nothing except He reveal it to His servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7).

It can further be seen that this Prophet has now performed immeasurable benefits upon society, by providing a light on a hill, foretelling what is now facing the righteous and the wicked, which sets every human's fate for the next 1,000 years. The world has seen and noted the glaring fact that Warren Jeffs fears no man, to the point of defying states and federal officials' wicked decrees:

"For thus saith the Lord: I the Lord am merciful and gracious to those who fear me, and delight to honor those who serve me in righteousness and truth to the end (sweet no matter what). Great shall be their reward and eternal shall be their glory. And to them will I reveal all mysteries, yea all the hidden mysteries of my kingdom from days of old, and for ages to come, will I make known to them the good pleasure of my will concerning all things pertaining to my kingdom.

"Yea, even the wonders of eternity shall they know, and things to come will I show them, even the things of many generations (even as the Prophet John saw modern automobiles as "processions of lanterns", and jet fighters (Rev.9:7-10), and even all discoveries of the last days foretold through the prophets, even Columbus, and all the events that would transpire. They are first told to the prophets, and then others are merely left to fulfill their prophecies).

"And their wisdom shall be great, and their understanding reach to heaven, and before them the wisdom of the wise shall perish, and the understanding of the prudent shall come to naught (for being naughty). For by my spirit will I enlighten them, and by my power will I make known unto them the secrets of my will. Yea, even those things which eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor yet entered into the heart of man."

These are the great benefits of the Prophet upon our society, and all your own wisdom comes to naught, while all that ever was discovered on the earth was revealed first to the prophets, or else you make the Lord out to be a liar, and must suffer the consequences.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:34 am
Polyg Talk Forum
Dec.29-Rumblings-What Cheeses Me Left

The Provident Ass

Well. I guess it's down to me and me. Course, Street is there. To the extent Street can be there. ha ha. I'm just jerking your chain there, Street.

Goes without saying that in five hundred years, my name will be a household word. A hell of a lot of good that does me now. Hey you people of the future who think I'm so wonderful, how about spending New Years with me? Oh, you've made other plans? Yeah, figures.

Kind of like with Vincent Van Gohg. Where were the anal apertures who shell out the equivalent of 8 liftetimes of my wages for an orignal Van Gogh when he was cutting his ear off with lonliness? When he couldn't connect with one other miserable human being on the entire planet?

I learned a new word the other day, a French word, and being a French word, has some kind of cocked eyed spelling specifically designed to humiliate the uneducated but it sounds like Prov-i-noss. What provinoss is, see, it's the means by which people with big bucks participate in the art through their own stories of how they acquired a particular piece of art. In a way, they supercede the original master in the performance art of their own spectacularly boring lives, thus becoming kind of immortal artists themselves.

As for me, I say, give me immortality, or give me death.

Ok, I ripped off that one off from Firesign Theater.

I digress. The topic is what cheeses me off about left wingers:

They blame me. I'm just a regular asshole trying to make a living and support my many live-in parasites, or rather, my loved ones. My wages are like the Mighty Colorado, which after it's been dpped into by all the parties who've made claims to it becomes less than the stream I piss out on a Saturday night. But is that enough? Nooooooooo. There's also the fact that I, me personally, am responsible for the demise of the Spotted Owl, global warming, overpopulation, and all the other "victums" on planet earth. Give me an f'ing break, will you? It's just never enough for you bleeding heart types, is it? In addition to everything else I'm taxed for, it is my moral duty to go right out and buy myself the most expensive gold plated solar panel I can find so as to lower my carbon footprint.

You know, it used to be, son go out and make your mark on the world. Nowdays, it's hey you, you're a planet raper unless you leave no mark whatsoever, no trace of you're ever having lived.

Why not just cut to the chase and kill yourself? There it is, folks, the thinking of your liberals takent to its logical conclusion; the moral thing for you to do is to kill yourself so as to save the planet which you are wrecking becasue of your consumptive carbon emitting badness.

Kind of a different take on the relgious concept of original sin. You're a sinner because you were born, loser.

Ultimately, there is the philosophy of your liberals; it's the philiospher of losers. You're losers and you can not stand it that everyone else isn't a loser like you.

Well, forget it. I'm not going to join your club of losers. Ok? Like it or lump it, I'm not joining the club of losers and whiners and bellyachers.


The Provident Ass
"Provinoss Aperature"

Okay asshole. I'll talk to your aperature (ass), as you so gleefully put it, to see if it can be healed, as long as you don't blow out any hot smelly gasses. Butt your slim anal twin Jim will just annul, as in delete, seeing he can't stand the heat from your anal, nor from my heart. That's your guises perblim. You continually sabatage yourselves. Then you wonder out loud: "Where's all the priddy pee-pull", and it gets down to just you and bro yanking a bra ("me and me", as you put it). What dumb phuks.

You don't have to worry about "being a household word in 500 years". You're already household turds. You stink up the entire forum with dishonest bush-beating around whatever bush will have you, while stiff-lipping all your members and deleting their posts. So you've turned everybody off, and then you wonder "why nobody's laughing". Duh! It is NOT rocket-science. It's just brain-surgery, and your brains have been spurned and spurgeoned by your spurious spurts sputtering about the house or lineage of descent. It's like Spurgeon Indiana, population 149. See, nobody wants it.

Man standing at the Smith's door can hear the anvil ring its vesper chime, and a pile of hammers on the floor worn and tattered. Men may hammer at the anvil of the Smith and the Warren succeeding him, as many hammers but only one anvil. The anvil wears out the hammers until they are no more. The Word is the anvil or the stone rejected, like the sword stuck in the rock of Gibraltar that no one could move (Mt.10:34). The true law meets the Word of God, like Blackstone meeting Spurgeon.

Hey Cheesy-Chasey honey, you "learned a new word". Now, can you say Da Da? Learning to French, are ya? That too is filthy. You just as well lick women's fecal aperatures, and call it good, and the evening and the mourning were your last days alive. Yup, just like you said: "Specifically designed to humiliate the uneducated".

Provinoss or providence is the means by which people acquire the arts or skills required with the Gods, and at great cost. Well put, Chasy. That's a fine analogy, so long as you keep the analogy clean and not stuck in the anal while you gleefully cry "Gee"! Yes, the Gospel of Christ is a practical religion. We practice what we preach to ourselves, thus acquiring the true arts of living. It is priceless, or acquired at great cost, what you here call "big bucks". The Prophet Warren is a big buck, and at great price has acquired great art by means of Providence, even to the defying of the greatest and most perverted of nations and their perverted law, equaling or succeeding and superceding his predecessors in the Gospel of life. So you are right again: It is "Immortality or death".

Provinoss: The Hebrew is "Mattarah", which is the refined matter in awe, the Spirit of God. It's literal meaning is "guarded, in prison, closely watched, marked man, rainman, propulsion, blessing, revelation, something priceless". The Greek is "Pronoia", which means "Forethought, provident care and supply, voice by way of circumspection of oneself". Firesign is the sign of the Spirit: Baptism by trial, by fire and Holy Ghost.

As for your "Parasites sponging off you day and night, leaving you as a dried up river that no more plentiful than your own piss", it is the beginning of the fulfillment of one of the prophecies of the Word of God (Rev.8:10, 11:6, 16:14). Then you speak of "killing yourself because of sin, as one who has digged a pit or rolled a stone against God's House (Prov.26:27): "Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein, and whoso rolleth a stone, it will return upon him". The stone that Daniel saw "Cut out of the mountain without hands which smote the image of the great empire (Dan.2:34), this is the FLDS Church cut out of cut off of the church and the world, and built up without external power. "And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken, but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder". (Mt.21:44).

You see, Chasy, being born is not the problem. It's the sin in the conception and the upbringing that kills. So you call your own children parasites and rip off other people, and glorify the slaying of millions of innocent children, and the legislation of laws to even prevent their birth, the Constitutional right to life. So how can you wish for continued life and success, or pure land and water and air, and even think that God might grant it? "And every man hid himself in the dens and rocks, and said to the mountains and the rocks: "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth upon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand"?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:36 am
The S-neeze
(22-37: 4 beasts in 10 Gates)

If you fokes sometimes sneeze so hard that it makes you fart, you don't have to limit yourselves to "Kazuntite". Kazuneshit would be quite appropriate. ☻ It's snot from the nose, as much as the bellows that makes her blows. Then, who knows, you may be due for a diaper change. This is particularly true in politics and political polls. They get so full of it that you have to change them quite often, and then what are the tolls? Who knows?

Kazuntite? What does that word mean? It means "Bless you". A sneeze is an event, something caused, which then unites or renews the various parts back to equalibrium: Cause-Unite or Cauzuntite, see? When you are united and in equilibrium, then you are awakened to the reality of life and are blessed.

It is usually the stewards or the assistants of a ruler who set in motion his edicts to be caused. Thus the name "Chuza", Herod's steward (Luke 8:3). There is something mystical about the "S-neeze" that I shall explain: In all words beginning with the samech (S:300), this gives all such words the root meaning of "endless cycle" or a S-piritual cause, to encompass (K-M-K), as in seven days of creation:

"Send me, I pray thee…that I may run to the man of God…Thou knowest that thy servant did fear the Lord… And Elisha came but the child was dead. Then he stretched himself upon him, and the child s-neezed seven times" (2 Kings 4:1,21,32,35). A sneeze is therefore symbolic of life, and the angels tickle our noses to show us life, or to move us unto greater life: S-neeze or Spiritual prayer unto the enless cycle, on our knees, to enhance life.

If you are not spiritual (K), nor united with the Priesthood of God (T), then there are sacrifices or eliminations to be made (M), as in pooping. Thus Cauzunshit vs Cauzuntite. The Hebrew for "sneeze" is "Zeroa: seed, posterity, vegetable, as pulse, life, scattered or strewn, as a sneeze, to sprinkle, as the sky is sprinkled with stars, endless cycle or seed (Plural Marriage). The Greek is Ede, as in Eden, meaning "to sacrifice gladly, sweetly, with pleasure, even now" (to Keep Sweet no matter what). Notice the same key lights or letters within Sweet, Street, Seed, Steed, and Sneeze. "With pleasure: Man is that he might have joy", through the sacrifice or the ascent from gross to spirit element, sowing to the spirit and never to the body.

Ede or Heed: Hedista, as in histamine (anti-histamine prevents the sneeze). Ede or Heed: One Sitting, as on his throne: Hedista or He distance himself in sacrifice, that he may reach Sitta or Siddhi, which is the Sanskrit for "achievement, constraint, liberation, and powers, as a just ruler upon a throne".

According to the Sanskrit: "****-Krama defeats hunger and thirst, as well as sleep and languor". You become as the angels. It is a process of retaining the breath and instruction within you, for spirit is transferred through the medium of the breath: "Breath of Life", or "Breathe Deep" (RTJ).

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:40 am
The Stone

Rock-Serpent: The gematric measure is 40. Rock-Sock: The gematric measure is 14.

"A stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image" of the beast (Dan.2:34, 45).

"The keys of the Kingdom of God are committed unto man on the earth, and from thence shall the gospel roll forth unto the ends of the earth, as the stone which is cut out of the mountain without hands shall roll forth, until it has filled the whole earth" (D&C 65:2).

STONE (Spiritual Tone): Eben (Colorado City or Color-Red): "Plummet to the line". Agros: "Hamlet". Gaziyth: "Hewed hamlet". Gazal: "Stripped, sheared, robbed". Eidololatres: "Servant and worshipper in my image". Caqal: "Thrown out and gathered and cast together" (sequel). Qeresh: "Split off". Caaph: "Divide up, fissure". Sham-iyr: "Keen pricking thorn, diamond, stone, cut out without hands". Yadduwa: "Knowing" (Philosopher's Stone). Lithos: "Mill or stumbling stone". Petros: "Apostle". Psephos: "Worn smooth by verdict, by handling".

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:42 am
Polyg Talk Forum
Unchaste: The Martyr thread 11-07-2007 11:02 PM

The Test

Direct and doctored quotes from the Prophet (and from the following observations, you will clearly see why it doesn't matter one whit whether they are direct quotes, or doctored and edited):

Jan. 25, 2007: "I have been through a spiritual test, the powers of the evil one trying to influence me. God has visited me and given me the opportunity to undo what I have done. The Lord has redeemed His son. You can tell, Nephi, that He is still dictating to me, before He leaves me to my punishment".

The above highlights say it all, that he is in fact the Prophet and not recanting that fact, but is in fact saying just the opposite, that he is in fact the Prophet. This is just proof of his great humility, and of the wisdom of God within him, to give all people everywhere an ultimate test of their faith, the chance to reject him and God by his own mouth, and to flush out all except the cream of the crop, the truly elect, those who prove that they have enough revelation and good sense within themselves without depending entirely on the words and revelations of others.

"The Coming Crisis" has come, and who will be able to stand? They who that Crisis revelation says will stand, only they who have sufficient of the purity and revelation of God within themselves and their own conviction of the truth, to endure in the revealed lineage of the Priesthood, and especially now that the Prophet even says that he is not the Prophet, and as God fulfills His promise that He "will contribute to the delusion Himself, revealing to the Prophet his prophetic standing (still dictating to him, having redeemed him), and yet giving him and the people the ultimate test, so that none remain to pollute God's heritage. Then we will have a heaven, here and now.

When Lord God the Father withdrew His presence from Christ, Job, the Jewish prophets, the Nephite prophets (2 Ne.4:17), all who had a divine mission, the Father withdrew for the ultimate test. His brother Nephi then said unto him: "This is a test. You are the Prophet". What was the Prophet's reply? The Mormon Deseret New conveniently left it out. Then they confessed: "Jeffs recanted his announcement, saying it was only a test" (end-quote).

After these "confessions" on Jan. 25th, The Mormon Deseret News continues to report two-weeks later on Feb.10th: "Defense Attorney Richard Wright detailed how, in other phone conversations, Jeffs continued to act as Prophet, praying for the members, taking their testimonies of support, and giving spiritual instructions".

There you have it. All who are merely looking for an excuse to reject him and God, here's your excuse. Please do, be gone: "I want you to get up and leave the House, and leave the Spirit of God in here" (LSJ). The Lord is flushing His toilet, spewing them out as fast as they choose to go, and giving them every reason to do so, all who are merely luke warm or half-hearted (Rev.3:16). This is the 7th Church, the Jeffs', the Laodiceans. The Hebrew is Jebleam or Yibleam, which means: "Devouring People": Brother In Law, Sister In Law, to perform the duty of a husband's brother, a people, one's own populace".

"The Lord Himself will contribute to the delusion." Then He stills the storm, and we will turn this earth into a heaven, having cast out, body and soul, every delusional and half-hearted soul who continues in sin. There is another place for them. So powerful! Only the true saint is able to stand, and the tests do not stop until Christ comes. Let all else be flushed out, and let us be free of them forever.

These events are just the fulfillment of the prophecies, that "God Himself will contribute to the delusion" and that "My people will be clean every whit", and "The whole world will be deceived", and "Few there be that find it", and numerous other prophecies. This is their fulfillment, as well as proof of the great validity of the FLDS Church and of the Prophet of God, Warren Jeffs.

In closing, let us consider one of the Deseret News "Reader Comments" to this article, a non-FLDS woman named Brooke (Nov.6, 2007 7:48 PM): "This man's life is over because of his religious beliefs. There is no freedom of religion anymore in this country (nor Constitution, which hangs by this thread, Warren Jeffs). I see nothing wrong with what he did, except that he needed to check his calendar on the age of that young lady (if he was fearful of man vs God, which he has proven that he is not). There are much worse religions being practiced in this country, which preach and practice hatred. I will pray for this man". (Brooke: Probably not Brooke Adams of the Deseret News "Polygamy Files". She can only wish that she were so fortunate ☺).

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:43 am

2007-Abal: "Lamentation". The Prophet is sacrificed, and yet is able. The Gweek is Epitithemi: "Imposed, layed up, wounded, censured, admonished, forbidden, and punished".

2008-Abel: "Huddled in mourning".

2009-Abel: "Grassy Meadow. God with us. Immanuel".

"And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth forever, that it shall be for a time (1k), times (1k), and a half (.5k)" (or 2,500 years from Daniel). "And when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished" (Dan.12:7).

"And to the woman (the Church) were given two wings (B-C) of a great eagle (K), that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time (1) and times (1) and a half (.5), from the face of the serpent" (M), or two and a half years (Rev.12:14).

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:46 am

This means to nourish the seed: Nourish (tits, the square of life: three square meals), and seed (balls, "the circle of life", one eternal round). When children play sports, they nourish the ball. Even gwownups like to play with it. Men never gwow up, do they ladies. Sports have become a national obsession, as everyone will readily acknowledge. The Lord your God is telling you something. Nourish the seeds, as represented by the balls (duwr, energeo), as the FLDS prophets do. This is why so many are cast off, to guard (or phack) and nourish (tet or entrope) the seed. Yes, the Prophet was the only man who has such a seed, such "balls" (duwr, energeo) to do it. This is why so many are cast-aways, Gilligan, to guard and nourish the seed of life and light and truth. "Many are called, but few are chosen". This is not just the work and word of Warren, but of Christ Himself.

Nourish the seed or the ball. Every sport with a ball is given of God for that lesson in life. When the ball is passed back and forth between two points, (as it is in football, ping-pong, basketball, etc), that is the choice given the ball or the seed (men and women) between good and evil, or the positive and negative forces in life. For the positive, we could say: Uncle Warren, you've got alot", and for the negative: "Mr. Hinkley, you little snot". But the fact is, one is just as necessary as the other. When the ball or seed passes around at four points (as in baseball, dodge-ball, etc.), these are the four basic personality-types represented in God's seed, in humanity. When the ball is passed along 18 points, as in golf, it is ten of QB, and eight of Rajah. In circles (as the tether), it represents the energy wheels that Ezekiel saw, the positive forces running clockwise as in a warm-front or the positive revolutions of the body and mind, and the negative forces running counter-clockwise as in a coldfront or a storm, or the negative revolutions within us. These revolutions may not always be visible, but just look at a hurricane. The counter-clockwise rotation is always visible.

Nourish (tet, hawkish, or entrope): "To educate, confuse, confound, and terrify", just as I do in my lessons of life, and just as the prophet has done for the harvest, to sift and nourish and cherish the choice seed. Nourish (Ruwr): "To slaver with spittle and to run", again precisely as the Prophet has done. Ru-Wr: Rulon and Warren: "To ruin all that cannot stand": "And who will be able to stand?" (Rev.6:17). Nourish (Nezaq): "To suffer and cause loss", again exactly as the Prophet has done, as all the prophets did in their generation, for God's purpose and work in the earth, to nourish and harvest the earth (Jn.4:35, Rev.14:15).


The tits of a cow, the tits of a sow, the tits of a woman, or the tits of a WOW: ball-baby titty-mouse: The word is no more crude in either case, except in the corrupted English heart and tongue, to corrupt and hypocritical minds, as a comparison of the corrupt English and the pure Hebrew continually demonstrates. But what do we find? Corrupt men and women wanting to hang onto their corruption, and then to hang it onto others and to corrupt the innocent. But what do you know, the only person who can corrupt you is yourself.

What do you say, perky? That stainless-steel bra will really perkyaup, and then each day when you stain yourselves, yo bra remains squeaky clean and will make your generals, and even your privates, inaccessible to corrupt men. The symbolism in a "stainless and armoured bra" is this: "Keep up your armour"(Rom.13:12, 2 Cor.6:7, Eph.6:11), and be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord" (Is.52:11). Glad I could help, melady. Keep yourselves well protected against all the pathetic little wieners in wiener-land. All these men here, opposing the blunt realities of life that will tend to make your honourable womanhood more defensible, and increase immensely your purity, your honour, sanity, sanctity, dignity, and grace, are doing so only because of their ignorance, hypocrisy, immorality, violence, and their base animal urges. They are unworthy of you.

I say this to women in general, because womankind tend to be "more refined and spiritual-minded, and should be armed with mercy" (TPJS 238), being weaker in the grosser elements of the flesh and more trusting of the men they seek. "Thy desire shall be to thy husband". (Gen.3:16). Only in the true Priesthood, from Adam until Warren, is this trust honored and justified. All other trust is abused and desecrated and destroyed by an unworthy husband and the world of men seeking advantage over women and over an honorable community. There are still honorable men in Colorado City, and one in Pergatory Jail. Women are nourishing by nature. "Who are better qualified to administer (to the needy) than our faithful and zealous sisters, whose hearts are full of faith, tenderness, sympathy, and compassion? NO ONE" (TPJS: 229).

As for you men, here is a goodly lesson. Always maintain appropriate relations with women, with any woman, or else you have no relation at all. Then whatever relation you had, it was strictly physical, not from the heart or the soul. The bed is not the Way of Christ. Bed is not titty-titty-bang-bang. It is shitty-shitty-pop-pop. You poor little men, "ye are bastards if ye are not Sons" (Heb.12:8). If you are tough in a physical and forceful way, this is just proof positive that you are poor and pathetic little men, because you only know how to force yourself upon others like you've done upon an American Prophet. Any man who does that loses his women, which is quite the opposite of what the Prophet Warren Jeffs has achieved, having thousands of women to this day flocking around one man. There is more of your evidence of this man's innocence. He hasn't lost the loyalty and trust of the women. Since you've convicted him, he stands as Christ did, a most innocent man condemned by a guilty nation. "The nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come". (Rev.11:18)


You men, when your balls itch and you have to scratch them, or discipline an antsy progeny, be sure you do it yourself and not let some damn woman do it. They're called privates for a very good reason, and generals when they mature. If a woman is damned, she damned sure has no place disciplining children. So when it comes to the perversion of a woman, poop it! Speaking of witch, when ye poop washer, and when ye pee shaker and padder dry. Cleanliness tis next to godliness. When God sends judgment upon people each day, symBALLically He is just scratching His balls (excuse me Lord).

A perverse nation of sex offenders sexualize all that they see and hear and do, "having itching ears (and balls) after their own lusts" (2 Tim.4:3), "calling good evil and evil good" (Is.5:20). So when I speak of a scratch, and of balls, you immediately equate it to a sexual perversion since that is all you know, yet even there is a lesson. For when the Prophet speaks of purity, he is specifically and initially referring to sexual purity. Then the lesson expands. Always, the lesson expands. There are seven phases of meaning, as there are seven planes of existence, in all things. So, if you have pigs posing as women (Prov.11:22), and they are striving to be equal to the men, as in this great struggle of equality in America, then they are "scratching" for the balls to retrieve their skins, as in the pig skin of a football. See, pigs scratching balls. Besides, you've all heard of a good scratch-game. Gross? Ahh yes, you certainly are, when you tend to make it so.

Again, how is their scratching of a man's balls gross or sexual? That's easy, because YOU are sexual, a nation of sex-offenders. That is your whole conscience and mentality, so much so that you have sexualized family and marriage, and even prophecy and religion, to the point of depriving a Prophet of his civil rights, and yet the government officials and his accusers are now on record of identifying the people of Colorado City as "GOOD PEOPLE". "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit" (Mt.7:17). Therefore, the fruit being good, so is the tree (the Prophets Rulon and Warren). Says who? Says Jesus Christ (Mt.7:17). Since the fruit is good like the officials and the accusers are now on record confessing, then so is the tree also good (the Prophets who created them according to the Word of God). Ahh, so now we see that the Prophet Warren is very much like Christ, after all the raging of the Jews and the Romans against him.You've jailed him, and now you do the same to Christ today, crucifying him anew and putting him to an open shame (Heb.6:6).

"Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry" (I Tim.4:1-3). The hot iron that sears the brain and the conscience is the hot sexual passion of immorality, and the chemical hormonal poisoning that is causes. "Iron" in this context is the Hebrew "Maal", which means "treachery, sin from the top" (the brain), as in sexual mauling.

If you wanna see some really tiny balls, just look at yourselves, like little pearls. So when you accuse me of casting pearls before swine, ain't you just happy little pigs. But I don't cast my children before swine. I have not yet cast a single pearl before you, but only crumbs. When the time comes, the knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth as a flood (Is.11:9). The Lord has been giving crumbs to mankind since Eden's nasty little affair. Since your balls are small and dark and dirty when dragged in the mire, up and down the fields and the courts of the land, it should prove less desirable for women of honor and intelligence. Only pigs will fumble your balls, your children, or cause you to fumble them yourselves. Maintain good sportsmanship, sport, even with pigskins, and you'll have great athletic support. You always want to be vibrant and alive in light and truth. If only your shorts are vibrating with filthy desires and flatulence, that doesn't quite cut it, does it.

You all carry on, now, and be good boys and girls. Then the Prophet will accept you. Else you will be cut off forever.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:47 am

A little fella is given a job to do, and timidly he says to his father. "Okay, I'll try Pa".

Father: "Damn rights you will! And "Try" ends with what?

Son: Ummm, oh yah, I remember: A great big UMPH.

It's like being potty-trained. The little fella sits on it and ponders the great task for while, hanging on for dear life hoping he won't fall into that pit. Then he decides to TRY. Finally, a great big UMPH! Ahhh, TRIUMPH!
Sit, push, and splash.

It is the same with all men and women facing the task of facing pains and losses from a Prophet, the first stage of the Gospel light, the faith of works being sacrificed. The first principle of the Gospel of Christ is faith, through him whom ye consider the least of them all as a minister of Christ: "He that is least among you all, the same shall be great" (Lk.9:48).
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:49 am
Polyg Talk-Rumblings-Dec.19-Jim-Flame Warriors
"Ya Boy, Comments on and on and on"

Two Masters, One Party
This post was posted to repond to Chaster in the Ramblings Forum (Flame-Warrior thread), but the Administrators couldn't take the heat, so they deleted it. I repost it here.

"This is a Christian nation, and by kwap if you don't take our kwap so you can be well fertilized, leave our great fiefdom to us and the Devil whom we serve in the name of religion". Yup, Jim Bob, you know you are so right to be incensed by this sanctimonious, hypocritical, raping, baby-killing, "Christian-Mormon-Athiest-Secular" culture posing as righteous law and order, and God's gift to man, while justifying every sin and crime in the book. As long as they control the courts, the executive, and law-making powers, and the media outlets, they can cover up for each other (sometimes). This is what the FLDS has been saying all along, you good ole fundamentalist. You know good fundamentals when you see it, don't you? You know that God was right then, in saying they are ALL CORRUPT, having a form of goodness and godliness, but denying the power thereof, preferring the powers from beneath where wealth and pleasure and even the environment and human life itself can be stolen with impunity.

Wrong. The devil has lied to them, and now the stage is set for God to do battle, even if Jim hates that idea of God destroying what God hates, and what Jim hates. What, baby-killing conservatives, even Mormons? Just this week, Mit Romney was on Face The Nation with Tim Russert, saying that life starts at conception. Yet, Mr. Russert put him in a mighty tight box, showing video clips of him saying that he would never compromises on the certain positions like the destroying of new babies (what they call fetuses to maybe sterilize the slayings). Then, this week before the nation, Romney glorified the harvesting of live fetuses for scientific study and stem cells, the slaying of little children. You'd think he was hired by the evangelicals to embarrass and destroy the Mormon Church. Indeed, evangelical leaders have endorsed him for President. Yes, he is in bed with them, and with every corrupt thing that can give him an edge.

Prolife is Prochoice. Republican is Democratic. Mormon is Christian, and Christian is Mormon and Atheist and Secularist. They are all the same party, running around one another grasping for advantage wherever, and regardless of the price, sold to the highest bidder, the Devil, if Christ spoke the truth. "There are only two masters (Mt. 6:24). If you do anything against God and His Word, you serve the master of this world and go down with him to oblivion, one of three hells, or worse (perdition or outer darkness): D&C 76.

Hell, ask any of them. With all the kwap they feed on, and force on the public in their media outlets and schools and public forums and institutions, they'll tell you that their turds, all their corrupt doctrines and policies, are righteous and yummy, good for public policy and the food chain of society, and very yummy and required fare at any banquet. This is what I've been saying all along, Jim Bob, but you seem to have been taken up into their heavenly hell and indignation against a strict fundamental faith, a faith that only proves their guilt and seals their fate, which they try to maneuver every corner at high speed, with a high hand, trying to hide from the mountain of evidence falling on them, and the disasters of the times, until they cry for these mountains to fall on them fully, to cover their shame and their eternal fate.

Jim Bob, secularism has taken up the mantra of the Mormon and Evangelical, in order to garner their votes and public acceptance, like whores selling their bodies and souls for momentary gain and acceptance, with the promise of official favors and official status and legal action in return.

Does this make secularism any more sweet and innocent? Think about it, honey. It's about as profitable as the substantial deposits you make in your toilet every day.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:49 am
Two Masters Compared (Section 1)

I shall reply to these latest two posts from Charlie Ashurst, in five separate posts in succession, to compare the two systems: The communal communism that Lenon traveled to Orderville, Utah to try to duplicate, and the me-me-me capitalism that the Charlies of the world are now complaining about. Yes, I shall compare the two masters, and their mommies. In the process I think you shall all agree that my momma's got nicer tits than yours (we're talking about the level of nourishment within the two systems), and that she has nicer morals than youralls. Nor is the FLDS communal system like that of the Urals. Lenin perverted it after leaving Utah, into a me-me-me likeness of capitalism, state ownership without prophets and without God. Capitalism is personal profits. So you can all see from the outset the immense value of Prophets. God is the most profitable for all the citizens, but only if you include Him and His Prophet in all your systems and institutions, according to the absolute strictness of His Word. It is His strict Law (Mt.10:34) that has turned the chaff against the wheat, the ugly goats against the little lambies, the huddled masses Yearning to Free Zion, North and South America, where Eden was, and that paradisiacal glory returns.

You start out speaking of your freedom. Okay, you poor bondage-ridden outcasts. First, in your post, you admit to being polygamist, from you ancestors, YOU, James and Charles Asshurt (excuse me, I meant Ashurst. My fingers got twisted). YOU, the Administrators of this iddy-biddy forum, confess you are polygamist. Okay, let's look at your gasps, one breath at a time, and then we'll see who squirts sweeter milk, for you seem to be gasping on clabber. Your sweet mommy deserves better.

1. First off, everyone can now see that you owe your very life and freedom to polygamy. You fight the very culture that gave you life. You do battle against your own life.

2. You then complain in the above post about the "living hell of putting your shoulder to the wheel, with a heart full of song". So you and your fallen ancestor have rejected the very joys of work and of song, the perfect work-ethic and the communal love that the world praises the FLDS church for. Yet, even in their praise, they reject it, so they feel hurt and antagonistic, not because of the joy of The Work, and The Song, even "the Song of Moses" (Rev.15:3), "the Lord's song in a strange land" (Ps.137:4), but because "the wicked worketh a deceitful work (Prov.11:18), and your very Redeemer "can do no mighty work with you" (Mark 6:5).

It is precisely because you have rejected the work and the song, shirking it and becoming outcast because of the apathy and the confusion brought on by the very immorality that you both brag about in this forum, and that the world daily boasts of in their movies and magazines, even as common whores on your streets. This produces a triple-guilt within you, for immorality, shirking the work, and even mass-murder, supporting the slayings of the innocent children that result from your laziness and your immorality, by the law and order of pro-choice, womens' right to be serial-killers. It is not by marrying them and loving them, as the FLDS faithful do, but by assaulting them and suffering the sting of truth, rejecting the joy of the Work and the Song of saints, and getting cast out by the Prophet. This is the source and the seed of your career today, to "Stop Polygabuse", what you suffered in your own ancestry, a living hell, which they then squirt into you upon conception.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:55 am
Two Masters Compared-Section 2

3. Thirdly, you then say that you have to dig very deep to imagine an evil, like you just admitted. "The people imagine a vain thing" (Ps.2:1), because an enemy has broken in and sown tares among the wheat (Mt.13:25-30). Yes, so you dig very deep "and find, beyond the wheat, beyond the glowing ideals, a living hell", precisely as you put it. Yes, hell is cast out, so you and your ancestors were stung by the sting of truth, and imagined the very evil within yourselves, and find yourselves outcasts of society, even as you strive to make that society itself an outcast "Whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken, but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder" (Mt. 21:44).

You see, that's just it. Among those within the pure social order of the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage, living the joys of the Work and the Song, were those shirking the Work and practicing immorality, living hells as you so rightly call it. So "these are they who deny not the Holy Spirit. These are they who are (cast out, and) thrust down to hell" (D&C 76:83-4), having never received the Holy Spirit because of that very immorality that made them critical and unsatisfied, sowing to the flesh and not to the spirit.

When you learn to sacrifice all such degrading emotions and appetites, and not aspire to possess more than your brother in wealth and wives and children, but to freely stay at the rack hay or no hay, then saith the Lord to CFZ in 1933: "Then I and other Heavenly Messengers can visit you without disgrace to ourselves". I posted that entire revelation in an earlier post. Let me know if anyone wants to see it posted again, and I'll post it. The prophets went weeks without food, fasting at 40-days at a time, and going decades as social outcasts, waiting at the rack, and these are they who become great in the Kingdom of God. This is what the Prophets Warren, Rulon, LeRoy, John, Lorin, Brigham, Joseph, Christ, Moses, and all the Prophets had to do, live as "strangers in a strange land" (Gen.36:7, Ex.6:4, etc).

4. Fourthly, now being outcast from the Work and the Song of Moses and of Christ, you consider yourself free. You are certainly free to continue your immorality and to shirk the Work and the Song of a saint. I know of that work and song. I saw it all around me in the FLDS Church, from birth to girth, nigh unto 60-years. I also witnessed within it the shirkers and the immoral ones, living hell as you free admit. But thank God, the Prophet cast them out. This is part of your complaint, seeing immoral men and women, shirkers, cast off. What does the Lord say about shirkers and thieves? "The idle shall not eat the bread of the laborer" (D&C 42:42), the consecrations or the bread of the laborer" (Ex.29:34). "Come unto me, all ye that labor" (Mt.11:28). Therefore God will now exact a price of all who have stolen the consecrated lands of a church.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:57 am
Two Masters Compared-Section 3

5. Fifthly, to expand on your so called freedom outside of polygamy, first you have to realize that you are still in polygamy, a polygamist family. It is universal and eternal. You cannot escape. You are captive in your own body, and if you abuse and lose that, you will be captive forever in hell. It takes a perfected body, church, and the three Hebrew mothers of Mem, Alef, and Shin (the veils), to break free and ascend to a throne. You Ashursts, and all of mankind, are within a polygamist family, from your ancestor, all the way back to our Father Adam and His polygamist colony, with His classes of wives Lilleth, Eve, Sarah, and a host of others. The Lilleth class were the ones who initially partook of the forbidden fruit of the body, and sowed to the body, and thereby brought down the entire family to gross earthly element, that man might be, and like our Father and our God learn to master it. This is our very purpose here, my snotty-nosed brothers and sisters.

What! All humanity are polygamists? All the way back to our Father Adam, and even further back when He as Michael was directed to come here and create this earth. "The Great Elohim then said to His Son: Jehovah, take your Son Michael down and create a world, whereon these polygamist children of His may dwell, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God commandeth them". One Father of all the world, as acknowledged throughout the world, even beyond monotheistic societies. They also acknowledge one Head God, and many godletts. Yes, one Father, and millions of mommies with their sweet widdo titties, sweet as long as they are always concealed, for all of us happy widdo pligletts grunting and squeeling and bouncing about the farm of this earth, Christ's vineyard. See, pligletts and godletts, the Work and the Song. Oh what jolly joy! Laughing

6. Sixthly: But wait! Adam fell into misery, in Missouri, a living hell, that man might be and then become masters over death, hell, and the devil, in similitude of their Elder Brother Jesus Christ, who showed the way by continuing the world of creation. Said He: "Let the little children come": Mt.19:14), and His first miracle was at His own wedding in Cana where His mother referred to Him as the Bridegroom of that wedding (John 2:9), and later he was at home with His wives Mary and Martha, counseling them as only a husband can do in the domestic issues of the home. Then, hosts of women surrounding Him. Damn polygamist, no? Your very Lord and God.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 02:58 am
Two Masters Compared
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