spendius wrote:Maybe European observers are required like in the Pakistan election.
It looks crazy from here.
Our media present it as cut and dried simple but scratch the surface and it looks like a right can of worms.
It's completely insane. Usually a front-runner emerges early and then the rest is a formality and we don't have to examine this stuff up close. This year is different. I'm certainly learning all kinds of minutiae I was never aware of before...
spendius wrote:Who exactly is allowed to vote in primaries? And what % of the electorate are they?
Varies from state to state. Some are closed -- you must be a Democrat (or a Republican) to vote in that party's primary, and must have registered as such by a certain date (Pennsylvania's cut-off is March 24th). Some are open -- anyone can vote for anyone from any party. Independents can be more complicated, I can't tell you that part off the top of my head.